Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
"Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor"

He asked Zelensky for a favor in exchange for military aid.

He did? Then please show me where Trump said military aid depended on it.
His actions spoke for him. He held up money earmarked for Ukraine and wouldn't release it until he asked Ukraine's president for a "favor" and received confirmation his favor would be taken care of.
I just might vote for Joe, if he gets the nod. He may be more corrupt than Donny.
What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
"Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor"

He asked Zelensky for a favor in exchange for military aid.

He did? Then please show me where Trump said military aid depended on it.
His actions spoke for him. He held up money earmarked for Ukraine and wouldn't release it until he asked Ukraine's president for a "favor" and received confirmation his favor would be taken care of.

How would he know if his favor was taken care of until it happened? He put that money on hold a week before the call. It's very common practice when talking about international aid, especially in such a corrupt country.

The phone call was indicative of nothing. They were covering several subjects during the call, most of it was exchanging pleasantries. The Democrats can't impeach a President based on mind reading. To my knowledge, nobody has that skill as of yet.
What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?

Where did Trump mention his campaign? HIs campaign has nothing to do with it because it's unlikely Biden will even come close to being the eventual nominee.

I can't understand how you buy this BS from the left; this cheap excuse to go after Trump because he's inquiring what actually happened in the Biden exchange. They're not worried about Biden, they're worried about Zelensky finding out what really happened over there.

Sorry, but just 'cause you're dumb doesn't excuse Trump. Trump mentioned his campaign when he asked a foreign national to look for dirt on a Democrat running in the same election he's running in.

He did? Well tell me what page the word "dirt" is on, and I'll look it up.
How would you react if a Democrat was caught doing exactly the same thing? Can you answer honestly?

Doing what same thing?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you're "playing" dumb. Can you answer the question? Or you are you just going to do the evasion dance?

The answer is right in front of you. What did the Republicans do when Biden actually did threaten money unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his sons company? Nothing. What did the Republicans do when DumBama said I'll have more flexibility after my reelection? Nothing.

So I'll ask the question again: what same things? You can't point to one nefarious thing Trump said in that phone call, and neither can your cohorts on the Democrat side. We've been asking repeatedly after all.
Why would Republicans have done anything? Biden did nothing wrong. Truth be told, Neither Trump nor Republicans would be shrieking a shit storm like they are if Biden wasn't running for president. Trump certainly wouldn't have even mentioned Biden's name to Zelensky.

That's the point I'm making. Republicans didn't do anything about it because there was nothing to be done. A President (who Biden claims he was representing) has the authority as the executive to withhold money, just like Trump did a week before his phone call. Since he ran for President, he often criticized how the US was providing most of the aid while all the other UN countries stood by and watched. You have to know by now that was a major policy of his.
How would you react if a Democrat was caught doing exactly the same thing? Can you answer honestly?

Doing what same thing?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you're "playing" dumb. Can you answer the question? Or you are you just going to do the evasion dance?

The answer is right in front of you. What did the Republicans do when Biden actually did threaten money unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his sons company? Nothing. What did the Republicans do when DumBama said I'll have more flexibility after my reelection? Nothing.

Sorry, but I don't believe you. If Obama, or any other Democratic president, was caught pressuring a foreign country to investigate a Republican opponent, I think you'd be freaking out just like the Democrats are.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
"Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor"

He asked Zelensky for a favor in exchange for military aid.

He did? Then please show me where Trump said military aid depended on it.
His actions spoke for him. He held up money earmarked for Ukraine and wouldn't release it until he asked Ukraine's president for a "favor" and received confirmation his favor would be taken care of.

How would he know if his favor was taken care of until it happened? He put that money on hold a week before the call. It's very common practice when talking about international aid, especially in such a corrupt country.

The phone call was indicative of nothing. They were covering several subjects during the call, most of it was exchanging pleasantries. The Democrats can't impeach a President based on mind reading. To my knowledge, nobody has that skill as of yet.
He trusted Zelensky's word....

We are ready to open a new page on cooperation in relations between the United States and Ukraine. For that purpose, I just recalled our ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very competent and very experienced ambassador who will work hard on making sure that our two nations are getting closer. I would also like and hope to see him having your trust and your confidence and have personal relations with you so we can cooperate even more so. I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you have nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I surround myself with the best and most experienced people. I also wanted to tell you that we are friends. We are great friends and you Mr. President have friends in our country so we can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround myself with great people and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly and candidly. That I can assure you.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?

Where did Trump mention his campaign? HIs campaign has nothing to do with it because it's unlikely Biden will even come close to being the eventual nominee.

