Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments From Foreign Oligarchs To Hunter Biden

As I recall, he had income he failed to report. So, they got him on tax charges.
And what was the source of his unreported income?

Hint: Criminal activity, that Capone was supposed to report the ill gotten gains from.
Your source has no credibility whatsoever. NONE.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

Who appointed you or anyone a credible source or authority for assessing credibility of a media outlet. The New York Times and Washington Post were among many “sources” doubting the credibility or significance of the Hunter Biden Laptop back in 2020. Look at them today.
Again: you made the original assertion. So, it is you who bears the burden and thus it is you who is attempting to engage in burden shifting.

You’re very slow. Have you been formally classified as mentally retarded?
I never claimed unicorns existed, just that Biden got paid in unicorns.

Apparently my way of pointing out a bribery impossibility went right over your head.
I'm not saying Biden never received any illegal funds. But I know he has laid his finances out like an open book, and anybody and everybody can go over them line by line to find any hint of his being bribed.

Like spending beyond his reported means.
All that means is that he didn’t report the illegal money. You honestly think a government official is going to take a fortune from a foreign enemy and then list it as “other income” on his 1040?
Actually you weren't being quite accurate in how you described the account

According to the IRS, your mom, has a joint account with you.

Understanding Joint Accounts: Questions and Answers
remember that a joint account is legally owned by both parties associated with the account. The IRS requires only the primary account holder be listed on tax statements. The primary account holder, which is the person who originally created the account, will receive the 1099-B and/or 1099-DIV associated with the joint account.
THAT is exactly what I said! Even though we are joint account holders, I a, the one who gets the 1099 and pays the income tax on the earnings.

It was in response to your “defense” that Joe Biden couldn’t have been a joint account holder on the account into which the bribe money was deposited since Joe didn’t pay taxes on it. That’s because Hunter did, or was supposed to.

Also, it is very suspicious that Hunter was paying Joe’s expenses out of this account. So even if the bribe money didn’t go directly to Joe, some of it was being used to cover Joe’s bills, and thus Joe benefited from bribe money from communists.

I mean really, what father with a reported income of $1 million, or even $200,000, or even $100,000, has his son pay for repairs on his house and his phone bill?

And what was the source of his unreported income?

Hint: Criminal activity, that Capone was supposed to report the ill gotten gains from.
Your inability to understand almost everything is obvious. Capone committed lots of crimes. He did it in concert with others. What he didn’t do was openly discuss his crimes with outsiders. Accordingly, he determined not to report his income because that would constitute talking about his own crimes.

Yes. It was a crime not to report income. Oddly enough, the very crime of not reporting was due to his lack of willingness to reveal his own criminal behavior. In short, I remain correct and you remain dim-witted. I can try to teach you things; but I can’t force your tragically weak mind to grasp things.
I never claimed unicorns existed, just that Biden got paid in unicorns.

Apparently my way of pointing out a bribery impossibility went right over your head.
You’re a rambling, babbling retard. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

For someone to be paid in unicorns would require unicorns to exist. Therefore, your assertion was you claiming that unicorns exist. I denied it. The burden of proof would be and remain on you.

“whoooooosh.” That’s the sound of everything in life flying wickedly fast and miles over your head. ✈️

BTW. Bribery isn’t just NOT impossible. It is possible and it actually happens. That’s why there are laws against it.
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Your a rambling, babbling retard. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

For someone to be paid in unicorns would require unicorns to exist. Therefore, your assertion was you claiming that unicorns exist. I denied it.

Again, it went right over your head.

It is like telling someone you will repay the money you borrowed "when hell freezes over".

Another example of payment impossibility.
Again, it went right over your head.

It is like telling someone you will repay the money you borrowed "when hell freezes over".

Another example of payment impossibility.
Bottom line: you are truly incapable of intelligent discussion. Like it or not, you used a very poor example (not that there is a good one for purposes of what appears to be your effort to cobble together a syllogism).

I will lower myself to try to assist you, out of pity for your tragic mental incapacity.

“10% for the big guy” was a term used by Hunter Biden. 10% of what? Well, like it or not, the commodity most often referred to in those scenarios is money. Next question is who was the “big guy” as understood by Hunter. Hm. I say it might mean his dad. I haven’t claimed to know for sure. But likewise, it still could be Joe Brandon. That remains to be seen. The point is: you are not in a position to deny it. You are in a position to say you haven’t seen proof. That’s ok. But your denial is made without any evidence. (I am in a much firmer position to deny the existence of unicorns because no horselike creaturewith a single horn on its head has any scientific foundation in the archeological records.)

Now. You were attempting to say something? Can you do so clearly and with support of a factual and verifiable nature?
You haven’t demonstrated (in facts or logic) that “payment is impossible,” as you keep claiming.
“There’s no middle man in this transaction. This is $100,000 from what is effectively an arm of the communist Chinese government direct to Hunter Biden.”

FYI - Joe shares the bank account with Hunter. Where are the calls for a special prosecutor? Obviously someone who answers to the president cannot investigate the president himself.

OMG! And today, even CNN and the New York post is reporting on it. Leftists have their pu**y hats on screaming at the sky, lol. Their own peeps can't even hide the truth any longer.

Leftists, let me make this perfectly clear as even average non political Americans are seeing this, and everything else----> You are SCREWED, lol. Deflect, defend, obfuscate, do anything you is OVER-)
You use the 1st amendment to prop up Putin, while attacking the 4th estate, like a 5th column.
Once again, I don't speak dipshittery.

Care to point out how I 'prop up Putin'? And when you do please quote my posts doing so you fucking idiot.
The November election is almost complete right now.

All that's holding it back is the paper shortage that's keeping the pre-filled ballots from appearing magically in the counting rooms in full quantity. Maybe Hunter will take payment from China is paper rather than gold? It would be worth more in the near term.

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