Senator Joe Manchin calls for Trump* CENSURE

If they don't, they aren't going to look very good. The majority of Americans think Trump DID do something wrong.
that's not true.
facts to back that up? like …. polls? LOL
The only polls I believe in are those I conduct and my polls have not been wrong as of yet.
leftist controlled mainstream media is lying to you.
smoke on.
Impeachment inquiry: 70% say Trump's Ukraine acts 'wrong,' poll finds

Did you people learn nothing from polls?

Reading them in 2016 I was convinced Hillary Clinton would win.


Great keep the attacks coming you ignorant fuckers are looking really bad.
You actually think the Senates going to go with that?

If they don't, they aren't going to look very good. The majority of Americans think Trump DID do something wrong.
that's not true.
facts to back that up? like …. polls? LOL
The only polls I believe in are those I conduct and my polls have not been wrong as of yet.
leftist controlled mainstream media is lying to you.
smoke on.
Impeachment inquiry: 70% say Trump's Ukraine acts 'wrong,' poll finds
WOW leftist media has that bullring in your nose fairly tight
They are lying to you
Great keep the attacks coming you ignorant fuckers are looking really bad.
You actually think the Senates going to go with that?

If they don't, they aren't going to look very good. The majority of Americans think Trump DID do something wrong.
that's not true.

QU Poll Release Detail

More than half of voters, 53 - 40 percent, say President Trump is not telling the truth about his actions involving Ukraine. There are sharp divides along party lines, with 89 percent of Republicans saying the president is telling the truth and 92 percent of Democrats saying he is not telling the truth. More independents, 56 percent, believe President Trump is not telling the truth, compared to the 33 percent who say he is telling the truth.

A majority of voters, 57 percent, say they would like President Trump to provide more details about his actions involving Ukraine, while 38 percent say they are satisfied with the explanation he has provided.

More than half of voters, 54 percent, believe President Trump abused his power regarding his actions involving Ukraine, while 42 percent say he did not.

A similar 52 percent think that President Trump obstructed Congress regarding its investigation of his actions involving Ukraine, while 42 percent think he did not.

Just over half of American voters, 52 percent, think the Trump administration's withholding of U.S. aid to Ukraine was not justified, while 34 percent say it was justified.
I remember when the polls had hillary beating Trump. ;)

True enough but - this isn't a prediction poll. It's how people feel and it's been pretty consistent.

They feel he did wrong, but they don't necessarily support impeachment.

I stopped trusting polls after learning how easily they can be skewed to benefit/push a narrative.
This means he is a no vote on impeachment.

A no vote for removal. You know very well Trump has been impeached and if you don't get your head out.
you mean he is a not guilty vote.

Good to know.

Trump has been impeached by less than 100% of the Democrats and none of the Republicans. It doesn't sound like an impeachment to me. It sounds like partisan whining.

Tough luck. It is an impeachment. Just like Clinton.
And what changed did Clinton lose any of his Presidental authority granted by the Constitution?
that's not true.
facts to back that up? like …. polls? LOL
The only polls I believe in are those I conduct and my polls have not been wrong as of yet.
leftist controlled mainstream media is lying to you.
smoke on.
Impeachment inquiry: 70% say Trump's Ukraine acts 'wrong,' poll finds

Did you people learn nothing from polls?

Reading them in 2016 I was convinced Hillary Clinton would win.



But she lost. Duh
I was never for removing Trump over this, but imo it would be helpful for the future to have the Senate on record of saying it's just wrong for any president to use his power to encourage any for govt to investigate a political rival.

And once Barr and Trump are gone, imo a new admin needs to review the new DOJ guidelines for when a candidate can be investigated. I think we're moving positively in that direction with Wray at the FBI, but I really don't think the FBI can govern itself at this point.
What makes you believe President Trump felt like he needed outside help to beat Biden?
Why hasn't he done that to the other democrats?
What if Biden drops out of the race?
This means he is a no vote on impeachment.

