"Settlements destroy chance for peace" - Caroline Glick's amazing reality-check

From the article I linked to earlier:

"The controversial Arab neighborhoods right outside the Old City that today the Arabs call Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan were actually Jewish neighborhoods. Sheikh Jarrah consisted of two Jewish neighborhoods known as Nahalat Shimon and Shimon HaTzadiq. The latter was purchased by Jews in 1876. Nahalat Shimon was built by Sephardic and Yemenite Jews in 1891. Sheikh Jarrah was primarily a Jewish neighborhood in the late 19th century and remained so up until 1948."
Palestinians have no responsibility for acts of Jordan. And I dont believe your claim is true. There is no Truth in a Zionist.

So the entire spread in LIFE magazine was what, then?
It's sure looking like you'd rather spit idiotic 'insults' than attempt to dscuss actual events.

DUH - the relevance is, since the Jordanians had no right to ethnically cleanse the Jewish population of East Jerusalem, the Palestinians have no right to be in any home that was so forcibly vacated. Certainly they could have no moral right - most particularly if they want to lay claim to what they assert was 'stolen' from them.

As Palestinians shouldn't be 'punished' for what Jordanians did - neither should they be rewarded for it.

Zionist Propaganda and lies prove nothing about anything.

Ok...so...take that article and address the points - how is it lies and propaganda?
Palestinians have no responsibility for acts of Jordan. And I dont believe your claim is true. There is no Truth in a Zionist.

So the entire spread in LIFE magazine was what, then?
It's sure looking like you'd rather spit idiotic 'insults' than attempt to dscuss actual events.

DUH - the relevance is, since the Jordanians had no right to ethnically cleanse the Jewish population of East Jerusalem, the Palestinians have no right to be in any home that was so forcibly vacated. Certainly they could have no moral right - most particularly if they want to lay claim to what they assert was 'stolen' from them.

As Palestinians shouldn't be 'punished' for what Jordanians did - neither should they be rewarded for it.

Zionist Propaganda and lies prove nothing about anything.

Please read the article I provided the link to, and point out just what you are claiming to be 'Zionist propaganda' and what factual errors you think are contained in that article.
The anti-Israel brigade loves to quote "international law" as if it is a discrete body of consistently applied principles.

Its not.

If it was, then it would dictate that the Roman conquest of Judea was a violation of International Law, and that the Jews, who were exiled from their homeland as a result, have a right to reclaim their land.

That does not fit into their narrative, though, so they choose to apply "international law" from arbitrary points in history (whether it be the Ottoman Empire or May 1967).

A true system of law would not allow for this type of manipulation.

But, of course, "international law" is not a true system of law. At best, its a collection of general principles that is misquoted more often than Casablanca.*

* The line "play it again, Sam" is never uttered in the movie.

It's a set of principles that did not exist during the historic events you quote. It's a set of principles that enable nations to interact with some common principles and civilized behavior rather than running around invading other countries simply because they're weaker or committing genocide or starting world wars. It's a collection of conventions, principles and treaties.
It's not perfect by any means.
That's right. Its not perfect.

If it was, then when the Arabs rejected the Partition Plan and attacked Israel - in violation of "international law," the world would have risen up against them and enforced the Partition Plan. That, of course, did not happen and, instead, Israel had to largely fend for itself.
From UN documents, we learn what happened in Palestine from 1947 to 1949 " Zionist policies of territorial expansion As the British Government progressively disengaged from Palestine, and the United Nations was unable to replace it as an effective governing authority, the Zionist movement moved to establish control over the territory of the nascent Jewish State. At the same time the bordering Arab States made clear that they would intervene. From writings of Zionist leaders, it is evident that Zionist policy was to occupy, during the period of withdrawal, as much territory as possible (including the "West Bank") beyond the boundaries assigned to the Jewish State by the partition resolution. A comprehensive military plan, called Plan "D" (or Dalet) was described by an Israeli official:"In March 1948, Haganah High Command prepared a comprehensive operational Plan 'D', replacing plans 'A', 'B' and 'C' which had governed Haganah strategy in previous years. Zero hour for Plan D was to arrive when British evacuation had reached a point where the Haganah would be reasonably safe from British intervention and when mobilization had progressed to a point where the implementation of a large-scale plan would be feasible. The mission of Haganah was as simple as it was revolutionary: 'To gain control of the area allotted to the Jewish State and defend its borders, and those of the blocs of Jewish settlements and such Jewish population as were outside those borders, against a regular or pararegular enemy operating from bases outside or inside the area of the Jewish State'".*66/ The major part of Jerusalem meant to be internationalized under the partition plan, had also been occupied by Jewish forces .On the termination of the Mandate, Jewish forces moved to occupy further territory beyond the boundaries specified by the Partition resolution. Irregular units from neighbouring Arab States had already entered Palestine in the final weeks of the Mandate, and now regular forces from these countries crossed into Palestine. The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part II: 1947-1977 (30 June 1979). What is clear from this is Jordans occupation of Jerusalem was preceded by a Jewish Occupation of Jerusalem.
So the entire spread in LIFE magazine was what, then?
It's sure looking like you'd rather spit idiotic 'insults' than attempt to dscuss actual events.

