Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

I admit you're a liar
Once again the text of the speech

Now dumb ass show me where it's edited?
And show me where you posted the speech?
YOU posted the dishonestly edited video THREE times before I challenged you to post the part that comes immediately after YOUR dishonestly edited video ends. Then and only then did you post the unedited video.

Here is the part that comes after YOUR dishonestly edited video, followed by the link to where I challenged you to post what came after YOUR dishonestly edited video ended.

We need to keep the pressure up to compromise -- not turn off the pressure. The only way these spending cuts will not take place is if Congress gets back to work and agrees on a balanced plan to reduce the deficit by at least $1.2 trillion. That’s exactly what they need to do. That’s the job they promised to do. And they've still got a year to figure it out.

Although Congress has not come to an agreement yet, nothing prevents them from coming up with an agreement in the days ahead. They can still come together around a balanced plan. I believe Democrats are prepared to do so. My expectation is, is that there will be some Republicans who are still interested in preventing the automatic cuts from taking place. And, as I have from the beginning, I stand ready and willing to work with anybody that’s ready to engage in that effort to create a balanced plan for deficit reduction.

you're additional verbiage doesn't mean a great deal, he is defending the sequester too, he says, he will veto any bill set forth to stop it, sounds pretty clear to me.....

oh, and-

JAY CARNEY: What I will concede is that we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build a mechanism to get us out of default possibility and the sequester was one of the idea put forward, yes by the president's team. (Special Report, February 12, 2013)

video at link-

Jay Carney Admits Sequester Was The President's Idea | RealClearPolitics

Dems and GOP have competing bills now. Obama wouldn't have to veto a bill the GOP can't pass alone. wtf are you ranting about?
The GOP will get the majority of the blame of something they now try to claim with not be harmful. So why all the fight about here? If the sequester will be harmless why try so hard to blame Obama and the Dems?

Did the right wingers not get the latest memo or are they all so cognitively dissonant their unhinged persona have taken over completely?

“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens. And Republicans say: See, that wasn’t so bad."


The big sequester gamble: How badly will the cuts hurt? - Washington Post

makes your cynicism pale by comparison dante...:rolleyes:
YOU posted the dishonestly edited video THREE times before I challenged you to post the part that comes immediately after YOUR dishonestly edited video ends. Then and only then did you post the unedited video.

Here is the part that comes after YOUR dishonestly edited video, followed by the link to where I challenged you to post what came after YOUR dishonestly edited video ended.

you're additional verbiage doesn't mean a great deal, he is defending the sequester too, he says, he will veto any bill set forth to stop it, sounds pretty clear to me.....

oh, and-

JAY CARNEY: What I will concede is that we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build a mechanism to get us out of default possibility and the sequester was one of the idea put forward, yes by the president's team. (Special Report, February 12, 2013)

video at link-

Jay Carney Admits Sequester Was The President's Idea | RealClearPolitics

Dems and GOP have competing bills now. Obama wouldn't have to veto a bill the GOP can't pass alone. wtf are you ranting about?

I told you, breath into a paperbag, it will pass.

the only one ranting here appears to be're all over the place.

so- obama defended a piece of shit bill that is now Armageddon in his own rantings, that btw, he and his admin. he had zip to do with :eusa_whistle:Oh and Carney is it:lol:
YOU posted the dishonestly edited video THREE times before I challenged you to post the part that comes immediately after YOUR dishonestly edited video ends. Then and only then did you post the unedited video.

Here is the part that comes after YOUR dishonestly edited video, followed by the link to where I challenged you to post what came after YOUR dishonestly edited video ended.

Dumb ass I also posted the text of the speech the video is word for word the same as the text of the speech from two different sources. Now I think you have the edited source.
Poor little lying Reb POS is pissed that I linked to his edited video that he posted three times. The lying POS posted the edited video twice, I then challenged him to post the unedited video, he posted the edited video a third time, and then and only then did he post the unedited video!

Your first post of the edited video

Your second post of the edited video

Your third post of the edited video

You keep posting links too this thread as your source with only your opinion as the source?
Do you understand the video I posted was not edited because you can read the text OF THE SPEECH.
you're additional verbiage doesn't mean a great deal, he is defending the sequester too, he says, he will veto any bill set forth to stop it, sounds pretty clear to me.....

oh, and-

JAY CARNEY: What I will concede is that we were looking and the Republicans were looking for a trigger around which to build a mechanism to get us out of default possibility and the sequester was one of the idea put forward, yes by the president's team. (Special Report, February 12, 2013)

video at link-

Jay Carney Admits Sequester Was The President's Idea | RealClearPolitics

Dems and GOP have competing bills now. Obama wouldn't have to veto a bill the GOP can't pass alone. wtf are you ranting about?