I can't understand how you buy this BS from the left; this cheap excuse to go after Trump because he's inquiring what actually happened in the Biden exchange. They're not worried about Biden, they're worried about Zelensky finding out what really happened over there.

Sorry, but just 'cause you're dumb doesn't excuse Trump. Trump mentioned his campaign when he asked a foreign national to look for dirt on a Democrat running in the same election he's running in.

He did? Well tell me what page the word "dirt" is on, and I'll look it up.
I just this minute saw an ad by trump claiming Biden threatened to not release the funds unless the prosecutor "investigating his son's company" was fired.

So even though the evidence shows there was no such active investigation, Trump, believing there was, is hoping Ukraine's president can find evidence he's right. That's dirt.
How would you react if a Democrat was caught doing exactly the same thing? Can you answer honestly?

Doing what same thing?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you're "playing" dumb. Can you answer the question? Or you are you just going to do the evasion dance?

The answer is right in front of you. What did the Republicans do when Biden actually did threaten money unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his sons company? Nothing. What did the Republicans do when DumBama said I'll have more flexibility after my reelection? Nothing.

So I'll ask the question again: what same things? You can't point to one nefarious thing Trump said in that phone call, and neither can your cohorts on the Democrat side. We've been asking repeatedly after all.
Why would Republicans have done anything? Biden did nothing wrong. Truth be told, Neither Trump nor Republicans would be shrieking a shit storm like they are if Biden wasn't running for president. Trump certainly wouldn't have even mentioned Biden's name to Zelensky.

That's the point I'm making. Republicans didn't do anything about it because there was nothing to be done. A President (who Biden claims he was representing) has the authority as the executive to withhold money, just like Trump did a week before his phone call. Since he ran for President, he often criticized how the US was providing most of the aid while all the other UN countries stood by and watched. You have to know by now that was a major policy of his.
So you're saying what Trump did is the same as what Biden did?
How would you react if a Democrat was caught doing exactly the same thing? Can you answer honestly?

Doing what same thing?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you're "playing" dumb. Can you answer the question? Or you are you just going to do the evasion dance?

The answer is right in front of you. What did the Republicans do when Biden actually did threaten money unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his sons company? Nothing. What did the Republicans do when DumBama said I'll have more flexibility after my reelection? Nothing.

Sorry, but I don't believe you. If Obama, or any other Democratic president, was caught pressuring a foreign country to investigate a Republican opponent, I think you'd be freaking out just like the Democrats are.

I would if it actually happened. But that's not so in this case. Trump didn't pressure anybody.
Doing what same thing?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume you're "playing" dumb. Can you answer the question? Or you are you just going to do the evasion dance?

The answer is right in front of you. What did the Republicans do when Biden actually did threaten money unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor investigating his sons company? Nothing. What did the Republicans do when DumBama said I'll have more flexibility after my reelection? Nothing.

So I'll ask the question again: what same things? You can't point to one nefarious thing Trump said in that phone call, and neither can your cohorts on the Democrat side. We've been asking repeatedly after all.
Why would Republicans have done anything? Biden did nothing wrong. Truth be told, Neither Trump nor Republicans would be shrieking a shit storm like they are if Biden wasn't running for president. Trump certainly wouldn't have even mentioned Biden's name to Zelensky.

That's the point I'm making. Republicans didn't do anything about it because there was nothing to be done. A President (who Biden claims he was representing) has the authority as the executive to withhold money, just like Trump did a week before his phone call. Since he ran for President, he often criticized how the US was providing most of the aid while all the other UN countries stood by and watched. You have to know by now that was a major policy of his.
So you're saying what Trump did is the same as what Biden did?

No, what I'm saying is Trump is being accused of what Biden did do, and no problems with that from the left. In fact, you people are defending him.
That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?

Where did Trump mention his campaign? HIs campaign has nothing to do with it because it's unlikely Biden will even come close to being the eventual nominee.

I can't understand how you buy this BS from the left; this cheap excuse to go after Trump because he's inquiring what actually happened in the Biden exchange. They're not worried about Biden, they're worried about Zelensky finding out what really happened over there.

Sorry, but just 'cause you're dumb doesn't excuse Trump. Trump mentioned his campaign when he asked a foreign national to look for dirt on a Democrat running in the same election he's running in.

He did? Well tell me what page the word "dirt" is on, and I'll look it up.
I just this minute saw an ad by trump claiming Biden threatened to not release the funds unless the prosecutor "investigating his son's company" was fired.

So even though the evidence shows there was no such active investigation, Trump, believing there was, is hoping Ukraine's president can find evidence he's right. That's dirt.

