SERIOUS question for all Trump acolytes on this forum....

Trump NEEDS to be reelected for ONE reason and one reason ONLY...........

Mueller has clearly stated that once Trump is out of office, there is enough evidence for him to be indicted (READ the fucking report if you don;t believe me....)

The only way out for Trump is to run out the statute of limitations.

Trump's obstruction of justice occurred in 2017

Under the statute of limitation his obstruction expires in 2022

Trump's re-election would place him above the law until 2024

Soooooooooooo, re-elect Trump and keep him out of PRISON............LMAO

(Nice campaign slogan, huh???)

I'm goin' for another Supreme Court Justice...:twirl:
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
Was Trump charged with something?

following DOJ policy, mueller refrained & left it up to congress re: obstruction charges - but he did say that if not for DOJ policy, he would have brought forth charges. as far as collusion, he said too much 'documentary' evidence was destroyed & what was left, wasn't enough to prosecute or recommend congress take it up.
Unlike Hillary, Trump handed over everything Muller asked for. There is no evidence against Trump. If there was anything Muller would've released it. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024. So put your big boy pants on and shut up.

can't wait for allllllllllllllllll the open hearings on allllllllllllll of trumpco...

let's play devil's advocate, m'k? let's say trump makes it to election day & say he actually get's a 2nd term... you think he'll be able to stand the strain knowing what he's facing after all this? i mean he's bat shit cray cray now & can't hold his impulses... i say he will either go out in a straight jacket or keel over from a stroke with a big mac shoved in his orange anus face.

oh ya - i wear big girl panties every time i walk into this here freakshow.
Trump spanks your ass daily. You think you can handle another 6 years of it? I mean he got y'all to dress up as vaginas and run around yelling at the sky.

never did, but nice delusion you got goin' there......... anyhoo, at least they ain't white hoods & swastikas y'all are sportin'....................
You are clearly the moron here. No question about it. A juror is not a trained litigator, and they do not represent the defendant

Look, you eternal idiot.......YOU asked if a witness is "cross examined" in a Grand Jury setting....I responded that COMMON jurors always question witnesses directly.........of course, moron, there is no "defense attorney" in that know, a defense attorney for Trump like the current STOOGE, Barr...............LMAO

You shouldn't be this upset. Did you even like Clinton?
All the people on the left said this was going to be a smoking gun

Nitwit.....HOW can there be a "smoking gun" when the DOJ policy CLEARLY states that the president is above the LAW???

Mueller laid out CLEARLY that once Trump is out of office he CAN be indicted based on the evidence Mueller compiled.

Phrased another way.....YOU IDIOTS are backing a soon-to-be indicted POS......

Huh? Are you saying that it is not possible to find evidence of something wrong..... because someone else said the president is above the law?

What does one, have to do with the other?

If there is evidence (as smoking gun), you should be able to find it, whether you claim the president is above the law or not.

You are coming across as a buffoon here. This is a childish whiny freak out fest, to cover up the fact you screamed and yelled for years now, and found nothing.
Trump: 'Don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing'

Giuliani: 'Truth isn't truth'

Kellyanne Conway : "You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're saying Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."

that's the world they live in.
But, they were right.

All the people on the left said this was going to be a smoking gun. They all said there was collusion. They all said Trump is a puppet of Russia, which there are people on this forum still saying it to this day.

They all said "here's the truth! Trump is (insert accusation after accusation)"

And now we know for a fact...... Truth isn't truth. Giuliani was right. 'Don't believe what you're reading and seeing', and Trump was right.

So you can say that's the world we live in.... because it's the world you live in too. Jessie Smollett anyone? Don't believe what you see and hear, because the left is full of liars.

oh bullshit.

the only reason mueller wrote a declination on 'collusion' was because 'documentary' evidence had been destroyed AND he couldn't get trump to do an interview. he didn't have enough to recommend charging him with conspiracy although itprobably would have gone that way. hence the obstruction... hence he wants congress to take it up per DOJ policy.
And then there's this The man with the self proclaimed best memory answered 27 times he couldn't recall when questioned That man is the pos in our WH now,,,,,Wonder how many here would do the ""crazy shit"" if he asked you
We have read the report. It clearly and fully exonerates not only the President, but all involved American citizens from collusion with Russia.

If you DID read the report, then your comprehension problems are equal to a 4 years old.......

