Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

when I know I've won the debate.

Nah, you depserate cultists always declare victory. Always. It compels nobody. It is self soothing. Nothing more.
either post the quoted language or you lose. sorry punk, you just lost credibility.
Lose what? Haha...go on, declare victory. Nobody cares, troll.
still losing, every post minus that quoted language, makes you more the loser. wow, doubling down. keep going. I'm here. I'll remind you you haven't posted the quoted language. keep going.
Oh no! Desperate cultist says I lost!

Okay then, see ya later!
What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
"Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor"

He asked Zelensky for a favor in exchange for military aid.
Volker's testimony today blew that whole story to smithereens.
Oh? You sat in on today's closed door session?
That's what several people said as they left the closed door session. Were you there to refute what they said?

The way this is bending is that during the campaign, Trump became aware that the son of the previous administration's vice president was selling access and favoritism to certain foreign countries. In this case, Trump has an obligation to investigate and ask for the cooperation of those foreign countries. So far Ukraine and Australia have instances of payment for access. We know that Hunter Biden has also had dealings with China. They should tell what they know.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
Has a single trump supporter answered your questions?
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
"Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor"

He asked Zelensky for a favor in exchange for military aid.
Volker's testimony today blew that whole story to smithereens.
Oh? You sat in on today's closed door session?
That's what several people said as they left the closed door session. Were you there to refute what they said?

The way this is bending is that during the campaign, Trump became aware that the son of the previous administration's vice president was selling access and favoritism to certain foreign countries. In this case, Trump has an obligation to investigate and ask for the cooperation of those foreign countries. So far Ukraine and Australia have instances of payment for access. We know that Hunter Biden has also had dealings with China. They should tell what they know.

So now we see you don't know what Volker actually said. :lmao:
That’s right, as long as he is acting in the interest of the country. Acting in the political interest of his own campaign is literally against the law

A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?
Thanks for reaffirming you don't know what Volker said after claiming "Volker's testimony today blew that whole story to smithereens."

That's what Republicans are saying. And we know they bullshit to protect Trump.

I'll got with Trump's own transcript to determine he quid pro quo....

While dangling $250 over Zelensky's head....

Zelensky: ...we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...
How would you react if a Democrat was caught doing exactly the same thing? Can you answer honestly?

Doing what same thing?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you're "playing" dumb. Can you answer the question? Or you are you just going to do the evasion dance?

The answer is right in front of you. What did the Republicans do when Biden actually did threaten money unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his sons company? Nothing. What did the Republicans do when DumBama said I'll have more flexibility after my reelection? Nothing.

So I'll ask the question again: what same things? You can't point to one nefarious thing Trump said in that phone call, and neither can your cohorts on the Democrat side. We've been asking repeatedly after all.
A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?

Where did Trump mention his campaign? HIs campaign has nothing to do with it because it's unlikely Biden will even come close to being the eventual nominee.

I can't understand how you buy this BS from the left; this cheap excuse to go after Trump because he's inquiring what actually happened in the Biden exchange. They're not worried about Biden, they're worried about Zelensky finding out what really happened over there.
A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
"Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor"

He asked Zelensky for a favor in exchange for military aid.

He did? Then please show me where Trump said military aid depended on it.
Has a single trump supporter answered your questions?
Yeah, it's essentially that the Dems will make themselves look bad, especially if what they come up with is weak. I was just wondering if I was missing something.

I don't know if they're far off. These are hyper-partisan times, people are getting sick of it, and the Dems might well end up looking like that's all this is - partisan political opportunism.

We'll sure enough find out.
Has a single trump supporter answered your questions?
Yeah, it's essentially that the Dems will make themselves look bad, especially if what they come up with is weak. I was just wondering if I was missing something.

I don't know if they're far off. These are hyper-partisan times, people are getting sick of it, and the Dems might well end up looking like that's all this is - partisan political opportunism.

We'll sure enough find out.

The Democrats are frantic what Trump might find with the help of Ukraine. It's to the point they are even attacking Bill Barr because he's flying around the world trying to piece together what took place with this phony Russia investigation.
Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.
They got the son of the VP. What is it that you think board members do?

I'll give you some credit here, because this is what our issue is on the right. And if they got the VP's son, what did they expect the VP to do in return?
Who cares what they expected? What matters is what they got. And so far, you've posted exactly what they got -- nothing.

That's my point. The energy company got nothing, at least in the way of executive acumen. So what did they get for their money? What company would pay somebody this kind of salary for nothing?

Perhaps Zelensky can tell us what in a couple of weeks. That doesn't bother you, does it?????
Who knows why they paid him that. Regardless, he's been cleared of wrongdoing; and anyone with even an ounce of intelligence and integrity knows that trump would never have mentioned Biden at all in that call if Biden wasn't running in the 2020 election.
Political pay back is hell, otherwise if it is that the old adage or saying might be applied in some way...... Although the conversation between Trump and Ukraine wasn't ever in the context the left is putting it in or rather they are trying to put it in, it is that the pay back aspect of it all (due to what the left had done to Trump), sure does look appealing to most American's at this time, otherwise if that type of thing can be drawn from it all. Not to much support will be gained on the issue of impeachment, and it will be a nothing burger when all is said and done, and Trump wins the popular this time.

In the mean time the nation becomes more and more politically divided, and more and more polarized. Thank you political parties of America.
Political pay back is hell
Most obstructionist congress in history...stealing SCOTUS picks... Calling Obama illegitimate...

Yep, payback's a bitch.... And then the repubs will lower the bar again, then the dems will, and so on...
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How would you react if a Democrat was caught doing exactly the same thing? Can you answer honestly?

Doing what same thing?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you're "playing" dumb. Can you answer the question? Or you are you just going to do the evasion dance?

The answer is right in front of you. What did the Republicans do when Biden actually did threaten money unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his sons company? Nothing. What did the Republicans do when DumBama said I'll have more flexibility after my reelection? Nothing.

So I'll ask the question again: what same things? You can't point to one nefarious thing Trump said in that phone call, and neither can your cohorts on the Democrat side. We've been asking repeatedly after all.
Why would Republicans have done anything? Biden did nothing wrong. Truth be told, Neither Trump nor Republicans would be shrieking a shit storm like they are if Biden wasn't running for president. Trump certainly wouldn't have even mentioned Biden's name to Zelensky.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?

Where did Trump mention his campaign? HIs campaign has nothing to do with it because it's unlikely Biden will even come close to being the eventual nominee.

I can't understand how you buy this BS from the left; this cheap excuse to go after Trump because he's inquiring what actually happened in the Biden exchange. They're not worried about Biden, they're worried about Zelensky finding out what really happened over there.

Sorry, but just 'cause you're dumb doesn't excuse Trump. Trump mentioned his campaign when he asked a foreign national to look for dirt on a Democrat running in the same election he's running in.

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