Senator Rubio tells a secret:After giving tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security+Medicare

Intragovernmental Holdings. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to 230 other federal agencies. It totals $5.6 trillion, almost 30 percent of the debt. Why would the government owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.

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The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
We have to pay for our overinflated military somehow.

It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.

Yes, I'm sure the Republicans want to piss off one of the largest voting blocks in our country. After all, even if you are not a Senior citizen, most have parents or grandparents who are. It makes no sense. Reform? What's wrong with making the systems run more efficiently? Medicare fraud costs about 140 billion dollars a year which is more than 10% of the Medicare budget.

If by reform you mean cutting benies AND raising the age to collect said benies then yup sounds great!
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare is doing fine? Why do you think private insurance costs so much these days? That's right, government greatly underpays for their patients. Then doctors and facilities have to increase fees for everybody else, and private insurance gets stuck paying those increases. Same with Medicaid. It's one of the reasons some doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients.
Intragovernmental Holdings. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to 230 other federal agencies. It totals $5.6 trillion, almost 30 percent of the debt. Why would the government owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.

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The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
We have to pay for our overinflated military somehow.

It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.

Yes, I'm sure the Republicans want to piss off one of the largest voting blocks in our country. After all, even if you are not a Senior citizen, most have parents or grandparents who are. It makes no sense. Reform? What's wrong with making the systems run more efficiently? Medicare fraud costs about 140 billion dollars a year which is more than 10% of the Medicare budget.

If by reform you mean cutting benies AND raising the age to collect said benies then yup sounds great!

No, I mean what's wrong with creating an oversight committee? A committee dedicated to detect fraud just like private insurance companies have? And if the fraud was found intentional, prosecute the people or agency to the fullest extent of the law.

If we did that, sure you can cut funds to Medicare without any disruption in the services they provide today.
Intragovernmental Holdings. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to 230 other federal agencies. It totals $5.6 trillion, almost 30 percent of the debt. Why would the government owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.

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The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
We have to pay for our overinflated military somehow.

It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.

Yes, I'm sure the Republicans want to piss off one of the largest voting blocks in our country. After all, even if you are not a Senior citizen, most have parents or grandparents who are. It makes no sense. Reform? What's wrong with making the systems run more efficiently? Medicare fraud costs about 140 billion dollars a year which is more than 10% of the Medicare budget.

If by reform you mean cutting benies AND raising the age to collect said benies then yup sounds great!

No, I mean what's wrong with creating an oversight committee? A committee dedicated to detect fraud just like private insurance companies have? And if the fraud was found intentional, prosecute the people or agency to the fullest extent of the law.

If we did that, sure you can cut funds to Medicare without any disruption in the services they provide today.

The laws are there already, just like immigration, guns and so gorth. New laws aren't the answer. Lets inforce what we have and see if they work, then move on from there.
When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much

Literally not one person on the planet disagrees. Do you think cutting benefits is the answer? Or do you think it would it be better to maintain the (promised) benefits, and increase the revenue into an historically important and successful program?

Why do we even have this program? To provide social security, in the literal sense. Security in retirement and disability for all Americans. "Don't worry about buying that car, because we won't let you crash and burn because you retire or get injured or are disabled". We don't even have to broach such "taboo" subjects as compassion and empathy to appreciate it (to the benefit of the aspiring Randians, knowingly so or otherwise). We can just focus on mathematics and economics. Do we still value this goal, or do we not?

No one is talking about cutting benefits for current recipients, anyone who says they are is a damn liar. Moving the retirement age out to correspond to the increased longevity makes perfect sense. People are living 20-30 years beyond retirement age, the current system is not structured to sustain those kinds of payouts. You want to increase the taxes, they say the working poor can't afford them now. Or are you proposing to turn SS into just another welfare program for wealth redistribution?


That looks good on paper but impractical.

