Serious Question For the Conservatives Here Who Voted For Donald

How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

You're angry. Anger is the first symptom of a failed argument. Calling me a fraud only shows that anger.

You can't debate my words, so you dismiss them as "empty" and "meaningless" then hastily perch yourself upon that mile high ivory tower of yours. You then call me a fraud and attack me for voting for a "serial adulterer."

Where is your argument? You don't have one. You are doing nothing but attacking my character and beliefs.

Anymore ?

He never had one.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

What I find interesting is that you people think you have the moral ground to hold Christians accountable to Christian standards when it is you, Liberals, who have no standards. What you are doing is simply classic Alinsky..........attempt to hold other people to those peoples' standards. We tried your way and it failed. In fact, why don't you ask yourselves as to why you say you are for women, speak out against rape and assault against women, yet multiple women come out with allegations against Bill Clinton, and your knee jerk reaction is to smear and ridicule the women?

"But but but but but CLINTOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!"

You people are standing in ground to question Christians on morals and standards when you people have none.

If a Democratic candidate campaigned for President and their stance was Pro-life and they were against equal rights for the LBGT community, and yet many women and LBGT people voted for them, would you not be saying the same things this thread is?

A Democrat candidate campaigned for President with a stance that was pro woman and LBGT yet that candidate quickly dismissed countless claims from women claiming to to have been assaulted by the candidate's spouse. On LBGT, same candidate solicited and accepted donations from nation states run by theocracies that believe in torturing and murdering LBGT.

So, I don't say or ask the same thing as this thread. I simply call it corruption.
Well, go back to the OP.

It's not a serious question.

People who voted for Hillary were not pleased at many things she did. And voting for her does not mean they adopted her lack of integrity as their own.


"but but but but HILLARYY!!!!!!!!!!"

Of course, we would not apply your argument to Hillary.

After all, it would mean all left wingers don't mind lying and seem plenty O.K. with selling this country down the river.
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

What I find interesting is that you people think you have the moral ground to hold Christians accountable to Christian standards when it is you, Liberals, who have no standards. What you are doing is simply classic Alinsky..........attempt to hold other people to those peoples' standards. We tried your way and it failed. In fact, why don't you ask yourselves as to why you say you are for women, speak out against rape and assault against women, yet multiple women come out with allegations against Bill Clinton, and your knee jerk reaction is to smear and ridicule the women?

"But but but but but CLINTOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!"

You people are standing in ground to question Christians on morals and standards when you people have none.

If a Democratic candidate campaigned for President and their stance was Pro-life and they were against equal rights for the LBGT community, and yet many women and LBGT people voted for them, would you not be saying the same things this thread is?

A Democrat candidate campaigned for President with a stance that was pro woman and LBGT yet that candidate quickly dismissed countless claims from women claiming to to have been assaulted by the candidate's spouse. On LBGT, same candidate solicited and accepted donations from nation states run by theocracies that believe in torturing and murdering LBGT.

So, I don't say or ask the same thing as this thread. I simply call it corruption.

And it's in the upper decks....well said !!!
So, once again -- is adultery a conservative value?

Your conflation is funny.

Are you saying Christians have to vote for people who hold Christian values ?

What ever happened to separation of church and state ?

I guess you can ignore that when it suites you.

Uh, the right hates the separation of church and state.

Uh, no it doesn't. Not at the federal level which is what Jefferson was referencing.

It's you that is attempting to tie sexual morals to a presidential candidate.

Jefferson supported it, but the modern day conservative never got the memo. I guess the fake news sites haven't been reporting on it...

And so it goes, you have abandoned your premise.
How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

Where was your moral compass when you nominated Hillary? Where were you when the DNC was cheating Bernie Sanders out of a fair chance to challenge her for the nomination? Superdelegates? Seriously?

Do you realize how immensely hypocritical you are at this point?
How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

You're angry. Anger is the first symptom of a failed argument. Calling me a fraud only shows that anger.

You can't debate my words, so you dismiss them as "empty" and "meaningless" then hastily perch yourself upon that mile high ivory tower of yours. You then call me a fraud and attack me for voting for a "serial adulterer."

Where is your argument? You don't have one. You are doing nothing but attacking my character and beliefs.

I'm not angry, but I am disgusted. Sorry twinkie puff, but I'll call you what you are, every time. And you are a fraud - as is every other "Christian" who voted for the fascist degenerate. When you live your life as a Christian according to Judeo Christian moral code, and you vote for a misogynist, raping, serial adulterer, what else does that make you?

You're nothing but a fraud.

"Do as I say, ignore our actions." - The Conservative Mantra
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

What I find interesting is that you people think you have the moral ground to hold Christians accountable to Christian standards when it is you, Liberals, who have no standards. What you are doing is simply classic Alinsky..........attempt to hold other people to those peoples' standards. We tried your way and it failed. In fact, why don't you ask yourselves as to why you say you are for women, speak out against rape and assault against women, yet multiple women come out with allegations against Bill Clinton, and your knee jerk reaction is to smear and ridicule the women?

"But but but but but CLINTOOOOONNNN!!!!!!!!"

You people are standing in ground to question Christians on morals and standards when you people have none.

If a Democratic candidate campaigned for President and their stance was Pro-life and they were against equal rights for the LBGT community, and yet many women and LBGT people voted for them, would you not be saying the same things this thread is?

A Democrat candidate campaigned for President with a stance that was pro woman and LBGT yet that candidate quickly dismissed countless claims from women claiming to to have been assaulted by the candidate's spouse. On LBGT, same candidate solicited and accepted donations from nation states run by theocracies that believe in torturing and murdering LBGT.

So, I don't say or ask the same thing as this thread. I simply call it corruption.

