Serious Thread Topic: Can Terrorism Really Be Stopped?

MOST of the supporters cheering it on are not willing usually to act but some are. If we make it so that they get very little reward from their actions the millions of supporters that cheer it on will dwindle and the recruits will dry up.

Total, brutal war,.

All in.

Can't do that anymore.

The problem with that is...war against who? An idea? An ideology? A tactic? Conventional warfare doesn't work well when the problem isn't conventional nations.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.


Not a lot of time for a detailed response right now but I think the following; forget about stopping it totally. Be it Radical Islam or Radical Christianity…there will be people who hate.
Ya cause after all we have THOUSANDS of examples of Christian terrorism like we do Islamic, right?

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close
Terrorism is a tactic. You can't have a war nor can you end a tactic.

Nobody ever claims they are going to "end robbery". "Ending terrorism" is just as illogical.

Oh yes you can. The softer hearts don't like to hear that, but yes it is entirely possible.
And the left cheers because Trump's travel ban has been thwarted again! My gawd!

It is beyond crazy to let thousands of young male refugees into this or any other country and think there won't be at least a few terrorists among them.

As for stopping terrorism, I can't see how anything will work. The best I think you can do is to try to limit the danger by allowing fewer people from the ME in and I don't a fuck if it's islamophobic or not. Given a choice I'd rather be islamophobic and not have to bury a bunch of dead kids. Especially our kids, but anybody's kids for that matter.
MOST of the supporters cheering it on are not willing usually to act but some are. If we make it so that they get very little reward from their actions the millions of supporters that cheer it on will dwindle and the recruits will dry up.
That would help. How do we make it so they get very little reward from their actions?
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.


Not a lot of time for a detailed response right now but I think the following; forget about stopping it totally. Be it Radical Islam or Radical Christianity…there will be people who hate.
Ya cause after all we have THOUSANDS of examples of Christian terrorism like we do Islamic, right?

Are All Terrorists Muslims? It’s Not Even Close
Ya claiming accidental killings and murder are acts of terror always works so well when one wants to deflect or defend an indefensible action.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.

Were the Nazis stopped? Evil to this degree, can be eliminated but there will still be the deranged who will hold onto their weird religious or political emotions.
MOST of the supporters cheering it on are not willing usually to act but some are. If we make it so that they get very little reward from their actions the millions of supporters that cheer it on will dwindle and the recruits will dry up.
That would help. How do we make it so they get very little reward from their actions?
Start by shutting up the left and their whining about how nothing can be done we just have to live with it and SECURE the damn borders.
And the left cheers because Trump's travel ban has been thwarted again! My gawd!
The travel ban is not going to make you safer.
The travel ban will give us time to put procedures in place that vet people properly! Get some balls! You know who our pussy TSA searches at airports? Handicapped children and old women! We are killing ourselves by being pussies!

Trump is trying to avoid a Manchester and the fucking liberals are fighting him tooth and nail. So, you know who I will blame the next time it happens?
I don't think it's impossible to stop it, but would take full cooperation and participation from other countries in a coordinated effort. It would also take time since terrorists are scattered throughout the world.

Just sayin
And the left cheers because Trump's travel ban has been thwarted again! My gawd!
The travel ban is not going to make you safer.

I am amazed that you would say that. Obviously there's no way to guarantee anyone's safety these days, but you can cut down on the odds by reducing the number of possible terrorists and their supporters by not letting them in the country int he first place. And you do that by better and more thorough vetting. Whichis what Trump's travel ban is all about.
And the left cheers because Trump's travel ban has been thwarted again! My gawd!
The travel ban is not going to make you safer.

The ban is just temporary until better vetting methods are implimented.
He's already had more than the time allotted in the ban. I'm not hearing any improved methods. Why not? This wasn't done to improve vetting. It was a pacifier to make people feel safer. We won't be.
I'd like to get some thoughts from the liberals on this, because as a liberal, I really don't hear a whole lot of solutions to stopping terrorism. Probably because it can't be stopped. But I'd still like to hear if there have been any solutions proposed by the left.

it really cannot be stopped 100%

it is damned near impossible to prevent just a few people, or even just one person in a free and open society from inflicting damage on a "soft target"

Example, when I was a kid in Atlanta, DeKalb County had been fighting for YEARS to prevent MARTA (the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) from expanding into the county. The 1st week that MARTA came in, a man rode MARTA to Perimeter Mall & shot up a bunch of shoppers.