There are too many blue collar jobs where people are barely making it to retirement now. The real solution is if we want these programs, we have to fund these programs, and yes, that would mean a dramatic increase in employee and employer contributions.
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare is doing fine? Why do you think private insurance costs so much these days? That's right, government greatly underpays for their patients. Then doctors and facilities have to increase fees for everybody else, and private insurance gets stuck paying those increases. Same with Medicaid. It's one of the reasons some doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients.

No it doesn't. Private ins pay the same as what Medicare pays, one has explanation of benefits to see this, as long as the pt goes within the network the ins companies partners with the ins companies get reduced rates, Now a pt without ins, pays the going rate . It becomes null and void.
Intragovernmental Holdings. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to 230 other federal agencies. It totals $5.6 trillion, almost 30 percent of the debt. Why would the government owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.

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The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
We have to pay for our overinflated military somehow.

It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.

Yes, I'm sure the Republicans want to piss off one of the largest voting blocks in our country. After all, even if you are not a Senior citizen, most have parents or grandparents who are. It makes no sense. Reform? What's wrong with making the systems run more efficiently? Medicare fraud costs about 140 billion dollars a year which is more than 10% of the Medicare budget.

If by reform you mean cutting benies AND raising the age to collect said benies then yup sounds great!

No, I mean what's wrong with creating an oversight committee? A committee dedicated to detect fraud just like private insurance companies have? And if the fraud was found intentional, prosecute the people or agency to the fullest extent of the law.

If we did that, sure you can cut funds to Medicare without any disruption in the services they provide today.

The laws are there already, just like immigration, guns and so gorth. New laws aren't the answer. Lets inforce what we have and see if they work, then move on from there.

The programs are too large for one or two people to find fraud. It would take a room full of people to do it, and they would still be overloaded with work. I am talking about existing laws, just enough people to enforce those laws.
It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.

Yes, I'm sure the Republicans want to piss off one of the largest voting blocks in our country. After all, even if you are not a Senior citizen, most have parents or grandparents who are. It makes no sense. Reform? What's wrong with making the systems run more efficiently? Medicare fraud costs about 140 billion dollars a year which is more than 10% of the Medicare budget.

If by reform you mean cutting benies AND raising the age to collect said benies then yup sounds great!

No, I mean what's wrong with creating an oversight committee? A committee dedicated to detect fraud just like private insurance companies have? And if the fraud was found intentional, prosecute the people or agency to the fullest extent of the law.

If we did that, sure you can cut funds to Medicare without any disruption in the services they provide today.

The laws are there already, just like immigration, guns and so gorth. New laws aren't the answer. Lets inforce what we have and see if they work, then move on from there.

The programs are too large for one or two people to find fraud. It would take a room full of people to do it, and they would still be overloaded with work. I am talking about existing laws, just enough people to enforce those laws.

Agreed, and no admin has funded tjem and this one only funds the military industrial machine so far. I do not believe that's going to help here.
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare is doing fine? Why do you think private insurance costs so much these days? That's right, government greatly underpays for their patients. Then doctors and facilities have to increase fees for everybody else, and private insurance gets stuck paying those increases. Same with Medicaid. It's one of the reasons some doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients.

No it doesn't. Private ins pay the same as what Medicare pays, one has explanation of benefits to see this, as long as the pt goes within the network the ins companies partners with the ins companies get reduced rates, Now a pt without ins, pays the going rate . It becomes null and void.

I don't think you are following what I'm saying. Correct, facilities cannot have different charges for different groups of people. I spent ten years in a business that dealt with private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.

If a certain surgery costs the provider 50K, but government only pays them 35K, then that loss has to be made up. So they raise their rates to 60K for that surgery for everybody. Medicare pays it, Medicaid pays it, private insurance pays it. Of course government will only pay a percentage of that as well.

