Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

As I predicted, the Misinformation Voter cannot figure anything out for themself even when handed to them on a silver platter.

Since it was too difficult for you to follow the words on the video, here is a transcript of what came immediately after the GOP's dishonestly edited snippet you swallowed whole.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.

It's a fucking conspiracy I've posted two video and now the complete text with link unlike what you did without a link
Everybody is lying but obama?:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:


James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

5:44 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. As you all know, last summer I signed a law that will cut nearly $1 trillion of spending over the next 10 years. Part of that law also required Congress to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.2 trillion by the end of this year.

In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal. It's a plan that would reduce the deficit by an additional $3 trillion, by cutting spending, slowing the growth of Medicare and Medicaid, and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.

In addition to my plan, there were a number of other bipartisan plans for them to consider from both Democrats and Republicans, all of which promoted a balanced approach. This kind of balanced approach to reducing our deficit -- an approach where everybody gives a little bit, and everyone does their fair share -- is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans -- Democrats, independents, and Republicans. It’s supported by experts and economists from all across the political spectrum. And to their credit, many Democrats in Congress were willing to put politics aside and commit to reasonable adjustments that would have reduced the cost of Medicare, as long as they were part of a balanced approach.

But despite the broad agreement that exists for such an approach, there's still too many Republicans in Congress who have refused to listen to the voices of reason and compromise that are coming from outside of Washington. They continue to insist on protecting $100 billion worth of tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans at any cost, even if it means reducing the deficit with deep cuts to things like education and medical research. Even if it means deep cuts in Medicare.

So at this point, at least, they simply will not budge from that negotiating position. And so far, that refusal continues to be the main stumbling block that has prevented Congress from reaching an agreement to further reduce our deficit.

Now, we are not in the same situation that we were -- that we were in in August. There is no imminent threat to us defaulting on the debt that we owe. There are already $1 trillion worth of spending cuts that are locked in. And part of the law that I signed this summer stated that if Congress could not reach an agreement on the deficit, there would be another $1.2 trillion of automatic cuts in 2013 -– divided equally between domestic spending and defense spending.

One way or another, we will be trimming the deficit by a total of at least $2.2 trillion over the next 10 years. That's going to happen, one way or another. We've got $1 trillion locked in, and either Congress comes up with $1.2 trillion, which so far they've failed to do, or the sequester kicks in and these automatic spending cuts will occur that bring in an additional $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction.

Now, the question right now is whether we can reduce the deficit in a way that helps the economy grow, that operates with a scalpel, not with a hatchet, and if not, whether Congress is willing to stick to the painful deal that we made in August for the automatic cuts. Already, some in Congress are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts.

My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.

Now, in the meantime, we've got a lot of work left to do this year. Before Congress leaves next month, we have to work together to cut taxes for workers and small business owners all across America. If we don’t act, taxes will go up for every single American, starting next year. And I’m not about to let that happen. Middle-class Americans can’t afford to lose $1,000 next year because Congress won’t act. And I can only hope that members of Congress who've been fighting so hard to protect tax breaks for the wealthy will fight just as hard to protect tax breaks for small business owners and middle-class families.

We still need to put construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads and our bridges. We still need to put our teachers back in the classroom educating our kids.

So when everybody gets back from Thanksgiving, it’s time to get some work done for the American people. All around the country, Americans are working hard to live within their means and meet their responsibilities. And I know they expect Washington to do the same.


END 5:50 P.M. EST

Obama Supercommittee Speech Transcript: No Easy Off Ramps to Cutting Deficit

obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.
Sequestration: Blame goes to Obama admin. for thinking it up and now whining about its impact


“There was an insistence on the part of Republicans in Congress for there to be some automatic trigger,” Lew said while campaigning in Florida. It “was very much rooted in the Republican congressional insistence that there be an automatic measure.”

The president and Lew had this wrong. My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.

Nabors has told others that they checked with the president before going to see Reid. A mandatory sequester was the only action-forcing mechanism they could devise. Nabors has said, “We didn’t actually think it would be that hard to convince them” — Reid and the Republicans — to adopt the sequester. “It really was the only thing we had. There was not a lot of other options left on the table.”

Bob Woodward: Obama?s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post

any questions?
Notice how all these mindless drones parrot the same misinformation. Woodward has been completely discredited by none other than Boner himself.

Please explain if the White House thought it up on July 27th how did Boner post it on his website on July 25th??????

