Senator McCarthy: Too Soon Forgotten

Amazing how the Left ignores or fails to comprehend what the commies were up to in the 1940s and 50s. They are concerned about people's reputations rather than the subversion of our government by Stalinist spies, at the highest levels of our government.

They have very effectively demonized Joe McCarthy and to this day, have ignored the fact that he was right in exposing commies in our government. Instead of realizing the real danger our nation was in, they have turned the tables and condemned the truth teller, while ignoring the reality.

That my friends is how liberalism/progressivism/leftism thrives. It can only succeed if the people are not intelligent enough to comprehend the truth.

They don't ignore it, they support it

Yes some do...the really hard core leftist will.
Ok, I'm bored.

Does the Johnny Got His Gun blacklistdd writer Dalton Trumbo count?

Seems his career and life were negatively afftected.

He was a Communist for some time. As a Conservative I note few remarks of him doing anything illegal.

He was a pacifist but seems to have had second thoughts on that. But man, after writing the book which inspired the Metallica crown jewel I might even be a pacifist lol.

So if he is up for consideration I vote he was hurt. But I fear the OP and others may feel his political leanings make that acceptable?

I brought his name up, but they are claiming that he was not directly hurt by McCarthy. That is like saying that Hitler was not responsible for what his associates and henchmen were doing, and doing in the name of Germany.

Once Libs are taught something, even 2+2=5, they can never unlearn it.

Trunbo had NOTHING to do with Joe McCarthy, NOTHING

For those with a short memory or haven't read the thread, this from earlier posts and unanswered:

"From Wikipedia:
"It is well documented that McCarthy lied about his war record. Despite his automatic commission, he claimed to have enlisted as a "buck private". He flew twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer, earning the nickname of "Tail-Gunner Joe" in the course of one of these missions.[15]

He later claimed 32 missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross, which he received in 1952. McCarthy publicized a letter of commendation which he claimed had been signed by his commanding officer and countersigned by Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, then Chief of Naval Operations. However, it was revealed that McCarthy had written this letter himself, in his capacity as intelligence officer. A "war wound" that McCarthy made the subject of varying stories involving airplane crashes or antiaircraft fire was in fact received aboard ship during a ceremony for sailors crossing the equator for the first time."

Some hero."

More heroicism:

"In his campaign, McCarthy attacked La Follette for not enlisting during the war, although La Follette had been 46 when Pearl Harbor was bombed. He also claimed La Follette had made huge profits from his investments while he, McCarthy, had been away fighting for his country. In fact, McCarthy had invested in the stock market himself during the war, netting a profit of $42,000 in 1943. La Follette's investments consisted of partial interest in a radio station, which earned him a profit of $47,000 over two years."
Maybe so, but why do you fail to recognize that commies HAD infiltrated our government? JM identified them. Why demonize him? Why not demonize the commie spies?

We demonize both. Those of us on the left can do more than one thing at a time.

I have NEVER seen liberals or leftists condemn the commie spies. NEVER and that includes this thread. But you are very good at condemning anyone who speaks out and names names.

We are good at pointing out when something is wrong in the government, yes.

The fact that these communist spies were bad is a given for Americans, this thread is about McCarthy.
I went through the entire thread and you offered nothing to refute the facts laid out in the OP. PC is the only one to provide documented credible sources proving her position.

The Venona Papers confirmed McCarthy's accusations were correct FUCKING years ago. Why do you refuse to accept the truth, when it is right in front of you?

Could be that since Joe was so BIG and so MEAN, that he could not possibly be right? Since you leftists "think" with your emotions (how do you do that anyway?), that big meanie Joe McCarthy.....he is ah ah nasty and mean....boohoo

....said with a limp leftist wrist.....:cool:

Except the people that McCarthy accused were not named in Venona...

A lot of these people were just on the wrong side of the political argument.
Ok, I'm bored.

Does the Johnny Got His Gun blacklistdd writer Dalton Trumbo count?

Seems his career and life were negatively afftected.

He was a Communist for some time. As a Conservative I note few remarks of him doing anything illegal.

He was a pacifist but seems to have had second thoughts on that. But man, after writing the book which inspired the Metallica crown jewel I might even be a pacifist lol.

So if he is up for consideration I vote he was hurt. But I fear the OP and others may feel his political leanings make that acceptable?

I brought his name up, but they are claiming that he was not directly hurt by McCarthy. That is like saying that Hitler was not responsible for what his associates and henchmen were doing, and doing in the name of Germany.

Once Libs are taught something, even 2+2=5, they can never unlearn it.

Trunbo had NOTHING to do with Joe McCarthy, NOTHING


It was all part if the witch hunt. Whose name is synonymous with that witch hunt?
John Stewart Service was probably more a defeatist than a real Communist in regards to China. He lost a couple jobs and got rehired but never promoted.

He's another one who was suspected before McCarthy called him out a bit too publicly.

Um, no. John Stewart Service was a real spy

From this?

" Eventually FBI investigators broke into in the offices of*Amerasia, and found hundreds of government documents, many labeled "secret," "top secret," or "confidential," Service was arrested as a suspect.[10]*None of the documents Service gave Jaffe were classified; the documents the government found with various labels of classification were given to Jaffe by others.[citation needed]*Nevertheless, FBI Director*J. Edgar Hoover*wrote that he thought he had an "airtight case" against Service.[11]*However, when the Justice Department submitted its evidence to a Federal Grand Jury, they elected to indict Jaffe, but refused to indict Service by a vote of 20 - 0."

Wiki quote there.
Haldore Hanson, 80, Chronicler Of China and Victim of McCarthy -

This is actually fairly interesting to me.