When you see a health facility close down, where does that usually take place? That's right, it happens in poorer areas. Most of the people in those areas are government patients, and there are less places to recoup those losses because few have private insurance.
Yes, I'm sure the Republicans want to piss off one of the largest voting blocks in our country. After all, even if you are not a Senior citizen, most have parents or grandparents who are. It makes no sense. Reform? What's wrong with making the systems run more efficiently? Medicare fraud costs about 140 billion dollars a year which is more than 10% of the Medicare budget.

If by reform you mean cutting benies AND raising the age to collect said benies then yup sounds great!

No, I mean what's wrong with creating an oversight committee? A committee dedicated to detect fraud just like private insurance companies have? And if the fraud was found intentional, prosecute the people or agency to the fullest extent of the law.

If we did that, sure you can cut funds to Medicare without any disruption in the services they provide today.

The laws are there already, just like immigration, guns and so gorth. New laws aren't the answer. Lets inforce what we have and see if they work, then move on from there.

The programs are too large for one or two people to find fraud. It would take a room full of people to do it, and they would still be overloaded with work. I am talking about existing laws, just enough people to enforce those laws.

Agreed, and no admin has funded tjem and this one only funds the military industrial machine so far. I do not believe that's going to help here.

The only point I am making is that "if" they do decide to cut funds for these programs, it doesn't mean the cuts will effect individuals on those programs.
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare is doing fine? Why do you think private insurance costs so much these days? That's right, government greatly underpays for their patients. Then doctors and facilities have to increase fees for everybody else, and private insurance gets stuck paying those increases. Same with Medicaid. It's one of the reasons some doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients.

No it doesn't. Private ins pay the same as what Medicare pays, one has explanation of benefits to see this, as long as the pt goes within the network the ins companies partners with the ins companies get reduced rates, Now a pt without ins, pays the going rate . It becomes null and void.

I don't think you are following what I'm saying. Correct, facilities cannot have different charges for different groups of people. I spent ten years in a business that dealt with private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.

If a certain surgery costs the provider 50K, but government only pays them 35K, then that loss has to be made up. So they raise their rates to 60K for that surgery for everybody. Medicare pays it, Medicaid pays it, private insurance pays it. Of course government will only pay a percentage of that as well.

When you see a health facility close down, where does that usually take place? That's right, it happens in poorer areas. Most of the people in those areas are government patients, and there are less places to recoup those losses because few have private insurance.

No all facilities are closing due to welfare recipients, the healthcare industry is very competitive, and hospitals buy each other out , also we have more outpatient surgical centers now, people are sent home very early from the hospital as well, from advances in medicine. Meds have taken the place of most TURPS and well outpatient surgeries.
Where hospitals are scarce is in rural areas of low population and as well many smaller hospitals can't keep their doors open. We had 4 here, two large and two smaller, the large ones bought the two smaller and made them outpatient surgical sites.
Also since the ACA is going to die, hosps are even going to suffer more.
If by reform you mean cutting benies AND raising the age to collect said benies then yup sounds great!

No, I mean what's wrong with creating an oversight committee? A committee dedicated to detect fraud just like private insurance companies have? And if the fraud was found intentional, prosecute the people or agency to the fullest extent of the law.

If we did that, sure you can cut funds to Medicare without any disruption in the services they provide today.

The laws are there already, just like immigration, guns and so gorth. New laws aren't the answer. Lets inforce what we have and see if they work, then move on from there.

The programs are too large for one or two people to find fraud. It would take a room full of people to do it, and they would still be overloaded with work. I am talking about existing laws, just enough people to enforce those laws.

Agreed, and no admin has funded tjem and this one only funds the military industrial machine so far. I do not believe that's going to help here.

The only point I am making is that "if" they do decide to cut funds for these programs, it doesn't mean the cuts will effect individuals on those programs.