DUH - the relevance is, since the Jordanians had no right to ethnically cleanse the Jewish population of East Jerusalem, the Palestinians have no right to be in any home that was so forcibly vacated. Certainly they could have no moral right - most particularly if they want to lay claim to what they assert was 'stolen' from them.

As Palestinians shouldn't be 'punished' for what Jordanians did - neither should they be rewarded for it.

Zionist Propaganda and lies prove nothing about anything.

Please read the article I provided the link to, and point out just what you are claiming to be 'Zionist propaganda' and what factual errors you think are contained in that article.

I think she's too scared to read these articles because it might expose the truth which she can't handle
So the entire spread in LIFE magazine was what, then?
It's sure looking like you'd rather spit idiotic 'insults' than attempt to dscuss actual events.

DUH - the relevance is, since the Jordanians had no right to ethnically cleanse the Jewish population of East Jerusalem, the Palestinians have no right to be in any home that was so forcibly vacated. Certainly they could have no moral right - most particularly if they want to lay claim to what they assert was 'stolen' from them.

As Palestinians shouldn't be 'punished' for what Jordanians did - neither should they be rewarded for it.

Zionist Propaganda and lies prove nothing about anything.

Ok...so...take that article and address the points - how is it lies and propaganda?

The article is propaganda. I accept events set forth in UN documents. I provided a link to a UN document addressing the events occurring between 1947 to 1949. What I read is first Jewish Forces took over Jerusalem and presumably forced Arabs out, like Arabs in Deir Yasin. Then, the agreement was reached to withdraw from East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Then, perhaps some Jews did leave lands occupied by Jordan, but intl authorities never called this ethnic cleansing and these Jews never requested to be called refugees, from the UN or intl authorities.
From the article I linked to earlier:

"The controversial Arab neighborhoods right outside the Old City that today the Arabs call Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan were actually Jewish neighborhoods. Sheikh Jarrah consisted of two Jewish neighborhoods known as Nahalat Shimon and Shimon HaTzadiq. The latter was purchased by Jews in 1876. Nahalat Shimon was built by Sephardic and Yemenite Jews in 1891. Sheikh Jarrah was primarily a Jewish neighborhood in the late 19th century and remained so up until 1948."

Well, as those neighborhoods exist now (predominantly Arab), I wouldn't want them. It's really the Old City that's in contention. The Old City is too small to be divided, and means too much to Jews for that to happen.
Zionist Propaganda and lies prove nothing about anything.

Ok...so...take that article and address the points - how is it lies and propaganda?

The article is propaganda. I accept events set forth in UN documents. I provided a link to a UN document addressing the events occurring between 1947 to 1949. What I read is first Jewish Forces took over Jerusalem and presumably forced Arabs out, like Arabs in Deir Yasin. Then, the agreement was reached to withdraw from East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Then, perhaps some Jews did leave lands occupied by Jordan, but intl authorities never called this ethnic cleansing and these Jews never requested to be called refugees, from the UN or intl authorities.

The UN is not GOD and its publications are not the Bible: why do you 'worship' the UN (as you would put it)?

What do you offer by way of 'proof' for those claims you made (in the bold)?
Coyote, how much longer do we have to put up with Sherri's Bullshit and personal insults .
From the article I linked to earlier:

"The controversial Arab neighborhoods right outside the Old City that today the Arabs call Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan were actually Jewish neighborhoods. Sheikh Jarrah consisted of two Jewish neighborhoods known as Nahalat Shimon and Shimon HaTzadiq. The latter was purchased by Jews in 1876. Nahalat Shimon was built by Sephardic and Yemenite Jews in 1891. Sheikh Jarrah was primarily a Jewish neighborhood in the late 19th century and remained so up until 1948."

Well, as those neighborhoods exist now (predominantly Arab), I wouldn't want them. It's really the Old City that's in contention. The Old City is too small to be divided, and means too much to Jews for that to happen.

I say it's not really up to me as an American - but if the Israelis want to press their claim and there's no prior 'disqualification' due to the treaty signed with Jordan, then I would support them in the attempt. Whatever went on elsewhere doesn't make a historically Jewish neighborhood built on land BOUGHT by Jews well before the Mandate somehow magically be 'Palestinian land'.
But that is EXACTLY what the Jordanians did to the Jews of East Jerusalem when they captured it - and that is the (FALSE) 'basis' upon which "pro-Palestinians" insist EJ is now "occupied".

Palestinians have no responsibility for acts of Jordan. And I dont believe your claim is true. There is no Truth in a Zionist.

So the entire spread in LIFE magazine was what, then?
It's sure looking like you'd rather spit idiotic 'insults' than attempt to dscuss actual events.

