Senator Rubio tells a secret:After giving tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security+Medicare

Listen to the video. Fear tactics from the left will not work.

Full video of Playbook Interview: Sen. Marco Rubio

What fear tactic, exactly? There's no mystery, here. The GOP has plainly stated it wants to cut benefits and raise the retirement age. It has drafted and introduced legislation stating exactly this. You are either for it or against it...not sure why the need for the silly rhetoric...

WillowTree will find some way to be for the benefit cuts, as it happens. Because WillowTree has been far rightwing goose-stepper, ever since I have been here.
Well obummer added ten trillion to the debt during his eight years. That’s the number the first 43 added combined. Maybe that fucker should have thought of the consequences.
so EWE want Trump to be just like Obama, got it
Republicans are too smart to even TRY this.

. what universe? They've tried several times, most recently last December. Take a look around you...all they have to do these days is say, "it's good for America" , and 4 news networks and 50 million nodding sycophants will print it on a bat and bash everyone's heads in with it.
Perhaps you missed the little emoji guy at the bottom of my post.
Someone should put up a post dedicated to the bashing of any & every one no longer in office, with that covered we could stick to talking about those in power now. who have the ability to improve our country & our life's from both sides of the isle, with out the ninny ninny of past progress or failures we could focus on matters happening now.
They will end up charging more for Medicare and no raises for SS, Medicaid will be gone. That 15.3% will go into the employers pocket and into the market. They will steal it.

What 15.3%? Are you under the influence this early in the morning?

That is the total cost for Medicare and SS (FICA). Your employer pays 1/2 unless your are self employed, and then you pay about 92% of the total of 15.3% and get to write 1/2 off for magi, which is deducted from the AGI.
The Senate will make approximately $25 billion cuts in Medicare.

"The Medicare cuts aren’t part of the tax bill itself. Instead, they are mandatory spending cuts that would occur because the tax bill’s $1.5 trillion increase to the deficit. These spending cuts are known as a sequester — and we know what happens to Medicare in a sequester, because it happened just a few years ago.
Across-the-board cuts often have outcomes that are tricky to predict. Because they aren’t targeted, they often hit programs no legislators would want to cut.
The last sequester in 2013 unexpectedly caused cancer clinics to turn away thousands of Medicare patients. I wrote about it at the time, when I worked for the Washington Post:
Oncologists say the reduced funding, which took effect for Medicare on April 1, makes it impossible to administer expensive chemotherapy drugs while staying afloat financially.
Patients at these clinics would need to seek treatment elsewhere, such as at hospitals that might not have the capacity to accommodate them.

In that particular case, Congress had actually tried to shield Medicare from some of the deepest cuts. But because of some quirks in how Medicare pays for cancer drugs, it didn’t work — and clinics were left with incredibly difficult choices.
I talked to one Long Island oncologist who said he and his staff held an emergency meeting earlier this week and decided they would no longer see one-third of their 16,000 Medicare patients. “It’s a choice between seeing these patients and staying in business,” Jeff Vacirca, chief executive of North Shore Hematology Oncology Associates, told me.
The Senate could pass separate legislation to skirt these rules that would require the automatic budget cuts — but as my colleague Tara Golshan notes, the politics of Republicans voting to undermine a deficit-management law won’t be easy.
And if they don’t, the fears of cancer clinics turning patients away could become real again. The tax bill could, for some seniors, become a bill that sharply limits their access to health care.
The Senate tax bill is also a health care bill
As the tax bill slides to a vote (with the expectation it will clear the Senate), we should also be talking about health care. When Obamacare faced repeal this spring, many groups mobilized to demand clarity on what the bill would really do. We need those answers now, too.
Because the tax bill isn’t just a tax bill. It is a bill that has sweeping consequences for the American health care system — that could stand to affect the health care of vulnerable and elderly citizens."
The Senate's tax bill is a sweeping change to every part of federal health care
The Senate's tax bill is a sweeping change to every part of federal health care

Plutocracy in action.
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The crying from the regressives never ends does it?
They will end up charging more for Medicare and no raises for SS, Medicaid will be gone. That 15.3% will go into the employers pocket and into the market. They will steal it.

What 15.3%? Are you under the influence this early in the morning?

That is the total cost for Medicare and SS (FICA). Your employer pays 1/2 unless your are self employed, and then you pay about 92% of the total of 15.3% and get to write 1/2 off for magi, which is deducted from the AGI.

I thought that was where you screwed up. That amount cannot go in the employer's pocket.

Now, why don't you back up, correct your errors, and deal in facts and not supposition.
They will end up charging more for Medicare and no raises for SS, Medicaid will be gone. That 15.3% will go into the employers pocket and into the market. They will steal it.

What 15.3%? Are you under the influence this early in the morning?

That is the total cost for Medicare and SS (FICA). Your employer pays 1/2 unless your are self employed, and then you pay about 92% of the total of 15.3% and get to write 1/2 off for magi, which is deducted from the AGI.

I thought that was where you screwed up. That amount cannot go in the employer's pocket.

Now, why don't you back up, correct your errors, and deal in facts and not supposition.

I bet it does. Or how about this, it pays to match the 401K. Right now on Bloomberg , an economist said we do not need any stimulus from any tax cut. The unemployment rate is low now, and if they need to raise wages, everything goes up, rent etc, it will lead us into deflation.

I didn't make any errors. Now apologize.
They will end up charging more for Medicare and no raises for SS, Medicaid will be gone. That 15.3% will go into the employers pocket and into the market. They will steal it.

What 15.3%? Are you under the influence this early in the morning?

That is the total cost for Medicare and SS (FICA). Your employer pays 1/2 unless your are self employed, and then you pay about 92% of the total of 15.3% and get to write 1/2 off for magi, which is deducted from the AGI.

I thought that was where you screwed up. That amount cannot go in the employer's pocket.

Now, why don't you back up, correct your errors, and deal in facts and not supposition.

I bet it does. Or how about this, it pays to match the 401K. Right now on Bloomberg , an economist said we do not need any stimulus from any tax cut. The unemployment rate is low now, and if they need to raise wages, everything goes up, rent etc, it will lead us into deflation.

I didn't make any errors. Now apologize.

You obviously don't know what deflation is!
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

But its not a secret.

This is what the Repubs have wanted for years and years. LyinRyan has long dreamed out loud of screwing over the very people who vote for him. Same with McConnell. In fact, they've been very open about screwing the working class. Its a gop kinda thing and trump is their tool.

If you depend on working for a pay check, you're screwed.

Luckily, all trumpanzees are part of the 1%. If they weren't, they would never be dumb enough to have actually voted for trump or any other Repub.

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