Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

Notice how all these mindless drones parrot the same misinformation. Woodward has been completely discredited by none other than Boner himself.

Please explain if the White House thought it up on July 27th how did Boner post it on his website on July 25th??????

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable |


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011

where in does is say they would raise taxes, providing the revenue obama demanded before any deal for cuts was implemented? This is in relation to raising the debt ceiling, hello, and if you're hung up on the term sequestration, hey, thats what it is, a hang up. Its the old “Cut, Cap, & Balance"

I don't see any caps on future spending in the sequestration, are they there in the sequestration plan? Wheres the 'balance'?


Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

you're putting the cart before the horse. aside from that, why on earth are you against this? Or are you just caught up in who's idea it was , the gop is not whining now, they say let it roll, so? you have made the same comments re: bloated defense here many times, so?

you got the tax revenue, now? time for some cuts? right?

and if this was such a horrible idea and a gop mechanism why was obama so dead set against rolling messing with it? Are you saying he was defending a GOP idea?
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!

you cannot read and as usual you breezed past my points the sequester and what bohner proposed in that link you provided are 2 different things predicated upon the debt ceiling and further spending in that context, , read what I wrote again.

and again-

wheres the cuts, you got the taxs, where are the cuts?
where in does is say they would raise taxes, providing the revenue obama demanded before any deal for cuts was implemented? This is in relation to raising the debt ceiling, hello, and if you're hung up on the term sequestration, hey, thats what it is, a hang up. Its the old “Cut, Cap, & Balance"

I don't see any caps on future spending in the sequestration, are they there in the sequestration plan? Wheres the 'balance'?


Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

you're putting the cart before the horse. aside from that, why on earth are you against this? Or are you just caught up in who's idea it was , the gop is not whining now, they say let it roll, so? you have made the same comments re: bloated defense here many times, so?

you got the tax revenue, now? time for some cuts? right?

and if this was such a horrible idea and a gop mechanism why was obama so dead set against rolling messing with it? Are you saying he was defending a GOP idea?
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!
Big Rebecca's retardation is spreading to Trajan.

you obviously have the same reading comprehension issues ed has, read bohners cut cap balance missive again dopey.
irrelevant now you're trying too crawl away and doing so moving the goal post.
Hell it passed a democratic controlled senate.
But I knew you couldn't address the facts.
Is "yes or no" too hard for you, retard? :lol:

Is irrelevant to hard too understand retard?

Well's not irrelevant. Liberals really have no history of pulling this type of shit.

Conservatives do.

Reagan wanted to spend? No problem. Liberals did some horse trading in congress and he got what he wanted.

Clinton? Conservatives shut down the government..not once..but twice.

Bush? With the exception of the first tax cut, because Bush threw paygo out the window with that one..same thing. Little horse trading..and he got what he wanted.

Obama? Conservatives are pulling the same old shit.

Is "yes or no" too hard for you, retard? :lol:

Is irrelevant to hard too understand retard?

Well's not irrelevant. Liberals really have no history of pulling this type of shit.

Conservatives do.

Reagan wanted to spend? No problem. Liberals did some horse trading in congress and he got what he wanted.

Clinton? Conservatives shut down the government..not once..but twice.

Bush? With the exception of the first tax cut, because Bush threw paygo out the window with that one..same thing. Little horse trading..and he got what he wanted.

Obama? Conservatives are pulling the same old shit.


god almighty, drunk again? well at least its past dark:rolleyes:

threw paygo out the window?

see this is why I call you STUPID- repeatedly.

Paygo expired in 2002 ......

and did I not post the paygo enactments of pelosi and obama for you? how many times?

Paygo was reenacted by congress in jan 2007......and in less than one year what happened? they threw it out the window, for real....