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable |


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011

where in does is say they would raise taxes, providing the revenue obama demanded before any deal for cuts was implemented? This is in relation to raising the debt ceiling, hello, and if you're hung up on the term sequestration, hey, thats what it is, a hang up. Its the old “Cut, Cap, & Balance"

I don't see any caps on future spending in the sequestration, are they there in the sequestration plan? Wheres the 'balance'?


Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

you're putting the cart before the horse. aside from that, why on earth are you against this? Or are you just caught up in who's idea it was , the gop is not whining now, they say let it roll, so? you have made the same comments re: bloated defense here many times, so?

you got the tax revenue, now? time for some cuts? right?

and if this was such a horrible idea and a gop mechanism why was obama so dead set against rolling messing with it? Are you saying he was defending a GOP idea?
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!
Notice how all these mindless drones parrot the same misinformation. Woodward has been completely discredited by none other than Boner himself.

Please explain if the White House thought it up on July 27th how did Boner post it on his website on July 25th??????

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable |


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011

where in does is say they would raise taxes, providing the revenue obama demanded before any deal for cuts was implemented? This is in relation to raising the debt ceiling, hello, and if you're hung up on the term sequestration, hey, thats what it is, a hang up. Its the old “Cut, Cap, & Balance"

I don't see any caps on future spending in the sequestration, are they there in the sequestration plan? Wheres the 'balance'?


Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

you're putting the cart before the horse. aside from that, why on earth are you against this? Or are you just caught up in who's idea it was , the gop is not whining now, they say let it roll, so? you have made the same comments re: bloated defense here many times, so?

you got the tax revenue, now? time for some cuts? right?

and if this was such a horrible idea and a gop mechanism why was obama so dead set against rolling messing with it? Are you saying he was defending a GOP idea?
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!


Obama: Good afternoon. As you all know, last summer I signed a law that will cut nearly $1 trillion of spending over the next 10 years. Part of that law also required Congress to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.2 trillion by the end of this year.
He signed it into law it's his baby.
The thing is, we aren't talking about actual cuts where we spend less money than last year, we're talking about a smaller increase in the extra money we're going to spend this year. By some accounts it ain't even $85 billion, it's more like $53 billion and some say less than that. God Damn, if we can't reduce our spending by that much without incurring untold catastrophes, then we're in really big trouble.
As I predicted, the Misinformation Voter cannot figure anything out for themself even when handed to them on a silver platter.

Since it was too difficult for you to follow the words on the video, here is a transcript of what came immediately after the GOP's dishonestly edited snippet you swallowed whole.

It's a fucking conspiracy I've posted two video and now the complete text with link unlike what you did without a link
Everybody is lying but obama?:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:


James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

5:44 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. As you all know, last summer I signed a law that will cut nearly $1 trillion of spending over the next 10 years. Part of that law also required Congress to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.2 trillion by the end of this year.

In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal. It's a plan that would reduce the deficit by an additional $3 trillion, by cutting spending, slowing the growth of Medicare and Medicaid, and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.

In addition to my plan, there were a number of other bipartisan plans for them to consider from both Democrats and Republicans, all of which promoted a balanced approach. This kind of balanced approach to reducing our deficit -- an approach where everybody gives a little bit, and everyone does their fair share -- is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans -- Democrats, independents, and Republicans. It’s supported by experts and economists from all across the political spectrum. And to their credit, many Democrats in Congress were willing to put politics aside and commit to reasonable adjustments that would have reduced the cost of Medicare, as long as they were part of a balanced approach.

But despite the broad agreement that exists for such an approach, there's still too many Republicans in Congress who have refused to listen to the voices of reason and compromise that are coming from outside of Washington. They continue to insist on protecting $100 billion worth of tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans at any cost, even if it means reducing the deficit with deep cuts to things like education and medical research. Even if it means deep cuts in Medicare.

So at this point, at least, they simply will not budge from that negotiating position. And so far, that refusal continues to be the main stumbling block that has prevented Congress from reaching an agreement to further reduce our deficit.

Now, we are not in the same situation that we were -- that we were in in August. There is no imminent threat to us defaulting on the debt that we owe. There are already $1 trillion worth of spending cuts that are locked in. And part of the law that I signed this summer stated that if Congress could not reach an agreement on the deficit, there would be another $1.2 trillion of automatic cuts in 2013 -– divided equally between domestic spending and defense spending.

One way or another, we will be trimming the deficit by a total of at least $2.2 trillion over the next 10 years. That's going to happen, one way or another. We've got $1 trillion locked in, and either Congress comes up with $1.2 trillion, which so far they've failed to do, or the sequester kicks in and these automatic spending cuts will occur that bring in an additional $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction.

