Sessions Kicked To The Curb

Trump needs a hard ass at the DOJ that will protect the president from outlandish democrat attacks and now Trump has a grateful senate that will approve anyone he sends them....
And the old lady of the supreme court can go ahead and croak now too.....
I feel you on that one son.

It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.

Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.
Only a worthless POS like you would wish for the murder of people he disagrees with. You're a class act.
He wants somebody to kiss his fucking ring and do as he's told.
Trump is a despotic patho out of control.
And you're too stupid to see it.
You are stupid...really stupid....he will put a real Trump defender in the DOJ and the senate will approve him or her and the dems can't do shit to stop fucking retard.....

The job of the AG is not to defend the President.

Did you cut every single Civics class?
Time for that spineless loser to go.

Time for Mueller to put up or shut up too.
Trump is running scared.
Democrats got the house just in time.
In January, they can demand the report be produced.
Nothing Republicans can do to protect Mafia Don.
Trump needs a hard ass at the DOJ that will protect the president from outlandish democrat attacks and now Trump has a grateful senate that will approve anyone he sends them....
And the old lady of the supreme court can go ahead and croak now too.....
I feel you on that one son.

It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.

Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.
Only a worthless POS like you would wish for the murder of people he disagrees with. You're a class act.

I know. ptbw forever was wishing deaths on tens of thousands of Democrats this morning and not a single Trump worshipper called him out on it.
The do nothing AG has submitted his resignation. Great news!
I'm not sure he submitted it.

All of the President's staff are informally but traditionally required to submit signed but un-dated resignations as a condition of appointment. My guess is Trump has applied the date and "accepted" Sessions' resignation, which is a polite and merciful means of shit-canning him.

Personally, I'm pleased to see this narrow-minded antique gone, mainly because of his position on marijuana. I believe marijuana prohibition is one of this Nation's most counterproductive and unnecessarily costly issues.
He wants somebody to kiss his fucking ring and do as he's told.
Trump is a despotic patho out of control.
And you're too stupid to see it.
You are stupid...really stupid....he will put a real Trump defender in the DOJ and the senate will approve him or her and the dems can't do shit to stop fucking retard.....

The job of the AG is not to defend the President.

Did you cut every single Civics class?
Remember, for Republicans, rules and laws and regulations don't apply.
White people are "special".
When they say they want to take back their country, they literally mean the country
belongs to white people only. And not just any white people. Nationalist white people.
He wants somebody to kiss his fucking ring and do as he's told.
Trump is a despotic patho out of control.
And you're too stupid to see it.
You are stupid...really stupid....he will put a real Trump defender in the DOJ and the senate will approve him or her and the dems can't do shit to stop fucking retard.....

The job of the AG is not to defend the President.

Did you cut every single Civics class?
Did you ever post that when Holder covered for Obama, Toro?
Trump needs a hard ass at the DOJ that will protect the president from outlandish democrat attacks and now Trump has a grateful senate that will approve anyone he sends them....
And the old lady of the supreme court can go ahead and croak now too.....
I feel you on that one son.

It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.

Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.
Only a worthless POS like you would wish for the murder of people he disagrees with. You're a class act.

I know. ptbw forever was wishing deaths on tens of thousands of Democrats this morning and not a single Trump worshipper called him out on it.
I guess you're just too lazy to post a link.
It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.

Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.

Scalia was only whacked because of the Friedrichs case which would have cost Big Labor billions in compulsory dues. Not because he "offended" liberals.

There is nothing on the horizon with the La Cosa Nostra and the Supreme Court to justify something so extreme- a hit of Kav would never be authorized.


Another batshit crazy conspiracy theory
Somebody must be shitting in her Depends now.

Why? She's not running for anything. She isn't elected to anything. She is just a grandmother Republicans like to lie about.
Very strange.
The job of the AG is not to defend the President.

Did you cut every single Civics class?
Tell that to Reno....Holder...and short...we don't give a fuck....Trump owns the DOJ now that Sessions is gone and the midterms went the GOP's way in the senate...the senate owes Trump and they know it.....the dems needed the senate more than the house....and they didn't get fact they lost seats....
Trump needs a hard ass at the DOJ that will protect the president from outlandish democrat attacks and now Trump has a grateful senate that will approve anyone he sends them....
And the old lady of the supreme court can go ahead and croak now too.....
I feel you on that one son.

It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.

Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.
Only a worthless POS like you would wish for the murder of people he disagrees with. You're a class act.

I know. ptbw forever was wishing deaths on tens of thousands of Democrats this morning and not a single Trump worshipper called him out on it.
I guess you're just too lazy to post a link.

Happy to.

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Only a worthless POS like you would wish for the murder of people he disagrees with. You're a class act.
Where did I wish for the murder of anyone?

I simply commented on your fellow rabid rightwinger, Rambunctious's wish for one of our SCOTUS members to, I quote, "croak."

Why aren't you shouting him down you partisan bastard?
The job of the AG is not to defend the President.

Did you cut every single Civics class?
Tell that to Reno....Holder...and short...we don't give a fuck....Trump owns the DOJ now that Sessions is gone and the midterms went the GOP's way in the senate...the senate owes Trump and they know it.....the dems needed the senate more than the house....and they didn't get fact they lost seats....

I know you don’t give a fuck about the rule of law. Your frothing at the mouth ranting and raving makes that very clear.

What matters to you is total deference to your Orange God, Constitution be damned.
Where did I wish for the murder of anyone?

I simply commented on your fellow rabid rightwinger's wish for one of our SCOTUS members to, I quote, "croak."

Why aren't you shouting him down you partisan bastard?
I didn't wish she would croak....I just gave her my permission.....God man...she is older than dirt.....its time...she falls asleep every 10 minuets....
Oh for god's sake....The one shitting his pants is Trump because now the Democratic congress is going after HIM, not Hillary.
How do you idiots keep getting it SO WRONG?
You are the one getting things wrong... Buuuaaaahahahahaha "blue wave" our Trump will fortify the DOJ with Trump supporters...the dems won't be able to touch him legally.....and if they try and lie about him it will backfire in 2020....the dems didn't win shit last night...the GOP gave them the house by so many of them running the idiot Ryan.....the dems will lose it back.....
41 Never Trumpers Retired. The Dems could only manage to win roughly about half those seats against a bunch of rookies. They end up with a small slim majority in a far more Conservative House with Trump Friendly Republicans, and More Moderate and Right Leaning Democrats.

They got their asses kicked in The Senate Races, and the lost three key states in Governor Races for the 2020 presidential election, Iowa, Ohio and Florida.

Pelosi is groveling, saying she'll work with The President if they just give her her old job back.
I know you don’t give a fuck about the rule of law. Your frothing at the mouth ranting and raving makes that very clear.

What matters to you is total deference to your Orange God, Constitution be damned.
At this point with all of the unpunished wrong doing by the left you are right...I don't care....payback time.....
He wants somebody to kiss his fucking ring and do as he's told.
Trump is a despotic patho out of control.
And you're too stupid to see it.
You are stupid...really stupid....he will put a real Trump defender in the DOJ and the senate will approve him or her and the dems can't do shit to stop fucking retard.....

The job of the AG is not to defend the President.

Did you cut every single Civics class?
Did you ever post that when Holder covered for Obama, Toro?

I voted for Romney. Thanks.

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