Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

Who cares what they expected? What matters is what they got. And so far, you've posted exactly what they got -- nothing.

That's my point. The energy company got nothing, at least in the way of executive acumen. So what did they get for their money? What company would pay somebody this kind of salary for nothing?

Perhaps Zelensky can tell us what in a couple of weeks. That doesn't bother you, does it?????
This is old news Ray. I don’t know what your expecting to find but there’s nothing there. Keep digging though. Whatever keeps your eye off of Trumps pile of crap.

I don't know what I'm expecting to find either. What I do know is that the Democrats are hysterical about Trump's request regarding Biden. The only pile of crap here are from the crap makers in the Democrat party.
The Dems are hysterical about Trump asking Ukraine to help with a political hit. Not because they are worried about Biden’s very public and very non crime a crime. Trumps solicitation is viewed by many as an actual crime in which he can be impeached... that’s the issue, not the distraction

Asking a leader of another country to look into possible corruption by one of our US representatives in their country is not an impeachable offense. It's not a high crime, it's not a misdemeanor.

Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.
So what is that there are conflicting opinions about the Biden's.

Well then Barr will have no problem opening an official investigation.


He may, it depends on what Zelensky has to say. That's what the Democrats are scared shit about.

No democrats are not scared. Trump should be very scared because former and current law makers of Ukraine are already blasting Giuliani fraud investigation.

The best thing for Zelensky is to come out honest. If he come out lying then he will have to fight his own people. Ending up as a corrupt one term like trump.
My thoughts on this act is the Democrats are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. First they know impeachment will not fly, they do not even have enough votes in the house to bring up a formal impeachment hearing, and then there is no way the Senate will find Trump guilty. So this impeachment is to just tarnish Trump's reputation before the 2020 election. The real motive for the Democrats is to get Biden off the campaign trail, The impeachment is based on what Biden did while he was VP. The progressive side of the Dems think Biden is no far enough left for them and would rather have Warren as their candidate, They figure that the hearings might throw enough dirt on Biden to drop out of the race without making it look like the Dem are eating their own,

1. I don't know about that. The Democrats are in panic mode right now, and I think it's because any investigation will unfold things about Hunter and Joe that were never investigated before.

How does a guy who has no dealings in a country, get a job there for 50K a month in an industry he's totally inexperienced at?

Panic mode?
The only thing we are seeing are Trump and his followers are in full gear panic mode defending this bogus Ukraine conspiracy bogus story.

2. So? Did he stole it from Ukraine? How many in Trump administration that are inept and incompetent employees that got fired because of fraud?
There is no way you can use that as excuse of fraud against Biden. That is way too shallow.

Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.

Is that a basis of fraud? I know exactly where you got this one but it’s just a desperation to discredit a bogus conspiracy theory. Remember Trumpits love conspiracy.
Lock Trump up.

Quid Pro Joe is corrupt, impeach Trump.

You Stalinists are as insane as you are evil.

Lock Trump and his personal lawyer.
And it’s not illegal

In fact, it's part of the job requirement.

The PRESIDENT is to make a foreign policy, which includes cooperation with investigations of international criminals like Quid Pro Joe.
That’s right, as long as he is acting in the interest of the country. Acting in the political interest of his own campaign is literally against the law

A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
Correct, it isn't. That is a contrived, garbage series of baseless implications and intentional omissions designed to fool right wing rubes like you. Nothing more. And you are feasting on it.

Thanks for asking!

Nobody is fooling me, especially the Democrats.

Let this play out and see where it ends. I understand the Democrats are scared as hell of that, but the question is why?

Very funny. The only people that are scared are the people protecting trump mouth.

