
didn't say that. I said it doesn't drive climate change. It reinforces climate change. You think it drives it. And there is absolutely zero evidence for that. CO2 lags temperature because of CO2 sequestration of the ocean.
There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant, it increases with fossil fuel burning and it ACCELERATES the temperature rise. Yes, it drives climate change because “the rate” increase is more affected by CO2 Production then any-other gas.
Anyone who believes differently, take it up with NASA. And everyone else. But climate change deniers are in the minority and getting smaller in number. They’re is just so much a person can take being on the stupid side of the fence.
Actually water vapor is the most abundant and dominant GHG, dummy. :lol:

You are so ignorant on this subject that you probably don't even understand the greenhouse gas spectrum.

Look at the total spectrum and see which GHG has the biggest impact, dummy.

View attachment 366901
That’s logarithm
Fk you. I’m not impressed you can copy and paste and pretend you know something you don’t.
Function ? It’s doubtful you know what that means.
You’re the third derivative of a position function.

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw ... you have no idea how to solve that equation, even when I spoon feed you the known values ... because, what?, YOU didn't know them ... and that's why you rely on beauty college websites for your climate information ... hairdresser ...

Yes, you're too quick calling others ignorant, obviously trying to hide your own ignorance ... which we've now exposed ... your math isn't even wrong ...

C'mon now, little girl ... what's the expression for k and is it a function? ... I'm sorry you wet your knickers when you look at the equation:
∆T = 5.35 k ln (CO2f/CO2i)
I know it's less important than whether plaid makes you butt look fat, but set aside your vanity for a bit and see if there's any grey matter left between the ears ...

(Yup, can always expose the suckers with a little high school algebra ... what great way to start my weekend) ...
I had no problem using the formula. He's an idiot.
You have trouble with logarithms
didn't say that. I said it doesn't drive climate change. It reinforces climate change. You think it drives it. And there is absolutely zero evidence for that. CO2 lags temperature because of CO2 sequestration of the ocean.
There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant, it increases with fossil fuel burning and it ACCELERATES the temperature rise. Yes, it drives climate change because “the rate” increase is more affected by CO2 Production then any-other gas.
Anyone who believes differently, take it up with NASA. And everyone else. But climate change deniers are in the minority and getting smaller in number. They’re is just so much a person can take being on the stupid side of the fence.
CO2 lags temperature, dummy.
“Logrythm” is a lumberjacks form of birth control. “Logarithmic” is an exponential function.
At least know the difference before you pretend to be smarter then we dummies.
That's a great response to CO2 lags temperature, dummy. As it literally has nothing to do with CO2 lagging temperature, dummy.
didn't say that. I said it doesn't drive climate change. It reinforces climate change. You think it drives it. And there is absolutely zero evidence for that. CO2 lags temperature because of CO2 sequestration of the ocean.
There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant, it increases with fossil fuel burning and it ACCELERATES the temperature rise. Yes, it drives climate change because “the rate” increase is more affected by CO2 Production then any-other gas.
Anyone who believes differently, take it up with NASA. And everyone else. But climate change deniers are in the minority and getting smaller in number. They’re is just so much a person can take being on the stupid side of the fence.
CO2 lags temperature, dummy.
“Logrythm” is a lumberjacks form of birth control. “Logarithmic” is an exponential function.
At least know the difference before you pretend to be smarter then we dummies.
That's a great response to CO2 lags temperature, dummy. As it literally has nothing to do with CO2 lagging temperature, dummy.
Trump Humpers
didn't say that. I said it doesn't drive climate change. It reinforces climate change. You think it drives it. And there is absolutely zero evidence for that. CO2 lags temperature because of CO2 sequestration of the ocean.
There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant, it increases with fossil fuel burning and it ACCELERATES the temperature rise. Yes, it drives climate change because “the rate” increase is more affected by CO2 Production then any-other gas.
Anyone who believes differently, take it up with NASA. And everyone else. But climate change deniers are in the minority and getting smaller in number. They’re is just so much a person can take being on the stupid side of the fence.
CO2 lags temperature, dummy.
And... you are an idiot.
And what does that make you if you can’t even make a point with a HS grad without embarrassing yourself.
I'm pretty happy with our exchanges. I can drop down to your level, but you can not rise up to mine.
Be careful. I never pretended to be anything but a humble middle class worker who values education and the American institutions It’s asinine to pretend that science practiced in our institutions is not Responsible for the greatest ideas man has ever had.....
because they collectively are smarter then me or you or literally, any single person. Maybe, You, like Trump, feel smarter because why ? He passed a dementia test ? .
Engineer Bing bragging again

You are too stupid to be middle class.