They are still running over it despite obama signing The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010........

oh and I love that out you gave yourself- liberals did some "horse trading" when Reagan ran a deficit....What a hack you are.....:lol:

you wanna take a 'hack' at the same questions I have asked the last 2 , obama got is tax revenues, hes big on 'balance' he said so ( and you swallow every morsel of shit he spouts) , so, wheres th cuts? why is he embarking on a whistle stop tour to pint th gop as heathens for letting the sequester hit? wheres his budget? where is his plan , wheres Harrys? The house has sent them budgets...........................well?
god almighty, drunk again? well at least its past dark:rolleyes:

threw paygo out the window?

see this is why I call you STUPID- repeatedly.

Paygo expired in 2002 ......

and did I not post the paygo enactments of pelosi and obama for you? how many times?

Paygo was reenacted by congress in jan 2007......and in less than one year what happened? they threw it out the window, for real....

They are still running over it despite obama signing The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010........

oh and I love that out you gave yourself- liberals did some "horse trading" when Reagan ran a deficit....What a hack you are.....:lol:

you wanna take a 'hack' at the same questions I have asked the last 2 , obama got is tax revenues, hes big on 'balance' he said so ( and you swallow every morsel of shit he spouts) , so, wheres th cuts? why is he embarking on a whistle stop tour to pint th gop as heathens for letting the sequester hit? wheres his budget? where is his plan , wheres Harrys? The house has sent them budgets...........................well?

Man Trajan..did you froth up all over your keyboard over that one?

Must have hit a nerve..since you had to throw in a couple of insults along with your convoluted post.

The point still stands..and by the helped it along..

Who allowed it to expire?

And who brought it back?

And why did it HAVE to be ignored?

In any case..Conservatives have been setting records this time around..and engaging in historic firsts.

Which is nothing new..since they've pulled this bullshit before.
god almighty, drunk again? well at least its past dark:rolleyes:

threw paygo out the window?

see this is why I call you STUPID- repeatedly.

Paygo expired in 2002 ......

and did I not post the paygo enactments of pelosi and obama for you? how many times?

Paygo was reenacted by congress in jan 2007......and in less than one year what happened? they threw it out the window, for real....

They are still running over it despite obama signing The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010........

oh and I love that out you gave yourself- liberals did some "horse trading" when Reagan ran a deficit....What a hack you are.....:lol:

you wanna take a 'hack' at the same questions I have asked the last 2 , obama got is tax revenues, hes big on 'balance' he said so ( and you swallow every morsel of shit he spouts) , so, wheres th cuts? why is he embarking on a whistle stop tour to pint th gop as heathens for letting the sequester hit? wheres his budget? where is his plan , wheres Harrys? The house has sent them budgets...........................well?

Man Trajan..did you froth up all over your keyboard over that one?

Must have hit a nerve..since you had to throw in a couple of insults along with your convoluted post.

The point still stands..and by the helped it along..

Who allowed it to expire?

And who brought it back?

And why did it HAVE to be ignored?

In any case..Conservatives have been setting records this time around..and engaging in historic firsts.

Which is nothing new..since they've pulled this bullshit before.

Me? no not at all, your stupidity is tiresome but you're entitled to it and you do it well. :rolleyes:

don't try that shit one me either with that "why did it have to be ignored", "why did it expire". it expired, bush was not end running the law, so your point is poopy.

pelosi and obama were and are end running it. period. suck it up, now if you had read and digested this the past 4-5 times I told you this very same thing, you would not have put your shoe in your mouth again.

what first are you even talking about, you're not even making sense.:rolleyes:

so again, where are the cuts obama promised and said he would provide ala deficit reduction and 'balance', he got the revenue, concentrate now becasue thats really the topic, sequester why the gop wants to let it roll and why obama after embracing it, now is shitting his pants 'frothing' at the horror of it all...

so? do you have an answer?
where in does is say they would raise taxes, providing the revenue obama demanded before any deal for cuts was implemented? This is in relation to raising the debt ceiling, hello, and if you're hung up on the term sequestration, hey, thats what it is, a hang up. Its the old “Cut, Cap, & Balance"

I don't see any caps on future spending in the sequestration, are they there in the sequestration plan? Wheres the 'balance'?


Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

you're putting the cart before the horse. aside from that, why on earth are you against this? Or are you just caught up in who's idea it was , the gop is not whining now, they say let it roll, so? you have made the same comments re: bloated defense here many times, so?

you got the tax revenue, now? time for some cuts? right?

and if this was such a horrible idea and a gop mechanism why was obama so dead set against rolling messing with it? Are you saying he was defending a GOP idea?
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!

you cannot read and as usual you breezed past my points the sequester and what bohner proposed in that link you provided are 2 different things predicated upon the debt ceiling and further spending in that context, , read what I wrote again.

and again-

wheres the cuts, you got the taxs, where are the cuts?
Stamping your feet and repeating your bullshit does not mean I can't read. You always give away that you know you are wrong when you spew your condescending insults.

The caps are in the same Budget Control Act as is the Boner sequester.

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - S.365 - CRS Summary - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Bill Summary & Status
112th Congress (2011 - 2012)
CRS Summary

Budget Control Act of 2011 - Title I: Ten-Year Discretionary Caps with Sequester - (Sec. 101) Amends the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act) to revise sequestration requirements for enforcement of discretionary spending limits (spending caps).

Requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to conduct such a sequestration to eliminate a budget year breach, if any.
Retard Ed has lost this discussion and if you're pushing the same bullshit you might as well crawl away.
Regardless who thought of sequester, since we know Boner and obama had meetings together
Here are some facts.
1. obama signed it into law now he's whining about it
2. obama said "In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal"
Meaning his idea
3 obama said he would veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

Those are facts
Now crawl away retard/
Did twice as many Republicans vote for it?

Yes or no?

the gop aren't the ones trotting out police and fireman ( state employees btw ) telling us the sky is falling, they appear to be content to let it hit, so the point is moot.

and speaking of content in the other context- wheres the cuts? you know, the 'balance'? he got his tax cuts, well?
The increased tax revenue is due to the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts.

It has nothing to do with the sequester deal, which was agreed to in exchange for the Republicans not getting our credit downgraded again.
Did twice as many Republicans vote for it?

Yes or no?

the gop aren't the ones trotting out police and fireman ( state employees btw ) telling us the sky is falling, they appear to be content to let it hit, so the point is moot.

and speaking of content in the other context- wheres the cuts? you know, the 'balance'? he got his tax cuts, well?
The increased tax revenue is due to the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts.

It has nothing to do with the sequester deal, which was agreed to in exchange for the Republicans not getting our credit downgraded again.

I like the "Trotting out Police and Fireman" crack and how they are "State" employees. Seems that both Reagan and BushII made sure that that cash flowed to those "States" to keep those folks employed and Conservatives shut down that spigot once Obama was in office.

Then complained about Unemployment.

obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.
For a Know-it-all you don't even know what is happening around you!!!!

If you remember, to delay the sequester from January to March cuts were agreed upon to offset more than what would have been cut by the sequester for those two months. the $85 billion that remains is for the remaining 10 months of 2013, it is not $85 billion a year for the remaining 9 years.
god almighty, drunk again? well at least its past dark:rolleyes:

threw paygo out the window?

see this is why I call you STUPID- repeatedly.

Paygo expired in 2002 ......

and did I not post the paygo enactments of pelosi and obama for you? how many times?

Paygo was reenacted by congress in jan 2007......and in less than one year what happened? they threw it out the window, for real....

They are still running over it despite obama signing The Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010........

oh and I love that out you gave yourself- liberals did some "horse trading" when Reagan ran a deficit....What a hack you are.....:lol:

you wanna take a 'hack' at the same questions I have asked the last 2 , obama got is tax revenues, hes big on 'balance' he said so ( and you swallow every morsel of shit he spouts) , so, wheres th cuts? why is he embarking on a whistle stop tour to pint th gop as heathens for letting the sequester hit? wheres his budget? where is his plan , wheres Harrys? The house has sent them budgets...........................well?

