Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

Exactly, I didn't see much balance in the fiscal cliff deal. Can't believe all the doomsday crap over spending less than they intended. It's not really cuts, just less of an increase. And I'm supposed to believe everything will go to hell in a handbasket if the sequester goes through? Here's an idea, why don't we chop the money from funding for high speed rail and the wind and solar projects that seem to fail every other week or so? I hear the repubs are willing to give the president authority to do that but he doesn't want it, he'd rather politicize the situation instead even though it hurts the country.

1.4 trillion dollars in cuts were enacted before the "fiscal cliff" deal.

And the "balance" which was HUGE was moving the 250K pointer to 400K.

That..was expensive.
Exactly, I didn't see much balance in the fiscal cliff deal. Can't believe all the doomsday crap over spending less than they intended. It's not really cuts, just less of an increase. And I'm supposed to believe everything will go to hell in a handbasket if the sequester goes through? Here's an idea, why don't we chop the money from funding for high speed rail and the wind and solar projects that seem to fail every other week or so? I hear the repubs are willing to give the president authority to do that but he doesn't want it, he'd rather politicize the situation instead even though it hurts the country.

1.4 trillion dollars in cuts were enacted before the "fiscal cliff" deal.

And the "balance" which was HUGE was moving the 250K pointer to 400K.

That..was expensive.

A bullshit reduction in the massive increase in what was going to be spent is not a "cut."

If there was to be a genuine 1.x Trillion dollar "cut" in spending, there would be no need to borrow over a Trillion dollars.
obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.
For a Know-it-all you don't even know what is happening around you!!!!

If you remember, to delay the sequester from January to March cuts were agreed upon to offset more than what would have been cut by the sequester for those two months. the $85 billion that remains is for the remaining 10 months of 2013, it is not $85 billion a year for the remaining 9 years.

very good, you ARE paying attention, the original number was 600 Bn, so that makes 1.8 trillion, :lol: what the size of the hole you've talked yourself into as changed? The problem is you guys won't cut, you got the taxes, ( an old story) and now?
In typical know-it-all fashion, after making a complete fool of yourself by not knowing that the remaining balance for this year did not make the full amount for the remaining 9 years, you act like YOU had it right all along and I finally got it by correcting YOUR stupidity.

This just shows just how shameless and dishonest the Right is and that they will never admit they were wrong no matter how obvious.
Thank you.
For a Know-it-all you don't even know what is happening around you!!!!

If you remember, to delay the sequester from January to March cuts were agreed upon to offset more than what would have been cut by the sequester for those two months. the $85 billion that remains is for the remaining 10 months of 2013, it is not $85 billion a year for the remaining 9 years.

very good, you ARE paying attention, the original number was 600 Bn, so that makes 1.8 trillion, :lol: what the size of the hole you've talked yourself into as changed? The problem is you guys won't cut, you got the taxes, ( an old story) and now?
In typical know-it-all fashion, after making a complete fool of yourself by not knowing that the remaining balance for this year did not make the full amount for the remaining 9 years, you act like YOU had it right all along and I finally got it by correcting YOUR stupidity.

This just shows just how shameless and dishonest the Right is and that they will never admit they were wrong no matter how obvious.
Thank you.
You're desperately trying to convince yourself you are right
look, this is all political BS, domestic agencies whose budgets have increased 17 percent under President Obama are now up for a 5% cut and the golden calf of Defense which every single dem I can think of ( or lets say 99% of them) on this site consistently has called bloated or useless or a waste is now in a sate of uproar.(The navy says it cannot afford to send the Harry S Truman to the gulf, yet- the Defense Department’s civilian employment has grown 17 percent since 2002. In 2012, defense spending on civilian personnel was 21 percent higher than in 2002 ( hat tip- george will). Give me a break.
No the UPROAR is that Boner's sequester requires ACROSS THE BOARD cuts to the military instead of cutting an equal amount required by Boner's sequester from the bloat and waste wherever it is found.
Don't you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself???
look, this is all political BS, domestic agencies whose budgets have increased 17 percent under President Obama are now up for a 5% cut and the golden calf of Defense which every single dem I can think of ( or lets say 99% of them) on this site consistently has called bloated or useless or a waste is now in a sate of uproar.(The navy says it cannot afford to send the Harry S Truman to the gulf, yet- the Defense Department’s civilian employment has grown 17 percent since 2002. In 2012, defense spending on civilian personnel was 21 percent higher than in 2002 ( hat tip- george will). Give me a break.
No the UPROAR is that Boner's sequester requires ACROSS THE BOARD cuts to the military instead of cutting an equal amount required by Boner's sequester from the bloat and waste wherever it is found.
Don't you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself???

obama signed it he owns it.
Honestly I just cannot believe what assholes some of ya'll making of yourselves.

