Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings

An illegal alien once cheated me out of $.15 at a 7/11. Kill them all!

Have you got something that is actually on topic?


Well, I hate to interfere with the Trumpetts' manufactured crisis building, so carry on with your fear and hate mongering.....

Curious, what about this is "manufactured"?

What about this is "fear"?

What about this is "hate mongering"?

It is not a matter of hate or fear when we ask that our borders be respected, our laws obeyed. You liberals display a complete and total lack of regard for the law when it comes to illegal immigration. Never tell me you respect the law. Because if you do, you'll be lying to yourself, to me, and to other people.

Come on, I dare you. Tell me you respect the law. Tell me.
Good we don't have nearly enough people in jail as we should
From The Independent:
President Donald Trump has ordered government agencies to stop the “catch and release” policy, which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

Ending the policy was one of the president’s key promises during his 2016 campaign. However, immigration authorities have reported a shortage of space to house detained migrants so Mr Trump’s memo has directed the Departments of Defence and Homeland Security to find military installations capable of housing people.
Trump is a total reactionary rather than proactive problem solver. He could resolve the problem by moving for legislation that removes the impediments that prevent ICE officials from simply catching illegal border crossers and immediately marching them right back across the border. But Trump's not pushing for changes such as that is he? No, he's advocating for an approach that necessitates a boost in incarceration facilities.

I have to agree. The Trump admin's plan here is counter-productive as it wastes taxpayer money housing people and only incentivizes people to come over and still go through the asylum process. Simply make it so that they can be caught and immediately sent back. Leave it to a Republican president to over-complicate things when they're whole philosophy was supposed to be "smaller gov't", not more.
I will add one other thing. How can we take you seriously, liberals, when you demand that we treat gay people equally under the law, while showing a such complete disregard for it in this manner? How can you demand that we obey and respect the law when you won't even respect the simple fact that we have laws against illegal immigration? Why is the law fair and just in one instance, while in the other it is totally unfair and unjust?

Oh please. Don't bother. Even at 4 AM in the morning I can smell the BS from light years away.
Good we don't have nearly enough people in jail as we should
From The Independent:
President Donald Trump has ordered government agencies to stop the “catch and release” policy, which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

Ending the policy was one of the president’s key promises during his 2016 campaign. However, immigration authorities have reported a shortage of space to house detained migrants so Mr Trump’s memo has directed the Departments of Defence and Homeland Security to find military installations capable of housing people.
Trump is a total reactionary rather than proactive problem solver. He could resolve the problem by moving for legislation that removes the impediments that prevent ICE officials from simply catching illegal border crossers and immediately marching them right back across the border. But Trump's not pushing for changes such as that is he? No, he's advocating for an approach that necessitates a boost in incarceration facilities.

I have to agree. The Trump admin's plan here is counter-productive as it wastes taxpayer money housing people and only incentivizes people to come over and still go through the asylum process. Simply make it so that they can be caught and immediately sent back. Leave it to a Republican president to over-complicate things when they're whole philosophy was supposed to be "smaller gov't", not more.

Formal deportation and a criminal record will allow for greater punishment should they return. It also effects any future applications for legal entry. So it's not a waste of time or resources, prosecutors are applauding this.

The immigration issues shows us that the Democratic Party has a goal to make Anglo Voters the minority.
Interesting, i figured a racist little puke like you would find Alcatraz too nice for the darkies.
Alcatraz isn't as nice as it was when it was being spruced up. But it's good enough for the maggots.
The maggots? We're not talking about you and your fellow trailer park creatures. We are talking about real human beings, with souls. You aren't fit to wash the feet of these people.

She said the same when it was children, refugees, running from sexual trafficking and drug cartels.

RWNJs don't care about anyone but themselves. And, they really hate those brown folx.
Don't matter what color they are, but it would be great to get them some new clothes. Pretty orange ones.

To some of these village people, that would be dressed up.

Put them in pink underwear.

Sheriff Joe had the right idea....

