"Settlements destroy chance for peace" - Caroline Glick's amazing reality-check

Too bad the lying terrorist wankers at EI can't get their facts straight, or there MIGHT be something to discuss.

Let's not forget the EI article is brought to us by someone who has repeatedly insisted that Iran is a 'democratic' state because their constitution sets aside a SINGLE seat in the legislative body which is set aside for a single Jewish legislator (and that is the only seat for which a Jew may run or cast a vote)...... set aside = separate = apart = apartheid

For someone who tosses around the word 'apartheid' - that induhvidual seems to not be able to recognize it.
We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes. The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005. And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri
"We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes."

"Caroline Glick certainly shows the world the face of Zionism, as she passionately defends Zionists's continuing ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Hitler must be so proud of his progeny! He set the example for Zionists to follow. A woman after his own heart, filled with pride in her superiority to the rest of the human race! Sherri "

So much for 'attacking the messenger' - it appears our resident 'person of conscience' conveniently forgot that she had done exactly that.

"The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005."
NO. because the State of Israel is not 'Palestine'. So the above assertion is nonsense - and a form of lying.
"And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri"
All I see being proven above is the gross hypocrisy of a self-proclaimed 'person of conscience'....... :cuckoo::eek:
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And here's what the US State Department has to say about anti-Semitism:

Defining Anti-Semitism

It might be nice if ALL of our 'pro-Palestinian' posters read the details and thought about whether their words here have been contributing to a hostile climate towards Judaism and Jews.
We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes. The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005. And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri

You speaking of "pointlessly attacking the messengers" but didn't comment to the point at all.

Caroline Glick brought up some seriously issues, but your ignoring them and spitting the same old mantra of "ZioNazis".

That's tiring, honestly.

She made some excellent points, none of you guys Anti-Zionists adressed them.

I wonder why is that.
We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes. The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005. And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri

You speaking of "pointlessly attacking the messengers" but didn't comment to the point at all.

Caroline Glick brought up some seriously issues, but your ignoring them and spitting the same old mantra of "ZioNazis".

That's tiring, honestly.

She made some excellent points, none of you guys Anti-Zionists adressed them.

I wonder why is that.

What I saw is a proud defender of a nation's war crimes spouting lies, like the demographic lies she told and the ethnic cleansing lies she told. She ignored Israels ethnic cleansing altogether, somehow magically converting what the world calls Israels ethnic cleansing to Palestinians ethnic cleansing. I know Hitlers proud of all his Zionist progenies, like her. You mention excellent points she made, I heard none. What might those excellent points be, from the perspective of a Zionist like you? Sherri
We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes. The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005. And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri

You speaking of "pointlessly attacking the messengers" but didn't comment to the point at all.

Caroline Glick brought up some seriously issues, but your ignoring them and spitting the same old mantra of "ZioNazis".

That's tiring, honestly.

She made some excellent points, none of you guys Anti-Zionists adressed them.

I wonder why is that.

You still have not told me what resolution she was talking about.
We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes. The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005. And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri

You speaking of "pointlessly attacking the messengers" but didn't comment to the point at all.

Caroline Glick brought up some seriously issues, but your ignoring them and spitting the same old mantra of "ZioNazis".

That's tiring, honestly.

She made some excellent points, none of you guys Anti-Zionists adressed them.

I wonder why is that.

What I saw is a proud defender of a nation's war crimes spouting lies, like the demographic lies she told and the ethnic cleansing lies she told. She ignored Israels ethnic cleansing altogether, somehow magically converting what the world calls Israels ethnic cleansing to Palestinians ethnic cleansing. I know Hitlers proud of all his Zionist progenies, like her. You mention excellent points she made, I heard none. What might those excellent points be, from the perspective of a Zionist like you? Sherri
Looney tunes, for ethnic cleansing to occur, a population would have to decrease over time, not multiply many times over, like the "Palestinians" have.

The bigger the lie, the more these Jew hating Islamo-terrorist ass lickers repeat it.
We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes. The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005. And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri

You speaking of "pointlessly attacking the messengers" but didn't comment to the point at all.

Caroline Glick brought up some seriously issues, but your ignoring them and spitting the same old mantra of "ZioNazis".

That's tiring, honestly.

She made some excellent points, none of you guys Anti-Zionists adressed them.

I wonder why is that.

What I saw is a proud defender of a nation's war crimes spouting lies, like the demographic lies she told and the ethnic cleansing lies she told. She ignored Israels ethnic cleansing altogether, somehow magically converting what the world calls Israels ethnic cleansing to Palestinians ethnic cleansing. I know Hitlers proud of all his Zionist progenies, like her. You mention excellent points she made, I heard none. What might those excellent points be, from the perspective of a Zionist like you? Sherri
Looney tunes, for ethnic cleansing to occur, a population would have to decrease over time, not multiply many times over, like the "Palestinians" have.

The bigger the lie, the more these Jew hating Islamo-terrorist ass lickers repeat it.
So its "theft" because YOU say so?

