Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again.
Phony lying fuck! The March 2018 unlawful crossings were up by that amount compared to March 2017, not the whole bloody year as you falsely claim, fucking liar! Spring came early without the usual "monsoons" here in the SW desert is one reason along with other pressures.

Just ~ 4 weeks ago you idiot tHrump-bots were touting the 46 year record low border crossings for 2017. How did the Orange One fuck up so bad in such a short time?

The Clown-in-Chief takes an isolated stat and blows it completely out of proportion with the full backstory held at a remove and his tribe of gullible piss drinkers turn their collective heads every damn time that fat Orange fuck screams SQUIRREL! Do you take your piss warm and neat or with ice and stirred.

~~ Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection ~~
And when has Trump done such a thing?
When has Trump ... used racist rhetoric?

Wait... are you serious?

then you need to pay better attention. When he talks about Mexicans, he is not doing it on accident. he knows that it gets him applause. Is trump smart enough to know he is skillfully employing racist rhetoric? now THAT is up for debate.

What race is Mexican? BTW only about 60% of illegals come from/through Mexico.

The maggots? We're not talking about you and your fellow trailer park creatures. We are talking about real human beings, with souls. You aren't fit to wash the feet of these people.
So remind us again how many times you've gone down to Mexico and Central America to build homes and provide healthcare for those people? Never? Oh yeah...that's're a progressive. You only pretend to care when it is politically expedient.
Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection

It will be great for the prison industry. Good thing Trump suspended deficit spending limits.
Well, we could always raise taxes on you and your fellow progressives. After all, you people claim to love taxes. You claim there is nothing better for the economy and nothing better for quality of life than bigger government with more power and money.

I'm certain you wouldn't object to a special "left-wing tax" to help cover the cost of the prison industry for maggot illegals...right?
Yeah right, he's going after illegals from virtually every country on earth, so who is he being racist against?
IOn his rhetoric? Mexicans and other Cenrtral/South Americans. He does that to appeal to fools like you. And you eat it right up. Not sure what you are complaining about... I point out something you hate, and you complain. I point out something you LOVE, and still you whine. geesh man, you're a crybaby.

Well retard, I've spent a lot of time in Mexico and Central America, I would retire in Mexico if it were more stable. I've met blond haired, blue eyed people in all the countries I've visited. So as far as I can tell you're just making assumptions and talking out your ass.


You let them go................Sure they will show up for court..................

Under Obama and Bush the DATA didn't matter.....................

HEY LOOKY....................LOOK AT HOW MANY WE CAUGHT SEE..................

nevertheless, we acknowledge that not all laws are "equal", and that not all measures of enforcement and punishment are effective or appropriate to all laws. So, when some idiot jumps into such a discussion saying, "the law is the law!"... well, as you can imagine, that person seems kind of simple-minded and stupid.
And when someone like you hops in a message board - hiding their real name and their real face like a coward - while screaming "fuck the law...we will do what we want and we will support an invasion of the United States", well, as you might imagine, that person seems like a genuine piece of shit and a low IQ Dumbocrat voter.

We are either a nation of laws or we are not. Conservative choose to be decent, law abiding people. Disgusting Dumbocrats desire to be lawless thugs. That's why the Republicans control the White House, the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states right now. We thank you for your profound stupidity.
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed.

They can't be criminally prosecuted as there is no criminal violation. Under Title 8 of the US Code "Improper Entry" is cause for civil penalties, including up to 6 months imprisonment. This is problematic as statutorily defining de facto criminal prosecutions as civil procedures tends to involve abuses of government power.
Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again.
Phony lying fuck! The March 2018 unlawful crossings were up by that amount compared to March 2017, not the whole bloody year as you falsely claim, fucking liar! Spring came early without the usual "monsoons" here in the SW desert is one reason along with other pressures.

Just ~ 4 weeks ago you idiot tHrump-bots were touting the 46 year record low border crossings for 2017. How did the Orange One fuck up so bad in such a short time?

The Clown-in-Chief takes an isolated stat and blows it completely out of proportion with the full backstory held at a remove and his tribe of gullible piss drinkers turn their collective heads every damn time that fat Orange fuck screams SQUIRREL! Do you take your piss warm and neat or with ice and stirred.