Like who are the democrats that are scared? I don’t see any body.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.
We need to nationally reform and be certain no more communists ever try to take over any other political party again.When socialists seize power recklessly they ki;; everyone who disagrees with the corrupt gangbosses
of the socialist republic. Like Maxine Waters, if things don't go their way fast enough, they contact followers to do damage to their political opponents. It becomes a war after so much warlike behavior has transpired, and human bodies start piling up.
isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

The bigger threat is what this sham is doing to our nation and political institutions. And it's all on the Dems. They don't even have the balls to do this shit by the book because if they did it would give the minority power the ability to also call forth witnesses and demand testimony from BOTH SIDES.

Cowards, the lot of them. As well as any of you leftwits who condone this twisting of judicial justice and outright abuse of legislative power.
The Dems are playing politics, of course, sprinting as fast and far as they can with every opportunity for perceived political advantage no matter what the collateral damage.

The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does.

All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Mac quote: "The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does."
I just watched the same thing you did--3 years of Democrats lying their butts off about Donald Trump and attacking him viciously by any means possible including several faux attempts at impeaching him, which has earned them the hostility of the sleeping Giant that lives in America. Your House of Cards is about to fall off its self-fluffing perch made of sand.

President Trump tells the truth and is far more transparent than he needs to be. Your team of Socialists have exploited every avenue to hurt this good man who has survived their lies by proving his honesty and working hard doing what he can to see to it American citizens have jobs.

The Democrat Congress has a stilted, wrongful attitude to assassinate the character not only of President Trump, but his compatriots and supporters who are also voters, and you have motivated them to get to voting against his detractors.

What transparent? Did he release his tax returns that he is hiding?
Just what goddamned business is it of yours that President Trump's privacy is completely invaded.

Answer: it's none of your goddamned business.
You think Trump asked about Biden because It was important for USA foreign policy? Come Ray, you are smarter than that. It’s politics, plane and simple.
No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
What do you think Joe did? Out with it...

People hire “names” all the time. It’s a draw, it raises funds, facilitates meetings, is used for branding and marketing. If you have evidence that there was more and Joe abused the power of his office then say it or stop spreading all this none sense.
We need to nationally reform and be certain no more communists ever try to take over any other political party again.
There's no reform that can prohibit socialists or communists or any other "...ists" from running for office in America. That's just not going to happen.

What Republicans clearly don't understand is that elections are about contrasts, that contrasts work in both directions, and in their present condition they're giving more than enough material for socialists and communists to work with.

This current Old West, you're-on-your-own, neo/pseudo-libertarianism that has gripped much of the party's thinking is tailor-made for socialist-leaning candidates to attract new voters. As wealth disparities continue to grow, and as the GOP continues to enable and downplay them, the more socialist-leaning candidates will have the increasing attention of much of the public.
We need to nationally reform and be certain no more communists ever try to take over any other political party again.
There's no reform that can prohibit socialists or communists or any other "...ists" from running for office in America. That's just not going to happen.

What Republicans clearly don't understand is that elections are about contrasts, that contrasts work in both directions, and in their present condition they're giving more than enough material for socialists and communists to work with.

This current Old West, you're-on-your-own, neo/pseudo-libertarianism that has gripped much of the party's thinking is tailor-made for socialist-leaning candidates to attract new voters. As wealth disparities continue to grow, and as the GOP continues to enable and downplay them, the more socialist-leaning candidates will have the increasing attention of much of the public.
We need to reinstate the Communist Control Act of 1954 which was never enforced since a lower court ruled it unconstitutional. It has never gone before the Supreme Court.

What we are seeing here are Communists calling themselves the euphemism, "Socialist", when actually, it is 100% in line with Communism, and Eisenhower and his Congresses were very chary of Stalin after news leaked back to the USA that tens of millions of Russian citizens both in Russia and its satellite countries were killed by various means including starvation.

