Serious Question For Anti-Trump Folks. Where Did You Go To College?

Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.

University of Maryland, BS, double major in Math & Science
Virginia Tech, MS Computer Science
University of Michigan, MBA, General Management, emphasized Finance

I oppose Trump because he says he's anti-free market capitalism
From what I've read he's against selling out to foreign governments, which is what you appear to be all for, because that is what Hillary and half of Washington supports. And if you don't support Trump one can assume you want Hillary to be President.

At this point there are only two choices. You can either expect perfection from Trump and give Hillary what she wants, or you can support him.....and maybe he can prove to you that most of the things you think he is against is just lies from his opponents.
The only truth the liberats know is where the next chorizo party is being held.
Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.

University of Maryland, BS, double major in Math & Science
Virginia Tech, MS Computer Science
University of Michigan, MBA, General Management, emphasized Finance

I oppose Trump because he says he's anti-free market capitalism
From what I've read he's against selling out to foreign governments, which is what you appear to be all for, because that is what Hillary and half of Washington supports. And if you don't support Trump one can assume you want Hillary to be President.

At this point there are only two choices. You can either expect perfection from Trump and give Hillary what she wants, or you can support him.....and maybe he can prove to you that most of the things you think he is against is just lies from his opponents.

No position Trump takes can be trusted. That has been proven over and over again.
No position Trump takes can be trusted. That has been proven over and over again.

what you sewer rats call proof, is called something else by others, such as
there is no such thing as 'over education'

that you think there is comes as no surprise

LOL. There most definitely is such a thing. Take my youngest brother for example.....

His PhD in microbiology (generics) is so useless the only thing he can do is stay at school.... as a professor or a researcher. It has no viable private sector job potential.
Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.

University of Maryland, BS, double major in Math & Science
Virginia Tech, MS Computer Science
University of Michigan, MBA, General Management, emphasized Finance

I oppose Trump because he says he's anti-free market capitalism
From what I've read he's against selling out to foreign governments, which is what you appear to be all for, because that is what Hillary and half of Washington supports. And if you don't support Trump one can assume you want Hillary to be President.

At this point there are only two choices. You can either expect perfection from Trump and give Hillary what she wants, or you can support him.....and maybe he can prove to you that most of the things you think he is against is just lies from his opponents.

Strawman. I'm for free trade. The rest are delusions in your head. And Trump isn't just anti-free trade, he wants to punish companies who want to leave the US rather than address why they want to leave.

And I haven't been voting for the Republican or the Democrat except once in the last six elections and Trump sure isn't going to bring me back unless he gets a passion for capitalism.

Reagan got it:

Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond it's limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves

Trump needs to dedicate himself to getting government out of the way, not giving it more power. But it's OK, that power is wielded by him, it's going to be fine. Yeah, no
University of Maryland, BS, double major in Math & Science
Virginia Tech, MS Computer Science
University of Michigan, MBA, General Management, emphasized Finance

I oppose Trump because he says he's anti-free market capitalism

THANK YOU for being honest and for being intelligent.

I have a BA in English from UConn, a BS in Accounting from Sacred Heart in Fairfield and dropped out of the UConn MBA program. I was working at a Fortune 500 Company at the time and it was boooooring.
University of Maryland, BS, double major in Math & Science
Virginia Tech, MS Computer Science
University of Michigan, MBA, General Management, emphasized Finance

I oppose Trump because he says he's anti-free market capitalism

THANK YOU for being honest and for being intelligent.

I have a BA in English from UConn, a BS in Accounting from Sacred Heart in Fairfield and dropped out of the UConn MBA program. I was working at a Fortune 500 Company at the time and it was boooooring.

I worked at GE Capital and GE Consumer Finance in Connecticut. Spent six years there. My kids have lived all over the country, but they loved it there. We lived in Brookfield if you know where that is. It's by Danbury
Don't make me name names. Step up and state the facts, or fear the wrath of the truth.

University of Maryland, BS, double major in Math & Science
Virginia Tech, MS Computer Science
University of Michigan, MBA, General Management, emphasized Finance

I oppose Trump because he says he's anti-free market capitalism
From what I've read he's against selling out to foreign governments, which is what you appear to be all for, because that is what Hillary and half of Washington supports. And if you don't support Trump one can assume you want Hillary to be President.

At this point there are only two choices. You can either expect perfection from Trump and give Hillary what she wants, or you can support him.....and maybe he can prove to you that most of the things you think he is against is just lies from his opponents.

Strawman. I'm for free trade. The rest are delusions in your head. And Trump isn't just anti-free trade, he wants to punish companies who want to leave the US rather than address why they want to leave.

And I haven't been voting for the Republican or the Democrat except once in the last six elections and Trump sure isn't going to bring me back unless he gets a passion for capitalism.

Reagan got it:

Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help

Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond it's limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves

Trump needs to dedicate himself to getting government out of the way, not giving it more power. But it's OK, that power is wielded by him, it's going to be fine. Yeah, no
Strawman. You assume that I think in a particular manner . I know what the result of a non-vote for Trump is. It's a vote for Hillary. So my argument isn't a Strawman. Hillary represents everything you seem to be against, but you can't bring yourself to support Trump because of one or two issues. Some would call you an educated idiot. A person that thinks he knows everything.

A criminal like Hillary knows exactly the buttons to push to turn you off to Trump. I remember when Reagan was running, they tried doing the same exact thing. They poison the well so that folks like you get a bad taste in your mouth about a marginal candidate. Well, the problem with that is the alternatives are always much worse than what you seem to be against.
Some would call you an educated idiot. A person that thinks he knows everything

Read your own posts, Lamb Chop.

I keep saying what I think. You keep saying what I think. And yet, that's not the same. I'd work on your own arrogance before worrying about someone else
Undergrad: CAL (Poli Sci and History)
Grad: San Francisco St. U (Interdisciplinary topic: Human Relations) Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Anthropology, testing for counselors.
Career: POST, STC and National Institution of Corrections.
Some would call you an educated idiot. A person that thinks he knows everything

Read your own posts, Lamb Chop.

I keep saying what I think. You keep saying what I think. And yet, that's not the same. I'd work on your own arrogance before worrying about someone else
I have no arrogance because I'm not flashing my education all over the place like you always do.
You got your ideas from school. I got mine from observation thru life experiences and common-sense.

You have to decide if your God Damned principles are more important to you than making sure that this country is not saddled with another dictator. I can say that because it is crystal clear that Hillary thinks she's above the law. Trump cannot get away with the shit she is prepared to pull simply because the press won't allow it. Hillary can get away with murder. Trump has a hostile press to deal with. Personally, I wouldn't want the aggravation.

Wise the fuck up Brainiac!!!

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