Seriously, what kind of a country have we become when people hope their President is guilty?

What is he guilty of?


That’s called abuse of power.
Then there’s the multiple felonies he’s an unindicted co-conspirator in. Michael Cohen is going to prison starting Monday for years. Felonies that Donald Trump planned and directed.
Great point. Michael Cohen is going to jail for his crime boss. We literally have a criminal in the white House. A con man who duped the electorate.

Maybe America needed a trump but I hope the experiment is over soon. He gave the rich a lot but we can always undo what he did.

The only question is do the corporations have too much power now? The courts are now packed with corporate cronies. Judges who will legislate from the bench. Trump even brags he will fight everything up to the Supreme Court.

Republicans are right we need tort reform.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

I gotcha'....

“How much money do homeless people make begging?
Nothing to $5–10/hr to $50–100/hr. Some reports of $200/hr & $300/hr, but my guess is those are peak-hours or lucky days.

Depends on your technique, the location, the times, and your hours.

Heard one guy in Los Angeles sold his spot (road intersection) for $25K. He was making $125K-175K/yr. If he worked 4–8 hrs/day (1,500–3,000 hr/yr), that’s $40–120/hr.

Hint: People in cars often donate bills (rather than change) - $1, $5, $10, $20, $100.”

“A beggar in Oklahoma City, OK makes $60k per year, or $30 per hour average. An actual homeless person who runs a Blogspot blog stated that he makes between$15-$30 per hour, but it is usually closer to $15 per hour on average.
How Much Money Do Beggars and Street Performers Make? – My ...

Given the choice between begging, and applying for welfare, I contend that begging is of a higher order for this simple reason: the person to whom you are begging has the choice of giving or not giving.

I can't stand beggars at the intersection. We should be able to pull out our guns and shoot them.


That’s called abuse of power.
Then there’s the multiple felonies he’s an unindicted co-conspirator in. Michael Cohen is going to prison starting Monday for years. Felonies that Donald Trump planned and directed.
Great point. Michael Cohen is going to jail for his crime boss. We literally have a criminal in the white House. A con man who duped the electorate.

Maybe America needed a trump but I hope the experiment is over soon. He gave the rich a lot but we can always undo what he did.

The only question is do the corporations have too much power now? The courts are now packed with corporate cronies. Judges who will legislate from the bench. Trump even brags he will fight everything up to the Supreme Court.

Republicans are right we need tort reform.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

I gotcha'....

“How much money do homeless people make begging?
Nothing to $5–10/hr to $50–100/hr. Some reports of $200/hr & $300/hr, but my guess is those are peak-hours or lucky days.

Depends on your technique, the location, the times, and your hours.

Heard one guy in Los Angeles sold his spot (road intersection) for $25K. He was making $125K-175K/yr. If he worked 4–8 hrs/day (1,500–3,000 hr/yr), that’s $40–120/hr.

Hint: People in cars often donate bills (rather than change) - $1, $5, $10, $20, $100.”

“A beggar in Oklahoma City, OK makes $60k per year, or $30 per hour average. An actual homeless person who runs a Blogspot blog stated that he makes between$15-$30 per hour, but it is usually closer to $15 per hour on average.
How Much Money Do Beggars and Street Performers Make? – My ...

Given the choice between begging, and applying for welfare, I contend that begging is of a higher order for this simple reason: the person to whom you are begging has the choice of giving or not giving.

I can't stand beggars at the intersection. We should be able to pull out our guns and shoot them.

As ammunition has gone up in price, I'm sure you don't intend a warning shot......
What is he guilty of?


That’s called abuse of power.
Then there’s the multiple felonies he’s an unindicted co-conspirator in. Michael Cohen is going to prison starting Monday for years. Felonies that Donald Trump planned and directed.
Great point. Michael Cohen is going to jail for his crime boss. We literally have a criminal in the white House. A con man who duped the electorate.

Maybe America needed a trump but I hope the experiment is over soon. He gave the rich a lot but we can always undo what he did.

