Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings

Furthermore, as you have correctly pointed out, there were more illegal deported under Obama and yet I didn't see any protests or constant accusations of racism thrown at him for it.
Because he was not catering to racists with his rhetoric. Surely you agree that trump can be racist and can obviously be pandering to racists, despite those numbers and totals... right?

Dina Titus is a Congresswoman here who represents most of the City of Las Vegas. She has constantly been posting stuff on Facebook critical of this administration for enforcing the immigration laws. She never made these posts when Obama was president.
Now who's hiding behind the anonymity of the internet?
Not me... I would be the first person in any serious company to point out what a stupid fucking point that is. why would I need to hide? are you the type that would throw a little hissy, or something?

Nope, I've had many in person debates, they never came to blows.

Bullshit, they would wait to be invited legally if they respected the country.
Nah, that's mind-numbingly stupid as well. For 90% of them, their lives aren't long enough for that to happen. Another painfully stupid comment by you... damn son, not sure when in your life you thought you somehow gained the ability to read the minds of millions of people, but, take it from your Uncle FF ... you can't actually do it, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Cry me a river, we're not responsible for the entire world, if their countries are that bad, they should stay an fix them.

Mexico is run by the Cartels.

Central American countries are mostly run by the Cartels...

Perhaps they need to grow a set and wipe the Cartels off the face of the earth for their own good and prosperity.
Catch and release has some unfortunate outcomes. The illegal comes here illegally, gets caught and given an appearance date. The illegal doesn't show up so the judge issues a deportation order. 25 years later, the illegal gets stopped for a DUI and gets deported under the old order.

What do you mean I'm deported? I've been here 25 years!

Buh bye.
Bullshit, they would wait to be invited legally if they respected the country.
Nah, that's mind-numbingly stupid as well. For 90% of them, their lives aren't long enough for that to happen. Another painfully stupid comment by you... damn son, not sure when in your life you thought you somehow gained the ability to read the minds of millions of people, but, take it from your Uncle FF ... you can't actually do it, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Cry me a river, we're not responsible for the entire world, if their countries are that bad, they should stay an fix them.

Mexico is run by the Cartels.

Central American countries are mostly run by the Cartels...

Perhaps they need to grow a set and wipe the Cartels off the face of the earth for their own good and prosperity.
Nah they work for the cartels.
She has constantly been posting stuff on Facebook critical of this administration for enforcing the immigration laws. She never made these posts when Obama was president.
Okay, that one example seems to be political expediency (at first blush). But there are independents that think this is an appeal to a racist voter base. Do you deny this?
She has constantly been posting stuff on Facebook critical of this administration for enforcing the immigration laws. She never made these posts when Obama was president.
Okay, that one example seems to be political expediency (at first blush). But there are independents that think this is an appeal to a racist voter base. Do you deny this?

No, I don't deny that people believe that. It has been my belief for a long time that the majority of the population is stupid and easily manipulated, which is how we keep ending up with the government we have.
She has constantly been posting stuff on Facebook critical of this administration for enforcing the immigration laws. She never made these posts when Obama was president.
Okay, that one example seems to be political expediency (at first blush). But there are independents that think this is an appeal to a racist voter base. Do you deny this?

No, I don't deny that people believe that. It has been my belief for a long time that the majority of the population is stupid and easily manipulated, which is how we keep ending up with the government we have.
If being obtuse were an olympic sport, you would have a gold medal right now.

So, you think anyone who thinks trump is employing dog whistle rhetoric to appeal to racism is stupid, and only thnks thast because they have been m,anipulated?

do I have that right?
Stop cutting off my posts altering their meaning.
I didn't do that at all, and you know it,. You are just trying to cry to the mods. feel; free, crybaby.

Name the four prongs. Go on, it's your point.

If I wanted to talk to the mods I wouldn't be giving you a chance to stop doing it.

He offered amnesty to 1.8 million for the wall, merit based immigration and an end to the visa lottery. The commiecrats said no to those four prongs.

She has constantly been posting stuff on Facebook critical of this administration for enforcing the immigration laws. She never made these posts when Obama was president.
Okay, that one example seems to be political expediency (at first blush). But there are independents that think this is an appeal to a racist voter base. Do you deny this?

No, I don't deny that people believe that. It has been my belief for a long time that the majority of the population is stupid and easily manipulated, which is how we keep ending up with the government we have.
If being obtuse were an olympic sport, you would have a gold medal right now.

I simply live in reality, not rhetoric.

So, you think anyone who thinks trump is employing dog whistle rhetoric to appeal to racism is stupid, and only thnks thast because they have been m,anipulated?

do I have that right?

There is nothing in Trump's past to suggest he is a racist, in fact just the opposite, and these accusations were never thrown at him until he ran for president.
A political shit storm is coming.

A MSM shit storm is coming.

Those caught at the border will overwhelm the detention centers and tent cities will be set up as they wait for a deportation trial. A court that has a backlog from hell.

It will flood the news.......................and it's coming.
I simply live in reality, not rhetoric.
You do not, if you deny that trump employs racist rhetoric to appeal to a racist portion of his base. You live in fantasyland, if you deny this.
There is nothing in Trump's past to suggest he is a racist
See, that's the thing.. I agree. I think he is not really racist, unless you want to say he is just racist by inclusion... that inclusion arising because, well, trump sees every human being not named "Donald trump" as an object which exists purely for his whims. I suppose it can be said that one is not a racist, when one is bigoted against EVERYONE.

But, here's the other thing: I do not give a fuck. Sure , alex Jones doesn't believe any of the bullshit he hawks on his radio program. But does that have ANY real effect on the actual damage he does with his rhetoric? It does not. So, in the end, I do not much care if he believes it or not.
She has constantly been posting stuff on Facebook critical of this administration for enforcing the immigration laws. She never made these posts when Obama was president.
Okay, that one example seems to be political expediency (at first blush). But there are independents that think this is an appeal to a racist voter base. Do you deny this?

Yeah right, he's going after illegals from virtually every country on earth, so who is he being racist against?

Yeah right, he's going after illegals from virtually every country on earth, so who is he being racist against?
IOn his rhetoric? Mexicans and other Cenrtral/South Americans. He does that to appeal to fools like you. And you eat it right up. Not sure what you are complaining about... I point out something you hate, and you complain. I point out something you LOVE, and still you whine. geesh man, you're a crybaby.
I simply live in reality, not rhetoric.
You do not, if you deny that trump employs racist rhetoric to appeal to a racist portion of his base. You live in fantasyland, if you deny this.
There is nothing in Trump's past to suggest he is a racist
See, that's the thing.. I agree. I think he is not really racist, unless you want to say he is just racist by inclusion... that inclusion arising because, well, trump sees every human being not named "Donald trump" as an object which exists purely for his whims. I suppose it can be said that one is not a racist, when one is bigoted against EVERYONE.

But, here's the other thing: I do not give a fuck. Sure , alex Jones doesn't believe any of the bullshit he hawks on his radio program. But does that have ANY real effect on the actual damage he does with his rhetoric? It does not. So, in the end, I do not much care if he believes it or not.
Trump is trying to keep his campaign promises.....................

He offered a deal to the Dems.............the Dems refused.

So now we go to the mat....................That is what is going on.

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