Send For Bork & Connally


Sep 23, 2010
International law is not law but politics, ... there is no such law, and the pretense that it exists is a harmful fantasy. Robert Bork

So-called international law does not exist; nevertheless, the media, and the entertainment industry, talk about it as though it is real.

More importantly, the people in the Congress today are less loyal than they were in 1945:

Before ratifying the United Nations Charter in 1945, the Senate was wise enough to amend the section dealing with the World Court by barring the Court from jurisdiction over matters which were essentially domestic "AS DETERMINED BY THE UNITED STATES."

Those six words, authored by Senator Tom Connally (D-Texas), are known as the "Connally Reservation" and are the only thing which COULD prevent the World Court from interfering in American internal affairs on the pretext that our tariffs, immigration laws, school curriculums, etc., affect American relations with other countries and are therefore "foreign" and not "domestic."

Guns=Freedom or Why is The Second Amendment So Important?

There is not one member of Congress that can be trusted to oppose the United Nations. Indeed, characters like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell would be first in line to hand this country to the World Court. If the TPP is not enough proof for you, the Iran Deal should be more than enough to show what those sneaks are up to.

Remember this one. On April 9, 2015 Charles Krauthammer said:

On April 15 —— six days after voices of resistance were growing louder —— the sneaks launched their counterattack:

A protestor listens as Senate Foreign Relations C ommittee Chairman Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., left, and Ranking Member Ben Cardin, D-Md., centre, speak to reporters on Capitol Hill after a 19-0 committee vote unanimously approving a bill that would give Congress a say about the emerging deal aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

“I don’t know how you cut a deal with the devil and think the devil is going to keep his end of the deal,” House Speaker John Boehner said Tuesday after Obama bowed to pressure from Republicans and Democrats and agreed to sign compromise legislation.


“I have always supported congressional review of any final agreement with Iran,” said Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the committee, who emphasized that the bill will not permit any legislative action until after the White House presents Congress with any final deal that can be reached to rein in Iran’s nuclear program.


“If a final agreement with Iran is received in a timely manner, Congress will have 30 calendar days for an orderly and thoughtful review. If an agreement with Iran goes into effect, then this bill ensures an ongoing oversight role for Congress and provides for expedited procedures to snap back sanctions if Iran breaches the agreement,” Cardin said.

GOP blasts U.S. ‘deal with the devil’ as Obama agrees to give Congress a say in Iran nuclear negotiations
Deb Riechmann And Laurie Kellman, The Associated Press | April 15, 2015 9:00 AM ET

GOP blasts U.S. deal with the devil as Obama agrees to give Congress a say in Iran nuclear negotiations National Post

Regardless of mainstream media hype praising the Corker Bill, it turns out that Corker had his nose so far up the president’s rear end a tow truck had to be called in to pull his head out:

Published on Apr 22, 2015

Rush Limbaugh (4/21/15): "The Corker bill puts a limit on the Senate, 30 days, in order to come up with 67 votes to say "no." Essentially what the Corker bill does, instead of Obama having to get 67 votes that agree, the Corker bill says the Senate has to come up with 67 votes to disagree."​

The presidential election is 16 months away. Losing the country is less than 48 hours away.

Forget the US Senate ratifying a treaty. The American people now have to ratify a United Nations ‘resolution’:

A U.S. official told CBS News that American law doesn't "trump" U.N. resolutions, but if Congress were to vote against the measure -- and garner enough votes to override a presidential veto -- lawmakers could stop U.S. sanctions being lifted, which could prompt Iran to declare the U.S. as non-compliant with the terms of the deal and to back out.
Visualize getting a UN resolution ratified by China and Russia if it did not give them a lot more than it gave the US:

If U.S. lawmakers were to decide after Monday's vote that they wanted changes to the terms of the agreement, it would essentially be too late, because it would require the Security Council to propose a new resolution -- and there would likely be little appetite for such deliberations among the other negotiating partners.​

This next comment by American negotiator, Wendy Sherman, takes the prize in the entire treasonous Iran Deal:

She told reporters: "It would have been a little difficult when all of the (countries negotiating with Iran) wanted to go to the United Nations to get an endorsement of this, since it is a product of the United Nations process, for us to say, 'Well, excuse me, the world, you should wait for the United States Congress.'"

UNITED NATIONS -- The U.N. Security Council scheduled a vote for first thing Monday morning on a resolution endorsing the Iran nuclear deal.

July 17, 2015, 8:41 AM
Last Updated Jul 17, 2015 10:53 AM EDT
Iran deal set to become international law News Forum - Thread

Presumably, Sherman was speaking for the Chicago sewer rat and John Kerry. Telling the world to go piss up a rope is exactly what John Kerry should have said. Better still, there will be no reason to say anything to anybody when the UN is gone:

NOTE: In addition to El Rushbo, I read that Kerry has his eye on a Noble Peace Prize. It will take more than a Peace Prize to sweeten a known traitor’s résumé.