A. Mueller CLEARLY stated that he CANNOT indict Trump under the current DOJ policy (not LAW)

B. Mueller CLEARLY stated that Trump CAN be indicted once he leaves office.

If you :missed" those statements made by Mueller in his report.....have a kool-aid enema.

Yes, he 'can be'. He didn't say he intended to, or that he had reason to, or that he had evidence to do so if he could.

I said... can be. Further, I still don't see evidence of Russian Trump Collusion. Do you have this evidence, and where is it in the Muller report.

Yes or no.... or shut up.
Trump: 'Don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing'

Giuliani: 'Truth isn't truth'

Kellyanne Conway : "You're saying it's a falsehood, and they're saying Sean Spicer, our press secretary, gave alternative facts to that."

that's the world they live in.
But, they were right.

All the people on the left said this was going to be a smoking gun. They all said there was collusion. They all said Trump is a puppet of Russia, which there are people on this forum still saying it to this day.

They all said "here's the truth! Trump is (insert accusation after accusation)"

And now we know for a fact...... Truth isn't truth. Giuliani was right. 'Don't believe what you're reading and seeing', and Trump was right.

So you can say that's the world we live in.... because it's the world you live in too. Jessie Smollett anyone? Don't believe what you see and hear, because the left is full of liars.

oh bullshit.

the only reason mueller wrote a declination on 'collusion' was because 'documentary' evidence had been destroyed AND he couldn't get trump to do an interview. he didn't have enough to recommend charging him with conspiracy although itprobably would have gone that way. hence the obstruction... hence he wants congress to take it up per DOJ policy.
Guliani said today ""even if it's true, it's not
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
lol...everyone told ya you weren't going to like the "big ol nothing burger"...get yourself some happy pills brother, your stress level is obvious in your posts...relax some
We have read the report. It clearly and fully exonerates not only the President, but all involved American citizens from collusion with Russia.

If you DID read the report, then your comprehension problems are equal to a 4 years old.......

A. Mueller CLEARLY stated that he CANNOT indict Trump under the current DOJ policy (not LAW)

B. Mueller CLEARLY stated that Trump CAN be indicted once he leaves office.

If you :missed" those statements made by Mueller in his report.....have a kool-aid enema.

Hey dufus, it doesn't matter what YOU think. Anyone who thinks for one second that Trump will be indicted when he leaves office is a died-in-the-wool lefty-loon. Take your dog-and-pony show down the road. 22 months, no collusion no nothing. Now, just go away

SDNY & the NY AG are gonna get a piece of donny too..........
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
ERGO......would you then OPENLY ADMIT that the orange clown is NOT fir to sit in the oval office???
I think he lacks the intellectual, behavioral or temperamental capacity to be President, which is why I voted against him.

But that's not enough to get rid of him. Those are not high crimes. I'm not blinded by a partisan ideology. We'll see what the investigations bring.

Impeachments of both Nixon and Clinton were based on obstruction.

Under what circumstance do you feel impeachment would be warranted for Trump?
Obstruction would be enough, but like everything else, it's a matter of degree.

When the investigations are done, we'll see.


There is more evidence of obstruction by Trump than any other president by a factor of 10.

What part of the United States did Trump give away to Putin?

More flexibility to do what? < I want that question answered now. It's our turn to get to the bottom of this Russian collusion thing that is so upsetting to the Democrats...

well, looks like obama better get to it huh? you know them thar coloreds - always late for sumthin', right? :afro:
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WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
WHERE......for sanity you Trump acolytes that Trump was EXONERATED by the Mueller report???

Seriously, you can say that Barr "exonerated" Trump

You can say that Trump, exonerated Trump
You can say that KellyAnn has exonerated Trump
You can say that Hannity has exonerated Trump

BUT, when you state that Mueller has exonerated Trump you are either a fucking idiot.....You did not read the redacted report, or you're beyond sanity in discussing this issue...

READ THE DAMN REPORT and you CANNOT conclude that Mueller "exonerated" Trump.......

READ, COMPREHEND and LEARN, for God's sake.
It's obvious you are not sleeping well
Why does an innocent man need exoneration?

Same EXACT question asked by OJ Simpson and Charles Manson.......Congrats......LMAO

Um OJ and Manson were charged with Murder, what was Trump charged with?

Do you have any replies with any substance or do they all sound this stupid and ignorant?

they didn't get al capone on murder charges - but nailed him on tax evasion & fraud........


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