A no vote for removal. You know very well Trump has been impeached and if you don't get your head out.
you mean he is a not guilty vote.

Good to know.

Trump has been impeached by less than 100% of the Democrats and none of the Republicans. It doesn't sound like an impeachment to me. It sounds like partisan whining.

Tough luck. It is an impeachment. Just like Clinton.
An impeachment with an Asterisk next to it. However, I realize even if the others don't, that is is nothing more than political revenge for impeaching Clinton. The real difference is that Clinton actually committed some crimes.
President Clinton admitted to lying to Congress. Perjury, that's a crime

Funny. Yes, President Clinton lied about blowjobs with a consenting adult not his wife. I'm sure no other married men would have done the same.

You left out he lied to Congress and committed perjury. It was a crime as I stated.

Which is meaningless in impeachment.
But it was the reason he was impeached which doesn't make it meaningless after all as you leftists say he's impeached forever

And of course he is impeached for ever. Like Jackson. Like Clinton.
But President Trump still has all his Presidental authority
This means he is a no vote on impeachment.

A no vote for removal. You know very well Trump has been impeached and if you don't get your head out.
you mean he is a not guilty vote.

Good to know.

Trump has been impeached by less than 100% of the Democrats and none of the Republicans. It doesn't sound like an impeachment to me. It sounds like partisan whining.

Tough luck. It is an impeachment. Just like Clinton.
And what changed did Clinton lose any of his Presidental authority granted by the Constitution?

Of course not. He just joined an extremely exclusive club which Trump is now a member of. Ultimately it's the people that will decide in the next election.

To that end, I'll add again - it's probably good that impeachment and removal are two separate things and that is very difficult to do.
Funny. Yes, President Clinton lied about blowjobs with a consenting adult not his wife. I'm sure no other married men would have done the same.

You left out he lied to Congress and committed perjury. It was a crime as I stated.

Which is meaningless in impeachment.
But it was the reason he was impeached which doesn't make it meaningless after all as you leftists say he's impeached forever

And of course he is impeached for ever. Like Jackson. Like Clinton.
But President Trump still has all his Presidental authority

I stand corrected, I meant Johnson.
facts to back that up? like …. polls? LOL
The only polls I believe in are those I conduct and my polls have not been wrong as of yet.
leftist controlled mainstream media is lying to you.
smoke on.
Impeachment inquiry: 70% say Trump's Ukraine acts 'wrong,' poll finds

Did you people learn nothing from polls?

Reading them in 2016 I was convinced Hillary Clinton would win.



But she lost. Duh

not from the polls - the electoral college

double duh
that's not true.
facts to back that up? like …. polls? LOL
The only polls I believe in are those I conduct and my polls have not been wrong as of yet.
leftist controlled mainstream media is lying to you.
smoke on.
Impeachment inquiry: 70% say Trump's Ukraine acts 'wrong,' poll finds

Did you people learn nothing from polls?

Reading them in 2016 I was convinced Hillary Clinton would win.


She lost the popular vote in 30 states
or are you discounting those who voted for her in those 30 states?
This means he is a no vote on impeachment.

A no vote for removal. You know very well Trump has been impeached and if you don't get your head out.
you mean he is a not guilty vote.

Good to know.

Trump has been impeached by less than 100% of the Democrats and none of the Republicans. It doesn't sound like an impeachment to me. It sounds like partisan whining.

Tough luck. It is an impeachment. Just like Clinton.
An impeachment with an Asterisk next to it. However, I realize even if the others don't, that is is nothing more than political revenge for impeaching Clinton. The real difference is that Clinton actually committed some crimes.

Nope. No asterisk (other than that put up by unhappy Trumpists who try to claim their leader wasn't "really" impeached). Impeachment is impeachment. Nowhere is there any rule that there must be an "actual crime" or that there need to be designated cross overs and given that those who voted against it were politically vulnerable conservative Dems - it just goes to show how political a process it really is.

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