Senior killed in NYC after blowing a man a kiss

"...It's like we can't keep up with their mood swings."

But... but... but... don't Liberals teach us that we must be tolerant of other Cultural Perspectives?


Is this not the logical outcome of blind and complete Cultural Tolerance - a.k.a. Multi-Culturalism?

Manifesting the other side of that two-edged sword?

I, too, am appalled by what happened to the old guy, gay or not...

But the fellow who killed him probably had strong roots in a Third-World Culture that considers such sexual behaviors towards a fellow man to be grounds for an 'honorable killing'.

Object Lesson: We need to cherry-pick cultural mores and norms imported from radically-different cultures rather than lean towards mindlessly embracing or tolerating them simply to be able to say that we are tolerant.

This killing, if so motivated, may end-up proving to be such an example, to reinforce the validity of the cherry-picking approach.

Tolerance does not extend to actions and behaviors that hurt the rights of others. Why does this point have to be continually explained to some RWrs? Do they have a blind spot in that regard?
I had to step away from the PC, then came back and added two final sentences to that post without realizing that you'd already quoted the original.

The final two sentences in that post (#15) should be of some help.


Oh, and, just because I come down on the Conservative Side, with respect to Gay Rights and Israel and ObamaCare and Immigration and Latter-Day Affirmative Action, does not mean that I'm a Right-Winger, eh?

I cherry-pick from Left, Right and Center with the best of 'em.

I'm usually on the side of Unions (albeit not always) and appreciate and will stand up for some aspects of Welfare and Social Services and Safety Nets and Minimum Wage and Subsidized Housing and Subsidized Higher Education and Tolerance-at-Law, and have been known to argue against Foreign Interventions almost as often as I argue for them.

So don't go lumping me in with the Far Right just because I serve-up a Firm Opposing Stance on one or two of your favorite topics, eh?

Some of the folks whom you see as Position-Adversaries on Issue A or B are probably just a wee bit more Multi-Dimensional than some All-or-Nothing types can comprehend or concede.

I, in return, will not lump YOU in with the Fringe Left, with respect to all topics and issues, despite some growing perception that that might prove appropriate.

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Sorry , I dont care if anyone is gay or not and no one should be killed just because they were they are gay.... The problem is the people who have a fear of people who is gay not the gay people themselves...

First off, there is nothing "gay" about sodomizing other has to be a filthy, smelly act that is considered perversion by every religion on Earth. And second, we have no FEAR of these creatures....they are birth-defected and instead of considering their acts a "lifestyle", we should send admitted queers in for lobotomies and if that doesn't work, maroon them on some island in the south Pacific. :eusa_eh:
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I should add here that stabbing the old perv was a little overboard.....a hearty slap across his chops would have sufficed. Everything happens for a reason....maybe the Lord had to stop him molesting other young men and chose this kid as his vessel...who knows?
I should add here that stabbing the old perv was a little overboard.....a hearty slap across his chops would have sufficed. Everything happens for a reason....maybe the Lord had to stop him molesting other young men and chose this kid as his vessel...who knows? your vengeful homophobic God could have just struck the "old perv" down on the spot, but instead he sets up some kid to take the fall knowing that he will then spend the rest of his life behind bars? Doesn't sound like the kind of God anyone in their right mind would want to worship, but whatever floats your boat!
Perhaps the killer listened to the voices in his head..(schizophrenia)

or maybe he was a frustrated music critic. In any event, I would not be too quick to speak for God.

[ame=]P!nk - Blow Me (One Last Kiss) - YouTube[/ame]

.....anyone's God...:doubt:
I don't see women killing men who sexually harass them. There is no excuse for this killing

You're standing up for the gay guy? :eek: I can't believe it. Good for you. Because he did not deserve being stabbed to death!

Actually, was the older man really gay? I mean blowing a kiss at another guy does not necessarily mean you're gay.
So after lionizing Putin the far right is now embracing the religion that was formally derided as allegedly being started by a "pedophile""? There must be some natural immunity to cognitive dissonance.

It's like we can't keep up with their mood swings.

Good thing Obamacare is providing the Pill free of charge. That should help stabilize them a little. :D

Its gonna take more than the pill. These people are just plain nuts. They're so damn scared they might be gay, they don't even notice that there is nothing in this article to indicate the victim was.

