Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

I wonder how many people will die due to the arrogance and incompetence of Rand Paul, Gregg Abbot, and junior trump desantis? I doubt they will top the tens of thousands that trump mislead to their death.

Florida and Texas need to kick these merchants of death out as soon as possible. Paul? There is no hope for him. He was infected with Libertarian ignorance from birth.

If a variant come along, due to ignorance, that even the vaccines cannot stop, millions could die, including you and me. But you keep cheering for these Doctors of Death.

That's an awful lot of wrong shit to cram into one post.
I'm impressed.
He was born to the original nut, Ron. You cannot expect anything else from him, other than selfish, libertarian garbage.
It's a tell when people try to convince others that wanting to be free, is "selfish"; it lets you know just what kind of scum you're dealing with.

Luckily, the correct method of dealing with these people has been demonstrated several times over the years.


It's an easy fix, really.
Let me take a stab at this one......

I'm a Heathen, so I don't know much about the "God" angle, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's because if you get covid, odds are around 99.8% it won't kill you, but if an 18 year old jugger rolls up on you looking to jack you, you got a much better chance of being shot, like 50/50.

(But you don't care about that sort of reason and logic, do you?)
The Negroes must agree with Rand because percentage wise they are the largest group of unvaccinated.

I wonder if their Democrat slave masters know that?
Except that the people you tout as "experts", aren't...... and they lie a lot, too.

So only an absolute fool would listen to them.
Just as I am far more apt to trust a climatologist over a casino operator in matters of climatology, I respect the nation’s top infectious disease expert when it comes to infectious diseases.

Please cite the ideologue's credentials in public health, virology, epidemiology, or any discipline that concerns pandemics.

Otherwise, we can dismiss his ideological ravings as just that.
Just as I am far more apt to trust a climatologist over a casino operator in matters of climatology, I respect the nation’s top infectious disease expert when it comes to infectious diseases.

Please cite the ideologue's credentials in public health, virology, epidemiology, or any discipline that concerns pandemics.

Otherwise, we can dismiss his ideological ravings as just that.
I expect thousands of people will die as they listen to Randy Paul, desantis, and Abbott the Ass...the three stooges of COVID Denial.
Over 96% of doctors (or should I say "practicing doctors) in the United States are vaccinated. Do your really want to take medical advice of at best a 4 percenter, and a politician with an agenda, at that? I use real doctors, myself. You sound like a statistic waiting to happen, or are you one to the trumpers, secretly vaccinated for your own good, yet denying for public consumption?

Placidly comply, it's no skin off anyone else's nose.
The global science community has been outsmarted by Covid.
The ideological crackpots who deny the scientific, empirical data have become enablers of Covid.

The 10 states with the highest community spread of Covid-19 in the U.S.:
  1. Florida
  2. Louisiana
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Arkansas
  5. Mississippi
  6. Alabama
  7. Missouri Alaska
  8. Alaska
  9. South Carolina
  10. Tennessee
Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 4.29.50 PM.png
"We're #1!"
Not so fast, Fuzznuts!
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, vaccine hesitancy continues to be much more prevalent in conservative-leaning states, particularly in the South.
Alabama continues to have the lowest vaccination rate in the country, as it has for a while, at only around 34 percent fully vaccinated. In late July, Alabama saw a roughly 400-percent increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations. Governor Kay Ivey has been amongst the prominent Republican lawmakers to more vocally advocate for vaccination in her state in recent weeks.
"The new cases of COVID are because of unvaccinated folks," Ivey said as her state continued to grapple with low vaccination turnout. "Almost 100 percent of the new hospitalizations are with unvaccinated folks. And the deaths are certainly occurring with the unvaccinated folks. These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain."
Fauci was not chosen because he’s the Best. His number came up and he’s very maluable
Just as I am far more apt to trust a climatologist over a casino operator in matters of climatology, I respect the nation’s top infectious disease expert when it comes to infectious diseases.

Please cite the ideologue's credentials in public health, virology, epidemiology, or any discipline that concerns pandemics.