Now, the question right now is whether we can reduce the deficit in a way that helps the economy grow, that operates with a scalpel, not with a hatchet, and if not, whether Congress is willing to stick to the painful deal that we made in August for the automatic cuts. Already, some in Congress are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts.

My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.

Now, in the meantime, we've got a lot of work left to do this year. Before Congress leaves next month, we have to work together to cut taxes for workers and small business owners all across America. If we don’t act, taxes will go up for every single American, starting next year. And I’m not about to let that happen. Middle-class Americans can’t afford to lose $1,000 next year because Congress won’t act. And I can only hope that members of Congress who've been fighting so hard to protect tax breaks for the wealthy will fight just as hard to protect tax breaks for small business owners and middle-class families.

We still need to put construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads and our bridges. We still need to put our teachers back in the classroom educating our kids.

So when everybody gets back from Thanksgiving, it’s time to get some work done for the American people. All around the country, Americans are working hard to live within their means and meet their responsibilities. And I know they expect Washington to do the same.


END 5:50 P.M. EST

Obama Supercommittee Speech Transcript: No Easy Off Ramps to Cutting Deficit

obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.

Ed's trying to say Bohner came up with the concept of sequester because he had a letter dated 2 days before obama did.
I'm sure those two had meetings and discussed what was going too happen.
Regardless who came up with the idea obama owns it because he signed it into law.
The thing is, we aren't talking about actual cuts where we spend less money than last year, we're talking about a smaller increase in the extra money we're going to spend this year. By some accounts it ain't even $85 billion, it's more like $53 billion and some say less than that. God Damn, if we can't reduce our spending by that much without incurring untold catastrophes, then we're in really big trouble.
obama is worried that obamacare will have to be killed because it can't be funded.
where in does is say they would raise taxes, providing the revenue obama demanded before any deal for cuts was implemented? This is in relation to raising the debt ceiling, hello, and if you're hung up on the term sequestration, hey, thats what it is, a hang up. Its the old “Cut, Cap, & Balance"

I don't see any caps on future spending in the sequestration, are they there in the sequestration plan? Wheres the 'balance'?


Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

you're putting the cart before the horse. aside from that, why on earth are you against this? Or are you just caught up in who's idea it was , the gop is not whining now, they say let it roll, so? you have made the same comments re: bloated defense here many times, so?

you got the tax revenue, now? time for some cuts? right?

and if this was such a horrible idea and a gop mechanism why was obama so dead set against rolling messing with it? Are you saying he was defending a GOP idea?
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!


Obama: Good afternoon. As you all know, last summer I signed a law that will cut nearly $1 trillion of spending over the next 10 years. Part of that law also required Congress to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.2 trillion by the end of this year.
He signed it into law it's his baby.
Funny how many times CON$ show they are always on both sides of every issue!!! How many times have we heard CON$ say Bush was not responsible for anything he signed after the Dems took over in Jan 2007???? Now all of a sudden, you sign it you own it. My how the worm turns!
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!


Obama: Good afternoon. As you all know, last summer I signed a law that will cut nearly $1 trillion of spending over the next 10 years. Part of that law also required Congress to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.2 trillion by the end of this year.
He signed it into law it's his baby.
Funny how many times CON$ show they are always on both sides of every issue!!! How many times have we heard CON$ say Bush was not responsible for anything he signed after the Dems took over in Jan 2007???? Now all of a sudden, you sign it you own it. My how the worm turns!

Whom signed it into law? Now who's whining about it because he signed it into law?
So he's blaming the republicans for what he signed into law. Do you see how childish obama is?
The same dishonestly edited video, parroted by the same dishonest Misinformation Voter. So tell me what did Obama say immediately after your snippet ends that had to be dishonestly edited out?

Let's see if a typical Misinformation Voter can figure out something for himself. I'm betting you can't!
What fucking edit are you talking about?
[ame=]President Obama Super Committee Statement (November 21, 2011) - YouTube[/ame]
As I predicted, the Misinformation Voter cannot figure anything out for themself even when handed to them on a silver platter.

Since it was too difficult for you to follow the words on the video, here is a transcript of what came immediately after the GOP's dishonestly edited snippet you swallowed whole.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.
Big Rebecca is a retard.
Notice how all these mindless drones parrot the same misinformation. Woodward has been completely discredited by none other than Boner himself.

