Seriously?,Some Of The Loons Are Still Giving Obama The Credit For The Booming Trump Economy?

Wait for the FY2018 Q4 downturn. Just look at what the US Debt has done since FY 2018 started on Oct 1, 2017 with is the first budget FY of the Orange Clown. When the Treasury closed their books the day before that, the Debt sat at $19.844 Trillion. I just checked today March 11, 2018 , which is less that SIX(6) months later into the FY under tHrump's "leadership" and last Friday on March 7, 2018, the US Debt stood at $20.957 Trillion.

Folks, that's is an increase in the US Debt of $1.113 Trillion in just 158 calendar days that the Orange One has racked up. At that rate, that would be adding $2.571 Trillion to the debt annually. Now all you Orange cheerleaders, would you like to cheer on the Clown-in-Chief and see the US Debt more that doubled over the possible Orange tenure of eight (8) years to over $40 Trillion?

How long will the economy "boom" before it busts when the Treasury can no longer service the current debt and the US goes into default. All it would take for that is China to start calling our loans! Think About It!!!

Obable took it from 10 trillion to 19 trillion during his time in office, but you call Trump the clown n chief, you’re not a hypocrite are you?

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Wait for the FY2018 Q4 downturn. Just look at what the US Debt has done since FY 2018 started on Oct 1, 2017 with is the first budget FY of the Orange Clown. When the Treasury closed their books the day before that, the Debt sat at $19.844 Trillion. I just checked today March 11, 2018 , which is less that SIX(6) months later into the FY under tHrump's "leadership" and last Friday on March 7, 2018, the US Debt stood at $20.957 Trillion.

Folks, that's is an increase in the US Debt of $1.113 Trillion in just 158 calendar days that the Orange One has racked up. At that rate, that would be adding $2.571 Trillion to the debt annually. Now all you Orange cheerleaders, would you like to cheer on the Clown-in-Chief and see the US Debt more that doubled over the possible Orange tenure of eight (8) years to over $40 Trillion?

How long will the economy "boom" before it busts when the Treasury can no longer service the current debt and the US goes into default. All it would take for that is China to start calling our loans! Think About It!!!

You do understand a booming economy will provide more tax revenue that a slumping economy like barry oversaw right?
You do understand a booming economy will provide more tax revenue that a slumping economy like barry oversaw right?
That absurdity puts me mindful of a famous Wimpy quote I read first in the Sunday Comic's section of the Omaha World Herald back in the early '50's as a young lad; "I'll gladly repay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

It's just like a politician/crook/'salesman' to promise riches and good times while he pisses down you leg telling you not to mind the rain right now. You just go ahead and let your boot get filled to overflowing, lad! No one can talk the faithful in to safety from the approaching storm!

Promising riches?
Hell,he's already delivered. My bank stocks went from 6 bucks to 23 bucks a share.
Promising riches?
Hell,he's already delivered. My bank stocks went from 6 bucks to 23 bucks a share.
So then I guess you're good then with the US Debt increasing by $2 T to $2.5 Trillion every fiscal year under the Orange One as long as YOUR stocks rise, EH?

Some folks might call that greedy while others might call it shortsighted. But then others yet, like myself, might want to refer to it as self centered wanton stupidity to rob future generations of what would rightfully be their shot at prosperity. I've got your full measure now!

You cant claim that until the tax revenue starts coming in at the end of the year.
You cant claim that until the tax revenue starts coming in at the end of the year.
I did claim it, based on the evidence of the tHrump administration's "economic performance" over the last 160 freakin' days since the beginning of FY 2018. The money is flowing OUT of the Treasury far, far faster than it's coming in.

The US Debt went UP by $1.113 Trillion in just over the first 5 months of FY 2018. In the period between Feb 7 and Mar 7, the US Debt grew by $463 Billion IN JUST 28 DAYS. That is an annual rate of $6.035 Trillion.

Do you really believe that the last 7 months the Treasury revenues of this FY are going outpace the spending and the Unicorns will return to grace the Earth once more? One would have to be bloody insane to believe that or, perhaps, a know-nothing tHrump die-hard with an extreme disregard for that uncommon commodity, Commom Sense!
You do understand a booming economy will provide more tax revenue that a slumping economy like barry oversaw right?
You do understand a booming economy will provide more tax revenue that a slumping economy like barry oversaw right?
That absurdity puts me mindful of a famous Wimpy quote I read first in the Sunday Comic's section of the Omaha World Herald back in the early '50's as a young lad; "I'll gladly repay you Tuesday for a hamburger today."

It's just like a politician/crook/'salesman' to promise riches and good times while he pisses down you leg telling you not to mind the rain right now. You just go ahead and let your boot get filled to overflowing, lad! No one can talk the faithful in to safety from the approaching storm!

Promising riches?
Hell,he's already delivered. My bank stocks went from 6 bucks to 23 bucks a share.
Promising riches?
Hell,he's already delivered. My bank stocks went from 6 bucks to 23 bucks a share.
So then I guess you're good then with the US Debt increasing by $2 T to $2.5 Trillion every fiscal year under the Orange One as long as YOUR stocks rise, EH?

Some folks might call that greedy while others might call it shortsighted. But then others yet, like myself, might want to refer to it as self centered wanton stupidity to rob future generations of what would rightfully be their shot at prosperity. I've got your full measure now!

You cant claim that until the tax revenue starts coming in at the end of the year.
You cant claim that until the tax revenue starts coming in at the end of the year.
I did claim it, based on the evidence of the tHrump administration's "economic performance" over the last 160 freakin' days since the beginning of FY 2018. The money is flowing OUT of the Treasury far, far faster than it's coming in.

The US Debt went UP by $1.113 Trillion in just over the first 5 months of FY 2018. In the period between Feb 7 and Mar 7, the US Debt grew by $463 Billion IN JUST 28 DAYS. That is an annual rate of $6.035 Trillion.

Do you really believe that the last 7 months the Treasury revenues of this FY are going outpace the spending and the Unicorns will return to grace the Earth once more? One would have to be bloody insane to believe that or, perhaps, a know-nothing tHrump die-hard with an extreme disregard for that uncommon commodity, Commom Sense!

So you're going with zero evidence...
No surprise there considering you agree with a bought and paid for movie script from the russians that hillary paid for.
and why was it the Obama Economy all this time until the DOW went down about 2000 points recently? and at that time it all of a sudden became the Trump Economy?
:abgg2q.jpg: I think it was last night? watching one of the Fox News programs where a guest was giving Obama a lot of credit for the current booming economy.,,,Hmm, its been about 16 months since Trump beat Hillary in a massive landslide, and it was right after he won when the stock market began to rise at a rapid pace, then soon to hit 20,21,22,23,24 and finally 25,000 !!! ,,and now we get a 300,000+ jobs report,,,so can anyone here explain how any of this has to do with Obama?
:290968001256257790-final: :11_2_1043: :desk: :hyper: :puhleeze:

The recovery started when Obama was President. That does not mean he had anything to do with it. He just happened to be President. Same with Trump.
Oh those pesky facts keep embarrassing you clowns!

Well, for one, the only legislation that Trump has gotten passed that will have an effect on the economy is his tax bill that was passed in December and took effect in February. It's too soon to see what the effects of Trumps tax plan will be.
UH, a large part of the surge is directly due to Trump un-doing Bummies expensive and useless regulations.

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