Man Trajan..did you froth up all over your keyboard over that one?

Must have hit a nerve..since you had to throw in a couple of insults along with your convoluted post.

The point still stands..and by the helped it along..

Who allowed it to expire?

And who brought it back?

And why did it HAVE to be ignored?

In any case..Conservatives have been setting records this time around..and engaging in historic firsts.

Which is nothing new..since they've pulled this bullshit before.

Me? no not at all, your stupidity is tiresome but you're entitled to it and you do it well. :rolleyes:

don't try that shit one me either with that "why did it have to be ignored", "why did it expire". it expired, bush was not end running the law, so your point is poopy.

pelosi and obama were and are end running it. period. suck it up, now if you had read and digested this the past 4-5 times I told you this very same thing, you would not have put your shoe in your mouth again.

what first are you even talking about, you're not even making sense.:rolleyes:

so again, where are the cuts obama promised and said he would provide ala deficit reduction and 'balance', he got the revenue, concentrate now becasue thats really the topic, sequester why the gop wants to let it roll and why obama after embracing it, now is shitting his pants 'frothing' at the horror of it all...

so? do you have an answer?

You can deny the history all you want, Trajan..

But the fact still remains..Bush screwed the Pooch so badly..that even with Paygo, congress had to start acting..and acting fast to avert financial cataclysm. And it wasn't even enough..because it wound up going into the next administration.

Hence the initial big spending in 2009 were a result of the big fucking mess left by your hero.

But take a look at the numbers..spending has been going DOWN..along with the DEFICIT, dude.

So it seems, Obama has been KEEPING HIS PROMISE, even though the numbers given out by the Bush administration WERE WRONG.

That's NOT ENOUGH for you folks. Your boys in Congress want to crash the economy to fulfill Grover Norquist's fantasy. And it's funny you guys didn't trot him out at ALL during the Bush administration.
Man Trajan..did you froth up all over your keyboard over that one?

Must have hit a nerve..since you had to throw in a couple of insults along with your convoluted post.

The point still stands..and by the helped it along..

Who allowed it to expire?

And who brought it back?

And why did it HAVE to be ignored?

In any case..Conservatives have been setting records this time around..and engaging in historic firsts.

Which is nothing new..since they've pulled this bullshit before.

Me? no not at all, your stupidity is tiresome but you're entitled to it and you do it well. :rolleyes:

don't try that shit one me either with that "why did it have to be ignored", "why did it expire". it expired, bush was not end running the law, so your point is poopy.

pelosi and obama were and are end running it. period. suck it up, now if you had read and digested this the past 4-5 times I told you this very same thing, you would not have put your shoe in your mouth again.

what first are you even talking about, you're not even making sense.:rolleyes:

so again, where are the cuts obama promised and said he would provide ala deficit reduction and 'balance', he got the revenue, concentrate now becasue thats really the topic, sequester why the gop wants to let it roll and why obama after embracing it, now is shitting his pants 'frothing' at the horror of it all...

so? do you have an answer?

You can deny the history all you want, Trajan..

But the fact still remains..Bush screwed the Pooch so badly..that even with Paygo, congress had to start acting..and acting fast to avert financial cataclysm. And it wasn't even enough..because it wound up going into the next administration.

Hence the initial big spending in 2009 were a result of the big fucking mess left by your hero.

But take a look at the numbers..spending has been going DOWN..along with the DEFICIT, dude.

So it seems, Obama has been KEEPING HIS PROMISE, even though the numbers given out by the Bush administration WERE WRONG.

That's NOT ENOUGH for you folks. Your boys in Congress want to crash the economy to fulfill Grover Norquist's fantasy. And it's funny you guys didn't trot him out at ALL during the Bush administration.

Bush has been long gone wise up this is all obama, and the democratic policies from the past .
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obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.
For a Know-it-all you don't even know what is happening around you!!!!

