Senator Elizabeth Warren introduces '$10 a day' child care legislation

In the 50’s the average family size was 4.5 the average home was 983 square feet. Kids shared rooms. One income was sufficient to support that. Today everyone thinks they deserve more, and you can have more, for a price. Average family size is down to 3, home size is 2700 square feet. It takes more money to have that home and give the one kid more than three ever dreamed of in the 50’s. It takes two incomes because of your demands. Has nothing to do with needing more welfare.
BINGO! A family of four can rent a 2-bedroom, 1 bath apartment where the kids share a bedroom, until they are old enough to start school and the Mom gets a job. One car for the family. A meal in an inexpensive restaurant like Olive Garden is a rare treat.
BINGO! A family of four can rent a 2-bedroom, 1 bath apartment where the kids share a bedroom, until they are old enough to start school and the Mom gets a job. One car for the family. A meal in an inexpensive restaurant like Olive Garden is a rare treat.
olive garden??? FFS mcdonalds was a treat for our family and my parents never sucked off the government tit with 6 kids,,
In the 50’s the average family size was 4.5 the average home was 983 square feet. Kids shared rooms. One income was sufficient to support that. Today everyone thinks they deserve more, and you can have more, for a price. Average family size is down to 3, home size is 2700 square feet. It takes more money to have that home and give the one kid more than three ever dreamed of in the 50’s. It takes two incomes because of your demands. Has nothing to do with needing more welfare.
Anecdotal shit.
Since when do "commies" pay attention to simple economics? in fact commies are just part of the liberal spectrum that are economics deniers who act surprised when their schemes don't come together.
There isnt a more simple form of economics out there.
Help with childcare sosts
Leads to parents being able to go to work.
Which makes people better off
Which reduces their need for welfare
Which keeps taxes down

Whats not to like about this ?
olive garden??? FFS mcdonalds was a treat for our family and my parents never sucked off the government tit with 6 kids,,
Olive Garden was for special birthdays!

The sense of entitlement these days is unreal. People EXPECT other people to pay their expenses. What is missing is a sense of shame.

My grandparents qualified for relief during the Depression, but they never took a penny. They believed that unless their one child was starving with no other option, the right thing to do was to support themselves. They did so by taking in a lodger and moving my dad (as a kid) onto the sofa in the living room. (Like Raisin in the Sun.)

These days, people insist on a separate bedroom for every kid, everyone has their own iPad, restaurant outings at steakhouses and upscale fish places are considered a standard part of middle class, and by golly, other people are going to pay for it!
There isnt a more simple form of economics out there.
Help with childcare sosts
Leads to parents being able to go to work.
Which makes people better off
Which reduces their need for welfare
Which keeps taxes down

Whats not to like about this ?
living off of other people is demoralizing,,

nothing good comes from that,,
There isnt a more simple form of economics out there.
Help with childcare sosts
Leads to parents being able to go to work.
Which makes people better off
Which reduces their need for welfare
Which keeps taxes down

Whats not to like about this ?
The people being forced to pay for it are not better off.

Parents can both go to work as soon as the younger of their two kids is in school. Until then, they can rent an apartment and the children can share a bedroom. Why should OTHER people fund their living expenses?
Olive Garden was for special birthdays!

The sense of entitlement these days is unreal. People EXPECT other people to pay their expenses. What is missing is a sense of shame.

My grandparents qualified for relief during the Depression, but they never took a penny. They believed that unless their one child was starving with no other option, the right thing to do was to support themselves. They did so by taking in a lodger and moving my dad (as a kid) onto the sofa in the living room. (Like Raisin in the Sun.)

These days, people insist on a separate bedroom for every kid, everyone has their own iPad, restaurant outings at steakhouses and upscale fish places are considered a standard part of middle class, and by golly, other people are going to pay for it!
in my family a ice cream cone for DQ was for special birthdays,,
now that I think about it we never ate out ever and my first mcdonalds I paid for after working for the money
BINGO! A family of four can rent a 2-bedroom, 1 bath apartment where the kids share a bedroom, until they are old enough to start school and the Mom gets a job. One car for the family. A meal in an inexpensive restaurant like Olive Garden is a rare treat.
Going out used to be an event. There was a reason for it other than just dinner time.
living off of other people is demoralizing,,

nothing good comes from that,,
That’s the problem, though. People are being conditioned to think that it is perfectly acceptable to have other people support you.

I had a discussion with a liberal who INSISTED that an unwed mother living on food stamps, welfare, Medicaid, etc., etc., is just as respectful a lifestyle as a person who supports themselves. This type of thinking is at the root of our downfall.

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