And this stupid person had to spend three posts correcting your utterances.

You didn't correct anything, dummy.
Fk you. I’m not impressed you can copy and paste and pretend you know something you don’t.
Function ? It’s doubtful you know what that means.
You’re the third derivative of a position function.

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw ... you have no idea how to solve that equation, even when I spoon feed you the known values ... because, what?, YOU didn't know them ... and that's why you rely on beauty college websites for your climate information ... hairdresser ...

Yes, you're too quick calling others ignorant, obviously trying to hide your own ignorance ... which we've now exposed ... your math isn't even wrong ...

C'mon now, little girl ... what's the expression for k and is it a function? ... I'm sorry you wet your knickers when you look at the equation:
∆T = 5.35 k ln (CO2f/CO2i)
I know it's less important than whether plaid makes you butt look fat, but set aside your vanity for a bit and see if there's any grey matter left between the ears ...

(Yup, can always expose the suckers with a little high school algebra ... what great way to start my weekend) ...
I had no problem using the formula. He's an idiot.
The mean the “ logrythm” formula ?
And... you are an idiot.
And what does that make you if you can’t even make a point with a HS grad without embarrassing yourself.
I'm pretty happy with our exchanges. I can drop down to your level, but you can not rise up to mine.
Be careful. I never pretended to be anything but a humble middle class worker who values education and the American institutions It’s asinine to pretend that science practiced in our institutions is not Responsible for the greatest ideas man has ever had.....
because they collectively are smarter then me or you or literally, any single person. Maybe, You, like Trump, feel smarter because why ? He passed a dementia test ? .
You are too stupid to be middle class.
And this stupid person had to spend three posts correcting your utterances.
You didn't correct anything, dummy.
If this were a type writer the ink ribbon would be dry from all the corrections.
Fk you. I’m not impressed you can copy and paste and pretend you know something you don’t.
Function ? It’s doubtful you know what that means.
You’re the third derivative of a position function.

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw ... you have no idea how to solve that equation, even when I spoon feed you the known values ... because, what?, YOU didn't know them ... and that's why you rely on beauty college websites for your climate information ... hairdresser ...

Yes, you're too quick calling others ignorant, obviously trying to hide your own ignorance ... which we've now exposed ... your math isn't even wrong ...

C'mon now, little girl ... what's the expression for k and is it a function? ... I'm sorry you wet your knickers when you look at the equation:
∆T = 5.35 k ln (CO2f/CO2i)
I know it's less important than whether plaid makes you butt look fat, but set aside your vanity for a bit and see if there's any grey matter left between the ears ...

(Yup, can always expose the suckers with a little high school algebra ... what great way to start my weekend) ...
I had no problem using the formula. He's an idiot.
This is where you brag about being a brain surgeon, ah engineer.
didn't say that. I said it doesn't drive climate change. It reinforces climate change. You think it drives it. And there is absolutely zero evidence for that. CO2 lags temperature because of CO2 sequestration of the ocean.
There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant, it increases with fossil fuel burning and it ACCELERATES the temperature rise. Yes, it drives climate change because “the rate” increase is more affected by CO2 Production then any-other gas.
Anyone who believes differently, take it up with NASA. And everyone else. But climate change deniers are in the minority and getting smaller in number. They’re is just so much a person can take being on the stupid side of the fence.
Actually water vapor is the most abundant and dominant GHG, dummy. :lol:

You are so ignorant on this subject that you probably don't even understand the greenhouse gas spectrum.

Look at the total spectrum and see which GHG has the biggest impact, dummy.

View attachment 366901
Stick to copy and pasting. It minimizes the mistakes you make.
If you can read, read this. It makes your little assertions silly.
You said, "There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant" which is false.