Remember that the president has a Nobel. I doubt if it means much. Only an idiot would rely on the life span of a list that includes Al Gore. Taqiyya the Liar’s eye is on something with more staying power than a ridiculous Nobel Peace Prize that Americans laughed at to begin with.

. . . I am tired of hearing the Chicago sewer rat’s concern for his foreign policy legacy resting on the Iran Deal. The only legacy he wants is the one he has been striving towards from the day he took office —— being instrumental in handing this country’s sovereignty to the United Nations. Can you just imagine him dreaming about being remembered as the Father of Global Government. That would surely put George Washington in his place.

The Same Victory Lap For A Winner A loser US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

More than the US Senate surrendering its constitutional authority to the United Nations, they all but discredited Robert Bork’s correct analysis of international law: “. . . there is no such law . . .”.

The law professor in the White House supposedly taught constitutional law; so he has to be gloating over showing the world that he is smarter than Judge Bork. The piece of scum cannot abide by the Constitution, but you can wager that he will obey every ruling the World Court hands down against this country. He is going to teach the world that it is governed by the rule of law. Not America’s law, but the UN’s law.

Let the punishment fit the crime

In the unlikely event that Taqiyya the Liar is tried for treason and sentenced to death —— drowning him a tank full of excrement is the only apprioate method for executing a sack of shit.

Finally, Klein’s piece provides intricate details for anybody following the treasonous Iran Deal:

UN Set to Officially Endorse Disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal
By Joseph A. Klein
July 17, 2015

UN Set to Officially Endorse Disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal
Whether or not the SCOTUS overturns the homosexual marriage case:

A couple of constitutional experts have written an open letter to the attorneys general, governors and lawmakers in Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and Kentucky pleading with them to file a request for a rehearing before the U.S. Supreme Court on the decision that created same-sex “marriage” across the nation.


Well, for one thing, Elena Kagan and Ruth Ginsburg acted “unethically and unlawfully” in participating in the case after they publicly had taken a position on the outcome.

Letter: Kagan, Ginsburg acted 'unethically and unlawfully'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 07/18/2015 @ 4:40 pm

Letter Kagan Ginsburg acted unethically and unlawfully

and IF Kagan and Ginsburg cannot be forced to recuse themselves from the rehearing, the homosexual marriage debacle could, and should, tighten the law for recusal. Aside from the homosexual marriage ruling, Justice Kagan certainly should have recused herself from every Affordable Care Act. She did not recuse in spite of the law.

Recusal most take on more importance in light of the Iran Deal. Tomorrow it goes to the United Nations for a resolution. Giving the United Nations authority over the American people will most certainly lead to an important step in legitimating international law. That brings me to Associate Justice Kennedy:

Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy will teach for his 26th year in the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law's annual Salzburg, Austria Summer Program, which runs from July 5 through July 24, 2015.

Justice Kennedy has taught in Salzburg Summer Program for all but one of the past 25 years.


The three-week program in Salzburg offers international and comparative law courses in public and commercial law fields to law students who want to expand their understanding of international issues that increasingly impact legal practice everywhere. Pacific McGeorge Distinguished Professor John Sprankling will teach International Environmental Law.

Justice Kennedy to Teach in Summer Salzburg Program
March 12, 2015

Justice Kennedy to Teach in Summer Salzburg Program Pacific McGeorge School of Law

Bear with me a little longer.

Kagan refuses to recuse herself when she clearly breaks the law:

28 U.S.C. Paragraph 455(a)​

(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.
(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:
(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
(2) Where in private practice he served as lawyer in the matter in controversy, or a lawyer with whom he previously practiced law served during such association as a lawyer concerning the matter, or the judge or such lawyer has been a material witness concerning it;
(3) Where he has served in governmental employment and in such capacity participated as counsel, adviser or material witness concerning the proceeding or expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case in controversy;
(4) He knows that he, individually or as a fiduciary, or his spouse or minor child residing in his household, has a financial interest in the subject matter in controversy or in a party to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding;
(5) He or his spouse, or a person within the third degree of relationship to either of them, or the spouse of such a person:
(i) Is a party to the proceeding, or an officer, director, or trustee of a party;
(ii) Is acting as a lawyer in the proceeding;
(iii) Is known by the judge to have an interest that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding;
(iv) Is to the judge’s knowledge likely to be a material witness in the proceeding.​

Joining Kennedy in Salzburg eliminates every possibility that she will recuse herself from ruling on cases involving non-existent international law:


Study with Supremes
Two Supreme Court Justices, Anthony Kennedy and Elena Kagan, will teach at this summer's Summer Program in Salzburg.

