Serious questions for Trump supporters regarding this impeachment thing

I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.

Okay so, thread over. The Dems look bad. They might look even worse later.
We need to nationally reform and be certain no more communists ever try to take over any other political party again.
There's no reform that can prohibit socialists or communists or any other "...ists" from running for office in America. That's just not going to happen.

What Republicans clearly don't understand is that elections are about contrasts, that contrasts work in both directions, and in their present condition they're giving more than enough material for socialists and communists to work with.

This current Old West, you're-on-your-own, neo/pseudo-libertarianism that has gripped much of the party's thinking is tailor-made for socialist-leaning candidates to attract new voters. As wealth disparities continue to grow, and as the GOP continues to enable and downplay them, the more socialist-leaning candidates will have the increasing attention of much of the public.

Which is why I think we should end it all. The two parties will never unite and only drift further and further apart to the point the country is unrecognizable. That's why I've been saying we need two countries instead of one. Let's just divide and never have to deal with each other again.

I couldn't think of anything that would make me happier than never having to deal with liberal antics ever again; just living among my own kind would be great.
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
Everything is just noise and guesses and assumptions and bullshit until we see that document.
No, he asked about Biden because there was corruption possibly going on in it all. Nothing more and nothing less.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
What do you think Joe did? Out with it...

People hire “names” all the time. It’s a draw, it raises funds, facilitates meetings, is used for branding and marketing. If you have evidence that there was more and Joe abused the power of his office then say it or stop spreading all this none sense.

Well let's see what Zelensky finds and go from there, because none of us know what really happened, and the Democrats were never expecting a Republican President, and figured they had all their bases covered.

What I think Joe did was get the prosecutor fired for going after the company his son worked for. Burisma has been long known for it's corruption in that country, and it's my theory that Hunter was hired for protection.
In fact, it's part of the job requirement.

The PRESIDENT is to make a foreign policy, which includes cooperation with investigations of international criminals like Quid Pro Joe.
That’s right, as long as he is acting in the interest of the country. Acting in the political interest of his own campaign is literally against the law

A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
Correct, it isn't. That is a contrived, garbage series of baseless implications and intentional omissions designed to fool right wing rubes like you. Nothing more. And you are feasting on it.

Thanks for asking!

Nobody is fooling me, especially the Democrats.

Let this play out and see where it ends. I understand the Democrats are scared as hell of that, but the question is why?

Very funny. The only people that are scared are the people protecting trump mouth.

Like who are the democrats that are scared? I don’t see any body.

I see them all scared, especially Schiff Face and Piglosi. Why do you think they went into Defcon 1 mode all of a sudden? They are scared to death of Trump's people looking into what went on in Ukraine during the Hussein administration.
So what is that there are conflicting opinions about the Biden's.

Well then Barr will have no problem opening an official investigation.


He may, it depends on what Zelensky has to say. That's what the Democrats are scared shit about.

No democrats are not scared. Trump should be very scared because former and current law makers of Ukraine are already blasting Giuliani fraud investigation.

The best thing for Zelensky is to come out honest. If he come out lying then he will have to fight his own people. Ending up as a corrupt one term like trump.

Wishful thinking again? You leftists are all alike.
That's my point. The energy company got nothing, at least in the way of executive acumen. So what did they get for their money? What company would pay somebody this kind of salary for nothing?

Perhaps Zelensky can tell us what in a couple of weeks. That doesn't bother you, does it?????
This is old news Ray. I don’t know what your expecting to find but there’s nothing there. Keep digging though. Whatever keeps your eye off of Trumps pile of crap.

I don't know what I'm expecting to find either. What I do know is that the Democrats are hysterical about Trump's request regarding Biden. The only pile of crap here are from the crap makers in the Democrat party.
The Dems are hysterical about Trump asking Ukraine to help with a political hit. Not because they are worried about Biden’s very public and very non crime a crime. Trumps solicitation is viewed by many as an actual crime in which he can be impeached... that’s the issue, not the distraction

Asking a leader of another country to look into possible corruption by one of our US representatives in their country is not an impeachable offense. It's not a high crime, it's not a misdemeanor.