A bill sponsored by 15 Republicans and STILL you guys are denying that the Sequestor is a GOP invention.
Honestly I just cannot believe what assholes some of ya'll making of yourselves.

A bill sponsored by 15 Republicans and STILL you guys are denying that the Sequestor is a GOP invention.

The problem with liberals is that they have an unusually short attention span.

Kind of like 3 year old children and 93 year old grand parents.
Bitch are you saying the left leaning politifact is lying? Are you calling Woodward a liar?
I'm saying that July 25 comes before July 27.

Are you disputing that? :lol:
Holy fuck.

July comes just before August. The fucking crap passed in August. EARLY August. August 2, in fact.

Are you REALLY claiming that an inchoate idea was first thought up by Boehner in LATE fucking July but crammed through Congress in August?

The origination of the notion of using SOME kind of "sequester" obviously preceded late July.

The original SENATE bill passed in February, by the way. The HOUSE amended it. The Senate had to confirm the bill as amended by the House. History of Bills, Volume 157 (2011) - S. 365: An original bill to make a technical amendment to the...

So if you imagine that Boehner and the GOP came up with the thing on 7/25 and got it passed "snap" just like that, then you are just plain silly.
Actually you are silly if you think that reasoning gets the GOP off the hook! Of course, after my post you will forsake that reasoning when you see that it was the House GOP who brought up Boner's sequester with the Returning to Responsible Fiscal Policies Act in May 2011, and then again in the Cut, Cap and Balance bill in June 2011 before Boner posted it on his website July 25, 2011, all preceding anything coming from the White House.
The blame goes to the GOP in its reckless adherence to an extreme and radical fiscal policy that seeks to balance the budget on the backs of the disabled, the retired, children, and working Americans; and its moronic and untenable ‘no tax increase’ position, where every economist from one side of the political spectrum to the other agree any serious debt reduction must include an increase in taxes.

you must have slept under a rock for the last 3 months, he got tax revenue, its time for some 'balance', ( his words too), cuts, so where are they?

Oh malarkey.

What he "got" was something that should have sunsetted ages ago. And he had to compromise on that.

Revenue to the government is WAY DOWN.

That really shouldn't be the case..considering the two wars and the medicaid drug benefit.

and as usual you have no idea what you're talking about-


Tax revenue kept climbing, up 6.4% for the year overall, and at $2.45 trillion it is now close to the historic high it reached in fiscal 2007 before the recession hit. Mr. Obama won't want you to know this, but this revenue increase is occurring under the Bush tax rates that he so desperately wants to raise in the name of getting what he says is merely "a little more in taxes." Individual income tax payments are now up $233 billion over the last two years, or 26%.

This healthy revenue increase comes despite measly economic growth of between 1% and 2%. Imagine the gusher of revenue the feds could get if government got out of the way and let the economy grow faster.


more at-
Review & Outlook: The Hard Fiscal Facts -
I'm saying that July 25 comes before July 27.

Are you disputing that? :lol:
Holy fuck.

July comes just before August. The fucking crap passed in August. EARLY August. August 2, in fact.

Are you REALLY claiming that an inchoate idea was first thought up by Boehner in LATE fucking July but crammed through Congress in August?

The origination of the notion of using SOME kind of "sequester" obviously preceded late July.

The original SENATE bill passed in February, by the way. The HOUSE amended it. The Senate had to confirm the bill as amended by the House. History of Bills, Volume 157 (2011) - S. 365: An original bill to make a technical amendment to the...

