Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

Just you saying you are is a sign of mental incapacity.
Being in disagreement with every science research facility in the world is being delusional. That you keep repeating it, makes you a batshit crazy Humper. Really ? Trump wasn’t impeached ?
Talk to CNN they lead us to the story.

Over 96% of doctors (or should I say "practicing doctors) in the United States are vaccinated. Do your really want to take medical advice of at best a 4 percenter, and a politician with an agenda, at that? I use real doctors, myself. You sound like a statistic waiting to happen, or are you one to the trumpers, secretly vaccinated for your own good, yet denying for public consumption?
Screw you and your vaccine, my wife was vaccinated to try and keep studernts safe, and has had two blood clots, and her blood pressure is high because of it, you want to take it, take it leave the rest of us alone, and screw your masks also, they were used for manipulation, and fear period.
If we were told the truth from the beginning, there would be much less of this. Lie after lie. And Fauci changing his views every so often. he is supposed to know since he is a 40-year professional of biological weapons. The man has hell waiting for him.
You cannot quote in full context one lie that either Fauci or the CDC EVER made public. Not one. You can take lots of shit from Fix News and Tucker, be totally ignorant of how science Deals with problems and do partial musleading quotes out of context and pretend they lie, but it’s near IMPOSSIBLE to lie using the scientific method. The final decision makers are the politicians. Blame them. Blame Trump who lies like a bandit literally, everytime he opens his mouth. But you’re a science illiterate to think otherwise about thevCDC and Fauci. Maybe you can’t or won’t read and just listen to Fix News all the time.

Fauci NEVER change his views, NEVER.

Do you fuking take a right hand turn with every intersection you come to ? That’s how you science illiterates think.
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Screw you and your vaccine, my wife was vaccinated to try and keep studernts safe, and has had two blood clots, and her blood pressure is high because of it, you want to take it, take it leave the rest of us alone, and screw your masks also, they were used for manipulation, and fear period.
That’s bull shit.
Did you look up the study? Curious, do you always walk around with feet hanging out of your ears?
You’re a science illiterate….it takes hundreds of studies and thousands of contributing scientist in dozens of contributing* research centers to conclude anything. You only get that from CONSENSUS dufus. You’re 11 or 11 because you are still bone head bat shit crazy.
Glad I live in a free state where all those stupid oppressive mandates are illegal thanks to the great leadership of Ron DeSantis.

Jill Biden has covid. She followed the science an got her shot & 300 boosters, wore a mask and STILL GOT COVID.

Your so called science is a joke
You’re hilariously ignorant.
Literally everyone will be exposed to covid dufus. The vaccines help mitigate the symptoms of the disease and masking to minimize the viral load, boosters and good health in general increase the effectiveness of your immune system to minimize your chances of getting a severe reaction. Dufus, if you weren’t so fking science illiterate, you’d know literally everyone gets exposed to theses diseases.
When it’s time dufus. Like the last election, we’re just happy to see you vaccine deniers get what you deserve so you can’t show up to vote.
Had the covid sham, came out fine, and now you have a better chance of getting the new strain, and dying from clots, it's a win win for me
Go ahead, don’t and we’ll let natural selection depopulate you Humpers.

Evidence shows that it is you covidiots who are going to take the early dirt nap.
You’re a science illiterate….it takes hundreds of studies and thousands of contributing scientist in dozens of contributing* research centers to conclude anything. You only get that from CONSENSUS dufus. You’re 11 or 11 because you are still bone head bat shit crazy.
So now universities aren’t trustworthy?
You’re a science illiterate….it takes hundreds of studies and thousands of contributing scientist in dozens of contributing* research centers to conclude anything. You only get that from CONSENSUS dufus. You’re 11 or 11 because you are still bone head bat shit crazy.
The New York fking times!!!!!!!!


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