All we can do is be vigilant and act swiftly & aggressively when we see something that is out of line

Also would like to hear thoughts from the right about a real solution. Do you guys really think that bombing people into oblivion is going to end terrorism? We're talking about religious extremism here -- violence against them only adds fuel to the fire. Does the right actually have a real, actionable solution to ending terrorism?

You won't like this, but I do truly believe that Trump's travel ban was a good measure - it was never meant to be permanent either.

Outside of shutting our borders completely (which is impractical & would not be wise anyway); we need to be more discriminating as to who we let in & why.

We have heard from intelligence heads from all over the world that terrorists DO hide amongst refugee populations.

I actually have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, I remember learning about how FDR had turned away a boat full of Jewish refugees from Germany in the late 30's. IIRC, these folks were turned away from several countries & wound up having to go back to Germany - we all know what happened after that...

On the other hand, what can we do to offer humanitarian assistance to the people that really need the help; but keep ourselves safe at the same time?

Unfortunately, I think internment camps may be the best solution for the short term - that idea WOULD NOT play well with the media. But these people coming in really don't, or shouldn't, have any rights. Making them prove themselves as trustworthy before they are given an opportunity to move around freely just makes common sense.

Another thing I think we should do is monitor their activities once they are let in. Spy on them. Keep tabs on where they go & whom they associate with. IF any of them start running with nefarious crowds or "known bad actors" - ship them out post-haste.

Again, I know this sounds cruel, but remember, they are guests here & are staying based on our graciousness.

My personal point of view is that you can't really stop it. I don't see how it's possible as long as people still cling to these poisonous ME religions. The only real way we'd ever end global terrorism is through a sort of collective spiritual and psychological evolution to the next level, where as a society we've moved past the violent idiocy of archaic organized religion. The change must come from within. But that just isn't in the cards for the foreseeable future. In other words, we're screwed and terrorism will become more and more of a "normal" part of life.


and we finally have something we can agree on, well almost. I'm not comfortable with your depiction of organized religion as a generalization, but I can look past that...

Terrorism is a tactic. You can't have a war nor can you end a tactic.

Nobody ever claims they are going to "end robbery". "Ending terrorism" is just as illogical.

Oh yes you can. The softer hearts don't like to hear that, but yes it is entirely possible.


How would you have ended terrorist attacks like these:
DC Sniper Allen Muhammad
Richard Poplawski - who went on a rampage and shot 3 Pittsburgh police in 2009
Wade Michael Page - who attacked a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin in 2012.
Aaron Alexis - killed 12 people when he opened fire on the Washington Navy Yard in DC in 2013
Glenn Miller, Jr. - attacked a Jewish community center and retirement community in 2014
Jarad and Amanda Miller - went on a shooting rampage, killed two Las Vegas police officers, said to have held extreme anti-government views, 2014
Chris Harper-Mercer - went on a shooting spree at his college killing 10 people, had anti-religious and white supremacist views, 2014
Dylann Roof - went into a church and shot 9 people, wanting to start a race war, 2015

And that is just a handful of the terrorist attacks we've had in the last decade.
And the left cheers because Trump's travel ban has been thwarted again! My gawd!
The travel ban is not going to make you safer.

I am amazed that you would say that. Obviously there's no way to guarantee anyone's safety these days, but you can cut down on the odds by reducing the number of possible terrorists and their supporters by not letting them in the country int he first place. And you do that by better and more thorough vetting. Whichis what Trump's travel ban is all about.
Then ban visitors on a permanent basis from the countries where the terrorists are coming from--Pakistan, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. This was a poorly thought out ban for optic purposes only.
Some attacks can certainly be stopped. My opinion is like putting on weight or getting lung cancer because you were smoking, the biggest tactic I believe is prevention. If you can stop radicalization and spreading of hate, you can prevent the growth of these terrorists. This means, countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran and others have to be held to account for spreading extremism.

In the end though, if someone is hell bent on terror; and it comes in many forms, there is no way you can prevent every instance. You can have many successes, but the most radical and motivated are difficult to identify if they operate in stealth. So if you prevent and cut off the potential for radicals before they reach the stage of action, you will have a much better chance of success, and a much smaller number in which to deal with. As we all know, resources aren't infinite.

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