Senator Rand Paul's son charged with assaulting flight attendant

To go after a teen......only because he is the son of Rand Paul ... is very low, OP!
Well... the little fruitloop decided to wail on a girl, so... his own behavior probably had a wee little sumfin' to do with it, too... :auiqs.jpg:
Now the Left is scrapping the bottom of the barrel, and go back years, to find this sort of news against conservatives!

That's how they are. :dunno:
I kinda think this kid is a liberal, he's rebelling against a conservative father.
Now the Left is scrapping the bottom of the barrel, and go back years, to find this sort of news against conservatives!

That's how they are. :dunno:
This is in reference to voting to permanently ban people who get violent on aircraft.
Now the Left is scrapping the bottom of the barrel, and go back years, to find this sort of news against conservatives!

That's how they are. :dunno:

Yeah, pretty much. Rand is one of the few people in Washington that they actually fear politically. He's a doer rather than an empty talker. And they know it. So they're gonna dig up anything they hope will stick and throw it out there.

But, placing that aside, and in the interest of honesty, that boy has got himself into trouble several times with drinking in recent years. A while back he was driving drunk and drove into a parked truck. And he was acting like a little prick then, too, when the cops showed up.

Not sure if the young man ever changed his ways or not.
Did he smoke crack with her and get her pregnant and leave her in a Dallas hotel broke and beat up like Hunter did to his girlfriend?....
He's a doer rather than an empty talker.

In that last interview I posted by Dr. McKinney, she commented on this. Not on Paul specifically, but on how most of the leadership in D.C. these days is "transactional."

She posits that there are two types of leadership and two types of leaders;

Transactional, and Transformational. It is the later type that tends to get folks in trouble with the Deep State. Most leaders, indeed, nearly all of them, are transactional leaders.

post: 28870413 said:
Our leaders can act in the best interest of their people (Transformational) or in their own best interests (Transactional.)
In that last interview I posted by Dr. McKinney, she commented on this. Not on Paul specifically, but on how most of the leadership in D.C. these days is "transactional."

She posits that there are two types of leadership and two types of leaders;

Transactional, and Transformational. It is the later type that tends to get folks in trouble with the Deep State. Most leaders, indeed, nearly all of them, are transactional leaders.

Yeah, that's basically it. Rand is certainly the latter. That's why they hate him so much.

Of course, the benefit of topical content like we have there in the OP is that it does actually demonstrate that fear that they have.

It's good to be seen as dangerous.

Even better when they demonstrate just how afraid they really are. Even if they don't actually realize they're showing their fear by rechng for anything they think will stick in some way. As I've mentioned elsewhere around here, pride and ignorance is an extremely self-destructive combination. So let them....
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POS just like his dad.
In that last interview I posted by Dr. McKinney, she commented on this. Not on Paul specifically, but on how most of the leadership in D.C. these days is "transactional."

She posits that there are two types of leadership and two types of leaders;

Transactional, and Transformational. It is the later type that tends to get folks in trouble with the Deep State. Most leaders, indeed, nearly all of them, are transactional leaders.

There's a saying that goes: There are three types of people; Those that watch things happen, Those that make things happen, and Those that wonder what happened.
His father is certainly an arrogant, combative, wrongheaded scumbag.

The libertarian idiocy the son was exposed to likely didn’t help.
oh he is,mister holier than thou.....apparently the shit you were exposed to didnt help you much either...

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