The only question is do the corporations have too much power now? The courts are now packed with corporate cronies. Judges who will legislate from the bench. Trump even brags he will fight everything up to the Supreme Court.

Republicans are right we need tort reform.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

Is there a particular manner of dress you use for that begging????

Yes dress pants and a button down shirt. No jacket or tie unless the owners are coming from Germany then I really dress up.

I forgot I have a side gig. Lets just say I'm a pharma rep. Makes me another $50 a day and that's tax free $. So I actually make $300 every day I wake up.

$300 x 365 = ?
Great point. Michael Cohen is going to jail for his crime boss. We literally have a criminal in the white House. A con man who duped the electorate.

Maybe America needed a trump but I hope the experiment is over soon. He gave the rich a lot but we can always undo what he did.

The only question is do the corporations have too much power now? The courts are now packed with corporate cronies. Judges who will legislate from the bench. Trump even brags he will fight everything up to the Supreme Court.

Republicans are right we need tort reform.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

I gotcha'....

“How much money do homeless people make begging?
Nothing to $5–10/hr to $50–100/hr. Some reports of $200/hr & $300/hr, but my guess is those are peak-hours or lucky days.

Depends on your technique, the location, the times, and your hours.

Heard one guy in Los Angeles sold his spot (road intersection) for $25K. He was making $125K-175K/yr. If he worked 4–8 hrs/day (1,500–3,000 hr/yr), that’s $40–120/hr.

Hint: People in cars often donate bills (rather than change) - $1, $5, $10, $20, $100.”

“A beggar in Oklahoma City, OK makes $60k per year, or $30 per hour average. An actual homeless person who runs a Blogspot blog stated that he makes between$15-$30 per hour, but it is usually closer to $15 per hour on average.
How Much Money Do Beggars and Street Performers Make? – My ...

Given the choice between begging, and applying for welfare, I contend that begging is of a higher order for this simple reason: the person to whom you are begging has the choice of giving or not giving.

I can't stand beggars at the intersection. We should be able to pull out our guns and shoot them.

As ammunition has gone up in price, I'm sure you don't intend a warning shot......

See this is how Republicans get you. They gave you a tiny tax break but then raised the price of ammo. LOL
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything, but ignoring his guilt, as you are, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
the bullshit gets no deeper.

Why is Michael Cohen going to jail for 3 years? He only did what crime boss Don told him to do.

Pee on me Donny

Raw Dogn Don

Porn Humper Trumper

I'm trying to think of what nickname I would give Don if I were debating him.

Any Democrat who does not give Don a nickname will not get my support. He will eat anyone up who takes the high road.

I would ask him in the debates why he cheats on his wife with porn stars and I would tell the American people if his own wife can't trust him why should we?

And it wasn't nice sending his fixer to jail for 3 days. Why isn't Felony Don in jail? Does anyone think Michael Cohen acted on his own?


That’s called abuse of power.
Then there’s the multiple felonies he’s an unindicted co-conspirator in. Michael Cohen is going to prison starting Monday for years. Felonies that Donald Trump planned and directed.
Great point. Michael Cohen is going to jail for his crime boss. We literally have a criminal in the white House. A con man who duped the electorate.

Maybe America needed a trump but I hope the experiment is over soon. He gave the rich a lot but we can always undo what he did.

The only question is do the corporations have too much power now? The courts are now packed with corporate cronies. Judges who will legislate from the bench. Trump even brags he will fight everything up to the Supreme Court.

Republicans are right we need tort reform.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

Is there a particular manner of dress you use for that begging????

Yes dress pants and a button down shirt. No jacket or tie unless the owners are coming from Germany then I really dress up.

I forgot I have a side gig. Lets just say I'm a pharma rep. Makes me another $50 a day and that's tax free $. So I actually make $300 every day I wake up.

$300 x 365 = ?


