Senators who opposed background checks losing support

Yes, and those links contain supporting links for the Banana Republic of North Carolina.
Oh. You mean like when my "ultra-conservative link" had a source-link to USA Today but was, nonetheless, ignored when it pointed out that gun control support was waning below 49%?
Like that?


Hypocrisy much?
think progress? are you kidding?

Yes, and those links contain supporting links for the Banana Republic of North Carolina.
Oh. You mean like when my "ultra-conservative link" had a source-link to USA Today but was, nonetheless, ignored when it pointed out that gun control support was waning below 49%?
Like that?


Hypocrisy much?

Gun control and universal background checks are viewed differently.
Yes, and those links contain supporting links for the Banana Republic of North Carolina.
Oh. You mean like when my "ultra-conservative link" had a source-link to USA Today but was, nonetheless, ignored when it pointed out that gun control support was waning below 49%?
Like that?


Hypocrisy much?

Gun control and universal background checks are viewed differently.

Background checks are used to control gun ownership, dumbass

Don't assess all gun sales by your experience. Even the licensed dealer that sold Adam Lanza's mother her guns got shut down because he wasn't doing background checks.

So your saying that there already was a gun regulation in place? Yet, Lanza got a gun and did what he did?

No, I'm saying that this licensed dealer whom you claim always do background checks, didn't. Hmmmmmm.

#1. I didn't claim anything about that licensed dealer.

#2. My post obviously went right over your head.
As much as I would like to see these Senators held accountable for their voting record, I'm pretty sure that there will be no injury to these members of Congress.
What does voter ID have to do with "Senators who opposed background checks losing support"?

And, why do you ask?

You advocate background checks for every gun sale.

Jim wants to sell his Mossberg 12g to Ted.
Jim has to drive 45 miles to the county seat to file the form, drive 45 miles back home, return in a couple days to pick up the results, and drive back home again.
Jim has now driven 180 miles, burned approx 10 gallons of gas and wasted at least three hours of his time for an unreasonable INFRINGEMENT of a private gun sale.

Meanwhile it's unfair to ask Tom to take the city bus to the DMV to get a free ID card to go vote.

You libfucks are cracked in the head.

Ha,ha, that is too funny. I can turn that right back at you.

You expect a 90 year old woman who lives in the country, who has been voting all her life to drive 45 miles to the DMV, wait in line for hours to get a photo-ID, but Ole Jim cannot fill out the form, mail it in, wait for its return before deciding whether or not to sell the gun to Ted, because Jim, who can afford an expensive gun cannot be troubled to make sure that Ted isn't a felon, or a mental case and isn't going out and kill a bunch of innocent people? You gun-nuts crack me up!:lol:

So um.. how does voting and gun control have anything to do with one another?

I tried reading that analogy.. twice over. For the 90 year old woman, the laws the law. As for that background check.. see how much red tape Jim has to go through already to sell the gun to Ted? A simple registry of known felons and verifiable nutjobs would be sufficient. If Ted is on the list, he doesn't need a gun, if he isn't well more power to him. Oh, not to mention this registry would be an online thing. But liberals like you don't wish to streamline the process, you wish to subject everyone to it. That's why people like me oppose it. Not every American is a nutjob or a felon, so why treat them all like such?
Oh. You mean like when my "ultra-conservative link" had a source-link to USA Today but was, nonetheless, ignored when it pointed out that gun control support was waning below 49%?
Like that?


Hypocrisy much?

Gun control and universal background checks are viewed differently.

Background checks are used to control gun ownership, dumbass


I can't believe the idiot just said that.
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) arrived on Thursday night for a town hall. He left with a show of great appreciation from survivors of the Jan. 2011 Tucson, Ariz. shooting.

John McCain Gets Roses As Thank You For Background Checks Vote


Didn't McCain vote for the background check bill? Yes I think he did.

PHOENIX -- A new poll revealed that support for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in Arizona has dropped to its lowest numbers in 21 years, while Gov. Jan Brewer's approval rose among registered Republicans, but fell overall.

McCain's approval ratings fall to new low in Arizona - Phoenix News -
Senators Lose Support After Opposing Gun Background Checks, Poll Shows

It is beginning even before the commercials from Gifford's group. I hope they spent the checks from the NRA well.

sweet, PPP who is hired by dems and liberal organizations spcifically to promote agendas and create momentum for campaigns. No bias here.

now if you want a real grass roots look at public opinion, 4 democratic senators forced to break ranks from the single most important item on the democratic agenda because real voter feedback told them they would lose there jobs if they supported gun contol. now that's a poll you can trust
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) arrived on Thursday night for a town hall. He left with a show of great appreciation from survivors of the Jan. 2011 Tucson, Ariz. shooting.

John McCain Gets Roses As Thank You For Background Checks Vote

Kelly Ayotte got a round of applause for voting against it.

New Hampshire Crowd Forgets Media Narrative, Applauds Ayotte | National Review Online

That'll put a hole in the Dem talking points.

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