Sessions Kicked To The Curb

You guys have no idea how much joy it brings me to see Republicans STOMPING on their own!


Sessions was a coward. He didn't have the guts to go after a corrupt FBI. He took Schumer seriously when he said "If you mess with the intelligence community they have 6 ways from Sunday to get even with you".
Trump needs a hard ass at the DOJ that will protect the president from outlandish democrat attacks and now Trump has a grateful senate that will approve anyone he sends them....
And the old lady of the supreme court can go ahead and croak now too.....
Trump needs a hard ass at the DOJ that will protect the president from outlandish democrat attacks and now Trump has a grateful senate that will approve anyone he sends them....
And the old lady of the supreme court can go ahead and croak now too.....

He wants somebody to kiss his fucking ring and do as he's told.
Trump is a despotic patho out of control.
And you're too stupid to see it.
Trump needs a hard ass at the DOJ that will protect the president from outlandish democrat attacks and now Trump has a grateful senate that will approve anyone he sends them....
And the old lady of the supreme court can go ahead and croak now too.....
I feel you on that one son.

It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.

Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.
Oh for god's sake....The one shitting his pants is Trump because now the Democratic congress is going after HIM, not Hillary.
How do you idiots keep getting it SO WRONG?
You are the one getting things wrong... Buuuaaaahahahahaha "blue wave" our Trump will fortify the DOJ with Trump supporters...the dems won't be able to touch him legally.....and if they try and lie about him it will backfire in 2020....the dems didn't win shit last night...the GOP gave them the house by so many of them running the idiot Ryan.....the dems will lose it back.....
Early reports indicate Sessions' resignation letter read, "go fuck yourself, I'm out'.
That would be hilarious, but doesn't seem like his style. I think we all know if you do the job and don't trash the President you're fine, if either is not true, well, let's just say he'll talk about you in a way you won't like.
He wants somebody to kiss his fucking ring and do as he's told.
Trump is a despotic patho out of control.
And you're too stupid to see it.
Oh he's not too stupid to see anything. Rambunctious knows EXACTLY what he's doing, it's just that...he likes it!!!

He wants somebody to kiss his fucking ring and do as he's told.
Trump is a despotic patho out of control.
And you're too stupid to see it.
You are stupid...really stupid....he will put a real Trump defender in the DOJ and the senate will approve him or her and the dems can't do shit to stop fucking retard.....
I feel you on that one son. It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.

There would be millions of thoughts and prayers sent to the family should Kavanough pass away.
I agree. Uncle Jeffy showed some spine. The rest of the GOP sycophant Congress has turned into a bunch of whorish invertebrates for their master Trump.
He took an oath to the constitution, not trump.

To the Trumptards who worship Orange Jesus as their God, the only thing that matters is groveling deference and unquestioning loyalty to their deity, the Rule of Law and the Constitution be damned!
It would be nice to see Kavanaught wake up one morning, like Scalia, with a pillow over his face.

Before Christmas would be icing on the cake.

Scalia was only whacked because of the Friedrichs case which would have cost Big Labor billions in compulsory dues. Not because he "offended" liberals.

There is nothing on the horizon with the La Cosa Nostra and the Supreme Court to justify something so extreme- a hit of Kav would never be authorized.
Oh he's not too stupid to see anything. Rambunctious knows EXACTLY what he's doing, it's just that...he likes it
I do and I will enjoy watching Trump run circles around Pelosi...and it will be great fun to watch you libs go nuts in the process.....Trump victory in 2020 is in the bag! enjoy fudge packers.....lmfao.....

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