Asking a foreign leader a favor to investigate his political enemies is a crime. It’s a mafia style.

That's Mafia style? But Hillary and the DNC paying a company to hire a foreign retired investigator who procured his information from the Russian government, to create a dossier for Hillary is okay.....right? Joe Biden threatening Ukraine with the withholding of US funds unless they fired the prosecutor looking into his son's company was no problem either, huh?

Just because Joe is running for President doesn't give him any protection of the corruption he may have been involved in as VP.
Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.
They got the son of the VP. What is it that you think board members do?

I'll give you some credit here, because this is what our issue is on the right. And if they got the VP's son, what did they expect the VP to do in return?
They don’t really need the VP to do anything. Board of directors are used for fund raising, getting meetings, networking and building prestige. The son of the VO fills much of that criteria. Many orgs will jerk off anybody with a name to get them associated with their company.

Oh please, their secretary can do those things. Hunter in essence didn't do a damn thing. He was getting paid to curry favors from his father. How could Hunter do all those things you listed when he doesn't even speak the Fn language?

Why do you think language is the problem if you are a board member?

It’s not like every day you go out and dig natural gas.

I think it's one of the many problems with that case. Point being Hunter is no genius. Otherwise he would have found a way to kick the drug habit after several attempts in rehab. If he was a genius, he wouldn't have tried the stuff in the first place.

For that kind of money, you get a lot bigger bang for your buck with people in your own country, and even more so from the US.
That’s right, as long as he is acting in the interest of the country. Acting in the political interest of his own campaign is literally against the law

A VP who was involved in withholding money from a country that was forced to fire a prosecutor that was investigating a company his son worked for is not in US interest?

Sorry, but even if Biden dropped out of the race tomorrow, I want to know what that's all about.
What do you want to know? It wasn’t Biden’s call. It was what the US and allied countries wanted done because the prosecutor wasn’t doing shit about corruption in that country. I know this has been explained to you. What aren’t you understanding?

What I'm not understanding is why you think Biden had to react on behalf of the world. We don't do that. It's just a Democrat excuse.

What do I want to know? The timeline of this prosecutor being fired and Hunters employment there. I want to know why he was hired in the first place. I want to know what the company got for their money. I want to know what the associations are with CrowdStrike and the 2016 election. I want to know what Ukraine did in working against Trump under the former administration.
You don’t get why Biden reacted? Because he was assigned by Obama to be the point guy on this... that was his job and he did what our country’s administration wanted done. End of story

The issue everyone is missing is that Biden is a democrat, the Aristocracy. 3 years of nonstop investigations into Trump, his children, friends, anyone he has ever met is fine. BUT investigating open and known corruption by Quid Pro Joe is impeachable, because the Aristocracy is not subject to laws that govern those outside the Communist party. It was the same under Stalin, so why would ANYONE think that it would be different when his party, the democrats get power?

There are two laws,

For Party members: Serve the Party
Non-party: You are guilty, all that is needed is for a party member to name you for punishment.
Well this situation seems
To be going right over your head. I’m sorry you don’t understand what’s happening and why. It’s going to be a very frustrating next few weeks for you
I've been reading for a long time that Trump supporters want the impeachment proceedings to happen, and I'm seeing a lot of celebrating here, but I'm not quite sure why.

My guess is that you're thinking the Dems will make themselves look bad in the process, just in time for the next elections, would that be fair? (I can't disagree that politicians can make themselves look foolish, by the way, especially when they think they smell blood)

Any other reasons? And isn't it possible that some negative or damaging news on Trump will come to light as well, which might hurt him in 2020?

Serious questions.

How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government
Well, the company that hired Hunter expected something for that kind of salary. They didn't get any experience because Hunter had none. They didn't get anybody from their country because Hunter is a US citizen that doesn't even understand their language. So what were they getting for their money? That's the big question.