I told you, breath into a paperbag, it will pass.

the only one ranting here appears to be're all over the place.

so- obama defended a piece of shit bill that is now Armageddon in his own rantings, that btw, he and his admin. he had zip to do with :eusa_whistle:Oh and Carney is it:lol:

Context and time. That was then, this is now. The day you started to blame Obama for a suggestion and imply that lets the GOP off the hook is the day you lost much credibility

The sequester is a Congressional bill that Obama signed. Who wrote and passed the bill? Not the Executive Branch
The GOP will get the majority of the blame of something they now try to claim with not be harmful. So why all the fight about here? If the sequester will be harmless why try so hard to blame Obama and the Dems?

Did the right wingers not get the latest memo or are they all so cognitively dissonant their unhinged persona have taken over completely?

“The good news is, the world doesn’t end March 2. The bad news is, the world doesn’t end March 2,” said Emily Holubowich, a Washington health-care lobbyist who leads a coalition of 3,000 nonprofit groups fighting the cuts. “The worst-case scenario for us is the sequester hits and nothing bad really happens. And Republicans say: See, that wasn’t so bad."


The big sequester gamble: How badly will the cuts hurt? - Washington Post

makes your cynicism pale by comparison dante...:rolleyes:

The cognitive dissonance is hilarious. The GOP is arguing over how little effect the sequester with have at the same time they are in panic mode trying to lay any blame for harm on Obama.
By 45% to 37%, Americans Want to Avert Sequestration

At first glance these numbers seem pretty bad for Republicans. Looking at them more closely they are devastating.





To summarize:
  • 'Pass/let happen' sequester, everyone would like to see sequester avoided with Democrats with a good sized margin.
  • Following sequester news closely, for Republicans a wide margin more than less watchin, Democrats ten point spread so about even. Overall the closely watching is heavily weighted Republicans.
  • If you're paying attention do you want to avoid, pretty much the same if watching closely or not except in the 'no opinion'.
  • Last one, whose to blame. President: 45-45: even split; Democrats: 37-50: 13 point spread; Republicans: 25-60: 35 point spread.
Like I said, the numbers look pretty bad, right? So what's the devastating part? If you didn't notice, look at the bolded part again. How about some basic math:

Heavily weighted Republican + 35 point spread Republicans to blame = :eek:

Until tomorrow:
Dante, you would blame your weight on the GOP. Why the heck should we care who you blame?
Dumb ass I also posted the text of the speech the video is word for word the same as the text of the speech from two different sources. Now I think you have the edited source.
Poor little lying Reb POS is pissed that I linked to his edited video that he posted three times. The lying POS posted the edited video twice, I then challenged him to post the unedited video, he posted the edited video a third time, and then and only then did he post the unedited video!

Your first post of the edited video

Your second post of the edited video

Your third post of the edited video

You keep posting links too this thread as your source with only your opinion as the source?
Do you understand the video I posted was not edited because you can read the text OF THE SPEECH.
Hey dumbass, those links are to YOUR posts!!! The video YOU posted on each of them is edited and you supplied no text on any of them.
Poor little lying Reb POS is pissed that I linked to his edited video that he posted three times. The lying POS posted the edited video twice, I then challenged him to post the unedited video, he posted the edited video a third time, and then and only then did he post the unedited video!

Your first post of the edited video

Your second post of the edited video

Your third post of the edited video

You keep posting links too this thread as your source with only your opinion as the source?
Do you understand the video I posted was not edited because you can read the text OF THE SPEECH.
Hey dumbass, those links are to YOUR posts!!! The video YOU posted on each of them is edited and you supplied no text on any of them.

No the video is not edited you lying shack of shit.
One source I used was the text of the speech and the other source was the video.
Both are the same word for word, and both are from different sources.
The sequester cuts will start...

we shall see. Imagine if there was no pain? First it was the President and now it is the GOP running around assigning blame :laugh2: so who would win? Obama is more popular and was elected by a national majority. Hmmmmmmmmmm...
Meanwhile the actual problems with our economy and with the way the government operates is going along on its usual path qithout even the suggestion of being addressed, much less remedied.

An American economic calamity is on the way. But it's not this sequester side show bullshit.
Dems and GOP have competing bills now. Obama wouldn't have to veto a bill the GOP can't pass alone. wtf are you ranting about?

I told you, breath into a paperbag, it will pass.

the only one ranting here appears to be're all over the place.

so- obama defended a piece of shit bill that is now Armageddon in his own rantings, that btw, he and his admin. he had zip to do with :eusa_whistle:Oh and Carney is it:lol:

Context and time. That was then, this is now. The day you started to blame Obama for a suggestion and imply that lets the GOP off the hook is the day you lost much credibility

The sequester is a Congressional bill that Obama signed. Who wrote and passed the bill? Not the Executive Branch

thats the lamest crap I have ever heard from you, bar none, so lets see;

Bush signed the Iraq war resolution too:rolleyes: see how that works?

...:lol: and jay carney said obama suggested the sequester:eek:'re squirming is really stupid now.

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