Sequestration: Disaster, or blessing?


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2013
Southern AZ
Personally, I am starting to think that it would be a good thing. We got the tax increase we wanted, so, let's do the tough spending cuts. I think that the harm to the economy is vastly overstated.

However, I am going to go out on a limb, here. I predict that if the sequestration happens, the GOP is going to be franticly sending through bills exempting this, or that, or the Pentagon, or whatever. One thing that I have noticed is that the GOP is absolutely dedicated to cutting spending, AS LONG AS NOBODY IN THEIR CONSTITUANCY LOSES THEIR JOB!

Here is what the White house says:
White House Warns Of Sequestration's Effects : It's All Politics : NPR

Your thoughts?
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Personally, I am starting to think that it would be a good thing. We got the tax increase we wanted, so, let's do the tough spending cuts. I think that the harm to the economy is vastly overstated.

However, I am going to go out on a limb, here. I predict that if the sequestration happens, the GOP is going to be franticly sending through bills exempting this, or that, or the Pentagon, or whatever. One thing that I have noticed is that the GOP is absolutely dedicated to cutting spending, AS LONG AS NOBODY IN THEIR CONSTITUANCY LOSES THEIR JOB!

Here is what the White house says:
White House Warns Of Sequestration's Effects : It's All Politics : NPR

Your thoughts?
That is pretty much the same with all politicians Dem or Rep cut the other guy's stuff not mine as the sequester goes that is the only way I see cuts in government spending happening.
Personally, I am starting to think that it would be a good thing. We got the tax increase we wanted, so, let's do the tough spending cuts. I think that the harm to the economy is vastly overstated.

However, I am going to go out on a limb, here. I predict that if the sequestration happens, the GOP is going to be franticly sending through bills exempting this, or that, or the Pentagon, or whatever. One thing that I have noticed is that the GOP is absolutely dedicated to cutting spending, AS LONG AS NOBODY IN THEIR CONSTITUANCY LOSES THEIR JOB!

Here is what the White house says:
White House Warns Of Sequestration's Effects : It's All Politics : NPR

Your thoughts?
That is pretty much the same with all politicians Dem or Rep cut the other guy's stuff not mine as the sequester goes that is the only way I see cuts in government spending happening.

I think that we are on the same page, Blackhawk.
While I'm not against the sequestration, I much prefer the plan democrats put out recently.
The sequester is a very, very bad thing. If the sequester would have hit the first of the year everyone would be crying in their drinks about how could this possibly have happened. If the sequester hits in March by October everyone will be crying how could this have possibly happened.

I think there is a great misconception about both parties being unwilling to work with the other. Watch a few hours of House Budget Committee hearings and tell me if you feel the same way. It is not that both parties are arguing two different paths to the same goal. They are arguing two different paths to very different goals. The goal the Republicans have is reprehensible. The Ryan budget is much, much worse than what it was made out to be in the election. During the markup of the Ryan budget Ryan sat bored in his chairman's seat as Hollen and Blumenauer asked if the budget was really cutting the transportation budget in half for 2013, it was. Ryan had nothing to say about it. Republican Representative after Republican Representative justified the Ryan budget as it was the states responsibility, it wasn't in the constitution, they are just the 47% and the government should not support anyone. The House Republicans want to pull $5.2 trillion out of the budget for tax cuts for the wealthy. They don't deny it. And just how is that going to be budget neutral? They are going to gut every discretionary program they can get their hands on. You think I am exaggerating the debate. Don't listen to the left, don't listen to the right, watch them with your very own eyes. I am sure it will be a very shocking experience.

Here is the start of the House Budget Market for 2013. Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution Markup, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library I am not giving any left or right slant here. These are the raw facts. Jump in anywhere and give it a couple minutes.
The sequester is a very, very bad thing. If the sequester would have hit the first of the year everyone would be crying in their drinks about how could this possibly have happened. If the sequester hits in March by October everyone will be crying how could this have possibly happened.

I think there is a great misconception about both parties being unwilling to work with the other. Watch a few hours of House Budget Committee hearings and tell me if you feel the same way. It is not that both parties are arguing two different paths to the same goal. They are arguing two different paths to very different goals. The goal the Republicans have is reprehensible. The Ryan budget is much, much worse than what it was made out to be in the election. During the markup of the Ryan budget Ryan sat bored in his chairman's seat as Hollen and Blumenauer asked if the budget was really cutting the transportation budget in half for 2013, it was. Ryan had nothing to say about it. Republican Representative after Republican Representative justified the Ryan budget as it was the states responsibility, it wasn't in the constitution, they are just the 47% and the government should not support anyone. The House Republicans want to pull $5.2 trillion out of the budget for tax cuts for the wealthy. They don't deny it. And just how is that going to be budget neutral? They are going to gut every discretionary program they can get their hands on. You think I am exaggerating the debate. Don't listen to the left, don't listen to the right, watch them with your very own eyes. I am sure it will be a very shocking experience.