Is that a basis of fraud? I know exactly where you got this one but it’s just a desperation to discredit a bogus conspiracy theory. Remember Trumpits love conspiracy.
Lock Trump up.

Then perhaps you can answer the questions. After all, you claim to own a business. So allow me ask:

1. Would you hire somebody, pay them an exorbitant amount of money, to be a key player in your company when they don't know a thing about what you do, and can't communicate in our language of English? For that kind of money, you can find a hell of a lot of people, but of all people, you choose him.

2. You know.......when we Republicans see something that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, we call it a duck. When a leftist sees the same thing, they call it a dog if that's what CNN told them to call it.

You post are misleading.

1. No I will never hire someone that is not qualified.

How do you even even know that Hunter ( lawyer) is not qualified as a board member? Hunter was board member of Burisma a Ukrainian Natural Gas Producer. Tell me how difficult is that to be a board member?

My products is far more complicated than a natural gas. In 1998 I don’t know how to speak Mandarin Chinese but there are American translators that made it easier for me. Languages is not an excuse.

Okay. How about Jared Kusher son in law of Trumpits. Is he qualified as a diplomat running around crafting chaos? Kushner doesn’t have the qualifications. Start with that if you want to use qualifications.

Is that mean Hunter committed a fraud? There is no way you can use that as an excuse against Hunter. Way too shallow.

2. The only people that are quaking like a dick and duck are Trump and his dog eating shit making all these conspiracy crap.

I'm sorry you don't see the differences here. Coke head that was thrown out of military service was paid money only because he's Joe's son, and nobody pays off people without getting something in return. Being a board member is not experience to help run an energy company. And if it's a no brainer job, why didn't they hire the janitor for a tenth of the cost that Hunter made? Why didn't they hire somebody from their own country? It's not like people there can't use the money, especially that kind of money.

My Lord, I could image the outrage if Pence's son got a similar job right now. The media would be so upset they'd put the impeachment thing on the back burner for several months, and be demanding a US investigation with no stone unturned.

Americans going overseas as an employee is a big difference than a janitor. How did you know Hunter did not take a special courses or an adviser with him in Ukraine???
You know better than that.

Why mike pence as your example? I gave you Jared son in law of your messiah as an example.

Did anybody or the whole world complain about Jared non experience in diplomacy???

Trump placing him in his administration is his business, no wrongdoing there. That's the difference.

Joe didn't hire Hunter for his campaign manager, he got him a job at a company paying 600K a year for protection, and they got it apparently.
Possibly? I see you ran straight to the shiney object. Maybe for the rest of time we can just investigate all the possibilities to demonize our political enemies... even if there is no evidence. That would be great. We can go after all of trumps kids because they could possibly be criminals as well. That’s a wonderful direction to take our country!!!

Or we can grow up and act like civilized adults. This shit is getting crazy. All the idiots are coming out of the woodworks and buying into this crap.

Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
What do you think Joe did? Out with it...

People hire “names” all the time. It’s a draw, it raises funds, facilitates meetings, is used for branding and marketing. If you have evidence that there was more and Joe abused the power of his office then say it or stop spreading all this none sense.

Well let's see what Zelensky finds and go from there, because none of us know what really happened, and the Democrats were never expecting a Republican President, and figured they had all their bases covered.

What I think Joe did was get the prosecutor fired for going after the company his son worked for. Burisma has been long known for it's corruption in that country, and it's my theory that Hunter was hired for protection.
And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?
How's this post workin' out for you Mac? Now WaPo has given Shifty 4 Pinnochios
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government
Except for the last one, none of those things are actual crimes, and that one never happened. He didn't solicit campaign funds from a foreign government, you lying puss bag.

Adam Schiff and Nazi Piglosi can be charged with all of those.
Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
What do you think Joe did? Out with it...