Communist Control Act of 1954. The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or "Communist-action" Wikipedia
I'm just saying I don't think Communism is compatible with the Constitution. More about the Communist Control act:

Only a few court cases interpreted the scope of the act's termination of the party's "rights, privileges and immunities." In 1954, the New Jersey Supreme Court held that, under the act, a candidate who was not a nominee of the party could not appear on the ballot in a state election under the party label (Salwen v. Rees). The Supreme Court upheld the judgement of the New Jersey Superior Court in favor of the defendant-election official and adopted the Superior Court judge's oral opinion as its own. That opinion explained that the plaintiff-candidate was proclaiming that he was the candidate of the Communist Party and that a vote for him was a vote for "party enthronement." "In order to make good the outlawry of the Communist Party as such," the Superior Court judge stated, "it becomes unavoidable that individuals be prevented from carrying its banner." This "peculiar method, as chosen by the [plaintiff-candidate], is a keen way of circumventing the statute, because if it were valid for him to take the course that he has chosen, it would be valid for a complete set of candidates to do the same thing, the consequence of which, of course, would be to frustrate completely the design of federal law."

In 1973, a federal district court in Arizona decided that the act was unconstitutional and Arizona could not keep the party off the ballot in the 1972 general election (Blawis v. Bolin). In 1961, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the act did not bar the party from participating in New York's unemployment insurance system (Communist Party v. Catherwood)

However, the Supreme Court of the United States has not ruled on the act's constitutionality. Despite that, no administration has tried to enforce it. The provisions of the act outlawing the party have not been repealed. Nevertheless, the Communist Party USA continues to exist in the 21st century.

Source: Communist Control Act of 1954 - Wikipedia

I think communism has swept up the "socialists" in the Democrat Party and if we let this misfortune continue, they will continue to eat away at the guts of American government.​
I'm just saying I don't think Communism is compatible with the Constitution.
Yeah, I'd agree. I think it flies in the face of the spirit of the Constitution, but that doesn't mean it still can't be voted in, in one form or another. And also, the definition of the word "socialism" is now clearly flexible and up for debate, so that whole conversation might be pointless. I think it would be smarter for the GOP to (a) moderate its position on the role of government and (b) work on changing hearts & minds, because people vote.

I'm not expecting that, by the way, but I think the GOP is at risk here of going too far with the whole "the government is the problem" thing.

Thanks for the civil conversation, by the way. I'm usually getting screamed at by now. :laugh:
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You think Trump asked about Biden because It was important for USA foreign policy? Come Ray, you are smarter than that. It’s politics, plane and simple.
No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
Might show just how corrupt the Obama administration really was. Don't think the dims want a backfire on this, but it's exactly what they've gotten with their bullcrap.
That's my point. The energy company got nothing, at least in the way of executive acumen. So what did they get for their money? What company would pay somebody this kind of salary for nothing?

Perhaps Zelensky can tell us what in a couple of weeks. That doesn't bother you, does it?????
This is old news Ray. I don’t know what your expecting to find but there’s nothing there. Keep digging though. Whatever keeps your eye off of Trumps pile of crap.

I don't know what I'm expecting to find either. What I do know is that the Democrats are hysterical about Trump's request regarding Biden. The only pile of crap here are from the crap makers in the Democrat party.
The Dems are hysterical about Trump asking Ukraine to help with a political hit. Not because they are worried about Biden’s very public and very non crime a crime. Trumps solicitation is viewed by many as an actual crime in which he can be impeached... that’s the issue, not the distraction

Asking a leader of another country to look into possible corruption by one of our US representatives in their country is not an impeachable offense. It's not a high crime, it's not a misdemeanor.

Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.
Asking someone to investigate something, is only asking for information about a possible crime, and the reason for it is because that crazy old Joe Biden let the cat out of the bag by opening his own mouth in a very arrogant braggadocios way. Everytime Trump opens his mouth, the dims call for some kind of investigative fact finding mission whether it be here or over seas in which they seek to gather the information, so what's your point ?? If a crime takes place on foreign soil, don't you think that the fact finding mission just might include asking for help on solving such a thing, and yes it would be appropriate in my opinion.... Now just because of an election thing going on, do you think that vetting candidates is not warranted if something is afoot maybe ??