Justices Kagan and Kennedy to Teach in Salzburg Summer Program
December 13, 2012

Kagan and Kennedy to Teach in Salzburg Summer Program Pacific McGeorge School of Law

Here is a thought. Rehear every case Kennedy ruled on in favor of international law. Anybody who teaches a fantasy clearly has a political agenda. It is not only judges. Internationalists among federal judges are supported by the entire global government machinery. That is why recusal must be vigorously enforced. I would go so far as impeaching New World Order judges who refuse to recuse themselves from cases where international law is remotely connected.

If either of my suggestions cannot not get traction, every federal judge who refuses to declare his opposition to non-existent international law should not be confirmed. That is not much to ask since some of them are known to lie at their confirmation hearing, but a firm declaration is grounds for impeachment.

NOTE: I would surely like to know what our professor in the White House was teaching his students about international law?

Finally, the media portrays Kennedy as conservative or a swing vote. Swing vote is supposed to tell the public that there is not a political bone in Kennedy’s body. He is the perfect judge because he rules on the law whether it pleases liberals or conservatives. That is a crock of horse manure. Any judge who tries to legitimate international law at the expense of the US Constitution is as politically corrupt as a judge can be. I would rather he took envelopes stuffed with cash than see him ruling for the United Nations which the Iran Deal is setting up.

I am an average guy with an average guy’s understanding of the law. So speaking of the difference between conservative and liberal only, if Kennedy is conservative in his life, and on the court, you can easily say that Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer are archconservatives.
Forget the US Senate ratifying a treaty. The American people now have to ratify a United Nations ‘resolution’:
UN hustlers went in early this morning:

UN Security Council endorses Iran nuclear deal amid objections in Congress
Published July 20, 2015

The Iran Deal is about the United Nations and nothing else. The lying sack of shit, and the traitor, do not care if Iran goes nuclear. In their fantasy world the United Nations will control Iran. Note that it was America’s military, the Strategic Air Command, nuclear submarines, and Americans who put their country above everything else that protected this country. That all changed when the Chicago sewer rat became commander in chief with the authority to put the United Nations ahead of everything else.
Flanders, thanks for all the votes that you and your type send to the Democrats. Please keep up the good work.
Visualize getting a UN resolution ratified by China and Russia if it did not give them a lot more than it gave the US:
Now I understand!

At a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Secretary of State John Kerry was asked why the administration did not submit the Iran nuclear agreement to the Senate for its advice and consent as an Article II treaty.

Kerry responded that the agreement wasn’t treated as a treaty “because you can’t pass a treaty anymore.”

What John Kerry Gets Wrong About the Senate, Treaties and the Iran Deal
Steven Groves / July 28, 2015

What Kerry Gets Wrong About Treaties and the Iran Deal

It is easier to get a treaty ratified by the United Nations.
Senator Cruz is the real deal. I give him credit for trying to get an apology from a traitor. Kerry never apologized for his part in getting Americans killed because he and his kind worked for a Communist victory in Vietnam. Now he is working for Iran’s victory. The United Nations losing authority is the only thing he will ever apologize for —— and that apology will not be to the American people.

I fell in love with this game:

Let’s play a game. You are talking to someone and you want them to agree to something. You promise you can deliver the something, even though you know you can’t really deliver it without the cooperation of another party whose support you can’t guarantee. Doesn’t matter. You promise anyway.

So the other party, somewhat wary of your trustworthiness, agrees.

Now you have to go to that third party and get the cooperation you always knew you needed. If you don’t get it, your deal is going to fall apart and your negotiating counterpart is going to feel betrayed. So you tell the third party, if you don’t give that person what I promised, you’re the one who screwed him.

Come again? You made a promise you weren’t sure you could keep. You don’t suppose maybe the untrustworthy one in that scenario is, oh, I don’t know, maybe . . . you?

Good luck explaining that one to John Kerry:​

Kerry: Congress rejecting Iran deal would be the ‘ultimate screwing’ . . . of the Ayatollah
By Dan Calabrese -- Bio and Archives August 5, 2015

Kerry Congress rejecting Iran deal would be the ultimate screwing . . . of the Ayatollah

Justice Kennedy has taught in Salzburg Summer Program for all but one of the past 25 years.
Justices Kagan and Kennedy to Teach in Salzburg Summer Program
December 13, 2012
Where and what will they teach when the entire U.N.’s international law fantasy is laughed out of existence?

International Criminal Court ‘crumbling’ as defections put legitimacy, viability in doubt
By Patrick Costello
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

International Criminal Court ‘crumbling’ as defections put legitimacy, viability in doubt

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