Ever since I learned how to spin straw into gold, it's been a bonanza.
Great point. Michael Cohen is going to jail for his crime boss. We literally have a criminal in the white House. A con man who duped the electorate.

Maybe America needed a trump but I hope the experiment is over soon. He gave the rich a lot but we can always undo what he did.

The only question is do the corporations have too much power now? The courts are now packed with corporate cronies. Judges who will legislate from the bench. Trump even brags he will fight everything up to the Supreme Court.

Republicans are right we need tort reform.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

Is there a particular manner of dress you use for that begging????

Yes dress pants and a button down shirt. No jacket or tie unless the owners are coming from Germany then I really dress up.

I forgot I have a side gig. Lets just say I'm a pharma rep. Makes me another $50 a day and that's tax free $. So I actually make $300 every day I wake up.

$300 x 365 = ?


Ever since I learned how to spin straw into gold, it's been a bonanza.

You don't make shit lady. I just upped my 401K another 10% and I tucked $20K away into a 13 month cd. I have more money than I know what to do with.

And with my profits I made on my side gig this month I'm buying a gun.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

I gotcha'....

“How much money do homeless people make begging?
Nothing to $5–10/hr to $50–100/hr. Some reports of $200/hr & $300/hr, but my guess is those are peak-hours or lucky days.

Depends on your technique, the location, the times, and your hours.

Heard one guy in Los Angeles sold his spot (road intersection) for $25K. He was making $125K-175K/yr. If he worked 4–8 hrs/day (1,500–3,000 hr/yr), that’s $40–120/hr.

Hint: People in cars often donate bills (rather than change) - $1, $5, $10, $20, $100.”

“A beggar in Oklahoma City, OK makes $60k per year, or $30 per hour average. An actual homeless person who runs a Blogspot blog stated that he makes between$15-$30 per hour, but it is usually closer to $15 per hour on average.
How Much Money Do Beggars and Street Performers Make? – My ...

Given the choice between begging, and applying for welfare, I contend that begging is of a higher order for this simple reason: the person to whom you are begging has the choice of giving or not giving.

I can't stand beggars at the intersection. We should be able to pull out our guns and shoot them.

As ammunition has gone up in price, I'm sure you don't intend a warning shot......

See this is how Republicans get you. They gave you a tiny tax break but then raised the price of ammo. LOL

You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

Is there a particular manner of dress you use for that begging????

Yes dress pants and a button down shirt. No jacket or tie unless the owners are coming from Germany then I really dress up.

I forgot I have a side gig. Lets just say I'm a pharma rep. Makes me another $50 a day and that's tax free $. So I actually make $300 every day I wake up.

$300 x 365 = ?


Ever since I learned how to spin straw into gold, it's been a bonanza.

You don't make shit lady

Your language identifies you as a Democrat.

Be gone.
Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

I gotcha'....

“How much money do homeless people make begging?
Nothing to $5–10/hr to $50–100/hr. Some reports of $200/hr & $300/hr, but my guess is those are peak-hours or lucky days.

Depends on your technique, the location, the times, and your hours.

Heard one guy in Los Angeles sold his spot (road intersection) for $25K. He was making $125K-175K/yr. If he worked 4–8 hrs/day (1,500–3,000 hr/yr), that’s $40–120/hr.

Hint: People in cars often donate bills (rather than change) - $1, $5, $10, $20, $100.”

“A beggar in Oklahoma City, OK makes $60k per year, or $30 per hour average. An actual homeless person who runs a Blogspot blog stated that he makes between$15-$30 per hour, but it is usually closer to $15 per hour on average.
How Much Money Do Beggars and Street Performers Make? – My ...

Given the choice between begging, and applying for welfare, I contend that begging is of a higher order for this simple reason: the person to whom you are begging has the choice of giving or not giving.

I can't stand beggars at the intersection. We should be able to pull out our guns and shoot them.

As ammunition has gone up in price, I'm sure you don't intend a warning shot......