Nobody knows what really happened. So far, other than leftist outlets, I don't know when the guy was fired or what he was working on at the time.

So that's why the new Prez needs to look into it. He knows what went on in his country and who is covering up what. I heard on the radio today some foreign dignitary stated he didn't get fired for not doing enough, he got fired because he was doing too much.
That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
"Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor"

He asked Zelensky for a favor in exchange for military aid.

He did? Then please show me where Trump said military aid depended on it.
His actions spoke for him. He held up money earmarked for Ukraine and wouldn't release it until he asked Ukraine's president for a "favor" and received confirmation his favor would be taken care of.

How would he know if his favor was taken care of until it happened? He put that money on hold a week before the call. It's very common practice when talking about international aid, especially in such a corrupt country.

The phone call was indicative of nothing. They were covering several subjects during the call, most of it was exchanging pleasantries. The Democrats can't impeach a President based on mind reading. To my knowledge, nobody has that skill as of yet.
He trusted Zelensky's word....

We are ready to open a new page on cooperation in relations between the United States and Ukraine. For that purpose, I just recalled our ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very competent and very experienced ambassador who will work hard on making sure that our two nations are getting closer. I would also like and hope to see him having your trust and your confidence and have personal relations with you so we can cooperate even more so. I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you have nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I surround myself with the best and most experienced people. I also wanted to tell you that we are friends. We are great friends and you Mr. President have friends in our country so we can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround myself with great people and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly and candidly. That I can assure you.

So what is your point here? Again, a nothing burger. Like I said earlier, the conversation was mostly pleasantries.

Trump called him from the White House, not from his personal cell phone and then smashed it with a hammer. Trump is experienced enough to know that every call he makes has people listening in for security reasons. If you knew your employer was listening to your phone calls, would you be discussing your search for a new job?

If Trump had any nefarious plans, he certainly wouldn't be discussing them on the White House phone.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?

Where did Trump mention his campaign? HIs campaign has nothing to do with it because it's unlikely Biden will even come close to being the eventual nominee.

I can't understand how you buy this BS from the left; this cheap excuse to go after Trump because he's inquiring what actually happened in the Biden exchange. They're not worried about Biden, they're worried about Zelensky finding out what really happened over there.
You think Trump asked about Biden because It was important for USA foreign policy? Come Ray, you are smarter than that. It’s politics, plane and simple.
What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

That's not the story Joe gave. He said that different people in the White House get assigned different jobs to do. He happened to get picked for a country where his son works. And I guess you think that was just dumb luck, huh?

The problem is our federal government is totally out of balance. Hillary and the DNC indirectly paid for a foreign retired intelligence agent who got the information they wanted from the Russian government, but nothing happens to them. Instead, they go after Trump for two years because he made a joke about Russia having Hillary's emails.

Now Trump kindly asked if Zelensky could do him a favor and look into the Crowdstrike/ Biden thing, and Trump never made any kind of threat. Prior to that Biden laughs about how Ukraine responded to the threat he actually made, but he's not in trouble, instead, Trump is looking at impeachment.

I hope voters in the next election wake up and elect leaders that will put a stop to this one-way street that's been in Washington too long.
Ray... the prosecutor Biden had fired was corrupt. Biden didn’t do it to clear his son, everybody wanted the guy out. How do you not understand the difference between that and Trump wanting help for his campaign?! I don’t think there is any other way to explain it. You’re just messing with us at this point right?

Where did Trump mention his campaign? HIs campaign has nothing to do with it because it's unlikely Biden will even come close to being the eventual nominee.

I can't understand how you buy this BS from the left; this cheap excuse to go after Trump because he's inquiring what actually happened in the Biden exchange. They're not worried about Biden, they're worried about Zelensky finding out what really happened over there.
You think Trump asked about Biden because It was important for USA foreign policy? Come Ray, you are smarter than that. It’s politics, plane and simple.

Oh, it is politics to a degree. We have a guy running for President that has possibly been involved in corruption. You think we should just ignore that and give him a promotion instead of possibly exposing that corruption?

You just did a two year investigation on a sitting President because during the debates, he made a joke about Russia and Hillary's emails. But we have a guy here, who's son got a job he had no experience at, in a foreign country receiving aid from the US while his father was VP. He had no previous dealings with the country, with the company, and they hired him for 50K a month; a known drug addict that was not only in rehab several times, but thrown out of our military for it. And boom, landed the job.

I would say that's highly suspicious, don't you think? Of course not, because when it comes to Democrats, simply turn your head the other way.

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