People hire “names” all the time. It’s a draw, it raises funds, facilitates meetings, is used for branding and marketing. If you have evidence that there was more and Joe abused the power of his office then say it or stop spreading all this none sense.

Well let's see what Zelensky finds and go from there, because none of us know what really happened, and the Democrats were never expecting a Republican President, and figured they had all their bases covered.

What I think Joe did was get the prosecutor fired for going after the company his son worked for. Burisma has been long known for it's corruption in that country, and it's my theory that Hunter was hired for protection.
And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?
I keep seeing Dims posting this claim, but I've never seen any evidence of it.
Even if there is no evidence? You mean to tell me this loser kid of Joe's getting a job like that in a foreign country is not evidence enough to have an investigation?
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
What do you think Joe did? Out with it...

People hire “names” all the time. It’s a draw, it raises funds, facilitates meetings, is used for branding and marketing. If you have evidence that there was more and Joe abused the power of his office then say it or stop spreading all this none sense.

Well let's see what Zelensky finds and go from there, because none of us know what really happened, and the Democrats were never expecting a Republican President, and figured they had all their bases covered.

What I think Joe did was get the prosecutor fired for going after the company his son worked for. Burisma has been long known for it's corruption in that country, and it's my theory that Hunter was hired for protection.
And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?

So where were all these other governments to get rid of him? I only seen one do that, and it was our government.
Yes, I heard that on talk radio too. Then I saw it here several times. Crazy coincidence there.

I don't know what that has to do with my thread.

It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government
Except for the last one, none of those things are actual crimes, and that one never happened. He didn't solicit campaign funds from a foreign government, you lying puss bag.

Adam Schiff and Nazi Piglosi can be charged with all of those.
The law doesn’t say it has to be funds, just something of value. And as for the other things I listed, those valid as defined by the political constitutional process of impeachment .
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government

You forgot one:

Russian  dressing.jpeg
It sounds like he got the job because his father was VP. That's not a crime. There's no doubt trump being president opened doors for his kids, let's open investigations all around the globe wherever they do business and see what we can find. Whaddya say?

Why would somebody hire a guy because he's the son of a VP without expecting anything in return? Hiring the guy is one thing. Giving him 600K a year to do nothing is quite another.
What do you think Joe did? Out with it...

People hire “names” all the time. It’s a draw, it raises funds, facilitates meetings, is used for branding and marketing. If you have evidence that there was more and Joe abused the power of his office then say it or stop spreading all this none sense.

Well let's see what Zelensky finds and go from there, because none of us know what really happened, and the Democrats were never expecting a Republican President, and figured they had all their bases covered.

What I think Joe did was get the prosecutor fired for going after the company his son worked for. Burisma has been long known for it's corruption in that country, and it's my theory that Hunter was hired for protection.
And do you think Biden convinced multiple governments to get rid of the prosecutor for the same reason? Do you think Biden did all
of this on his own accord?
I keep seeing Dims posting this claim, but I've never seen any evidence of it.
What claim? I asked two questions
It is proof that the Dems have MADE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD in the process...or rather what you stated in the OP

Could be. That's the risk they're taking, but they can't back out now without looking even worse.

We'll see what the Articles of Impeachment say, if they take it that far.
That's a good question. What actual crime are they going to accuse Trump of committing?
Abuse of power, misuse of public office, breaking public trust, soliciting campaign aid from a foreign government
Except for the last one, none of those things are actual crimes, and that one never happened. He didn't solicit campaign funds from a foreign government, you lying puss bag.

Adam Schiff and Nazi Piglosi can be charged with all of those.
The law doesn’t say it has to be funds, just something of value. And as for the other things I listed, those valid as defined by the political constitutional process of impeachment .
You said "campaign funds," moron. "Funds" means money. Furthermore, as has been demonstrated thousands of times previously, campaign contributions must be something tangible. Information isn't considered "something of value."

You turds never tire of repeating this lie. That's because lies are all you have to prop up your mindless hate.

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