If you remember, to delay the sequester from January to March cuts were agreed upon to offset more than what would have been cut by the sequester for those two months. the $85 billion that remains is for the remaining 10 months of 2013, it is not $85 billion a year for the remaining 9 years.

You lost move on and take your damn loser whinny ass bitch president with you.
Is "yes or no" too hard for you, retard? :lol:

Is irrelevant to hard too understand retard?

Well's not irrelevant. Liberals really have no history of pulling this type of shit.

Conservatives do.

Reagan wanted to spend? No problem. Liberals did some horse trading in congress and he got what he wanted.

Clinton? Conservatives shut down the government..not once..but twice.

Bush? With the exception of the first tax cut, because Bush threw paygo out the window with that one..same thing. Little horse trading..and he got what he wanted.

Obama? Conservatives are pulling the same old shit.

That's funny decades of failed democratic freebies finally caught up with the economy
Oh and freebies are only good when it's a democrat doing, but if a republican does it you whine and bitch.
Who signed the bill into law?
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Regardless who thought of sequester, since we know Bohner and obama had meetings together
Here are some facts.
1. obama signed it into law now he's whining about it
2. obama said "In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal"
Meaning his idea
3 obama said he would veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.
obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.
For a Know-it-all you don't even know what is happening around you!!!!

If you remember, to delay the sequester from January to March cuts were agreed upon to offset more than what would have been cut by the sequester for those two months. the $85 billion that remains is for the remaining 10 months of 2013, it is not $85 billion a year for the remaining 9 years.

You lost move on and take your damn loser whinny ass bitch president with you.
IOW, another Wingnut know-it-all makes a fool of himself and shows he has no idea of what has been going on around him in the real world, and I exposed it, so I must be attacked personally and called a loser for having the better argument. :cuckoo:
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For a Know-it-all you don't even know what is happening around you!!!!

If you remember, to delay the sequester from January to March cuts were agreed upon to offset more than what would have been cut by the sequester for those two months. the $85 billion that remains is for the remaining 10 months of 2013, it is not $85 billion a year for the remaining 9 years.

You lost move on and take your damn loser whinny ass bitch president with you.
IOW, another Wingnut makes a fool of himself and shows he has no idea of what has been going on around him in the real world, and I exposed it, so I must be attacked personally and called a loser for having the better argument. :cuckoo:

YOU lost move on.
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!

you cannot read and as usual you breezed past my points the sequester and what bohner proposed in that link you provided are 2 different things predicated upon the debt ceiling and further spending in that context, , read what I wrote again.

and again-

wheres the cuts, you got the taxs, where are the cuts?
Stamping your feet and repeating your bullshit does not mean I can't read. You always give away that you know you are wrong when you spew your condescending insults.

The caps are in the same Budget Control Act as is the Boner sequester.

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - S.365 - CRS Summary - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Bill Summary & Status
112th Congress (2011 - 2012)
CRS Summary

Budget Control Act of 2011 - Title I: Ten-Year Discretionary Caps with Sequester - (Sec. 101) Amends the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act) to revise sequestration requirements for enforcement of discretionary spending limits (spending caps).

Requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to conduct such a sequestration to eliminate a budget year breach, if any.

you are suffering the same critical thinking fail you exhibited via the woodward link and the cut cap and balance.

bi-partisan committees decide in conference on a framework ( from the president which is missing in action, again) as how cuts/buudgets are managed- who gets what who doesn't and then they agree in the house via a bi partisan committee, then they send it to the senate , they do same among their committees, they send it back to the house, IF there were changes they committee again, if the senate agrees with any changes/amendments that have been made by the house- it is now a bill ready for a vote. Boehners missive in that link speaks to CCB as an instrument BEFORE the debt ceiling is lifted further. And this was before obama got his tax revenue.

Boehner is exasperation n after sending the senate 2 bills last summer told reid in December, when they lost the tax fight, the taxs are coming and its your turn to send the house a bill to committee regards the sequester, where is it?

