Seven Ways of Looking at Dennis Rodman


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Seven Ways of Looking at Dennis Rodman

March 5, 2013
By Bruce Bawer


4. And let’s not lose sight of this: Rodman is part of a long and ignoble tradition. As John Avlon noted the other day in an article for CNN, Charles Lindbergh befriended Hitler, Paul Robeson palled around with Stalin, and Gabriel García Márquez was chummy with Castro. Avlon also lists a number of celebs who, out of sheer cluelessness, have accepted huge sums of money to perform for the likes of Qaddafi – but that’s not quite the same topic. Surprisingly, there’s a bunch of big names Avlon left out. Since I live in Norway, I immediately thought of explorer-hero Thor Heyerdahl (also a buddy of Castro’s), and novelist Knut Hamsun (who met Hitler, wrote a eulogy for him, and sent Goebbels his Nobel Prize). But why didn’t Avlon mention Hugo Chávez’s many Hollywood comrades, most notably Sean Penn (who campaigned with him last fall and called him “inspiring”), but also Danny Glover, Naomi Campbell, Tim Robbins, Benecio del Toro (star of the Che Guevara films), and Kevin Spacey? Even dopey showbiz-gossip magazines, websites, and TV shows have raised eyebrows over these famous folks’ fascination with the Venezuelan strongman. Why no mention by Avlon of Oliver Stone, who in addition to schmoozing Chávez also made a hagiographic film about Fidel, telling reporters that “the American attitude to Castro is so caricatured. He’s the guy with the beard, he’s a commie, he’s the guy you have to attack right away with ‘How many people are in prison? When will you hold elections?’ These very negative and hostile questions that set the wrong tonality. The wrong questions are being asked.”


So virulent is this racism that women who are imprisoned for having escaped to China, and who carry “Chinese seed,” are routinely subjected by jailers to beatings or hard labor until they abort spontaneously. “In cases where the repatriated woman gives birth,” writes Kirkpatrick, “her newborn is taken away from her. The infant is drowned, smothered, left outside in the elements, or clubbed to death.”

Have a nice trip back, Dennis! Say hi to your new friend.

Seven Ways of Looking at Dennis Rodman
Just you wait and see... Rodman has secured us an absolute peace, ended the Korean war, and convinced NK to dismantle their nuclear program. Like it was nothing more than a rebound in the last minutes of game 7 :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Just you wait and see... Rodman has secured us an absolute peace, ended the Korean war, and convinced NK to dismantle their nuclear program. Like it was nothing more than a rebound in the last minutes of game 7 :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You just never know. Could be that just showing up in NK leads to young Kim Jong Un deciding that Americans aren't quite as bad as he thought. Maybe it opens the door to Un being more receptive to bi-lateral talks in the future. Un is very young and could be impressionable. You just never know. In this situation, there really is no worst case scenario because Rodman didn't piss him off, so at least nothing bad comes of this, and there is always the potential that something good could possibly come from it.
Just you wait and see... Rodman has secured us an absolute peace, ended the Korean war, and convinced NK to dismantle their nuclear program. Like it was nothing more than a rebound in the last minutes of game 7 :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

A look at what NKorea vow to scrap armistice means

Mar 6, 2013

The armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953 is, at best, a fragile thing: The countries overseeing it have formally accused each other of more than 1.2 million violations.

But North Korea's threat to scrap the cease-fire next Monday still matters because the armistice is the key document blocking hostilities on the Korean Peninsula, which technically has remained in a state of war for six decades.


A look at what NKorea vow to scrap armistice means - The Edwardsville Intelligencer : Home

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North Korea Prepares for War, US Pacific Command Prepares for Climate Change

March 11, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

While China and North Korea are scaling up the aggressiveness to 11, the United States is preparing for Waterworld. When historians look back on this period, they will be baffled by the pivot of a world power from bringing order and stability to sinking into a bizarre ecological superstition that led it to completely neglect the security situation.

It would be nice to think that this insanity was just limited to the White House, but military leaders now know to echo whatever insanity comes out of the White House.

Or maybe they even believe it.


North Korea Prepares for War, US Pacific Command Prepares for Climate Change


Birds of a feather​
Do we have to look at Rodman? While I wish for his eternal wellbeing like I do everyone else, i just dont really need to hear about him. He isnt part of my life and there is nothing he has done with North Korea that matters to me.

Though maybe the North koreans looked at him and thought we would be weak and defenseless and that's why they are acting up.
Do we have to look at Rodman? While I wish for his eternal wellbeing like I do everyone else, i just dont really need to hear about him. He isnt part of my life and there is nothing he has done with North Korea that matters to me.