McCarthy did mostly figure out who was actually a member of the socialist party in the 30's. I mean the FBI may have told everyone or it may have been public knowledge.

My apologies for running up the post count. Darned cell posting while riding around.

I am gonna post a few more. Tomorrow I will be too busy to respond for a bit so post away back at me.

This probably got lost in all the replies. Was this Hanso. fella a spy also? I'll meet you in the middle on the Service fella.

Oh, and I can not find your reply with the goal posts trying to kick through here. What counts as ruined or guilty?
John Stewart Service was probably more a defeatist than a real Communist in regards to China. He lost a couple jobs and got rehired but never promoted.

He's another one who was suspected before McCarthy called him out a bit too publicly.

Um, no. John Stewart Service was a real spy

From this?

" Eventually FBI investigators broke into in the offices of*Amerasia, and found hundreds of government documents, many labeled "secret," "top secret," or "confidential," Service was arrested as a suspect.[10]*None of the documents Service gave Jaffe were classified; the documents the government found with various labels of classification were given to Jaffe by others.[citation needed]*Nevertheless, FBI Director*J. Edgar Hoover*wrote that he thought he had an "airtight case" against Service.[11]*However, when the Justice Department submitted its evidence to a Federal Grand Jury, they elected to indict Jaffe, but refused to indict Service by a vote of 20 - 0."

Wiki quote there.

Please do not confuse things with the facts.
Um, no. John Stewart Service was a real spy

From this?

" Eventually FBI investigators broke into in the offices of*Amerasia, and found hundreds of government documents, many labeled "secret," "top secret," or "confidential," Service was arrested as a suspect.[10]*None of the documents Service gave Jaffe were classified; the documents the government found with various labels of classification were given to Jaffe by others.[citation needed]*Nevertheless, FBI Director*J. Edgar Hoover*wrote that he thought he had an "airtight case" against Service.[11]*However, when the Justice Department submitted its evidence to a Federal Grand Jury, they elected to indict Jaffe, but refused to indict Service by a vote of 20 - 0."

Wiki quote there.

Please do not confuse things with the facts.

I used his guy to try to figure out the ground rules here for "guilty". Thats fine.

FWIW Conservapedia is harder on Service. Of course you should read the crazy discussion thread going on in their back pages about how to present or hide McCarthy's alcoholism.
I brought his name up, but they are claiming that he was not directly hurt by McCarthy. That is like saying that Hitler was not responsible for what his associates and henchmen were doing, and doing in the name of Germany.

Once Libs are taught something, even 2+2=5, they can never unlearn it.

Trunbo had NOTHING to do with Joe McCarthy, NOTHING


It was all part if the witch hunt. Whose name is synonymous with that witch hunt?

Because you've been lied to your entire life.

Grow up and get educated
Once Libs are taught something, even 2+2=5, they can never unlearn it.

Trunbo had NOTHING to do with Joe McCarthy, NOTHING


It was all part if the witch hunt. Whose name is synonymous with that witch hunt?

Because you've been lied to your entire life.

Grow up and get educated

You're just making an attempt at revising history. Not going to work. The videos don't lie. People at the time knew he was out of control and any good he did by pointing out Communists was more than offset by the harm he was doing to the social fabric of the country.
What? No one denies Joe lied about his service record and lied about his political opponent? No one wishes to acclaim this individual for this courage and valor?
Once Libs are taught something, even 2+2=5, they can never unlearn it.

Trunbo had NOTHING to do with Joe McCarthy, NOTHING


It was all part if the witch hunt. Whose name is synonymous with that witch hunt?

Because you've been lied to your entire life.

Grow up and get educated

Prove that I have been lied to.

You are just spewing right wing revisionist history.
The one individual McCarthy hurt most was McCarthy. He died in disgrace and his name has become a symbol for everything American's dislike in loudmouth polticians.
The one individual McCarthy hurt most was McCarthy. He died in disgrace and his name has become a symbol for everything American's dislike in loudmouth polticians.

1. "The one individual McCarthy hurt most was McCarthy."

So very glad you've decided to testify for the defense.

2."...his name has become a symbol for everything American's dislike..."

Only those Americans who fail to research, and would rather have others do their
thinking for has been demonstrated in this thread.

Don't you agree?
What? No one denies Joe lied about his service record and lied about his political opponent? No one wishes to acclaim this individual for this courage and valor?

Thank heaven that Barack never "lied about his political opponent."!
Heck....where would we be then???

As a book reviewer commented:

Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks.

Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."
Facts were shown in this thread that McCarthy was a liar and do-nothing congressman. What he represents is antithetical to the true American spirit. One need not be 'leftist' to see this, and being accused of that is merely an excuse for lack of refutation.

Logic is not your strong suit, is it. If he were a "do-nothing congressman" the Left wouldn't have tried so hare to destroy him.....would they?
Haldore Hanson, 80, Chronicler Of China and Victim of McCarthy -

This is actually fairly interesting to me.

McCarthy did mostly figure out who was actually a member of the socialist party in the 30's. I mean the FBI may have told everyone or it may have been public knowledge.

My apologies for running up the post count. Darned cell posting while riding around.

I am gonna post a few more. Tomorrow I will be too busy to respond for a bit so post away back at me.

This probably got lost in all the replies. Was this Hanso. fella a spy also? I'll meet you in the middle on the Service fella.

Oh, and I can not find your reply with the goal posts trying to kick through here. What counts as ruined or guilty?

Hey hey. Does this guy count and what are our yardsticks for guilt and ruined again?

Sorry to yell and all that

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