See this is how Republicans get you. They gave you a tiny tax break but then raised the price of ammo. LOL


All this shows us is how paranoid and delusional conservatives are. Soooo afraid Dems are going to take your guns.
I gotcha'....

“How much money do homeless people make begging?
Nothing to $5–10/hr to $50–100/hr. Some reports of $200/hr & $300/hr, but my guess is those are peak-hours or lucky days.

Depends on your technique, the location, the times, and your hours.

Heard one guy in Los Angeles sold his spot (road intersection) for $25K. He was making $125K-175K/yr. If he worked 4–8 hrs/day (1,500–3,000 hr/yr), that’s $40–120/hr.

Hint: People in cars often donate bills (rather than change) - $1, $5, $10, $20, $100.”

“A beggar in Oklahoma City, OK makes $60k per year, or $30 per hour average. An actual homeless person who runs a Blogspot blog stated that he makes between$15-$30 per hour, but it is usually closer to $15 per hour on average.
How Much Money Do Beggars and Street Performers Make? – My ...

Given the choice between begging, and applying for welfare, I contend that begging is of a higher order for this simple reason: the person to whom you are begging has the choice of giving or not giving.

I can't stand beggars at the intersection. We should be able to pull out our guns and shoot them.

As ammunition has gone up in price, I'm sure you don't intend a warning shot......

See this is how Republicans get you. They gave you a tiny tax break but then raised the price of ammo. LOL


All this shows us is how paranoid and delusional conservatives are. Soooo afraid Dems are going to take your guns.

Yes, that^^^ and force you to install and purchase ineffective Solar power. Import muslims, take over you empty rooms for housing them or illegals or homeless. Little electric cars, restrict when, where you can go. Think it can't 'wont happen? See CA. Select the food you can buy. Tax the wealth you accumulated using after-Tax dollars. Tax you again.

All this as they globetrot in private Jets to vacation palaces you pay for.
Last edited:
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything, but ignoring his guilt, as you are, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
the bullshit gets no deeper.

Why is Michael Cohen going to jail for 3 years? He only did what crime boss Don told him to do.

Pee on me Donny

Raw Dogn Don

Porn Humper Trumper

I'm trying to think of what nickname I would give Don if I were debating him.

Any Democrat who does not give Don a nickname will not get my support. He will eat anyone up who takes the high road.

I would ask him in the debates why he cheats on his wife with porn stars and I would tell the American people if his own wife can't trust him why should we?

And it wasn't nice sending his fixer to jail for 3 days. Why isn't Felony Don in jail? Does anyone think Michael Cohen acted on his own?
You posted a river of horseshit.
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

Nobody wants Trump to be guilty of anything, but ignoring his guilt, as you are, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
the bullshit gets no deeper.

Why is Michael Cohen going to jail for 3 years? He only did what crime boss Don told him to do.

Pee on me Donny

Raw Dogn Don

Porn Humper Trumper

I'm trying to think of what nickname I would give Don if I were debating him.

Any Democrat who does not give Don a nickname will not get my support. He will eat anyone up who takes the high road.

I would ask him in the debates why he cheats on his wife with porn stars and I would tell the American people if his own wife can't trust him why should we?

And it wasn't nice sending his fixer to jail for 3 days. Why isn't Felony Don in jail? Does anyone think Michael Cohen acted on his own?
then why isn't mueller saying we need to prosecute more? he never needed permission before to do it, he just did.

i'm trying to think of a time i've ever actually seen you think at all. this "nickname" shit is for jr high at best mindsets and you wonder why people think you're such a moronic asshole.

and no, i am not a fan of trump doing it either but hey - it's the rage so let's all be 12.


and again.

and again...
Stop and think about that for a minute...We had/have ‘citizens’ praying that their President was guilty of crimes against America.
Imagine what our grandparents would think of these filthy fucks?

It is almost as if you just started paying attention to politics the day Trump announced he was running for president.
That is what most establishment republicans hope to be true.....

that way, when the history is written on this train wreck presidency -- they can pretend that Trump is some new anomaly when in reality...Trump is just another failed republican president.
Partisan zombies always want the worst to happen. A guilty President is right up their alley.