Please explain if the White House thought it up on July 27th how did Boner post it on his website on July 25th??????

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable |


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011

where in does is say they would raise taxes, providing the revenue obama demanded before any deal for cuts was implemented? This is in relation to raising the debt ceiling, hello, and if you're hung up on the term sequestration, hey, thats what it is, a hang up. Its the old “Cut, Cap, & Balance"

I don't see any caps on future spending in the sequestration, are they there in the sequestration plan? Wheres the 'balance'?


Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.

you're putting the cart before the horse. aside from that, why on earth are you against this? Or are you just caught up in who's idea it was , the gop is not whining now, they say let it roll, so? you have made the same comments re: bloated defense here many times, so?

you got the tax revenue, now? time for some cuts? right?

and if this was such a horrible idea and a gop mechanism why was obama so dead set against rolling messing with it? Are you saying he was defending a GOP idea?
Oh for God's sake, child, you can't support your phony claim that the Obama admin thought up the sequester since Boner had it posted on his website before the Obama admin ever thought it up, so you rant and rave about taxes and what-not. Come on and man up, child, and admit you were wrong!
Big Rebecca's retardation is spreading to Trajan.
It's a fucking conspiracy I've posted two video and now the complete text with link unlike what you did without a link
Everybody is lying but obama?:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:


James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

5:44 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. As you all know, last summer I signed a law that will cut nearly $1 trillion of spending over the next 10 years. Part of that law also required Congress to reduce the deficit by an additional $1.2 trillion by the end of this year.

In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal. It's a plan that would reduce the deficit by an additional $3 trillion, by cutting spending, slowing the growth of Medicare and Medicaid, and asking the wealthiest Americans to pay their fair share.

In addition to my plan, there were a number of other bipartisan plans for them to consider from both Democrats and Republicans, all of which promoted a balanced approach. This kind of balanced approach to reducing our deficit -- an approach where everybody gives a little bit, and everyone does their fair share -- is supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans -- Democrats, independents, and Republicans. It’s supported by experts and economists from all across the political spectrum. And to their credit, many Democrats in Congress were willing to put politics aside and commit to reasonable adjustments that would have reduced the cost of Medicare, as long as they were part of a balanced approach.

But despite the broad agreement that exists for such an approach, there's still too many Republicans in Congress who have refused to listen to the voices of reason and compromise that are coming from outside of Washington. They continue to insist on protecting $100 billion worth of tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans at any cost, even if it means reducing the deficit with deep cuts to things like education and medical research. Even if it means deep cuts in Medicare.

So at this point, at least, they simply will not budge from that negotiating position. And so far, that refusal continues to be the main stumbling block that has prevented Congress from reaching an agreement to further reduce our deficit.

Now, we are not in the same situation that we were -- that we were in in August. There is no imminent threat to us defaulting on the debt that we owe. There are already $1 trillion worth of spending cuts that are locked in. And part of the law that I signed this summer stated that if Congress could not reach an agreement on the deficit, there would be another $1.2 trillion of automatic cuts in 2013 -– divided equally between domestic spending and defense spending.

One way or another, we will be trimming the deficit by a total of at least $2.2 trillion over the next 10 years. That's going to happen, one way or another. We've got $1 trillion locked in, and either Congress comes up with $1.2 trillion, which so far they've failed to do, or the sequester kicks in and these automatic spending cuts will occur that bring in an additional $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction.

Now, the question right now is whether we can reduce the deficit in a way that helps the economy grow, that operates with a scalpel, not with a hatchet, and if not, whether Congress is willing to stick to the painful deal that we made in August for the automatic cuts. Already, some in Congress are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts.

My message to them is simple: No. I will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.

Now, in the meantime, we've got a lot of work left to do this year. Before Congress leaves next month, we have to work together to cut taxes for workers and small business owners all across America. If we don’t act, taxes will go up for every single American, starting next year. And I’m not about to let that happen. Middle-class Americans can’t afford to lose $1,000 next year because Congress won’t act. And I can only hope that members of Congress who've been fighting so hard to protect tax breaks for the wealthy will fight just as hard to protect tax breaks for small business owners and middle-class families.

We still need to put construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads and our bridges. We still need to put our teachers back in the classroom educating our kids.

So when everybody gets back from Thanksgiving, it’s time to get some work done for the American people. All around the country, Americans are working hard to live within their means and meet their responsibilities. And I know they expect Washington to do the same.


