Several shot, one in custody on UNC Charlotte campus

The young man has a worse truth that NO ONE can speak, but trust me, we all need to be speaking: He was autistic. Like Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter. Autism, like other mental illnesses, CAN put you at increased risk for violent behaviors. It obviously does not mean ALL autistic people are violent, not by a long shot. In my experience, most are not. But some absolutely are. And we live in such a PC, Victim-oriented culture we cannot even SPEAK this.

I'm sick of truths we can't speak. It's getting people killed.
I did not know "maga hat wearing incel" was a race.

My apologies to you and your kin.

I believe he was mainly referring to your bigotry which is so nicely displayed.
You're one too?

Naaaah, I used to be a Democrat. Now I am adopting full fledged anarchy as my chosen system. Not the fake anarchy the socialist assholes are pushing, but the real no government kind.
Not the wisest move I would think.

Government sucks. Both of our party's are corrupt beyond belief. A pox on all of them.
Yeah, not changing my opinion.

Have a nice day.
police saying just the one shooter...suspect is we can assume he is white
Probably yet another maga hat wearing incel.
I don't know about MAGA....but chances are excellent it was INCEL.

Have you ever thought to ask yourself why you are the only person to use the term INCEL? It should tell you how stupid your argument is!
Lol he's not. It's a pretty commonly used term to describe certain people. They even use it to describe themselves.
The young man has a worse truth that NO ONE can speak, but trust me, we all need to be speaking: He was autistic. Like Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter. Autism, like other mental illnesses, CAN put you at increased risk for violent behaviors. It obviously does not mean ALL autistic people are violent, not by a long shot. In my experience, most are not. But some absolutely are. And we live in such a PC, Victim-oriented culture we cannot even SPEAK this.

I'm sick of truths we can't speak. It's getting people killed.
The only reason you don't speak the truth is because you don't want to..Nothing stops you..
Mixed kid.
If we never allowed blacks to breed with whites, this wouldn't have happened.
Im tired of mass shootings.
However, freedom isnt free. Free people seem to take freedom for granted. Its regressive, ignorant and flat out stupid.
Long live the 2nd!
Run hide fight instructions were excellent. Kudos to the universities response.
Yeah because nothing says American exceptionalism like another random mass shooting.
Yes, when will Leftists stop being so violent?
The day that only a leftist is violent I will agree until then not so much.
How about we reduce violence in America by 75%. Eliminate leftists.

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