Party before country. Ideology before country. Such is the nature of partisan zombies.

Do you know what 'partisan' means?

Let me help:
prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.

Perhaps if you'd inform yourself of the issues you wouldn't appear so ignorant.
How's that for a plan, fence-sitter?

Welp, I just informed myself of all the issues, and... yep, turns out you're still a partisan idiot not worth anyone's time. I always keep getting the same result, sorry.
Partisan zombies always want the worst to happen. A guilty President is right up their alley.

Party before country. Ideology before country. Such is the nature of partisan zombies.

Do you know what 'partisan' means?

Let me help:
prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.

Perhaps if you'd inform yourself of the issues you wouldn't appear so ignorant.
How's that for a plan, fence-sitter?

Welp, I just informed myself of all the issues, and... yep, turns out you're still a partisan idiot not worth anyone's time. I always keep getting the same result, sorry.

"... turns out you're still a partisan idiot not worth anyone's time."

Yet, here you are, trying to ameliorate the sting of truth.

Lies are not an anodyne, my posts will continue to hit a nerve in fools like you.
The stupid Moon Bats want this country to be a socialist shithole so bad they can taste it. They want to get their free stuff. At least until the money that was made under capitalism runs out.

They look at Trump as an impediment to this country becoming a socialist shithole so they hate his guts. It is the Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness.
Partisan zombies always want the worst to happen. A guilty President is right up their alley.

Party before country. Ideology before country. Such is the nature of partisan zombies.

Do you know what 'partisan' means?

Let me help:
prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.

Perhaps if you'd inform yourself of the issues you wouldn't appear so ignorant.
How's that for a plan, fence-sitter?

Welp, I just informed myself of all the issues, and... yep, turns out you're still a partisan idiot not worth anyone's time. I always keep getting the same result, sorry.

"... turns out you're still a partisan idiot not worth anyone's time."

Yet, here you are, trying to ameliorate the sting of truth.

Lies are not an anodyne, my posts will continue to hit a nerve in fools like you.

I only glance at your posts because you talk way too fucking much and believe opinions are facts, like most of Cult45.
You're a fool who babbles incoherently.

Yea but I make $250 a day every day of the year. Isn't America great that an idiot like me is richer than a genius like you? LOL

250 x 365 =

Is there a particular manner of dress you use for that begging????

Yes dress pants and a button down shirt. No jacket or tie unless the owners are coming from Germany then I really dress up.

I forgot I have a side gig. Lets just say I'm a pharma rep. Makes me another $50 a day and that's tax free $. So I actually make $300 every day I wake up.

$300 x 365 = ?


Ever since I learned how to spin straw into gold, it's been a bonanza.

You don't make shit lady. I just upped my 401K another 10% and I tucked $20K away into a 13 month cd. I have more money than I know what to do with.

And with my profits I made on my side gig this month I'm buying a gun.
Never seen a 13 month CD and shit talking is in evidence crowing about a 20K Cd that likely earns $250 per Year
Partisan zombies always want the worst to happen. A guilty President is right up their alley.

Party before country. Ideology before country. Such is the nature of partisan zombies.

Do you know what 'partisan' means?

Let me help:
prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.

Perhaps if you'd inform yourself of the issues you wouldn't appear so ignorant.
How's that for a plan, fence-sitter?

Welp, I just informed myself of all the issues, and... yep, turns out you're still a partisan idiot not worth anyone's time. I always keep getting the same result, sorry.

"... turns out you're still a partisan idiot not worth anyone's time."

Yet, here you are, trying to ameliorate the sting of truth.

Lies are not an anodyne, my posts will continue to hit a nerve in fools like you.

I only glance at your posts because you talk way too fucking much and believe opinions are facts, like most of Cult45.

As soon as I force you dopes to default to vulgarity, I know how deeply I've wounded you.


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