Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
This thread is for informational purposes only. It is intended for those who are undecided. I request that all the atheists trolls remein silent, and I encourage everyone to completely ignore them should they try to cause trouble. They have no place here. For those who are curious, please check this out. I'll try to answer any honest questions you have.

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!

Explain the Nephilim race and the skeletons of giants that have been found that are as tall as 37 feet tall as spoken in the Bible, Matthew????

I read a couple of the statements in the article. The writers assume you already believe this "bible" contains the omnipotent word of God. I don't think so. Hardly compelling.
This thread is for informational purposes only. It is intended for those who are undecided. I request that all the atheists trolls remein silent, and I encourage everyone to completely ignore them should they try to cause trouble. They have no place here. For those who are curious, please check this out. I'll try to answer any honest questions you have.

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True

I'm wondering how many pieces of evidence there are that Harry Potter is true? I mean, I can show you photos of the Hogwarts Express (it runs in Scotland), of Hogwarts.

All the stuff mixed in that can't be proven true, like the magic, will be considered true because there are enough truths in the Harry Potter books to make the non-truths true after a while.

But let's look at your 7

1) You assume God exists, so this proves that the Bible is true. Epic fail.

2) The Bible says it's God's word, so the Bible must be true? You still haven't proven God exists. Epic fail.

3) The Bible sends a consistent message... like

2 Kings 8:26
26 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king

2 Chronicles 22:2
Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign,

I also found a Bible that CHANGE the second one to twenty two.

Bible Gateway passage: 2 Chronicles 22:2 - New International Version

Yes, this is how much the Bible is the word of God when humans have changed it.

101 Contradictions in the Bible.

Here's a website with 101 supposed contradictions.


4) the prophecies, well people can make anything in hindsight look like they had accurately predicted the past. EPIC FAIL

Well, that's four epic fails already.

I can prove that a lot of people's view of God is wrong. If God has to exist because the universe is so complex it must have been built by a God, then this God is also so complex and must have been created by a supreme being, and this supreme being will also have to have been created by a supreme being and so on until you can't stop. So, if there's a God it must have just appeared, if God just appeared then the universe could have just appeared too.
The bible is a collection of books assembled by men. To claim that it is, ultimately, the word of God, and therefore infallible, is pure hubris.
The fact that Ken Ham is flogging his delusions on every page of the site, underscores just how incredible are the claims.
The bible is a collection of books assembled by men. To claim that it is, ultimately, the word of God, and therefore infallible, is pure hubris.
The fact that Ken Ham is flogging his delusions on every page of the site, underscores just how incredible are the claims.
I have always felt that the claims of biblical infallibility and inerrancy are ridiculous. The authors of many of the NT books have been identified as men, while the origins of other books are unclear (Revelation? John of Patmos?). The writers of the OT remain unknown for the most part. None of this has anything to do with a Supreme Being, who would have been a better writer and used some degree of stylistic conformity.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!

Explain the Nephilim race and the skeletons of giants that have been found that are as tall as 37 feet tall as spoken in the Bible, Matthew????
Weren't the Nephilim wiped out in the flood? Or were Noah's family actually descendants of the Nephilim?
The most compelling thing I have ever heard was hearing about how long it would take to build DNA. Like much much much longer than scientists say that life has been on Earth
The most compelling thing I have ever heard was hearing about how long it would take to build DNA. Like much much much longer than scientists say that life has been on Earth
I agree.

We are part of something much larger, but none of the religions are right.

It's simply impossible.
The most compelling thing I have ever heard was hearing about how long it would take to build DNA. Like much much much longer than scientists say that life has been on Earth

don't just laugh cnm .. explain why you feel it's flawed

The most compelling thing I have ever heard was hearing about how long it would take to build DNA. Like much much much longer than scientists say that life has been on Earth
DNA may has arrived from another planet.
There's millions of compelling evidence proving that evolution is true.

The bible is something that is based on pure faith.

Wake up!

Explain the Nephilim race and the skeletons of giants that have been found that are as tall as 37 feet tall as spoken in the Bible, Matthew????
Have you seen one of these skeletons? Has anyone? Are they on display in some museum? The simple fact is that these skeletons do not exist. These photos did not appear until is was possible to use programs like Photoshop to edit them. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I don't know what the truth is about the Nephilim, apart from what Scripture says about them, but these skeletons simply don't exist. Please stick to verifiable evidence in the future. Not being critical. Just saying.
WOW! I posted this thread to prove a point. I specifically requested that atheists not reply, and simply allow people to read what I posted and make up their own minds about it. What are you people afraid of? Would it really kill you if someone believed in God? Why do you people spend so much time trying to prove that God doesn't exist if you don't believe in Him? That's retarded. I'll tell you why. It's because you serve the Devil, and like him, you want to drag as many as possible with you into Hell. You people are just plain evil. And some of you even claim that you don't care what others believe, yet here you are, trying to discredit the existence of God. And if I'm to be completely honest, I also did it so I could add you God-hating idiots to my ignore list. Thanks for being predictable.
WOW! I posted this thread to prove a point. I specifically requested that atheists not reply, and simply allow people to read what I posted and make up their own minds about it. What are you people afraid of? Would it really kill you if someone believed in God? Why do you people spend so much time trying to prove that God doesn't exist if you don't believe in Him? That's retarded. I'll tell you why. It's because you serve the Devil, and like him, you want to drag as many as possible with you into Hell. You people are just plain evil. And some of you even claim that you don't care what others believe, yet here you are, trying to discredit the existence of God. And if I'm to be completely honest, I also did it so I could add you God-hating idiots to my ignore list. Thanks for being predictable.
I'm not trying to prove that god doesn't exist, I've come here to see what proof believers have that makes them believe. So far, nothing concrete. Just people like you who get pissed off when someone asks them for proof, because they have none.
This thread is for informational purposes only. It is intended for those who are undecided. I request that all the atheists trolls remein silent, and I encourage everyone to completely ignore them should they try to cause trouble. They have no place here. For those who are curious, please check this out. I'll try to answer any honest questions you have.

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True
Why do care what people believe?

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