Senator Rand Paul Urges All Freedom-Loving Americans to Resist Mask Mandates, Vaccine Passports, and Lockdowns. "They can't arrest us all."

An N95 mask can do it and you won't suffocate. It's still unnecessary to wear one as the stats from COVID are overblown.

No, a properly fitted N95 MAY catch 2%.

Emphasis on the "may".
No, a properly fitted N95 MAY catch 2%.

Emphasis on the "may".

I think you're incorrect on that, but it might be semantics. The covid virus cannot survive by itself. When coughed, sneezed or spit out, it has to be in droplet form. The droplets can be easily stopped by a properly fitting N95. To quote the size of the virus and the permeability of the mask is misleading. Not so with ear loop masks or cloth masks, which are completely useless.
I think you're incorrect on that, but it might be semantics. The covid virus cannot survive by itself. When coughed, sneezed or spit out, it has to be in droplet form. The droplets can be easily stopped by a properly fitting N95. To quote the size of the virus and the permeability of the mask is misleading. Not so with ear loop masks or cloth masks, which are completely useless.

The N95 stops the droplet, but the virus is propelled THROUGH the mask. It can survive for a few minutes in free air. Less if in direct sunlight.
Agreed. But every one of you clods need to be boosted, have a face diaper, and be locked down in your apartments.

It's not safe for you.
Yes, and I was speaking it.
What you call science is actually called pseudoscience.
Oh, the one practiced at the Mayo Clinic and every medical research facility in the world ? So, where does Heritage and Fux News fit in ?
Oh, the one practiced at the Mayo Clinic and every medical research facility in the world ? So, where does Heritage and Fux News fit in ?

I could care less. I know what viruses do, and how easy they are to transmit.

Clearly you know nothing at all. That's why you constantly appeal to authority.

Because you KNOW, nothing.
Why don’t you look it up on the Mayo Clinic website ? Otherwise, you’re just doing your usual BS just to get attention.
Did, I gave you fking links to read! It’s not mine, it’s science. See you took it personally! Hahaha cause in your world it’s about you.
The N95 stops the droplet, but the virus is propelled THROUGH the mask. It can survive for a few minutes in free air. Less if in direct sunlight.
Wrong….it’s about viral load and just one virus does not an infection make…so how does this virus which needs a water droplet survive some How manage to crawl, swim, float through a mask….propelled ? by magic ?
The virus is propelled out of it's little vapor bubble AND through a mask? I'm going to have to see some proof of that claim.

The water molecule is trapped by the mask, but AIR still moves forward, it is simple deduction. That's why the study that actually did review the efficacy of the N95 only gave it a POSSIBLE 2% chance of reducing the viral transmission.
You must be referring to the article you previously linked in your post to me that I pointed out the very obvious flaw.

Yeah, even when shown that the linked story is fraught with errors this 'tard still bleats it as if it is meaningful.
Did, I gave you fking links to read! It’s not mine, it’s science. See you took it personally! Hahaha cause in your world it’s about you.
Check out post #916 where he posted an article to me that he keeps referring to but doesn't say what he thinks it says, and ignores an obvious flaw in their reasoning.
The water molecule is trapped by the mask, but AIR still moves forward, it is simple deduction. That's why the study that actually did review the efficacy of the N95 only gave it a POSSIBLE 2% chance of reducing the viral transmission.

Yeah, not good enough. I'm more than willing to accept it but not without proof. It goes against everything I've been trained on masks. Including btw, that ear loop and cloth masks are worthless.
Did, I gave you fking links to read! It’s not mine, it’s science. See you took it personally! Hahaha cause in your world it’s about you.
Your links aren’t science dufus. Links, hilarious. You don’t have a fking clue do you ? Institutions where THOUSANDS of scientist work. It’s call consensus dufus when hundreds of facilities agree after dozens, to hundreds of studies, not one fucking study dufus.
You must be referring to the article you previously linked in your post to me that I pointed out the very obvious flaw.
No flaws by me…that’s the Mayo Clinic.
Your links aren’t science dufus. Links, hilarious. You don’t have a fking clue do you ? Institutions where THOUSANDS of scientist work. It’s call consensus dufus when hundreds of facilities agree after dozens, to hundreds of studies, not one fucking study dufus.

No flaws by me…that’s the Mayo Clinic.

Is reading comprehension another of your problems? I didn't say YOU, I was referring to an obvious flaw in the reasoning of the article.
Yeah, not good enough. I'm more than willing to accept it but not without proof. It goes against everything I've been trained on masks. Including btw, that ear loop and cloth masks are worthless.

Read the original study on the use of the N95. That's what I am referring to.
Read the original study on the use of the N95. That's what I am referring to.

Ok, so I'll ignore the fact that you made the claim and therefor you should provide the proof and I'll research it myself. I went to PubMed, a site where you can search medical studies. I was unable to find ANY study that supports your claim that N95s only stop 2%. So either you show me proof of your claim or admit that you don't actually have it.
Check out post #916 where he posted an article to me that he keeps referring to but doesn't say what he thinks it says, and ignores an obvious flaw in their reasoning.
I know. It’s always only what they fantasize

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