END 5:50 P.M. EST

Obama Supercommittee Speech Transcript: No Easy Off Ramps to Cutting Deficit

obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.

Ed's trying to say Bohner came up with the concept of sequester because he had a letter dated 2 days before obama did.
I'm sure those two had meetings and discussed what was going too happen.
Regardless who came up with the idea obama owns it because he signed it into law.

It only got to his desk because twice as many Republicans as Democrats voted for it, retard.
Last edited:
As I predicted, the Misinformation Voter cannot figure anything out for themself even when handed to them on a silver platter.

Since it was too difficult for you to follow the words on the video, here is a transcript of what came immediately after the GOP's dishonestly edited snippet you swallowed whole.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.
Big Rebecca is a retard.

Cynthia is a retard ****, that can't handle the facts.
obama and the dems have painted themselves into their own corner, over that ten year window , the 1.2 trillion he alludes to above, is still short as the sequester only cuts 850 Bn, if he and the dems cannot even stomach 850 bn, there is no way they are coming up with another 350 bn either, and, remember when he made this speech he didn't have his tax revenues either.

I am sure this will all make Eds head explode, but theres no way out.

Ed's trying to say Bohner came up with the concept of sequester because he had a letter dated 2 days before obama did.
I'm sure those two had meetings and discussed what was going too happen.
Regardless who came up with the idea obama owns it because he signed it into law.

It only got to his desk because twice as many Republicans as Democrats voted for it, retard.

Retard Ed has lost this discussion and if you're pushing the same bullshit you might as well crawl away.
Regardless who thought of sequester, since we know Boner and obama had meetings together
Here are some facts.
1. obama signed it into law now he's whining about it
2. obama said "In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal"
Meaning his idea
3 obama said he would veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

Those are facts
Now crawl away retard/
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Ed's trying to say Bohner came up with the concept of sequester because he had a letter dated 2 days before obama did.
I'm sure those two had meetings and discussed what was going too happen.
Regardless who came up with the idea obama owns it because he signed it into law.

It only got to his desk because twice as many Republicans as Democrats voted for it, retard.

Retard Ed has lost this discussion and if you're pushing the same bullshit you might as well crawl away.
Regardless who thought of sequester, since we know Boner and obama had meetings together
Here are some facts.
1. obama signed it into law now he's whining about it
2. obama said "In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal"
Meaning his idea
3 obama said he would veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

Those are facts
Now crawl away retard/
Did twice as many Republicans vote for it?

Yes or no?
It only got to his desk because twice as many Republicans as Democrats voted for it, retard.

Retard Ed has lost this discussion and if you're pushing the same bullshit you might as well crawl away.
Regardless who thought of sequester, since we know Boner and obama had meetings together
Here are some facts.
1. obama signed it into law now he's whining about it
2. obama said "In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal"
Meaning his idea
3 obama said he would veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

Those are facts
Now crawl away retard/
Did twice as many Republicans vote for it?

Yes or no?

irrelevant now you're trying too crawl away and doing so moving the goal post.
Hell it passed a democratic controlled senate.
But I knew you couldn't address the facts.
Retard Ed has lost this discussion and if you're pushing the same bullshit you might as well crawl away.
Regardless who thought of sequester, since we know Boner and obama had meetings together
Here are some facts.
1. obama signed it into law now he's whining about it
2. obama said "In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal"
Meaning his idea
3 obama said he would veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

Those are facts
Now crawl away retard/
Did twice as many Republicans vote for it?

Yes or no?

irrelevant now you're trying too crawl away and doing so moving the goal post.
Hell it passed a democratic controlled senate.
But I knew you couldn't address the facts.
Is "yes or no" too hard for you, retard? :lol:
It only got to his desk because twice as many Republicans as Democrats voted for it, retard.

Retard Ed has lost this discussion and if you're pushing the same bullshit you might as well crawl away.
Regardless who thought of sequester, since we know Boner and obama had meetings together
Here are some facts.
1. obama signed it into law now he's whining about it
2. obama said "In September, I sent them a detailed plan that would have gone above and beyond that goal"
Meaning his idea
3 obama said he would veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts to domestic and defense spending. There will be no easy off ramps on this one.

Those are facts
Now crawl away retard/
Did twice as many Republicans vote for it?

Yes or no?

the gop aren't the ones trotting out police and fireman ( state employees btw ) telling us the sky is falling, they appear to be content to let it hit, so the point is moot.

and speaking of content in the other context- wheres the cuts? you know, the 'balance'? he got his tax cuts, well?

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