Sequestration: Blame goes to GOP

Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets

It must hurt liberals, when facts have a habit of coming around and biting you in the ass.

President Obama missed the Monday deadline for submitting a budget to Congress, marking the fourth time in five years he has been late — and in a town where missing deadlines is routine, this one is beginning to get noticed.

Read more: Obama misses his 4th budget deadline - Washington Times

The President does not pass a budget dopey

now run along

If you bothered to learn to read, the president submits budgets (which the article made reference to, to show you even Obama has dropped the ball of "responsibility" in all this), just as the senate has an equal responsibility to pass it ...... however this "administration" has yet to even pass one. I know some of you tend to be a little slow in picking up the details of the whole process of Federal Government budgets.... however I did try to give you the benefit of the doubt.
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They only go with PF when it backs them up. ;)

I actually used it to make points in this thread. I guess it is you who only sees things when you want to, eh? :eusa_whistle:

I don't use them, I did once then got called out as a hypocrite for doing so, and they were right.

they are a mitigation factory and it goes both ways.

you've used them, do you think they are a trusted source or not?

I use almost any source, but I usually do due diligence.
Gotta love when Democrats talk about spending and "responsibility". They look rather foolish defending that argument when this administration can't even pass a simple budget.
Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets
It must hurt liberals, when facts have a habit of coming around and biting you in the ass
President Obama missed the Monday deadline for submitting a budget to Congress, marking the fourth time in five years he has been late — and in a town where missing deadlines is routine, this one is beginning to get noticed.

Read more: Obama misses his 4th budget deadline - Washington Times

The President does not pass a budget dopey

now run along
he proposes a template, a "budget request" ( due Feb 1st) and then its taken up for committee work by the house then senate then house they pass it back and forth then send it to him when they have agreed.

here, educmication for ya;

United States budget process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The President does not pass a budget dopey

now you run along too

Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets
It must hurt liberals, when facts have a habit of coming around and biting you in the ass

The President does not pass a budget dopey

now run along
he proposes a template, a "budget request" ( due Feb 1st) and then its taken up for committee work by the house then senate then house they pass it back and forth then send it to him when they have agreed.

here, educmication for ya;

United States budget process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The President does not pass a budget dopey

now you run along too


Lately, the Senate does not pass budgets either.

But when they do, the President is the one who gets to sign them.
It must hurt liberals, when facts have a habit of coming around and biting you in the ass.
The President does not pass a budget dopey

now run along
If you bothered to learn to read, the president submits budgets (which the article made reference to, to show you even Obama has dropped the ball of "responsibility" in all this), just as the senate has an equal responsibility to pass it ...... however this "administration" has yet to even pass one. I know some of you tend to be a little slow in picking up the details of the whole process of Federal Government budgets.... however I did try to give you the benefit of the doubt.

No, you started out insulting people and acting like they knew nothing because of their ideology and somehow you knew more.

If you want to play at being a dick, be sure you have one that measures up
Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets
It must hurt liberals, when facts have a habit of coming around and biting you in the ass

The President does not pass a budget dopey

now run along
he proposes a template, a "budget request" ( due Feb 1st) and then its taken up for committee work by the house then senate then house they pass it back and forth then send it to him when they have agreed.

here, educmication for ya;

United States budget process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The President does not pass a budget dopey

now you run along too


Obviously the elevator doesn't quite make it to the penthouse in this case, which leads me to do the following:

Main Entry: sub·mit
Pronunciation: \səb-ˈmit\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): sub·mit·ted; sub·mit·ting
Etymology: Middle English submitten, from Latin submittere to lower, submit, from sub- + mittere to send
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 to yield to governance or authority 2 : to present or propose to another for review, consideration, or decision ; also : to deliver formally <submitted my resignation> 3 : to put forward as an opinion or contention <we submit that the charge is not proved>
intransitive verb
1 a : to yield oneself to the authority or will of another : surrender b : to permit oneself to be subjected to something <had to submit to surgery> 2 : to defer to or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another
synonyms See Synonym Discussion at yield

It's the job of the president to "submit" a budget to the Congress. Unfortunately you either don't even know what that word means .... Or you are unfamiliar with even the most basic rules of government. Based on that, how can anyone take what you have to say on the subject seriously?
It must hurt liberals, when facts have a habit of coming around and biting you in the ass

The President does not pass a budget dopey

now run along
he proposes a template, a "budget request" ( due Feb 1st) and then its taken up for committee work by the house then senate then house they pass it back and forth then send it to him when they have agreed.

here, educmication for ya;

United States budget process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The President does not pass a budget dopey

now you run along too

Lately, the Senate does not pass budgets either.

But when they do, the President is the one who gets to sign them.

The Congress has two houses. They have to agree with each other in conference before a bill gets final Congressional approval, before a bill goes to the President.

The GOP plays game with bills and shit all the time. They play politics through all of Obama's first term and they are doing it now even as they whine Obama may be doing it.

Responsibility. Just another character trait lacking in Republicans.

