Setting The Record Straight Again...

Like I said, blacks paid taxes for things they got excluded from that whites got. I face white racism daily, so reading a white person acting like it's wrong for me not to ignore race is a joke. This nation has lived, eaten, and breathed race. Whites do it daily in here then lie about how they never see race.
I believe we covered this one a year or so ago. I went back and researched the income tax levels and average black income going all the way back to the beginning of the income tax. The figures showed that throughout most of that times the average black income was below the minimum threshold for paying income tax. I'm sure that like most facts that are inconvienent to your narrative, you've forgotten all that.
“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.”
-Horace Seldon
Mexicans outperform blacks too I see all the many stores and eating places they developed and own in my region they are all over the place WORKING to support their families.

The last 10 days they have been as a crew of Mexican owned roofing repair replacing the old roof with a new one right across the street from my house.

Yet see many Mexicans working in White owned stores too such as TMobile when they replaced my old out of date phone with a new one.

Blacks are as common as a blue moon at work in a store in my region of 250,000 people which is sad but gee too busy being unhappy broken families I have no idea but the region I live is strongly Republican which Mexicans don't care as they like being able to earn their way of life.

Mexicans DOMINATE the regional parks where I am the rare white person enjoying the hot summer days for Barbecue and swimming never a problem at all.
Stupid. You see the black tax dollars that helped pay for the streets you drive on, and probably to the company that built your house.
Blacks don't use streets?
Poor don't pay taxes. Whitey gave you a break. Those who work pick up the slack, so if most of you are poor, most of you get a pass. In fact, the poor benefit from tax dollars, just for being poor.
You didn't pump jack squat. Most of that money went to rural white communities.

Aint true. First of all your making 2 accusations. That blacks were UNFAIRLY taxed and they paid for a white '"burden". THe were not. Taxes were solely on the very rich until after the depression. Between then and the 70s -- middle class share went up, still no real contribution from the working poor. Which is OK -- but TODAY -- over 50% of tax filers PAY NOTHING. THey've relieved 1/2 of the taxpayers from having ANY Federal taxes other than FICA payroll taxes. And even those are REFUNDED to the working poor thru EITC.

Federal money didn't go to LOCAL roads largely. It didn't go to "rural communities" in a bigger share. You need to be more aware of how it's doled out. SCHOOLS for instance still get less than 20% of their income from the Feds. It's all LOCAL tax revenue from LARGELY HOMEOWNERS, business and sale taxes if they exist.

Second assertion is that since blacks were EXCLUDED from programs going back to 1900s you need reparations. THis has next to nothing to do with paying taxes, since blacks historically paid LESS than their fair share as a GROUP -- because of the prevalence of poverty was higher. And low incomes were totally EXCUSED from Income Tax.

I've asked for a reparations "design plan" or any solid plan. NEVER have you responded. You can keep INSISTING that reparations are ESSENTIAL -- but without the terms/conditions/eligibility laid out -- it's never gonna get discussed.
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I see two different black groups in America,

The Ghetto blacks and the Main Street blacks

One is perpetually self-defeating crime ridden one family set up, the other is commonly two parent family better educated who strives for a better life.


Michael Jordan is a BILLIONAIRE

They are there because they started and stayed on Main Street America and yes, they did have to put up with some racism but unlike the Ghetto blacks they go on past it to succeed.
Blacks don't use streets?
Poor don't pay taxes. Whitey gave you a break. Those who work pick up the slack, so if most of you are poor, most of you get a pass. In fact, the poor benefit from tax dollars, just for being poor.
Look, this tactic gets old. Since 1913 the government implemented policies that benefitted whites and excluded blacks although blacks paid taxes. Every one of you here has directly or indirectly benefitted from such policies. Whitey has not given us a break by making us poor. That's asinine. Blacks were excluded from various high paying fields against our will. What has happened is whitey created a deficit because whitey decided that only whitey had the right to earn a high wage. Whitey created blacks on public assistance because of whiteys racism. Because of this piss poor thinking, whitey has probably cost this country 50 trillion in income since 1913 and I'm probably being conservative.
I see two different black groups in America,

The Ghetto blacks and the Main Street blacks

One is perpetually self-defeating crime ridden one family set up, the other is commonly two parent family better educated who strives for a better life.