Water vapor is the most abundant and dominant GHG in the atmosphere, dummy.


View attachment 367063
That’s logarithm
You are babbling again, dummy.
And... you are an idiot.
And what does that make you if you can’t even make a point with a HS grad without embarrassing yourself.
I'm pretty happy with our exchanges. I can drop down to your level, but you can not rise up to mine.
Be careful. I never pretended to be anything but a humble middle class worker who values education and the American institutions It’s asinine to pretend that science practiced in our institutions is not Responsible for the greatest ideas man has ever had.....
because they collectively are smarter then me or you or literally, any single person. Maybe, You, like Trump, feel smarter because why ? He passed a dementia test ? .
You are too stupid to be middle class.
And this stupid person had to spend three posts correcting your utterances.
You didn't correct anything, dummy.
If this were a type writer the ink ribbon would be dry from all the corrections.
We have had to correct you a bunch, that's for sure, Mr. CO2 is the most abundant GHG. :lol:
Fk you. I’m not impressed you can copy and paste and pretend you know something you don’t.
Function ? It’s doubtful you know what that means.
You’re the third derivative of a position function.

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw ... you have no idea how to solve that equation, even when I spoon feed you the known values ... because, what?, YOU didn't know them ... and that's why you rely on beauty college websites for your climate information ... hairdresser ...

Yes, you're too quick calling others ignorant, obviously trying to hide your own ignorance ... which we've now exposed ... your math isn't even wrong ...

C'mon now, little girl ... what's the expression for k and is it a function? ... I'm sorry you wet your knickers when you look at the equation:
∆T = 5.35 k ln (CO2f/CO2i)
I know it's less important than whether plaid makes you butt look fat, but set aside your vanity for a bit and see if there's any grey matter left between the ears ...

(Yup, can always expose the suckers with a little high school algebra ... what great way to start my weekend) ...
I had no problem using the formula. He's an idiot.
This is where you brag about being a brain surgeon, ah engineer.
Ok, if you like. I paid more in taxes than you make. :lol:
Fk you. I’m not impressed you can copy and paste and pretend you know something you don’t.
Function ? It’s doubtful you know what that means.
You’re the third derivative of a position function.

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw ... you have no idea how to solve that equation, even when I spoon feed you the known values ... because, what?, YOU didn't know them ... and that's why you rely on beauty college websites for your climate information ... hairdresser ...

Yes, you're too quick calling others ignorant, obviously trying to hide your own ignorance ... which we've now exposed ... your math isn't even wrong ...

C'mon now, little girl ... what's the expression for k and is it a function? ... I'm sorry you wet your knickers when you look at the equation:
∆T = 5.35 k ln (CO2f/CO2i)
I know it's less important than whether plaid makes you butt look fat, but set aside your vanity for a bit and see if there's any grey matter left between the ears ...

(Yup, can always expose the suckers with a little high school algebra ... what great way to start my weekend) ...
I had no problem using the formula. He's an idiot.
You have trouble with logarithms
Apparently not. I'm the one who was able to use the equation, dummy. See? :rofl:

didn't say that. I said it doesn't drive climate change. It reinforces climate change. You think it drives it. And there is absolutely zero evidence for that. CO2 lags temperature because of CO2 sequestration of the ocean.
There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant, it increases with fossil fuel burning and it ACCELERATES the temperature rise. Yes, it drives climate change because “the rate” increase is more affected by CO2 Production then any-other gas.
Anyone who believes differently, take it up with NASA. And everyone else. But climate change deniers are in the minority and getting smaller in number. They’re is just so much a person can take being on the stupid side of the fence.
CO2 lags temperature, dummy.

CO2 does not drive climate change. CO2 reinforces climate change.
Fk you. I’m not impressed you can copy and paste and pretend you know something you don’t.
Function ? It’s doubtful you know what that means.
You’re the third derivative of a position function.

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw ... you have no idea how to solve that equation, even when I spoon feed you the known values ... because, what?, YOU didn't know them ... and that's why you rely on beauty college websites for your climate information ... hairdresser ...