Look, say we kept America safe or we had to do something. Don't just say, "Wasn't me."

Gotta love when Democrats talk about spending and "responsibility". They look rather foolish defending that argument when this administration can't even pass a simple budget.

Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets
It must hurt liberals, when facts have a habit of coming around and biting you in the ass

The President does not pass a budget dopey

now run along
he proposes a template, a "budget request" ( due Feb 1st) and then its taken up for committee work by the house then senate then house they pass it back and forth then send it to him when they have agreed.

here, educmication for ya;

United States budget process - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The President does not pass a budget dopey

now you run along too


Obviously the elevator doesn't quite make it to the penthouse in this case, which leads me to do the following:

Main Entry: sub·mit
Pronunciation: \s&#601;b-&#712;mit\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): sub·mit·ted; sub·mit·ting
Etymology: Middle English submitten, from Latin submittere to lower, submit, from sub- + mittere to send
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 to yield to governance or authority 2 : to present or propose to another for review, consideration, or decision ; also : to deliver formally <submitted my resignation> 3 : to put forward as an opinion or contention <we submit that the charge is not proved>
intransitive verb
1 a : to yield oneself to the authority or will of another : surrender b : to permit oneself to be subjected to something <had to submit to surgery> 2 : to defer to or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another
synonyms See Synonym Discussion at yield

It's the job of the president to "submit" a budget to the Congress. Unfortunately you either don't even know what that word means .... Or you are unfamiliar with even the most basic rules of government. Based on that, how can anyone take what you have to say on the subject seriously?

Responsibility. Just another character trait lacking in Republicans.

Look, say we kept America safe or we had to do something. Don't just say, "Wasn't me."

Gotta love when Democrats talk about spending and "responsibility". They look rather foolish defending that argument when this administration can't even pass a simple budget.

Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets

:eusa_whistle:There is always blame spread around. But the blame will be laid at the doorstep where it belongs: The GOP They brought this about in their desire to make Obama a one term President: In the summer of 2011, Obama and Congress were in a high-stakes stand-off over the debt limit. House Republicans insisted on spending cuts before increasing the debt limit. This was a notable change from the past, when members of Congress from both parties would pass debt ceiling increases with relatively little fuss. PolitiFact | PolitiFact's guide to sequestration

furthermore: President Obama signed the bill shortly after it was passed by the Senate. In doing so, the president said, "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year. Budget Control Act of 2011 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Woodward summarizes the thoughts of the Obama team: "There would be no chance the Republicans would want to pull the trigger and allow the sequester to force massive cuts to Defense." Democrats, meanwhile, didn’t want to see their favorite domestic programs cut.

As the negotiations proceeded, Republicans seemed to think the same thing.

"Boehner told the House Republican leadership and other key members not to worry about the sequester … ‘Guys, this would be devastating to Defense,’ he said. ‘This would be devastating, from their perspective, on their domestic priorities. This is never going to happen,’" Woodward wrote.
PolitiFact | Barack Obama says Congress owns sequestration cuts:eusa_shhh:
Airport delays and other such things have already kicked in.

The sequester is costing us time and more importantly, money.

All because the GOP can't say yes to a good thing. The big deal sees them getting more of what they want than what Obama wants, but they don't want to have anything to do with him. It's all a ploy I guess they hope to use to make us think that the government can't function.

Well, the GOP is right; when they're in charge of anything, we get total dysfunction.

And it's unpatriotic since how can we effectively make a case to the world that democracy is the way to go when they look at us and see that it is being perverted by a fringe minority of extremists?

I put all the blame on the GOP for this. After Obama won re-election, Boehner went running back to him in order to try to make the grand bargain, but since Obama won, he surely is allowed to balance the deal so that the middle and working poor don't make all the sacrifices.

But the GOP won't have anything to do with Obama and they won't have anything to do with working on our behalf. Shame on them.

It's time to kick these ass holes out in 2014 and at least replace them with centrist Democrats who at least want t see a pretty big deficit deal that combines spending cuts and revenue increases.
Responsibility. Just another character trait lacking in Republicans.

Look, say we kept America safe or we had to do something. Don't just say, "Wasn't me."

Gotta love when Democrats talk about spending and "responsibility". They look rather foolish defending that argument when this administration can't even pass a simple budget.

Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets


Can't expect much from someone who doesn't know what the term "this administration can't even pass a simple budget .... means. If you are honestly being serious with me .... and are lost between the terms president and "this administration", then you need to go back and learn the basic rules of government my friend.
I actually used it to make points in this thread. I guess it is you who only sees things when you want to, eh? :eusa_whistle:

I don't use them, I did once then got called out as a hypocrite for doing so, and they were right.

they are a mitigation factory and it goes both ways.

you've used them, do you think they are a trusted source or not?

I use almost any source, but I usually do due diligence.

You said DO-DO!!

Airport delays and other such things have already kicked in.

The sequester is costing us time and more importantly, money.

