Senator Rubio tells a secret:After giving tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security+Medicare

Republicans are too smart to even TRY this.

LOL, when the shit hits the fan, the current crop of critters in the Congress and West Wing will be long gone, working in the privater sector when members of the middle class and working poor find out they've been fucked by the people they voted for.

It would be political suicide to even think about cutting these two programs. Nobody but the one percent would support one cut whatsoever.
Republicans are too smart to even TRY this.

. what universe? They've tried several times, most recently last December. Take a look around you...all they have to do these days is say, "it's good for America" , and 4 news networks and 50 million nodding sycophants will print it on a bat and bash everyone's heads in with it.
Perhaps you missed the little emoji guy at the bottom of my post.
I didn't, but apparently I mistook its meaning. Gotcha.
When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much

Literally not one person on the planet disagrees. Do you think cutting benefits is the answer? Or do you think it would it be better to maintain the (promised) benefits, and increase the revenue into an historically important and successful program?

Why do we even have this program? To provide social security, in the literal sense. Security in retirement and disability for all Americans. "Don't worry about buying that car, because we won't let you crash and burn because you retire or get injured or are disabled". We don't even have to broach such "taboo" subjects as compassion and empathy to appreciate it (to the benefit of the aspiring Randians, knowingly so or otherwise). We can just focus on mathematics and economics. Do we still value this goal, or do we not?
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Listen to the video. Fear tactics from the left will not work.

Full video of Playbook Interview: Sen. Marco Rubio

What fear tactic, exactly? There's no mystery, here. The GOP has plainly stated it wants to cut benefits and raise the retirement age. It has drafted and introduced legislation stating exactly this. You are either for it or against it...not sure why the need for the silly rhetoric...
Try listening to every word he says in context then get back to us and stop fear mongering.

You must think we are stupid, but you are the stupid one.
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.
When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much

Literally not one person on the planet disagrees. Do you think cutting benefits is the answer? Or do you think it would it be better to maintain the (promised) benefits, and increase the revenue into an historically important and successful program?

Why do we even have this program? To provide social security, in the literal sense. Security in retirement and disability for all Americans. "Don't worry about buying that car, because we won't let you crash and burn because you retire or get injured or are disabled". We don't even have to broach such "taboo" subjects as compassion and empathy to appreciate it (to the benefit of the aspiring Randians, knowingly so or otherwise). We can just focus on mathematics and economics. Do we still value this goal, or do we not?

No one is talking about cutting benefits for current recipients, anyone who says they are is a damn liar. Moving the retirement age out to correspond to the increased longevity makes perfect sense. People are living 20-30 years beyond retirement age, the current system is not structured to sustain those kinds of payouts. You want to increase the taxes, they say the working poor can't afford them now. Or are you proposing to turn SS into just another welfare program for wealth redistribution?

Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare and Social Security Trustees Warn of Shortfalls

This tax plan will get several Democrats elected in 2018.

The plan had like a 28% approval rating and the Republicans voted it in anyways. I've never seen a bigger bunch of retards... not even in the Flamezone here.
Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare

Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees

When SS started the average life span was 63, it's beyond 80 now. You can't maintain the same structure when the life span has increased so much, the same applies to medicare.


Medicare was and is doing fine, and so is SS. when they defund SS and Medicare like they just defunded the mandate it won't be, but talking to you trumpets are like talking to the wall.

Medicare and Social Security Trustees Warn of Shortfalls

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

By owning Treasurys, they transfer their excess cash to the general fund, where it is spent. Of course, one day they will redeem their Treasury notes for cash. The federal government will either need to raise taxes or issue more debt to give the agencies the money they will need.

Which agencies own the most Treasurys? Social Security, by a long shot. Here's the detailed breakdown as of December 31, 2016.

  • Social Security (Social Security Trust Fund and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund) - $2.801 trillion
  • Office of Personnel Management Retirement - $888 billion
  • Military Retirement Fund - $670 billion
  • Medicare (Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund) - $294 billionAll other retirement funds - $304 billion
  • Cash on hand to fund federal government operations - $580 billion.

  • __________________________________

Stealing from Peter to pay Paul is not going to work, so we give the rich and the corps even more tax cuts, the main plan is do away with SS and Medicaid. That is what the Ryans and Pauls want.
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Intragovernmental Holdings. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to 230 other federal agencies. It totals $5.6 trillion, almost 30 percent of the debt. Why would the government owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.

Click to expand...
The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
We have to pay for our overinflated military somehow.
Listen to the video. Fear tactics from the left will not work.

Full video of Playbook Interview: Sen. Marco Rubio

What fear tactic, exactly? There's no mystery, here. The GOP has plainly stated it wants to cut benefits and raise the retirement age. It has drafted and introduced legislation stating exactly this. You are either for it or against it...not sure why the need for the silly rhetoric...
Try listening to every word he says in context then get back to us and stop fear mongering.

You must think we are stupid, but you are the stupid one.
I have always thought you stupid. Always!
Intragovernmental Holdings. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to 230 other federal agencies. It totals $5.6 trillion, almost 30 percent of the debt. Why would the government owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.

Click to expand...
The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
We have to pay for our overinflated military somehow.

It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.
It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.
And let us not forget what Trump has done, and allowed to happen, to the State Department, our most critical overseas intelligence-gathering apparatus.

It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.
And let us not forget what Trump has done, and allowed to happen, to the State Department, our most critical overseas intelligence-gathering apparatus.


Sir, I truely see very little this man has done to make mureka great again. And it is a travesty.
It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.
And let us not forget what Trump has done, and allowed to happen, to the State Department, our most critical overseas intelligence-gathering apparatus. Madness.
Sir, I truely see very little this man has done to make mureka great again. And it is a travesty.
This has been like a rambling wreck rolling down the side of a large hill, to be sure. Probably a little worse than I feared, and that was bad enough.

I remain hopeful. Because I have no choice.
Listen to the video. Fear tactics from the left will not work.

Full video of Playbook Interview: Sen. Marco Rubio

What fear tactic, exactly? There's no mystery, here. The GOP has plainly stated it wants to cut benefits and raise the retirement age. It has drafted and introduced legislation stating exactly this. You are either for it or against it...not sure why the need for the silly rhetoric...
Try listening to every word he says in context then get back to us and stop fear mongering.

You must think we are stupid, but you are the stupid one.
I have always thought you stupid. Always!

Ahh. :boohoo:
This tax plan will get several Democrats elected in 2018.
My guess is the Dems are going to enjoy 2018 anyway, but on this particular matter I'm not so sure.

The economy is strengthening already and its biggest weakness - income growth - may be improving. If that continues (if), they'll be able to claim that this bill caused it, whether they can prove it or not.

This bill is about politics and pleasing the base, but the timing could work out well for the GOP.
Intragovernmental Holdings. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to 230 other federal agencies. It totals $5.6 trillion, almost 30 percent of the debt. Why would the government owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund, take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.

Click to expand...
The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You
We have to pay for our overinflated military somehow.

It is that UUUGE military budget that is bankrupting this nation. But we need to cut SS and medicare and Medicaid.

Yes, I'm sure the Republicans want to piss off one of the largest voting blocks in our country. After all, even if you are not a Senior citizen, most have parents or grandparents who are. It makes no sense. Reform? What's wrong with making the systems run more efficiently? Medicare fraud costs about 140 billion dollars a year which is more than 10% of the Medicare budget.

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