Yes, you're too quick calling others ignorant, obviously trying to hide your own ignorance ... which we've now exposed ... your math isn't even wrong ...

C'mon now, little girl ... what's the expression for k and is it a function? ... I'm sorry you wet your knickers when you look at the equation:
∆T = 5.35 k ln (CO2f/CO2i)
I know it's less important than whether plaid makes you butt look fat, but set aside your vanity for a bit and see if there's any grey matter left between the ears ...

(Yup, can always expose the suckers with a little high school algebra ... what great way to start my weekend) ...
I had no problem using the formula. He's an idiot.
You have trouble with logarithms
Apparently not. I'm the one who was able to use the equation, dummy. See? :rofl:

View attachment 367158
Sure, your a real superstar.
K is the universal math term for constant of proportionality in math and physics doodle berry. Climate sensitivity . It’s a constant. It’s in your own original. You didn’t read it ?

Secondly nit wit, a position function is not necessarily a polynomial function as you Pretended to know. It can be any type. The first derivative is the change in position or rate function, the second is the acceleration which is a change in rate and the third which is change in acceleration, ( which you only stumbled onto after extraneous BS) is the JERK function.

Ha ha. All you had to do was look in the mirror. You must have just copied and pasted woo woo. What a joke.
You are a third most Humpers, JERKS.

You still haven't solved the equation ... because you can't ... blowhard ... and you don't dare try ... coward ...

If you can't back up your claims with the math, then yours is strictly religion ... you don't understand the climate system, you just act the baboon pretending University of P.O. Box 4726, Phoenix AZ, is your all powerful savior ... all hail the boogerman ... for the love of St Peter, with 3400 universities and 800 government agencies behinds you, you think you could do a little algebra for us ...


Yeah, thank you ding for the graph in your post #213 ... that illustrates my point here pretty well ... the more carbon dioxide we release, the less effect on temperature this carbon dioxide has ... and this is correctly reflected in the IPCC report's prediction of an increase of 2ºC over the next 100 years, and then this temperature rise levels out with only a 0.5ºC temperature increase between 100 years and 300 years ... and flat after that ... and these model runs are using SB instead of the equation I posted above ...

Drive two hours south and you've experienced all the climate change we're expecting in the next 100 years ... evolution not needed ...
didn't say that. I said it doesn't drive climate change. It reinforces climate change. You think it drives it. And there is absolutely zero evidence for that. CO2 lags temperature because of CO2 sequestration of the ocean.
There are many green house gasses in the atmosphere, some more effective then CO2. But, CO2 is the most abundant, it increases with fossil fuel burning and it ACCELERATES the temperature rise. Yes, it drives climate change because “the rate” increase is more affected by CO2 Production then any-other gas.
Anyone who believes differently, take it up with NASA. And everyone else. But climate change deniers are in the minority and getting smaller in number. They’re is just so much a person can take being on the stupid side of the fence.
CO2 lags temperature, dummy.

View attachment 367160

Funny, your own chart shows CO2 levels higher during industrial revolution then at any time man has been on earth.
Fk you. I’m not impressed you can copy and paste and pretend you know something you don’t.
Function ? It’s doubtful you know what that means.
You’re the third derivative of a position function.

Haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw haw ... you have no idea how to solve that equation, even when I spoon feed you the known values ... because, what?, YOU didn't know them ... and that's why you rely on beauty college websites for your climate information ... hairdresser ...

Yes, you're too quick calling others ignorant, obviously trying to hide your own ignorance ... which we've now exposed ... your math isn't even wrong ...

C'mon now, little girl ... what's the expression for k and is it a function? ... I'm sorry you wet your knickers when you look at the equation:
∆T = 5.35 k ln (CO2f/CO2i)
I know it's less important than whether plaid makes you butt look fat, but set aside your vanity for a bit and see if there's any grey matter left between the ears ...

(Yup, can always expose the suckers with a little high school algebra ... what great way to start my weekend) ...
I had no problem using the formula. He's an idiot.
You have trouble with logarithms
Apparently not. I'm the one who was able to use the equation, dummy. See? :rofl:

View attachment 367158
Sure, your a real superstar.
Compared to you? Sure.

Want me to teach you how to use the equation?

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