All because the GOP can't say yes to a good thing. The big deal sees them getting more of what they want than what Obama wants, but they don't want to have anything to do with him. It's all a ploy I guess they hope to use to make us think that the government can't function.

Well, the GOP is right; when they're in charge of anything, we get total dysfunction.

And it's unpatriotic since how can we effectively make a case to the world that democracy is the way to go when they look at us and see that it is being perverted by a fringe minority of extremists?

I put all the blame on the GOP for this. After Obama won re-election, Boehner went running back to him in order to try to make the grand bargain, but since Obama won, he surely is allowed to balance the deal so that the middle and working poor don't make all the sacrifices.

But the GOP won't have anything to do with Obama and they won't have anything to do with working on our behalf. Shame on them.

It's time to kick these ass holes out in 2014 and at least replace them with centrist Democrats who at least want t see a pretty big deficit deal that combines spending cuts and revenue increases.

Any examples?


Gotta love when Democrats talk about spending and "responsibility". They look rather foolish defending that argument when this administration can't even pass a simple budget.
Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets

Can't expect much from someone who doesn't know what the term "this administration can't even pass a simple budget .... means. If you are honestly being serious with me .... and are lost between the terms president and "this administration", then you need to go back and learn the basic rules of government my friend.

there you go again. you confuse pass with propose, and now term with phrase... along with Traj you misunderstood the interchangeability of the terms administration, President, and Executive, in the context of the thread..those last three all refer to head of the Executive branch, President Obama, who heads the administration. It is the President's administration that puts forward a proposal as a function of it's role as the Executive branch of government
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Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets

Can't expect much from someone who doesn't know what the term "this administration can't even pass a simple budget .... means. If you are honestly being serious with me .... and are lost between the terms president and "this administration", then you need to go back and learn the basic rules of government my friend.

there you go again. you confuse pass with propose, and now term with phrase... along with Traj you misunderstood the interchangeability of the terms administration, President, and Executive, in the context of the thread..those last three all refer to head of the Executive branch, President Obama, who heads the administration. It is the President's administration that puts forward a proposal as a function of it's role as the Executive branch of government

Show me EXACTLY in your next post where I said word for word "the president must pass or failed to have passed a budget", instead of making reference to an article to which he is required to submit one.........I'll wait.

If you bothered to read the article (to which I know NOW you didn't) it says the President is required to submit a budget, just as the senate has a duty and is required to pass one. This "administration" has failed to do its duty to pass a simple budget. Judging by your response.... you have no clue to what the term "administration" refers to.
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Can't expect much from someone who doesn't know what the term "this administration can't even pass a simple budget .... means. If you are honestly being serious with me .... and are lost between the terms president and "this administration", then you need to go back and learn the basic rules of government my friend.

there you go again. you confuse pass with propose, and now term with phrase... along with Traj you misunderstood the interchangeability of the terms administration, President, and Executive, in the context of the thread..those last three all refer to head of the Executive branch, President Obama, who heads the administration. It is the President's administration that puts forward a proposal as a function of it's role as the Executive branch of government

Show me EXACTLY in your next post where I said word for word "the president must pass or failed to have passed a budget", instead of making reference to an article to which he is required to submit one.........I'll wait.

If you bothered to read the article (to which I know NOW you didn't) it says the President is required to submit a budget, just as the senate has a duty and is required to pass one. This "administration" has failed to do its duty to pass a simple budget. Judging by your response.... you have no clue to what the term "administration" refers to.
:cuckoo: administration: look it up
By the way, the "correct" usage of the term [administration] refers to that period of time in the United States to which a President has served his term. Example: during the Clinton administration we saw an increase in terrorism. Does that begin to at least make some sense to you? Do we finally have an understanding of using these terms "correctly" yet? It was a nice overall attempt at trying to have some knowledge with regard to the budget, however (in your responses) you don't really show how you have an complete grasp at the whole government process. You simply dodge and change your responses too much, in every attempt to explain the same budget process. You just hate the idea of being proved wrong, and end up wasting my time.
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By the way, the "correct" usage of the term [administration] refers to that period of time in the United States to which a President has served his term.

Captain clueless: An administration does not pass a budget.

Gotta love when Democrats talk about spending and "responsibility". They look rather foolish defending that argument when this administration can't even pass a simple budget.
Gotta love right wing trolls talking about what they supposedly the Executive passing bills and budgets

Can't expect much from someone who doesn't know what the term "this administration can't even pass a simple budget .... means. If you are honestly being serious with me .... and are lost between the terms president and "this administration", then you need to go back and learn the basic rules of government my friend.

there you go again. you confuse pass with propose, and now term with phrase... along with Traj you misunderstood the interchangeability of the terms administration, President, and Executive, in the context of the thread..those last three all refer to head of the Executive branch, President Obama, who heads the administration. It is the President's administration that puts forward a proposal as a function of it's role as the Executive branch of government

Examples of usage: Under President Obama's Administration the Congress failed to pass a budget. The Congress failed to pass a budget in the 3rd year of the Obama administration's first term in office.
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