And this thread and what you just said is why I didn't vote for either candidate. Neither deserved to be President.
How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

Where was your moral compass when you nominated Hillary? Where were you when the DNC was cheating Bernie Sanders out of a fair chance to challenge her for the nomination? Superdelegates? Seriously?

Do you realize how immensely hypocritical you are at this point?

Hillary was not my first choice, Bernie was, but I did gain an immense amount of respect for Hillary throughout the rest of the campaign. And the DNC didn't "cheat" Bernie out of anything, ya fucking right wing talking point. Hillary won across the board, even the popular vote.
Hillary was not my first choice, Bernie was, but I did gain an immense amount of respect for Hillary throughout the rest of the campaign.

So, you voted for a woman who never punished her husband for his adultery. She (to my knowledge) never publicly spoke out against him for it. Now, using your presumptive little argument, you therefore endorsed such adultery at the voting booth by voting for her. She didn't mind, therefore you don't mind.

You have no place lecturing me about my morality. None.
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I'm not sure if you were even alive back then, but Democrats DID condemn his behavior. He did cheat on his wife, after all. That was adultery.

By the way, I was 11 years old when the story broke in 1998. I spent most of the next year hearing about Clinton's adultery. I even watched his infamous "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" address Clinton gave the nation with my grandmother.
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How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

You're angry. Anger is the first symptom of a failed argument. Calling me a fraud only shows that anger.

You can't debate my words, so you dismiss them as "empty" and "meaningless" then hastily perch yourself upon that mile high ivory tower of yours. You then call me a fraud and attack me for voting for a "serial adulterer."

Where is your argument? You don't have one. You are doing nothing but attacking my character and beliefs.

I'm not angry, but I am disgusted. Sorry twinkie puff, but I'll call you what you are, every time. And you are a fraud - as is every other "Christian" who voted for the fascist degenerate. When you live your life as a Christian according to Judeo Christian moral code, and you vote for a misogynist, raping, serial adulterer, what else does that make you?

You're nothing but a fraud.

"Do as I say, ignore our actions." - The Conservative Mantra[/QUOT
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

You should have learned this by now, the majority of those that consider themselves religious, are only religious when it is convenient to them. If another religious person is hiring? They are religious. If another religious person is a buyer and they are a seller? They are religious. If the person they favor running for President is a liar, adulterous, person who makes fun of handicap people and talks about sexual assault? They aren't religious as long as that person is a person within their political party.

Dear Lewdog quick note:
Trump was mocking reporters in general, but was not targeting a disabled person. That was edited to make it look like that. He was rude and doing that to one reporter after another, mocking and slamming them, and may not have even known a reporter was disabled. That's what I was told was going on with the media.
If there was even a hint that Obama was unfaithful to Michelle republicans would not shut the fuck up about it. If Michelle Obama had done any level of racy modeling in the past the faux republican Christians would be shitting all over this forum with their faux outrage.

Trump and Melania are an exception of course

Na. Not them. Bammer was truly loved by the press. Far as his wife go's that bitch is a mud shark.
Thank you for proving my point you racist moron fuck.

Racist ? thats so last year. You need to get ya some monostat. It will help with your irritated vagina.
Oh no you exist every year dumb shit.

24/7 in your case. Wash it now and again and not only will it not itch, but it wont stink either.
How does it feel to have voted for a serial adulterer? And by the way, thanks for admitting to the world that your moral compass is subject to whatever position you want it to point in at any given time. Your words are completely meaningless and empty -- like every other conservative fraud.

You're angry. Anger is the first symptom of a failed argument. Calling me a fraud only shows that anger.

You can't debate my words, so you dismiss them as "empty" and "meaningless" then hastily perch yourself upon that mile high ivory tower of yours. You then call me a fraud and attack me for voting for a "serial adulterer."

Where is your argument? You don't have one. You are doing nothing but attacking my character and beliefs.

I'm not angry, but I am disgusted. Sorry twinkie puff, but I'll call you what you are, every time. And you are a fraud - as is every other "Christian" who voted for the fascist degenerate. When you live your life as a Christian according to Judeo Christian moral code, and you vote for a misogynist, raping, serial adulterer, what else does that make you?

You're nothing but a fraud.

"Do as I say, ignore our actions." - The Conservative Mantra[/QUOT
Something I never saw much of over the past year was discussion about Trump's blatant admissions of affairs with married women. I find this interesting, and it makes me wonder -- is adultery a conservative value?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here's Trump admitting to affairs in his book, The Art of the Comeback:

"If I told the real stories of my experiences with women, often seemingly very happily married and important women, this book would be a guaranteed best-seller."
He also said:

"I have too much respect for women in general, but if I did [write about my love life], the world would take serious notice. Beautiful, famous, successful, married — I've had them all, secretly, the world's biggest names..."
We also know that Donald began a sexual relationship with his second wife, Marla Maples, while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanka, in the months after she said he raped her.

We also know that Christian evangelists report being "very excited" about Trump's win.

Is this because adultery, affairs and sex outside of marriage are conservative values?

You should have learned this by now, the majority of those that consider themselves religious, are only religious when it is convenient to them. If another religious person is hiring? They are religious. If another religious person is a buyer and they are a seller? They are religious. If the person they favor running for President is a liar, adulterous, person who makes fun of handicap people and talks about sexual assault? They aren't religious as long as that person is a person within their political party.

Dear Lewdog quick note:
Trump was mocking reporters in general, but was not targeting a disabled person. That was edited to make it look like that. He was rude and doing that to one reporter after another, mocking and slamming them, and may not have even known a reporter was disabled. That's what I was told was going on with the media.

It was edited to look like that? He was talking about a specific reporter. Show me the edit in this video:


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