~~ Southwest Border Migration FY2018 | U.S. Customs and Border Protection ~~

Whatever, I don't take welshers too seriously. So I failed to include the words "this time", sue me.

This Is a ‘Cheat Sheet’ Found at the Border to Coach Illegals on How to Stay in the U.S.

The sheet obtained by TheBlaze has handwritten notes about the appropriate “yes” or “no” answers to the questions, along with some jotted personal notes on what to say to U.S. authorities. They include, “Who did you live with?” and the answer, “My aunt, but she crossed the border.”

Another handwritten question is, “Where does your father live?” The answer underneath reads, “I don’t know him or even his name.”

Border Patrol agents in McAllen, Texas, have said most of the illegal immigrants they encounter have the same “rehearsed” answers about having “credible fear” in fleeing their countries so they will not be returned.

”It’s proof they are told what to say.”

They use our laws to demand a trial by sheets given to them before crossing.................telling them to say exactly how to answer..................

Then under Catch and Release they are given a trial date.............and allowed to roam free.................
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed.

They can't be criminally prosecuted as there is no criminal violation. Under Title 8 of the US Code "Improper Entry" is cause for civil penalties, including up to 6 months imprisonment. This is problematic as statutorily defining de facto criminal prosecutions as civil procedures tends to involve abuses of government power.
Without the Catch and Release program they can no longer just go about their business after being released waiting to appear in a trial.

They can be DEPORTED...........
They will Stack up in Detention Centers...............They will stack up in Detentions Centers set up by the military..............

They will Stack up.................and a HELL OF A BATTLE IS COMING.............

No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed.

They can't be criminally prosecuted as there is no criminal violation. Under Title 8 of the US Code "Improper Entry" is cause for civil penalties, including up to 6 months imprisonment. This is problematic as statutorily defining de facto criminal prosecutions as civil procedures tends to involve abuses of government power.

That's where you're wrong, first offense carries a 6 month jail term. There are penalties, both civil and criminal.

misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

(b)Improper time or place; civil penalties

Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

This Is a ‘Cheat Sheet’ Found at the Border to Coach Illegals on How to Stay in the U.S.

The sheet obtained by TheBlaze has handwritten notes about the appropriate “yes” or “no” answers to the questions, along with some jotted personal notes on what to say to U.S. authorities. They include, “Who did you live with?” and the answer, “My aunt, but she crossed the border.”

Another handwritten question is, “Where does your father live?” The answer underneath reads, “I don’t know him or even his name.”

Border Patrol agents in McAllen, Texas, have said most of the illegal immigrants they encounter have the same “rehearsed” answers about having “credible fear” in fleeing their countries so they will not be returned.

”It’s proof they are told what to say.”

They use our laws to demand a trial by sheets given to them before crossing.................telling them to say exactly how to answer..................

Then under Catch and Release they are given a trial date.............and allowed to roam free.................

Of course they're coached, I saw a story on this caravan where they were meeting with US lawyers to be coached on what to say.

No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed.

They can't be criminally prosecuted as there is no criminal violation. Under Title 8 of the US Code "Improper Entry" is cause for civil penalties, including up to 6 months imprisonment. This is problematic as statutorily defining de facto criminal prosecutions as civil procedures tends to involve abuses of government power.

That's where you're wrong, first offense carries a 6 month jail term. There are penalties, both civil and criminal.

misrepresentation and concealment of facts

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

(b)Improper time or place; civil penalties

Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of—
alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien


You really mean to tell me that you're quoting the actual statute, and yet you don't see what is right in front of your face?

Where does it say anything about criminal penalties? Oh, did you think that the prescription of 6 months imprisonment magically makes it a criminal statute? You would be wrong.

Pay attention and actually read what you're quoting. The statute specifically says it's a CIVIL liability. Which explains why it's found where it is. Crimes and criminal procedures are found in Title 18.
And when has Trump done such a thing?
When has Trump ... used racist rhetoric?

Wait... are you serious?

then you need to pay better attention. When he talks about Mexicans, he is not doing it on accident. he knows that it gets him applause. Is trump smart enough to know he is skillfully employing racist rhetoric? now THAT is up for debate.

So you can't cite any specific statement?

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