Senator Sinema Is Not The First To Leave The Democrat Party

Kyrsten Sinema was going to be primaried because she ONLY voted with the Chinacrats 93% of the time. They demand full compliance or you are a pariah. Like Tulsi Gabbard said, she didn't leave the Democrats, the Democrats left her.
The House of Representatives is now controlled by the GOP. No money can be spent without their OK. That's what the Constitution says.

And when have they ever been opposed to spending a shit ton of money?
Wasn't supposed to be close.
Close? The Democrats had a 12 seat majority in the House of Reps and now there is a 8 seat GOP majority. The Dems lost 20 seats. Because of liberal media lies in favor of Democrats, the general public never gets an accurate picture of how bad the Dumbocrats screwed things up. An employee from CNN admitted they lied about Trump.
Most people as they age they get wiser and realize the demafasict are oppressive tyrants that don’t care about america so they leave
> > More than a million voters switched from Dem To Republican in 2020-21. A Rep from New Jersey also switched.
> So did Tulsi Gabbard, the former House rep from Hawaii.
Also, the Walkaway Campaign

The #WalkAway campaign is a social-media campaign that was launched ahead of the United States 2018 mid-term elections with the stated purpose of encouraging liberals to leave the Democratic Party. The campaign has been organizing events in support of Donald Trump.
Didn't Bernie Sanders drop out of the democrat party after the 2016 election?
How'd that work out in the midterms?

Dems lost the House and will have less power in January than they have now.

And they are considering it a "victory".

Oh, and we still have the Supreme Court.

That's how it worked out.

P.S. Have you seen the Senate map for 2024?

Looking brutal for Dems :)
RINOs are the ones winning elections

You need to do something about MAGA, they are killing your party
You are confused....
Republicans are for the wealthy and don't pretend to be for the poor.
Democrats are for the wealthy and pretend to be for the poor.
Sinema is not the first to leave the demonRats party, and God knows she will be not be the last!:muahaha:

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