Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again.
Are you smoking crack? Jail here is better than their old life.. that's why they are willing to risk their lives just to come here.

Damn man, how can you people be so dumb? Use your head, numbnuts!

Is it, when that's all they get to see before deportation with a criminal record.

FOAD, the law is the law
Wow maaaan, that's deep. You certainly are a deep thinker.

nevertheless, we acknowledge that not all laws are "equal", and that not all measures of enforcement and punishment are effective or appropriate to all laws. So, when some idiot jumps into such a discussion saying, "the law is the law!"... well, as you can imagine, that person seems kind of simple-minded and stupid.
No we're talking about criminals who have no respect for our country or laws.
Another mind-numbingly stupid remark. Damn man, this isn't contest, there are no prizes for dumbest comment.

Of course they respect this country. In fact, they love it, and see it as their only hope.

Bullshit, they would wait to be invited legally if they respected the country. Oh and they wouldn't be marching in the streets spouting this re-conqista crap either.

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again.
Are you smoking crack? Jail here is better than their old life.. that's why they are willing to risk their lives just to come here.

Damn man, how can you people be so dumb? Use your head, numbnuts!

Is it, when that's all they get to see before deportation with a criminal record.

A deportation with a criminal record didn't stop the killer of Kate Steinle from coming back and killing her.
Bullshit, they would wait to be invited legally if they respected the country.
Nah, that's mind-numbingly stupid as well. For 90% of them, their lives aren't long enough for that to happen. Another painfully stupid comment by you... damn son, not sure when in your life you thought you somehow gained the ability to read the minds of millions of people, but, take it from your Uncle FF ... you can't actually do it, and you are embarrassing yourself.
Trump offered the commiecrats a 4 pronged solution for your precious dreamers, the commiecrat said no.
... because of the other demands Trump made. Damn, this is like talking to a child.

"When you only tell mommy some of the truth, that is the same as a lie."

Most people learn this when they are toddlers.

There was nothing other than the 4 prongs included, so tell me internet warrior, what some of the truth did I not include?

FOAD, the law is the law
Wow maaaan, that's deep. You certainly are a deep thinker.

nevertheless, we acknowledge that not all laws are "equal", and that not all measures of enforcement and punishment are effective or appropriate to all laws. So, when some idiot jumps into such a discussion saying, "the law is the law!"... well, as you can imagine, that person seems kind of simple-minded and stupid.

Now who's hiding behind the anonymity of the internet?

Catch and Release

Key Findings

  • In 2013, ICE charged only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens they encountered. Most of these aliens came to ICE's attention after incarceration for a local arrest.
  • ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the criminal aliens encountered by officers. The vast majority of these releases occurred because of the Obama administration's prosecutorial discretion policies, not because the aliens were not deportable.
  • ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation from the interior in 2013 than in 2012, despite sustained high numbers of encounters in the Criminal Alien and Secure Communities programs.
  • Every ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforcement activity, with the largest decline in the Atlanta field office, which covers Georgia and the Carolinas.
  • ICE reports that there are more than 870,000 aliens on its docket who have been ordered removed, but who remain in defiance of the law.
  • Under current policies, an alien's family relationships, political considerations, attention from advocacy groups, and other factors not related to public safety can trump even serious criminal convictions and result in the termination of a deportation case.
  • Less than 2 percent of ICE's caseload was in detention at the end of fiscal year 2013.
  • About three-fourths of the aliens ICE detained in 2013 had criminal and/or immigration convictions so serious that the detention was required by statute. This suggests the need for more detention capacity, so ICE can avoid releasing so many deportable criminal aliens.
Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again.
Are you smoking crack? Jail here is better than their old life.. that's why they are willing to risk their lives just to come here.

Damn man, how can you people be so dumb? Use your head, numbnuts!

Is it, when that's all they get to see before deportation with a criminal record.

A deportation with a criminal record didn't stop the killer of Kate Steinle from coming back and killing her.

Not all are hard core criminals like that POS. A reentry will prevent them form ever having a chance at citizenship here.

Now who's hiding behind the anonymity of the internet?
Not me... I would be the first person in any serious company to point out what a stupid fucking point that is. why would I need to hide? are you the type that would throw a little hissy, or something?
That's probably why trump has deported fewer than Obama did.

Then there's the "caravan" that stopped mid-Mexico while trump was lying about hoardes coming here.What is it now? About 150?

What a pile of BS.

It doesn't really matter how many people were deported under the prior administration if they just keep coming back over, right?

Furthermore, as you have correctly pointed out, there were more illegal deported under Obama and yet I didn't see any protests or constant accusations of racism thrown at him for it. Funny how selective the outrage is, proving further that illegal immigrants are nothing more than useful tool for the left to try and divide the country and get their candidates elected.
Catch and release was a stupid program used under both Bush and Obama.

Catch and release was to release illegals from ICE while waiting a court date for deportation.

The illegals wouldn't show up for court dates because they knew it meant deportation...........catch me if you can........

The courts for deportation to this day have a backlog from hell...............which means they can be detained for very long periods of time.

The reason for the courts is that many use existing laws against us even though they are not citizens............claiming birth rights........applying for asylum and etc...................

There are not enough courts to handle the cases and they are released for political reasons more so than our laws.........

Because the politicians don't want them locked up for ages waiting on a deportation hearing..............

The courts who handle these cases need expansion.
Bullshit, they would wait to be invited legally if they respected the country.
Nah, that's mind-numbingly stupid as well. For 90% of them, their lives aren't long enough for that to happen. Another painfully stupid comment by you... damn son, not sure when in your life you thought you somehow gained the ability to read the minds of millions of people, but, take it from your Uncle FF ... you can't actually do it, and you are embarrassing yourself.

Cry me a river, we're not responsible for the entire world, if their countries are that bad, they should stay an fix them.

Furthermore, as you have correctly pointed out, there were more illegal deported under Obama and yet I didn't see any protests or constant accusations of racism thrown at him for it.
Because he was not catering to racists with his rhetoric. Surely you agree that trump can be racist and can obviously be pandering to racists, despite those numbers and totals... right?

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