DUH - the relevance is, since the Jordanians had no right to ethnically cleanse the Jewish population of East Jerusalem, the Palestinians have no right to be in any home that was so forcibly vacated. Certainly they could have no moral right - most particularly if they want to lay claim to what they assert was 'stolen' from them.

As Palestinians shouldn't be 'punished' for what Jordanians did - neither should they be rewarded for it.

ZIONIST Propaganda is what it was and they did not even use the word ethnic cleansing the poster here chose to use.
From the article I linked to earlier:

"The controversial Arab neighborhoods right outside the Old City that today the Arabs call Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan were actually Jewish neighborhoods. Sheikh Jarrah consisted of two Jewish neighborhoods known as Nahalat Shimon and Shimon HaTzadiq. The latter was purchased by Jews in 1876. Nahalat Shimon was built by Sephardic and Yemenite Jews in 1891. Sheikh Jarrah was primarily a Jewish neighborhood in the late 19th century and remained so up until 1948."

Well, as those neighborhoods exist now (predominantly Arab), I wouldn't want them. It's really the Old City that's in contention. The Old City is too small to be divided, and means too much to Jews for that to happen.

I say it's not really up to me as an American - but if the Israelis want to press their claim and there's no prior 'disqualification' due to the treaty signed with Jordan, then I would support them in the attempt. Whatever went on elsewhere doesn't make a historically Jewish neighborhood built on land BOUGHT by Jews well before the Mandate somehow magically be 'Palestinian land'.

LIES is all this is, lies to justify more land thefts by your land thieving pals.
Ok...so...take that article and address the points - how is it lies and propaganda?

The article is propaganda. I accept events set forth in UN documents. I provided a link to a UN document addressing the events occurring between 1947 to 1949. What I read is first Jewish Forces took over Jerusalem and presumably forced Arabs out, like Arabs in Deir Yasin. Then, the agreement was reached to withdraw from East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Then, perhaps some Jews did leave lands occupied by Jordan, but intl authorities never called this ethnic cleansing and these Jews never requested to be called refugees, from the UN or intl authorities.

The UN is not GOD and its publications are not the Bible: why do you 'worship' the UN (as you would put it)?

What do you offer by way of 'proof' for those claims you made (in the bold)?

I do not see refugee camps for Jews anywhere. I nowhere have read the UN call anything Jordan did ethnic cleansing. The UN is not an Arab organization and they do not disseminate Arab propaganda.
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The article is propaganda. I accept events set forth in UN documents. I provided a link to a UN document addressing the events occurring between 1947 to 1949. What I read is first Jewish Forces took over Jerusalem and presumably forced Arabs out, like Arabs in Deir Yasin. Then, the agreement was reached to withdraw from East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Then, perhaps some Jews did leave lands occupied by Jordan, but intl authorities never called this ethnic cleansing and these Jews never requested to be called refugees, from the UN or intl authorities.

The UN is not GOD and its publications are not the Bible: why do you 'worship' the UN (as you would put it)?

What do you offer by way of 'proof' for those claims you made (in the bold)?

I do not see refugee camps for Jews anywhere. I nowhere have read the UN call anything Jordan did ethnic cleansing.

That's because the only crap you read comes from Arab Propaganda sites and you appear to have been severely brainwashed from them. What a shame
"It is this history of ethnic cleansing, particularly that of the catastrophe of 1948 when three-quarters of the indigenous Palestinian population were forced from their land and property, an event termed the Nakba, that fuels the solidarity work among Palestinians in Jerusalem. Following the lead of Umm Kamel al-Kurd who put up a tent near her home in Sheikh Jarrah after she was forcibly removed from her home four months ago, other neighborhoods in Jerusalem facing a similar fate have set up such tents as spaces for organizing and encouraging others to stand in solidarity with each neighborhood. Such tents exist now on the Mount of Olives and in Ras Khamis. One of the organizers of the solidarity tent in al-Bustan, Ahmed Siam, told me “We will not let history repeat itself. We learned from history. We will not leave our land like we did in 1948. If they come and kill my son, I will not leave. This is our land. Even if they kill me and only my blood remains, it will remain on this land.” The 7,000 residents of the area intend to fight for their right to stay on their land rather than see it turned into a new, illegal Israeli*colony." Ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem | The Electronic Intifada
The ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem continues

The ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem continues | Mondoweiss. "Today roughly one hundred people gathered to protest the eviction of the Palestinian Hanoun family from their home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem. They are the latest target of the increasing push to populate the area with Jewish settlers, hindering any possibility for a future Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem.*** According to their website (standforjerusalem.org), the Hanoun’s are one of 27 families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood that are facing home eviction as part of a plan to establish a new Jewish settlement in the area. The Hanoun family was displaced from their home in Haifa after the Nakba of 1948 and currently consists of 18 people, including six children. They have lived in Sheikh Jarrah since 1956, when the Jordanian Government and UNRWA gave them houses as part of a project to help Palestinians forced to flee their properties." While the US and Israel spar over settlements, Israel continues ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem | Mondoweiss

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