Serious Benghazi Questions

First, I am not a conservative. I do not believe in conserving tax cuts for the rich and more oil drilling everywhere.

Second, the only cover up was by Susan Rice early on. This has now been ferretted out.

However I doubt BHO is going to spank her for it. He will just turn a blind eye.

Not so sure if Hillary will keep her or not when she takes over in January.

Let me get this think Susan Rice is the "mastermind" behind the cover-up? Seriously? She went on those Sunday morning talk shows and said the lines she was GIVEN to say! The only real question is who gave her those talking points. That's who orchestrated the cover-up! Susan Rice was simply naive enough to let herself get used that way.

What the hell "cover-up" are you talking about? What was covered up? And, if something was covered up - what difference would it make?

Trying to sell Americans that the attack wasn't carried out by Al Queda affiliated terrorists but was some protest gone bad...when they knew almost immediately that there was no protest in Benghazi that night!

What difference does it make when our elected officials lie to us? Obviously to you it doesn't matter at all! To me it matters a lot.

Lakhota is like a kid that has her dog get loose and kills the neighbor's chickens....while the dog has blood and feathers stuck to it's face, Lakhota denies that the dog ever left the's called "denial".

Yeah, but humans have something called "due process". Hillary was EXONERATED. Deal with it.

Hillary was not exonerated. Her camp is desperately trying to spin that narrative but the facts hardly support it.
Can any honest Conservatives please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?

1. The Benghazi cover-up was an attempt by the Obama White House and specifically the Clinton State Department to sell the Nation on the idea that what happened in Benghazi wasn't a premeditated attack on 9/11 perpetrated by an Al Queda affiliated group...but was actually a protest over a You Tube video that turned violent.

2. What was covered up was that the Administration knew early on that there was no protest that turned violent yet pushed that narrative to not only the public but also to the families of the men who were killed.

3. That would be Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

4. The cover-up took place because Obama and Clinton obviously thought what happened in Libya on their watch made them look bad right in front of the election.

5. Anyone who signed off on decreasing security for our diplomatic personnel in Libya...which would be Hillary Clinton. Anyone who for some reason didn't immediately send military help to aid those under attack in Benghazi.

6. Did anyone intentionally put our diplomats in a situation where they didn't have the security they needed? Yes, that would be Hillary Clinton who appears to have thought that the "optics" would be bad if we didn't trust our diplomatic security to "locals".

7. Incompetence isn't generally considered a criminal offense. Were laws broken during the coverup? Of course. Hillary Clinton deliberately failed to hand over emails she had which dealt with Libya and what took place in Benghazi.

8. For starters...our US Ambassador was murdered inside one of our diplomatic facilities!

9. Because Hillary Clinton continues to stonewall the investigations into Benghazi.

To quote MarcATL ...

"So what's the lesson learned? How do we PREVENT this from happening again in the future?"

The Benghazi NaziCons were too consumed with trying to destroy Hillary to worry about how to prevent such future attacks.

Step one, stop electing retarded gutless coward liberals who refuse to accept responsibility for their gross incompetence that got people killed.

You mean like Bush and his band of 9/11 thugs?

Benghazi and Hitlery's incompetence is the subject. Not Bush. Deflect much you fucking idiot??
Can any honest Conservatives please explain the following to me - with "credible" proof:

1. What is the alleged Benghazi cover-up?

2. What was allegedly covered up?

3. Who allegedly covered anything up?

4. Why was anything allegedly covered up?

5. Who and how did anyone benefit from any alleged cover-up?

6. Did anyone in the Obama Administration allegedly intentionally cause the Benghazi tragedy?

7. Were any laws allegedly broken?

8. How is Benghazi allegedly different from embassy/consulate attacks and deaths under Reagan and G.W. Bush?

9. Why do Conservatives continue their obsession to politicize the Benghazi tragedy for points and profits?
Why did you leave "allegedly" out of stupid question number nine?

It doesn't fit the narrative

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