Didn't hold the Democrats back when it came to Trump, so no one wants to hear the whining when the shoe is in the other foot now.
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Didn't hold the Democrats back when it came to Trump, so no one wants to hear the whining when the shoe is in the other foot now.

Trump seems pretty eager to do all the same shitty things Democrats did. Makes you wonder, what's the point in electing a Republican?
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.
And it’s not illegal

In fact, it's part of the job requirement.

The PRESIDENT is to make a foreign policy, which includes cooperation with investigations of international criminals like Quid Pro Joe.
That’s right, as long as he is acting in the interest of the country. Acting in the political interest of his own campaign is literally against the law

A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?
why Hunter Biden was protected? how did he get his job and what did he do for his 50k a month salary, except party hard. cocaine anyone?

What it is is that democrats are the aristocracy. Laws don't apply to democrats. Not only will democrats NEVER be held to any law, even investigating a democrat is forbidden.

The Communist party has investigated Donald Trump for 3 years. Not one day has passed when the Stalinist democrats were not investigating some sort of absurdity, such as having 2 scoops of ice cream (actual investigation), BUT investigating open corruption by Quid Pro Joe Biden is impeachable.

It's simple, we a country with two different sets of laws. For commoners and Republicans, anything that angers the Communist overlords is illegal. For the democrats, there is no law save for serve the party.
In fact, it's part of the job requirement.

The PRESIDENT is to make a foreign policy, which includes cooperation with investigations of international criminals like Quid Pro Joe.
That’s right, as long as he is acting in the interest of the country. Acting in the political interest of his own campaign is literally against the law

A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

The issue everyone is missing is that Biden is a democrat, the Aristocracy. 3 years of nonstop investigations into Trump, his children, friends, anyone he has ever met is fine. BUT investigating open and known corruption by Quid Pro Joe is impeachable, because the Aristocracy is not subject to laws that govern those outside the Communist party. It was the same under Stalin, so why would ANYONE think that it would be different when his party, the democrats get power?

There are two laws,

For Party members: Serve the Party
Non-party: You are guilty, all that is needed is for a party member to name you for punishment.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

The bigger threat is what this sham is doing to our nation and political institutions. And it's all on the Dems. They don't even have the balls to do this shit by the book because if they did it would give the minority power the ability to also call forth witnesses and demand testimony from BOTH SIDES.

Cowards, the lot of them. As well as any of you leftwits who condone this twisting of judicial justice and outright abuse of legislative power.
The Dems are playing politics, of course, sprinting as fast and far as they can with every opportunity for perceived political advantage no matter what the collateral damage.

The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does.

All I'm seeing here is a continuation of the decay of this country, and both parties are fully complicit. If you want to simply blame it all on the other tribe, sure, be my guest.
Mac quote: "The Trumpsters are just being Trumpsters, downplaying every last embarrassing, childish, undignified, questionable, unpresidential, dishonest thing that buffoon does."
I just watched the same thing you did--3 years of Democrats lying their butts off about Donald Trump and attacking him viciously by any means possible including several faux attempts at impeaching him, which has earned them the hostility of the sleeping Giant that lives in America. Your House of Cards is about to fall off its self-fluffing perch made of sand.

President Trump tells the truth and is far more transparent than he needs to be. Your team of Socialists have exploited every avenue to hurt this good man who has survived their lies by proving his honesty and working hard doing what he can to see to it American citizens have jobs.

The Democrat Congress has a stilted, wrongful attitude to assassinate the character not only of President Trump, but his compatriots and supporters who are also voters, and you have motivated them to get to voting against his detractors.

What transparent? Did he release his tax returns that he is hiding?

Thank you, the statement, "President Trump tells the truth and is is far more transparent than he needs to be" is beyond pale; only a biddable fool or a damn liar would make that statement.

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