Michael Jordan is a BILLIONAIRE

They are there because they started and stayed on Main Street America and yes, they did have to put up with some racism but unlike the Ghetto blacks they go on past it to succeed.
You see what you imagine. It's real easy for somebody white to tell people how they should put up with racism to be successful. Until you face racism don't try telling people how they should deal with it.

Jordan made his money playing basketball. Due to his stardom he didn't have to put up with as much racism as the average black person. In America there are only 7 black billionaires.

And again, the family set up has nothing to do with it. Lebron is nearly as rich as Jordan and he came from a one parent home. So let's stop being white and posting racist opinions of blacks that are based on ignorance.

This thread is not about whiteys opinion on blacks. It is about how blacks have paid unto the system and got excluded from programs that helped whites gain wealth.
Stupid. You see the black tax dollars that helped pay for the streets you drive on, and probably to the company that built your house.
Yeah I’m sure blacks contributed a penny for every ten dollars paid by whites. You claim that blacks have always been economically downtrodden. Poor people pay little to no taxes across the board. The middle class traditionally pay most of the combined tax burden with the rich paying most of the income tax. You can’t have it both ways.
Like I said, blacks paid taxes for things they got excluded from that whites got. I face white racism daily, so reading a white person acting like it's wrong for me not to ignore race is a joke. This nation has lived, eaten, and breathed race. Whites do it daily in here then lie about how they never see race.
You face hostility every day because you offend everyone you meet, because you constantly spout racist viewpoints. The people who don’t like you, don’t like you because you are black, they don’t like you because you act like an entitled jerk.
Aint true. First of all your making 2 accusations. That blacks were UNFAIRLY taxed and they paid for a white '"burden". THe were not. Taxes were solely on the very rich until after the depression. Between then and the 70s -- middle class share went up, still no real contribution from the working poor. Which is OK -- but TODAY -- over 50% of tax filers PAY NOTHING. THey've relieved 1/2 of the taxpayers from having ANY Federal taxes other than FICA payroll taxes. And even those are REFUNDED to the working poor thru EITC.

Federal money didn't go to LOCAL roads largely. It didn't go to "rural communities" in a bigger share. You need to be more aware of how it's doled out. SCHOOLS for instance still get less than 20% of their income from the Feds. It's all LOCAL tax revenue from LARGELY HOMEOWNERS, business and sale taxes if they exist.

Second assertion is that since blacks were EXCLUDED from programs going back to 1900s you need reparations. THis has next to nothing to do with paying taxes, since blacks historically paid LESS than their fair share as a GROUP -- because of the prevalence of poverty was higher. And low incomes were totally EXCUSED from Income Tax.

I've asked for a reparations "design plan" or any solid plan. NEVER have you responded. You can keep INSISTING that reparations are ESSENTIAL -- but without the terms/conditions/eligibility laid out -- it's never gonna get discussed.
It is true. The policy was to stop poverty. Whites in rural areas were living in high poverty. Again this gets old. Whites such as you and others here have run your mouth about 40 trillion dollars given to blacks and it has been said frequently. And you guys are glad to do all the finger pointing at us. But when its time foe reality to set in, suddenly everything changes.

I am not making 2 assertions. I am saying that blacks have paid taxes since 1913 and that we paid taxes while being excluded from programs that whites benefitted from. That did happen. If we paid less than our fair share it was because we were excluded from higher paying occupations by whites. You need to stop trying to debate these issues without factoring in racism.

Now instead of accepting what documented history shows, one of the usual suspects shows up to post that idiotic claim of how 40 trillion was spent on black people. Johnsons war on poverty was not just for blacks. In fact, the Kerner Commission study recommended action to be taken in the black community. Johnson said there wasn't enough money to implement what the commission recommended and then he increased funding for Vietnam. Most of the money for the war on poverty went to poor white rural communities. But you guys can't face that, it's easier to blame blacks.