Though maybe the North koreans looked at him and thought we would be weak and defenseless and that's why they are acting up.

Did you just question Dennis Rodman's defense????? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Alright enough of my jokes :razz:. I agree people need to stop talking about this. I don't even know how to describe it. Publicity stunt? Does Rodman have anything to promote? Did the idea for this mission come in a dream? How was he even able to get into North Korea in the first place :confused::confused::confused:
The guy is a nutbar. He can befriend cracks in the sidewalk for all I care.
He's also paid by ultra-right wing hack Donald Trump. It's nothing but a PR stunt to boost Trump's shows ratings.

Even Rodman will become a slave to the right wing machine for the right price,...

Quick! Emergency Rodman Deployment To North Korea Before It’s Too Late!

by Glenn Davis | 12:30 pm, March 29th, 2013

So those pipe dreams about maybe Dennis Rodman’s North Korea trip paving the way for a new era of relations between the DPRK and the U.S.? Uhh…

Kim Jong Un U.S. Threat | Dennis Rodman | SportsGrid

Kim Jong Un
Has A Daughter?

Dennis Rodman might have already broken the trust of his new BFF, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. This won't end well.

Dennis Rodman made the world more than a bit angry earlier this month when he made nice with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. But did he just anger his new pal? Maybe.

Did Dennis Rodman spill a big North Korean secret?

Just you wait and see... Rodman has secured us an absolute peace, ended the Korean war, and convinced NK to dismantle their nuclear program. Like it was nothing more than a rebound in the last minutes of game 7 :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just like David Hasselhoff ended the cold war.
Just you wait and see... Rodman has secured us an absolute peace, ended the Korean war, and convinced NK to dismantle their nuclear program. Like it was nothing more than a rebound in the last minutes of game 7 :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Just like David Hasselhoff ended the cold war.

The Hoff had as much to do with ending the Cold War as Reagan did :shock::shock::shock::shock:

Just you wait and see... Rodman has secured us an absolute peace, ended the Korean war, and convinced NK to dismantle their nuclear program. Like it was nothing more than a rebound in the last minutes of game 7 :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You just never know. Could be that just showing up in NK leads to young Kim Jong Un deciding that Americans aren't quite as bad as he thought. Maybe it opens the door to Un being more receptive to bi-lateral talks in the future. Un is very young and could be impressionable. You just never know. In this situation, there really is no worst case scenario because Rodman didn't piss him off, so at least nothing bad comes of this, and there is always the potential that something good could possibly come from it.

Yeah..................sure............................have you noticed in the news that ever since Rodman came back from N. Korea, Kim Jong Un has started to threaten the U.S. with nuclear strikes?

Maybe Rodman did fuck up while he was there.........................
Dennis Rodman back from North Korea. Time to take him seriously? (+video)

Dennis Rodman may not fit the standard diplomat's profile, but considering the lack of any civil contact between the US and North Korea, his basketball outreach is winning some fans.

By Peter Grier, Staff Writer / September 9, 2013


Former NBA basketball player Dennis Rodman speaks at a news conference in New York September 9, 2013.
Eric Thayer/Reuters

Dennis Rodman looks like no one’s idea of a diplomat. He’s got more piercings than a dartboard and dresses with flamboyance, as if he believes Mardi Gras is every day.


Dennis Rodman back from North Korea. Time to take him seriously? (+video) -

Institute: North Korea nuke reactor likely restarting


By Matthew Pennington, The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A recent satellite image appears to show North Korea is restarting a plutonium reactor, in a move that could raise renewed international alarm over its nuclear weapons program, a U.S. research institute said Wednesday.

The 5 megawatt reactor at the Nyongbyon nuclear facility was shuttered in 2007 under the terms of a disarmament agreement. Pyongyang announced plans in April to restart it amid a litany of threats toward the U.S. and South Korea after it faced tougher international censure over its latest nuclear and rocket tests.


Institute: North Korea nuke reactor likely restarting - World News
Dennis Rodman is wondering why people don't pay attention to him anymore.

I remember the heady days when they used to paint his image on the sides of buildings in Chicago.

Today the guy literally can't get arrested...
The only reason Rodman went to North Korea, was because he wanted to be on the television (hopefully close to Obama), because he's lost his time in the spotlight.

Kinda sad when someone was so famous (who later became irrelevant because of his bullshit antics) has to go and enlist the help of a person who is not only a Communist, but a dictator as well.

Sorry, but Rodman (who should be named "Rid Man" because a lot of people want to be rid of him), is not a diplomat, nor is he someone who should be allowed access to President Obama, because he knows nothing of N. Korea or it's dictator.

Rodman is a jackass looking for fame and a visit with Obama.

I hope Obama tells him to go fuck himself.

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