Good we don't have nearly enough people in jail as we should

No more time in cushy detentions centers, they will be charged with a crime, server their time and be immediately deported with a criminal record. They come back, a longer time in jail, sounds like a great deterrent. Plus it shuts the left up about coming in illegally is just a civil infraction.


It's a misdemeanor, dope. One count.
Those who employ them are guilty of hundreds or thousands of counts.
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News


So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News


So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.
False as usual. They are apprehended here, after they crossed!
Good we don't have nearly enough people in jail as we should

No more time in cushy detentions centers, they will be charged with a crime, server their time and be immediately deported with a criminal record. They come back, a longer time in jail, sounds like a great deterrent. Plus it shuts the left up about coming in illegally is just a civil infraction.


It's a misdemeanor, dope. One count.
Those who employ them are guilty of hundreds or thousands of counts.

And if they come back it will be a felony. Also I agree that we should go after the employers and those who provide any assistance that allows them to remain or evade apprehension. That would include the sanctuary politicians.

No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News


So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.

And what percentage are actually caught, 20-30%?

No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News

What a moron

Like we don’t have enough in our prisons....lock up women and children
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News

What a moron

Like we don’t have enough in our prisons....lock up women and children

So your answer is to just let em come on in....
Sorry,you're not going to be allowed to gain dem votes off the backs of legal immigrants and Americans.
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News

What a moron

Like we don’t have enough in our prisons....lock up women and children

That's not the point dipstick, it's getting the formal deportation and criminal conviction on the record, the vast majority will be sentenced to time served and then deported.

No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News


So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.
False as usual. They are apprehended here, after they crossed!

Those numbers represent attempted crossings.
Attempted border crossings surged in March - CNNPolitics
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News


So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.

And what percentage are actually caught, 20-30%?

Those numbers were the total caught. They were all caught.
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News


So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.
False as usual. They are apprehended here, after they crossed!

Those numbers represent attempted crossings.
Attempted border crossings surged in March - CNNPolitics
Nothing from CNN is reliable.
No more civil patty cake, they are going to be criminally prosecuted and jailed. MAGA

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has ordered a "zero tolerance" policy aimed at people entering the United States illegally for the first time on the Mexican border.

His directive Friday tells federal prosecutors in border states to put more emphasis on charging people with illegal entry, which has historically been treated as a misdemeanor offense for those with few or no previous encounters with border authorities. Smugglers and repeat offenders are usually charged with more serious crimes.

Sessions tells prosecutors to ask for additional resources if needed to prosecute cases. As a model, he points to a Border Patrol effort launched in 2005 that typically resulted in a conviction and short time in jail.

Sessions orders "zero tolerance" policy on illegal border crossings - CBS News


So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.

And what percentage are actually caught, 20-30%?

Those numbers were the total caught. They were all caught.

:no_text11: they weren't.:thankusmile: for playing. Apprehensions don't equal total crossings.

Last edited:
So it was tried ten years ago and orange turd is still saying 'there's a crisis' when there is no crisis. Apparently the same shit they are doing today didn't work before, so of course conservatives want to do exactly the same thing again and hope for a different outcome. Like with the phony trickle-down economics.

What's the old saying about trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

Crossings are up 200% from last year, these yahoos find themselves in jail, they might reconsider doing it again. How about a link where they were criminally prosecuted 10 year ago.

Crossings are up 200% from last year,

Attempted crossings, dope. They were apprehended.

And what percentage are actually caught, 20-30%?

Those numbers were the total caught. They were all caught.

:no_text11: they weren't.:thankusmile: for playing. Apprehensions don't equal total crossings.


Yes, dope. The totality of the reported increase were those that were apprehended.
The commiecrats said no to those four prongs

Again, they said no, because of his other demands. Damn son, you're not getting this. You are lying. Got it?

What the H are you talking about? What other stuff? The dems had no intention of agreeing to ANY of the things that would have given over a million people amnesty. Why are you even talking about 'other stuff' when the dems didn't do squat about the specific requirements they knew they had to meet? They chose open borders over amnesty.

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