Senator Graham prepares subpoenas for Obama officials.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport

Here's more from Senator Cotton on the gross abuse of power by the previous administration.

And Tom Fitton.
Given Limpwrist Lindsey's track record of slow walking cowardice, I'll believe it when I see it.
Between a rock and a hard place for sure.
I think he and Trump should go play some golf, have a few beers and talk it over one of these days. No media allowed....would drive them crazy.

A weekend at Mar-A-Lago for the boys---Devin Nunes, Lindsey Graham, Doug Collins, Jim Jordan....a few more. Tucker and Sean maybe.
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subpoenas for what? And you know that subpoenas are not worth a damn any more. The orange whore fixed that. What anyone does with a subpoena nowadays is laugh and tear it up.

Who is this Cotton guy anyway?
subpoenas for what? And you know that subpoenas are not worth a damn any more. The orange whore fixed that. What anyone does with a subpoena nowadays is laugh and tear it up.

Who is this Cotton guy anyway?
Every one of them will perjure themselves under oath.
(the ones who haven't already)

Is that why your king trump can't testify ?
Can the subpoenas be ignored like republican scum did?

You mean like Eric Holder...:

Lindsey already decided that congressional subpoenas are worthless.

Indeed, Democrats have proved that more times than necessary. They refuse to follow the law....
Lindsey already decided that congressional subpoenas are worthless.

Indeed, Democrats have proved that more times than necessary. They refuse to follow the law....

What law? The Trump administration has argued that Congress has no authority to subpoena anyone.
Lindsey already decided that congressional subpoenas are worthless.

Indeed, Democrats have proved that more times than necessary. They refuse to follow the law....

What law? The Trump administration has argued that Congress has no authority to subpoena anyone.
No, they didn't . You are a liar.
Can the subpoenas be ignored like republican scum did?
No, but I don't see the benefit for Trump here. I don't see that his base needs to be motivated to see some grievance. Does Graham want to relitigate Mueller? Why go there? Trump's worked pretty hard (all things in perspective) to keep us from seeing Mueller's report. Are there some votes that are undecided or will rehashing this keep some Biden voters at home? I don't see it.

Team Trump seems to be running some mashup of Obama's 2012 negative campaign and his own negative character take down of Hillary. Obama's worked because while we had 8% unemployment, it was slowly getting better and it didn't begin on Obama's watch. Mitt's claim was of the 'economic genius" but Team Obama nailed him by painting him as a plutocrat corporate raider who exported jobs … which was not entirely unfair, btw. I liked Mitt, but he wasn't the same candidate he'd been right after his governor or Olympic gigs. Trump's attacks on Hillary worked because her record of loathsomeness was even while she was in govt. Trump was the outsider.

Biden's one advantage is every voter knows what he is. Biden works the middle to get votes from across the aisle. He's Analog Joe, for better or worse. He's running to run the country like it was before W's war.
You mean like Eric Holder...:
You mean like after Holder agreed to testify about F&F 9 times and submitted over 7K documents to committees investigating it.

Not really. In early 2011, the Justice Department wrote in a letter to Congress that no guns had been intentionally allowed to "walk," which it says was based on statements from ATF officials. That letter was retracted when it became clear that it was wrong. There's now a consensus that the operation was botched, but two questions remain. First, who approved it -- was Fast and Furious the work of a rogue ATF, or did Attorney General Eric Holder (or perhaps even President Obama) know of or approve it? Second, has there been an attempt to mislead Congress about the operation through a cover-up? On the first question, the department insists that only the ATF's Phoenix office approved the sting. At some point, however, the U.S. Attorney in Phoenix became aware, as did the acting director of the ATF. Both were forced to resign in August 2011 after Issa uncovered emails showing they'd been briefed. Justice says it's not trying to cover anything up, noting that it has turned over 7,600 documents and that Holder has testified before Congress nine times about Fast and Furious.

Holder cooperated until Issa lost control of himself and began harassing Holder. His cooperation stands in stark contrast to Trump's total stonewalling.

BTW, the IG found that Holder was not responsible for F&F.

Your whataboutism is noted and dismissed. Sucks to be you.

Here's more from Senator Cotton on the gross abuse of power by the previous administration.

And Tom Fitton.

Indictments coming down any day now, any day................

What trap ?
Don't you remember every time Trumpleheads were asked why Trump would not testify under oath for Mueller's investigation you folks said it was because it was a perjury trap? What makes this different.

"Clapper, Comey and Brennan are all proven liars." Trump is a proven liar.

Your position appears to be hypocritical.

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