Right now, the Appalachian region in partnership with the federal government is receiving money for economic development. Investing in Appalachia's economic future. - Appalachian Regional Commission There is no such government partnership with the hood. And we see none of you whites here saying anything about government handouts. But let this have been done for a black community and you guys would never shut up.

I don't have to give you a reparations design plan. You are a anonymous poster in an online forum. All you need to understand is that the governments of this country owe blacks reparations. I doubt if you asked anyone Japanese if they had a plan or if anyone else who has received reparations from this government has a plan. But you have been race baited into this belief that it's some kind of free cash giveaway for blacks. I would hardly call it free or a giveaway, but when you are white and have never endured the kind of racism whites have put on everybody else you will believe that modern racism is nothing. Go ask James Farmer what modern white racism can do and quit asking me to provide you with a plan for reparations. Your paternalism is insulting.
Nope, whites, Latinos, American Indians and Asians And some blacks have buckled down and built the greatest, most fair country on the planet. Other blacks, like you, just complain about what everyone else has built.
In the 1830s, powerful Southern slaveowners wanted to import capital into their states so they could buy more slaves. They came up with a new, two-part idea: mortgaging slaves; and then turning the mortgages into bonds that could be marketed all over the world.

First, American planters organized new banks, usually in new states like Mississippi and Louisiana. Drawing up lists of slaves for collateral, the planters then mortgaged them to the banks they had created, enabling themselves to buy additional slaves to expand cotton production. To provide capital for those loans, the banks sold bonds to investors from around the globe — London, New York, Amsterdam, Paris. The bond buyers, many of whom lived in countries where slavery was illegal, didn’t own individual slaves — just bonds backed by their value. Planters’ mortgage payments paid the interest and the principle on these bond payments. Enslaved human beings had been, in modern financial lingo, “securitized.”

As slave-backed mortgages became paper bonds, everybody profited — except, obviously, enslaved African Americans whose forced labor repaid owners’ mortgages. But investors owed a piece of slave-earned income. Older slave states such as Maryland and Virginia sold slaves to the new cotton states, at securitization-inflated prices, resulting in slave asset bubble. Cotton factor firms like the now-defunct Lehman Brothers — founded in Alabama — became wildly successful. Lehman moved to Wall Street, and for all these firms, every transaction in slave-earned money flowing in and out of the U.S. earned Wall Street firms a fee.

The infant American financial industry nourished itself on profits taken from financing slave traders, cotton brokers and underwriting slave-backed bonds. But though slavery ended in 1865, in the years after the Civil War, black entrepreneurs would find themselves excluded from a financial system originally built on their bodies.
Edward E. Baptist and Louis Hyman, American Finance Grew on the Back of Slaves

Wrong again.
You are the minority and it is your job to take care of your own and you just admitted for the board you took care of your community first mean I bet you did not hire anyone white and just hired blacks…

You did not hire Hispanic or Asians and just hire Blacks, and if you did that then you are no better than the Whites you are complying about and just trying to use race to make you feel better about your racist practices…

Unlike you I do not hire based on skin color but on qualification, so remember that before discussing business…
You bet wrong junior. And on your last line, you assumed incorrectly son. Since I know what racism is like, I don't practice it.
There has been NO slavery since 1865 thus NO free labor was used to build up the Railroads, Assembly line Factories, cars, steel high rise, bridges, Airplanes, gas tractors and so on.

America was mostly built on wages and investments the last 157 years thus ZERO reparation claims can be used for this period of time.
"The median white single parent has 2.2 times more wealth than the median black two-parent household and 1.9 times more wealth than the median Latino two-parent household."

No kidding. More education, less crime equals more wealth.

Tell that to your friends.

I do, all the time. "Stay in school, don't be a criminal, you'll make more than IM2.
Don't be like IM2. Whining doesn't pay"
Wrong and you didn't put the second part where it was shown that blacks are paid less even with college degrees in professional fields. So you're just trolling. Futhermore you're off topic.

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