I am still waiting for the answer to my question- wheres the cuts? obama got his revenue, he could put this to bed tomorrow, where are the cuts???
Man Trajan..did you froth up all over your keyboard over that one?

Must have hit a nerve..since you had to throw in a couple of insults along with your convoluted post.

The point still stands..and by the helped it along..

Who allowed it to expire?

And who brought it back?

And why did it HAVE to be ignored?

In any case..Conservatives have been setting records this time around..and engaging in historic firsts.

Which is nothing new..since they've pulled this bullshit before.

Me? no not at all, your stupidity is tiresome but you're entitled to it and you do it well. :rolleyes:

don't try that shit one me either with that "why did it have to be ignored", "why did it expire". it expired, bush was not end running the law, so your point is poopy.

pelosi and obama were and are end running it. period. suck it up, now if you had read and digested this the past 4-5 times I told you this very same thing, you would not have put your shoe in your mouth again.

what first are you even talking about, you're not even making sense.:rolleyes:

so again, where are the cuts obama promised and said he would provide ala deficit reduction and 'balance', he got the revenue, concentrate now becasue thats really the topic, sequester why the gop wants to let it roll and why obama after embracing it, now is shitting his pants 'frothing' at the horror of it all...

so? do you have an answer?

You can deny the history all you want, Trajan..

But the fact still remains..Bush screwed the Pooch so badly..that even with Paygo, congress had to start acting..and acting fast to avert financial cataclysm. And it wasn't even enough..because it wound up going into the next administration.

Hence the initial big spending in 2009 were a result of the big fucking mess left by your hero.

But take a look at the numbers..spending has been going DOWN..along with the DEFICIT, dude.

So it seems, Obama has been KEEPING HIS PROMISE, even though the numbers given out by the Bush administration WERE WRONG.

That's NOT ENOUGH for you folks. Your boys in Congress want to crash the economy to fulfill Grover Norquist's fantasy. And it's funny you guys didn't trot him out at ALL during the Bush administration.

you're babbling, stop posting drunk:rolleyes:
Me? no not at all, your stupidity is tiresome but you're entitled to it and you do it well. :rolleyes:

don't try that shit one me either with that "why did it have to be ignored", "why did it expire". it expired, bush was not end running the law, so your point is poopy.

pelosi and obama were and are end running it. period. suck it up, now if you had read and digested this the past 4-5 times I told you this very same thing, you would not have put your shoe in your mouth again.

what first are you even talking about, you're not even making sense.:rolleyes:

so again, where are the cuts obama promised and said he would provide ala deficit reduction and 'balance', he got the revenue, concentrate now becasue thats really the topic, sequester why the gop wants to let it roll and why obama after embracing it, now is shitting his pants 'frothing' at the horror of it all...

so? do you have an answer?

You can deny the history all you want, Trajan..

But the fact still remains..Bush screwed the Pooch so badly..that even with Paygo, congress had to start acting..and acting fast to avert financial cataclysm. And it wasn't even enough..because it wound up going into the next administration.

Hence the initial big spending in 2009 were a result of the big fucking mess left by your hero.

But take a look at the numbers..spending has been going DOWN..along with the DEFICIT, dude.

So it seems, Obama has been KEEPING HIS PROMISE, even though the numbers given out by the Bush administration WERE WRONG.

That's NOT ENOUGH for you folks. Your boys in Congress want to crash the economy to fulfill Grover Norquist's fantasy. And it's funny you guys didn't trot him out at ALL during the Bush administration.

Bush has been long gone wise up this is all obama, and the democratic policies from the past .


And both SPENDING and the DEFICIT have gone down..since 2009.

It's not like Conservatives will ever admit that.

And the ones we have in congress are oblivious to that..and many have taken on a brand shiny "new" austerity meme..which is pretty surprising..since many of them were rubber stamping Bush's spending.

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