So if you imagine that Boehner and the GOP came up with the thing on 7/25 and got it passed "snap" just like that, then you are just plain silly.
Actually you are silly if you think that reasoning gets the GOP off the hook! Of course, after my post you will forsake that reasoning when you see that it was the House GOP who brought up Boner's sequester with the Returning to Responsible Fiscal Policies Act in May 2011, and then again in the Cut, Cap and Balance bill in June 2011 before Boner posted it on his website July 25, 2011, all preceding anything coming from the White House.

obama proposed it signed for it, and will veto any bill that try's to divert the cuts from happening. His words. Don't like it whiny to him.
look, this is all political BS, domestic agencies whose budgets have increased 17 percent under President Obama are now up for a 5% cut and the golden calf of Defense which every single dem I can think of ( or lets say 99% of them) on this site consistently has called bloated or useless or a waste is now in a sate of uproar.(The navy says it cannot afford to send the Harry S Truman to the gulf, yet- the Defense Department’s civilian employment has grown 17 percent since 2002. In 2012, defense spending on civilian personnel was 21 percent higher than in 2002 ( hat tip- george will). Give me a break.
No the UPROAR is that Boner's sequester requires ACROSS THE BOARD cuts to the military instead of cutting an equal amount required by Boner's sequester from the bloat and waste wherever it is found.
Don't you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself???

thats why I explained the budget process to you moron ( which only requires 50 votes to dummy, sound familiar?), which is what boehner has preferred and then tried to surface cut cap and balance..... there is and has been no way obama wants a formal budget done, thats why we have the sequester you nitwit. you're boring me now and stop cherry picking, thats always a bad sign, meltdown coming... :rolleyes:

again- you got the revenue, where are the cuts?

I am still waiting, edthefactbulemic...
look, this is all political BS, domestic agencies whose budgets have increased 17 percent under President Obama are now up for a 5% cut and the golden calf of Defense which every single dem I can think of ( or lets say 99% of them) on this site consistently has called bloated or useless or a waste is now in a sate of uproar.(The navy says it cannot afford to send the Harry S Truman to the gulf, yet- the Defense Department’s civilian employment has grown 17 percent since 2002. In 2012, defense spending on civilian personnel was 21 percent higher than in 2002 ( hat tip- george will). Give me a break.
No the UPROAR is that Boner's sequester requires ACROSS THE BOARD cuts to the military instead of cutting an equal amount required by Boner's sequester from the bloat and waste wherever it is found.
Don't you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself???

thats why I explained the budget process to you moron ( which only requires 50 votes to dummy, sound familiar?), which is what boehner has preferred and then tried to surface cut cap and balance..... there is and has been no way obama wants a formal budget done, thats why we have the sequester you nitwit. you're boring me now and stop cherry picking, thats always a bad sign, meltdown coming... :rolleyes:

again- you got the revenue, where are the cuts?

I am still waiting, edthefactbulemic...
"Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause."
- Victor Hugo
No the UPROAR is that Boner's sequester requires ACROSS THE BOARD cuts to the military instead of cutting an equal amount required by Boner's sequester from the bloat and waste wherever it is found.
Don't you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself???

thats why I explained the budget process to you moron ( which only requires 50 votes to dummy, sound familiar?), which is what boehner has preferred and then tried to surface cut cap and balance..... there is and has been no way obama wants a formal budget done, thats why we have the sequester you nitwit. you're boring me now and stop cherry picking, thats always a bad sign, meltdown coming... :rolleyes:

again- you got the revenue, where are the cuts?

I am still waiting, edthefactbulemic...
"Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause."
- Victor Hugo

Your whining indicates that you realize you are defeated.
Last edited:
I am still waiting, edthefactbulemic...

Now that is a first use...'factbulemic'.

I get copyrights on 'factanorexic'. ....
The condescending pinhead is too illiterate to know a bulimic overeats and then vomits what he overate, in this case overeating FACTS as a factbulimic and then vomiting those facts back at the Right. The fool was too stupid to know he was giving me a compliment!!! :rofl::lmao:

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.
I always suspected Woodward was bulemic.

Anyone who would go after Nixon would have to puke facts on demand.
No the UPROAR is that Boner's sequester requires ACROSS THE BOARD cuts to the military instead of cutting an equal amount required by Boner's sequester from the bloat and waste wherever it is found.
Don't you ever get tired of making a fool of yourself???

thats why I explained the budget process to you moron ( which only requires 50 votes to dummy, sound familiar?), which is what boehner has preferred and then tried to surface cut cap and balance..... there is and has been no way obama wants a formal budget done, thats why we have the sequester you nitwit. you're boring me now and stop cherry picking, thats always a bad sign, meltdown coming... :rolleyes:

again- you got the revenue, where are the cuts?

I am still waiting, edthefactbulemic...
"Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause."
- Victor Hugo

nice, :clap2:how about ;

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

John Adams

wheres the cuts ed?

come on now, time to pony up...we're waiting.

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