YOU get to decide what land is "Palestinian land" as opposed to "disputed land"?

I'm not the one making the claim. Nice try though, labeling it "disputed land". I believe Israel is the only one doing so.

Your type of mindset is, as I said, the problem. You claim that you support negotiations, but you wish to predetermine the outcome (are you sure you don't work for the PA?).

Your argument is so logically persuasive I'm....simply....astounded. Flabbergasted even. How did you figure out I'm a PA agent?

Now, getting back to the debate. I support going back to the 1967 borders as a start for negotiations that will most likely involve land swaps. That doesn't mean it wasn't theft.

The continuing enroachment of settlements is theft as you have proven by your frequent posting of maps. Palestinians were living there. Now they aren't. Were they paid for their land? Or forced off? :dunno:


Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Israel builds a town in Samaria and Jews move there. Let's assume further that one day the "Palestinians" truly accept Israel's existence and agree to a two state solution. Finally, let's presume that the Samarian town is in the territory that ultimately is agreed to be part of a "Palestinian" state.

What happens then?

Are the Jews required to leave, or could they choose to live in the "Palestinian" state (and, if they do, what rights will they have)?

If Israel built a town on the West Bank and Jews move there, then Israel government - which NEVER should have allowed the building - owes it to those Jews to move them and pay them compensation or negotiate with the Palestinians for some kind of swap. It's illegal to build on occupied territory.

As to the second part of your question, I think they should be allowed to stay as Palestinian citizens with full rights. But I honestly doubt they could safely stay and I wouldn't want to lay bets on whether they'd have complete rights or not.

I ask these questions becuase there's a type of "settlement" that nobody seems to talk about. Those are the settlements that exist throughout Israel that are populated by Arabs. In these settlements, the citizens are included in the democratic system of government that exists in Israel.

What "Arab" settlements? From what I understand there are Arab villages that have been there since before there was a modern state of Israel. My understanding is very few permits for new Arab villages are given.

So what happens in your two state solution? Jewish "settlements" are to be evacuated, while Arab "settlements" in Israel continue with the status quo?

Yes. Because part of the process means that the Palestinians forgo the "right of return". That means a huge number of Palestinians who fled or were forceably evacuated are giving up their claims on land within Israel.

The bottom line is this: peaceful coexistence is an ideal. "Settlements" are a detail. To focus on the detail when the ideal is repeatedly rejected by the "Palestinians" is a classic example of putting the cart before the horse.

Settlements are not a detail - how can they be when they are eating away at any possibility of a two-state solution? As far as I see it - they are far more critical than the right of return issue or even Jeruselum.
If I were to make a list of the top 100 things that are impeding peace, "settlements" wouldn't make the cut.

Of course, it makes a great talking point for the Arabs. "No, the problem isn't that we teach our children that they should martyr themselves to further the goal of destroying Israel in its entirety. The problem is that Netanyahu wants to construct a falafel stand on the wrong side of the Green Line."

It's not a "talking point", it's a serious issue of contention. The continuous theft of land erodes any possibility of a two state solution.

"Theft"..... Please... only in the minds of ignorant. know nothing, people:cuckoo: You cant steal what you have

And how did you get it in the first place? Theft.

Presumably it's ok if I walk into your house, force everyone out at gunpoint, and claim it for my own? That's your logic.
We always see Zionists attack the messengers when they cant justify the atrocities against humanity. How predictable and boring this becomes. The US Report proves Palestinians became the majority in Palestine in 2005. And ZioNazis like Carolyn Glick, I certainly get a kick out of listening to a Zionist lie so proudly. Seeing what Zionism spawns proves the truth of that phrase, we reap what we sow. Sherri

You speaking of "pointlessly attacking the messengers" but didn't comment to the point at all.

Caroline Glick brought up some seriously issues, but your ignoring them and spitting the same old mantra of "ZioNazis".

That's tiring, honestly.

She made some excellent points, none of you guys Anti-Zionists adressed them.

I wonder why is that.

What I saw is a proud defender of a nation's war crimes spouting lies, like the demographic lies she told and the ethnic cleansing lies she told. She ignored Israels ethnic cleansing altogether, somehow magically converting what the world calls Israels ethnic cleansing to Palestinians ethnic cleansing. I know Hitlers proud of all his Zionist progenies, like her. You mention excellent points she made, I heard none. What might those excellent points be, from the perspective of a Zionist like you? Sherri

"Demographic lies"?

Her claims are well supported by action REPORTS, and they are very much authentic and true. The Arab population birth-rate is dropping, while the Jewish one is on rise.

You can check it out of you do not believe it.

What makes her claims true? The fact that she points out, perfectly so, that the gap of more than 3 million people is going to miraculously disappear once the settlements are gone.

That's absurd, to say the least.

Second is the fact that the Palestinians have claimed ethnic cleansing, but completely ignore the fact that Jews cannot live in JUDEA, just because they're Jews.