Here is the start of the House Budget Market for 2013. Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution Markup, Part 1 - C-SPAN Video Library I am not giving any left or right slant here. These are the raw facts. Jump in anywhere and give it a couple minutes.

Too bad. The sequestration doesnt go far enough. However, Im not surprised of the lack of spine in dc.
Personally, I am starting to think that it would be a good thing. We got the tax increase we wanted, so, let's do the tough spending cuts. I think that the harm to the economy is vastly overstated.

However, I am going to go out on a limb, here. I predict that if the sequestration happens, the GOP is going to be franticly sending through bills exempting this, or that, or the Pentagon, or whatever. One thing that I have noticed is that the GOP is absolutely dedicated to cutting spending, AS LONG AS NOBODY IN THEIR CONSTITUANCY LOSES THEIR JOB!

Here is what the White house says:
White House Warns Of Sequestration's Effects : It's All Politics : NPR

Your thoughts?

I sorta love the way Boehner is now calling it "Obama's sequester" after this..

[ame=]Boehner Christmas II - YouTube[/ame]

In a's probably the only way anyone is going to see cuts in defense.'s a wonderful way to display what austerity really looks like. The "Contraction" was nearly all based on cuts in government spending.

Drastic cuts are going to cost ALOT of jobs.
While I'm not against the sequestration, I much prefer the plan democrats put out recently.

Of course you do, because it cuts nothing of importance to Democrats.

It's 25% of "entitlement" cuts and 25% of defense cuts while raising 50% in revenue by getting rid of big business loopholes.

It's probably the most reasonable way to go I can imagine other than not cutting anything and getting rid of loopholes.

Cutting spending at this very stupid.
If we truly HAD to cut the budget this is the only sane way to do it.

Note the great big if?

I think the budget crises is a fake as the money supply.
Personally, I am starting to think that it would be a good thing. We got the tax increase we wanted, so, let's do the tough spending cuts. I think that the harm to the economy is vastly overstated.

However, I am going to go out on a limb, here. I predict that if the sequestration happens, the GOP is going to be franticly sending through bills exempting this, or that, or the Pentagon, or whatever. One thing that I have noticed is that the GOP is absolutely dedicated to cutting spending, AS LONG AS NOBODY IN THEIR CONSTITUANCY LOSES THEIR JOB!

Here is what the White house says:
White House Warns Of Sequestration's Effects : It's All Politics : NPR

Your thoughts?

Same as dems. As long as their social engineering programs dont take hits ....theyre down.
the right in this country battles for the sake of the wealthy to gain from a constant boom bust economy.

Helping the average Joe carve out a decent life for his or her family is not part of the current republican plan.
That is why they want tax cuts no matter how low the tax rate gets.

That is why they hate regulations on anything
The left exploits and steps on the little mans throat on a daily basis, gives loopholes to its favored mega corporations and panders to different races promising shiny flashy objects.
If we truly HAD to cut the budget this is the only sane way to do it.

Note the great big if?

I think the budget crises is a fake as the money supply.

Of course they are..

And for conservatives it ONLY comes up when a Democrat sits in the White House.

Otherwise, "Deficits don't matter".
Republicans are the de regulation party.
EVERY time this country gets talked into letting republicans deregulate something the people get screwed
The republicans HATE the little guy having power.

Its why they want unions dead
Personally, I am starting to think that it would be a good thing. We got the tax increase we wanted, so, let's do the tough spending cuts. I think that the harm to the economy is vastly overstated.

However, I am going to go out on a limb, here. I predict that if the sequestration happens, the GOP is going to be franticly sending through bills exempting this, or that, or the Pentagon, or whatever. One thing that I have noticed is that the GOP is absolutely dedicated to cutting spending, AS LONG AS NOBODY IN THEIR CONSTITUANCY LOSES THEIR JOB!

Here is what the White house says:
White House Warns Of Sequestration's Effects : It's All Politics : NPR

Your thoughts?

The president needs to quit his whining. The sequestration idea came from him. He pushed it and got it passed by Congress. It's his lock, stock and barrel. He needs to own it.

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