We shall see, proof is in the pudding. I am willing to wait and see.
Pelosi wants to raid our 401k's taxing them now vs waiting until we retire its not just the GOP. Those assholes in Washington raided...I'm sorry borrowed $2 trillion from our social security trust fund and blew the money on stupid shit, now they have no way of paying us back so they are shitting themselves. DC's solution, raise the retirement age and hope most of us DIE before we can collect a dime of OUR money.
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare and Social Security Trustees Warn of Shortfalls

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

By owning Treasurys, they transfer their excess cash to the general fund, where it is spent. Of course, one day they will redeem their Treasury notes for cash. The federal government will either need to raise taxes or issue more debt to give the agencies the money they will need.

Which agencies own the most Treasurys? Social Security, by a long shot. Here's the detailed breakdown as of December 31, 2016.

  • Social Security (Social Security Trust Fund and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund) - $2.801 trillion
  • Office of Personnel Management Retirement - $888 billion
  • Military Retirement Fund - $670 billion
  • Medicare (Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund) - $294 billionAll other retirement funds - $304 billion
  • Cash on hand to fund federal government operations - $580 billion.

  • __________________________________
Stealing from Peter to pay Paul is not going to work, so we give the rich and the corps even more tax cuts, the main plan is do away with SS and Medicaid. That is what the Ryans and Pauls want.

You know who you can thank for this don't you? Yep, commiecrats. LBJ wanted more money for his great society programs so he stole it from SS. Like Thatcher said, socialism is great, till you run out of other peoples money. The feds have mismanaged this whole ball of wax and your solution is give them more money to mismanage. I disagree.


The GOP base shouldn't hate America just because they aren't qualified for good jobs.
Pelosi wants to raid our 401k's taxing them now vs waiting until we retire its not just the GOP. Those assholes in Washington raided...I'm sorry borrowed $2 trillion from our social security trust fund and blew the money on stupid shit, now they have no way of paying us back so they are shitting themselves. DC's solution, raise the retirement age and hope most of us DIE before we can collect a dime of OUR money.

And now you are cheering for them as they steal more of your money!
When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare is doing fine? Why do you think private insurance costs so much these days? That's right, government greatly underpays for their patients. Then doctors and facilities have to increase fees for everybody else, and private insurance gets stuck paying those increases. Same with Medicaid. It's one of the reasons some doctors and facilities are refusing new government patients.

No it doesn't. Private ins pay the same as what Medicare pays, one has explanation of benefits to see this, as long as the pt goes within the network the ins companies partners with the ins companies get reduced rates, Now a pt without ins, pays the going rate . It becomes null and void.

I don't think you are following what I'm saying. Correct, facilities cannot have different charges for different groups of people. I spent ten years in a business that dealt with private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid.

If a certain surgery costs the provider 50K, but government only pays them 35K, then that loss has to be made up. So they raise their rates to 60K for that surgery for everybody. Medicare pays it, Medicaid pays it, private insurance pays it. Of course government will only pay a percentage of that as well.

When you see a health facility close down, where does that usually take place? That's right, it happens in poorer areas. Most of the people in those areas are government patients, and there are less places to recoup those losses because few have private insurance.

No all facilities are closing due to welfare recipients, the healthcare industry is very competitive, and hospitals buy each other out , also we have more outpatient surgical centers now, people are sent home very early from the hospital as well, from advances in medicine. Meds have taken the place of most TURPS and well outpatient surgeries.
Where hospitals are scarce is in rural areas of low population and as well many smaller hospitals can't keep their doors open. We had 4 here, two large and two smaller, the large ones bought the two smaller and made them outpatient surgical sites.
Also since the ACA is going to die, hosps are even going to suffer more.

Places around here have closed because of too many government patients and not enough private or private insurance patients. In areas likely to have a balance of patients, those places stay open, produce profit, and even expand.

If you have a widget company, and you charge ten dollars each for your widgets, it's only a matter off time before you close the doors because most of your customers will only pay you seven dollars for your widgets. My parents have been on Medicare for over 20 years. I know what Medicare has paid on their behalf--especially for major medical treatments. From what I understand, it's even worse with Medicaid patients.

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