Is it some kind of reversed racism? Because that is exactly how it sounds like.!

And for last, you pointing out that I cannot say anything truthful just because of my opinions, and HERS, just because I'm a Zionist, says much more about you than me.

You say you're a justice seeker, but your posts are highly hateful, yes, I am a Zionist, and I am proud of it.

You don't like it?

You can shove your dislike to where the sun doesn't shine. I'm sick and tired of your bigotry and racism.
It's not a "talking point", it's a serious issue of contention. The continuous theft of land erodes any possibility of a two state solution.

"Theft"..... Please... only in the minds of ignorant. know nothing, people:cuckoo: You cant steal what you have

And how did you get it in the first place? Theft.

Presumably it's ok if I walk into your house, force everyone out at gunpoint, and claim it for my own? That's your logic.

How did we get there in the first place??


In case you've missed many history lessons, the land is called JUDEAH.

As in JEWS

The land is called after the tribe that sat there IN THE FIRST PLACE.

If we "stole", it was from the squatters who took this land from US, not the other way around!
Several trolling posts have been removed - if yours is gone, this is why. If you want to attack a poster's personal characteristics outside of the topic - take it to the Flame Zone.
"Theft"..... Please... only in the minds of ignorant. know nothing, people:cuckoo: You cant steal what you have

And how did you get it in the first place? Theft.

Presumably it's ok if I walk into your house, force everyone out at gunpoint, and claim it for my own? That's your logic.

How did we get there in the first place??


In case you've missed many history lessons, the land is called JUDEAH.

As in JEWS

The land is called after the tribe that sat there IN THE FIRST PLACE.

If we "stole", it was from the squatters who took this land from US, not the other way around!

Ancient history doesn't confer modern rights to land. A people can't just return and force the indiginous inhabitants off simply because they held the land 3000 years ago. No where ELSE in the world is this logic applied!
You speaking of "pointlessly attacking the messengers" but didn't comment to the point at all.

Caroline Glick brought up some seriously issues, but your ignoring them and spitting the same old mantra of "ZioNazis".

That's tiring, honestly.

She made some excellent points, none of you guys Anti-Zionists adressed them.

I wonder why is that.

What I saw is a proud defender of a nation's war crimes spouting lies, like the demographic lies she told and the ethnic cleansing lies she told. She ignored Israels ethnic cleansing altogether, somehow magically converting what the world calls Israels ethnic cleansing to Palestinians ethnic cleansing. I know Hitlers proud of all his Zionist progenies, like her. You mention excellent points she made, I heard none. What might those excellent points be, from the perspective of a Zionist like you? Sherri

"Demographic lies"?

Her claims are well supported by action REPORTS, and they are very much authentic and true. The Arab population birth-rate is dropping, while the Jewish one is on rise.

You can check it out of you do not believe it.

What makes her claims true? The fact that she points out, perfectly so, that the gap of more than 3 million people is going to miraculously disappear once the settlements are gone.

That's absurd, to say the least.

Second is the fact that the Palestinians have claimed ethnic cleansing, but completely ignore the fact that Jews cannot live in JUDEA, just because they're Jews.

Is it some kind of reversed racism? Because that is exactly how it sounds like.!

And for last, you pointing out that I cannot say anything truthful just because of my opinions, and HERS, just because I'm a Zionist, says much more about you than me.

You say you're a justice seeker, but your posts are highly hateful, yes, I am a Zionist, and I am proud of it.

You don't like it?

You can shove your dislike to where the sun doesn't shine. I'm sick and tired of your bigotry and racism.

You cannot even identify and discuss even one of those excellent points you claim she made. Why am I not surprised?
History, according to Coyote...

Parcel of land in West Bank.

Pre-1948: a vacant piece of desert within the British Mandate.
1948-1967: a vacant piece of desert within the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (acquired by military conquest in 1948 Israeli War of Independence).
1967-2012: a vacant piece of desert within the West Bank - a territory within the control of Israel and the PA (acquired by military conquest during 6 Day War).
2013: Israel builds houses on the vacant piece of desert, but does not annex the territory, leaving it open to future negotiations.

Coyote's conclusion: Israel stole the land from the "Palestinians."
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And how did you get it in the first place? Theft.

Presumably it's ok if I walk into your house, force everyone out at gunpoint, and claim it for my own? That's your logic.

How did we get there in the first place??


In case you've missed many history lessons, the land is called JUDEAH.

As in JEWS

The land is called after the tribe that sat there IN THE FIRST PLACE.

If we "stole", it was from the squatters who took this land from US, not the other way around!

Ancient history doesn't confer modern rights to land. A people can't just return and force the indiginous inhabitants off simply because they held the land 3000 years ago. No where ELSE in the world is this logic applied!

Really? Do you live in the US? Do you presume that your race, religion or ethnicity constitutes the "indiginous" inhabitants of that part of the US?

The difference, of course, is that the Europeans who settled the US were true outsiders. The Jews are not outsiders in Israel.

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