Otherwise, we can dismiss his ideological ravings as just that.
"the nation’s top infectious disease expert"; And how many times has this person been wrong so far? It's gotta be in the triple digits, right?
And how many times has he been caught outright lying?
A couple dozens times, at least?

Yeah........ you go ahead and listen to him if you want.

The rest of us aren't that stupid.
The ideological crackpots who deny the scientific, empirical data have become enablers of Covid.

The 10 states with the highest community spread of Covid-19 in the U.S.:
  1. Florida
  2. Louisiana
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Arkansas
  5. Mississippi
  6. Alabama
  7. Missouri Alaska
  8. Alaska
  9. South Carolina
  10. Tennessee
"We're #1!"
Not so fast, Fuzznuts!
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, vaccine hesitancy continues to be much more prevalent in conservative-leaning states, particularly in the South.
Alabama continues to have the lowest vaccination rate in the country, as it has for a while, at only around 34 percent fully vaccinated. In late July, Alabama saw a roughly 400-percent increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations. Governor Kay Ivey has been amongst the prominent Republican lawmakers to more vocally advocate for vaccination in her state in recent weeks.
"The new cases of COVID are because of unvaccinated folks," Ivey said as her state continued to grapple with low vaccination turnout. "Almost 100 percent of the new hospitalizations are with unvaccinated folks. And the deaths are certainly occurring with the unvaccinated folks. These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain."
Because of the Joe Dufus Illegals and all that infected shit from upnorth.

Of course several of those states have a large number of Negroes that have the highest percentage of unvaccinated.
The ideological crackpots who deny the scientific, empirical data have become enablers of Covid.

The 10 states with the highest community spread of Covid-19 in the U.S.:
  1. Florida
  2. Louisiana
  3. Oklahoma
  4. Arkansas
  5. Mississippi
  6. Alabama
  7. Missouri Alaska
  8. Alaska
  9. South Carolina
  10. Tennessee
"We're #1!"
Not so fast, Fuzznuts!
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, vaccine hesitancy continues to be much more prevalent in conservative-leaning states, particularly in the South.
Alabama continues to have the lowest vaccination rate in the country, as it has for a while, at only around 34 percent fully vaccinated. In late July, Alabama saw a roughly 400-percent increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations. Governor Kay Ivey has been amongst the prominent Republican lawmakers to more vocally advocate for vaccination in her state in recent weeks.
"The new cases of COVID are because of unvaccinated folks," Ivey said as her state continued to grapple with low vaccination turnout. "Almost 100 percent of the new hospitalizations are with unvaccinated folks. And the deaths are certainly occurring with the unvaccinated folks. These folks are choosing a horrible lifestyle of self-inflicted pain."
Yeah, that shit ain't true.

You guys are addicted to propaganda.
Fauci was not chosen because he’s the Best. His number came up and he’s very maluable
He has served both repub and Dem administrations. He has NO political bias....His job is to try to save lies. Randy Paul's job is to....well....I don't know what he is trying to do....Mislead people maybe?
These fucking piece of shit politicians

He knows that that’s what his fanbase wants him to do, so that’s what the fuck he’s gonna do. Unbelievable
"the nation’s top infectious disease expert"; And how many times has this person been wrong so far? It's gotta be in the triple digits, right?
And how many times has he been caught outright lying?
A couple dozens times, at least?

Yeah........ you go ahead and listen to him if you want.

The rest of us aren't that stupid.
The right wing nutters' relentless attacks on medical science are aptly captured by the states with the lowest levels of vaccination and most permissive masking laws having the highest rate of infections and deaths.

Yes, Fauci has long been a strong advocate of vaccinations and masks in public, and those proven precautions make the ideological dogmatists very pissy.

Randy the Rabid Ideologue, with no expertise, credentials, or experience in public health, can rant and rave, but the empirical data is what it is.

I'll stick with the scientific reality, and ignore the ideological dogma and claptrap.

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