Gotta say though - for a change, its not novasteve who is celebrating a needless murder. katzen is, as usual, thrilled that an innocent man was murdered and accuses the victim of "sexual harassment" even though there is no indication of that either.

From the article, it sounds like the killer is another George Zimmerman. Maybe this will save lives by getting him off the street.
I don't see women killing men who sexually harass them. There is no excuse for this killing

You're standing up for the gay guy? :eek: I can't believe it. Good for you. Because he did not deserve being stabbed to death!

Actually, was the older man really gay? I mean blowing a kiss at another guy does not necessarily mean you're gay.

I didn't see any reason to think he was gay.

No evidence of "sexual harassment" either.

All he did was blow a kiss and certain wackos here are celebrating his murder.
Victim murdered after he ?blew a kiss? | New York Post

Notice all of these anti gay crimes are committed by persons of diversity? How is it a strength?

Good Lord I used to live in the neighborhood :eek: it was nice and quiet and peaceful. One of our mods lives in the area :)

Don't think this issue has anything to do with being gay or not.

The stabbed man was also Latino. The killer stabbed somebody else as well.

Might have been the gang relations - anybody knows what blowing a kiss means in the gangs?
There are some gestures, involving the air kiss that are extremely offensive for Italians, for example.

Nowhere in the article is it said that the older guy was gay and even if he was - I have not seen gays blowing air kisses randomly on public.

Something here does not add.
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"...All he did was blow a kiss..."

A man blowing a kiss to another man can get you killed or get you beaten within an inch of your life, in some cultures, and, hell, even some neighborhoods and regions, within our own country...

It's not difficult to understand...

Nature has de-selected him...
I don't see women killing men who sexually harass them. There is no excuse for this killing

You're standing up for the gay guy? :eek: I can't believe it. Good for you. Because he did not deserve being stabbed to death!

Actually, was the older man really gay? I mean blowing a kiss at another guy does not necessarily mean you're gay.

I didn't see any reason to think he was gay.

No evidence of "sexual harassment" either.

All he did was blow a kiss and certain wackos here are celebrating his murder.

He was standing his ground against an air kissing assault!
Nova's primary interest seems to be LGBT issues. It is nice to know that a conservative can be so considerate of his gay countrymen. Giving so much of your time to discuss the issues important to this minority. Way to go, sister!
I should add here that stabbing the old perv was a little overboard.....a hearty slap across his chops would have sufficed. Everything happens for a reason....maybe the Lord had to stop him molesting other young men and chose this kid as his vessel...who knows? your vengeful homophobic God could have just struck the "old perv" down on the spot, but instead he sets up some kid to take the fall knowing that he will then spend the rest of his life behind bars? Doesn't sound like the kind of God anyone in their right mind would want to worship, but whatever floats your boat!

So you think God is afraid of queers? :lol: Nobody is afraid of queers you idiot, just repulsed is all. And don't think because the overwhelming majority of us remain silent while the pervs win battle after legal battle that we approve of what they do. Put up a billboard of one sodomizing another one and see what happens to your "gay rights" in that area. :eusa_eh:
Anything unwanted is considered sexual harassment in public . For example the public transit system in Boston encourages women to report unwanted comments made by men. It's not illegal to say something rude but they tell women to call the police
I should add here that stabbing the old perv was a little overboard.....a hearty slap across his chops would have sufficed. Everything happens for a reason....maybe the Lord had to stop him molesting other young men and chose this kid as his vessel...who knows? your vengeful homophobic God could have just struck the "old perv" down on the spot, but instead he sets up some kid to take the fall knowing that he will then spend the rest of his life behind bars? Doesn't sound like the kind of God anyone in their right mind would want to worship, but whatever floats your boat!

So you think God is afraid of queers? :lol: Nobody is afraid of queers you idiot, just repulsed is all. And don't think because the overwhelming majority of us remain silent while the pervs win battle after legal battle that we approve of what they do. Put up a billboard of one sodomizing another one and see what happens to your "gay rights" in that area. :eusa_eh:

Since I never made any such allegation the onus is on you to prove that I did. Since we both know that you can't we will take it as a given that you concede the point.

Moving on to being "afraid of queers". Judging by your rampant homophobia you certainly demonstrate what could easily be taken as a "fear of queers". Most normal straights just treat gays as people whereas you find it necessary to describe them in graphic detail. You even went so far as to allege that the unfortunate victim was guilty of molestation. This too reeks of fear on your part. In summary methinks you doth protest too much.

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