Sex/ethics stuff

Who are you kidding, I have sat being the only male in a room of 4 or 5 women and heard what came out of thier mouth. There is a women out there thats is interested in trying just about anything you can imagine. I have heard what comes out of womens mouths when they think others are not listening or they think you will not tell. Women by and large are bigger freaks than men, they just do not admit it in general public. I have heard women talk about doing things I would not evenimagine with out thier help. I have been in a room with three women and heard them say "Hey heres an idea, lets fuck the hell out of _ _ _ _ Y, that should be fun! Three guys would not have the nerve to suggest such a thing to a girl sitting in all male company!

I am a woman and I have never heard women talk like that. Rarely do we talk to each other about our sexual experiences. So, I don't know where you were that 4 or 5 women were talking like pigs but I've never heard it before.

I have numerous friends that have no problem discussing sexuality with each other. I don't think it is talking like pigs. It is simpl open communication with like-minded people. Sometimes it is bawdy stories of their own, or someone else's, experiences. Sometimes it is questions. I prefer that to the "You will have to guess what I want, and I will hold it against you if you are wrong" mentality.

Guess what I want? Why would I want my friends to guess what I want, or why would I tell them?

We learn from others. If they are single they can recommend someone who might fit their particular kink or desire.

I get that not everyone has an appetite for sexually adventures. But people do. And it is not just "low class" people.

Sexually adventures? Who cares. Just keep it to yourself, please! :D TIA.

I am sure most people don't discuss sex with people who obviously don't want to hear it.

But the people who do want to discuss it should not be shamed by that.
Women should be able to talk about sexuality as much as men and not be judged by it.
But, it's not a perfect world, and apparently, that's not the way it is.

It's especially disconcerting when other women condemn other women.

You do that ALL the time. Lol! Especially about the clothes they wear.

Hmmm nah, if I did it was in jest, I have no room to talk about clothing.
I'm not against any type of clothing wear, only, if you are showing stuff off, expect men to look and lust.
If the woman allows it and doesn't mind it or like to please her mate, so be it.
I think anyone that would enjoy it (man or woman) probably has some issues
Who are you kidding, I have sat being the only male in a room of 4 or 5 women and heard what came out of thier mouth. There is a women out there thats is interested in trying just about anything you can imagine. I have heard what comes out of womens mouths when they think others are not listening or they think you will not tell. Women by and large are bigger freaks than men, they just do not admit it in general public. I have heard women talk about doing things I would not evenimagine with out thier help. I have been in a room with three women and heard them say "Hey heres an idea, lets fuck the hell out of _ _ _ _ Y, that should be fun! Three guys would not have the nerve to suggest such a thing to a girl sitting in all male company!

I am a woman and I have never heard women talk like that. Rarely do we talk to each other about our sexual experiences. So, I don't know where you were that 4 or 5 women were talking like pigs but I've never heard it before.

Work. The gals are as rowdy as the guys. They even check out each others boobs. I think they do it to tease the guys honestly.

Work? And where do you work . . . because I go to work too and still, no such things happen, ESPECIALLY at work.

I work for a National utility locating company. We are an EEO, so that being the case, we have a shit ton of young lady techs come in and out. It could be that the time they spend around nasty men removes their filter some. I don’t know. For me it was butt sex. The ex lived it. And many I dated after my divorce liked it, it said they did. I don’t know, I’m thinking things and people just change.
Women should be able to talk about sexuality as much as men and not be judged by it.
But, it's not a perfect world, and apparently, that's not the way it is.

It's especially disconcerting when other women condemn other women.

You do that ALL the time. Lol! Especially about the clothes they wear.

Hmmm nah, if I did it was in jest, I have no room to talk about clothing.
I'm not against any type of clothing wear, only, if you are showing stuff off, expect men to look and lust.

You do it ALL the time, about flirting, about clothing, about another women's LEGS and FEET. Lord help you. Lol.
In a perfect world, no one would feel the NEED to discuss their private sexual activities with everyone else.

Nope, and men are most guilty of this. Mostly BETA men that feel the need to show off or maybe even convince themselves they are some type of Casanova (barf!)
In a perfect world, no one would feel the NEED to discuss their private sexual activities with everyone else.

In a perfect world, sharing your knowledge with other like-minded people would be viewed as a good thing. There is a time and a place for it, of course.
If the woman allows it and doesn't mind it or like to please her mate, so be it.
I think anyone that would enjoy it (man or woman) probably has some issues
Who are you kidding, I have sat being the only male in a room of 4 or 5 women and heard what came out of thier mouth. There is a women out there thats is interested in trying just about anything you can imagine. I have heard what comes out of womens mouths when they think others are not listening or they think you will not tell. Women by and large are bigger freaks than men, they just do not admit it in general public. I have heard women talk about doing things I would not evenimagine with out thier help. I have been in a room with three women and heard them say "Hey heres an idea, lets fuck the hell out of _ _ _ _ Y, that should be fun! Three guys would not have the nerve to suggest such a thing to a girl sitting in all male company!

I am a woman and I have never heard women talk like that. Rarely do we talk to each other about our sexual experiences. So, I don't know where you were that 4 or 5 women were talking like pigs but I've never heard it before.
I belive that is your experience. From your tone, I take it this discusting to you. I am not supprised that you have not been privy to such talk. People tend to hold back their real selves in front of some one who would judge them.
If the woman allows it and doesn't mind it or like to please her mate, so be it.
I think anyone that would enjoy it (man or woman) probably has some issues
Who are you kidding, I have sat being the only male in a room of 4 or 5 women and heard what came out of thier mouth. There is a women out there thats is interested in trying just about anything you can imagine. I have heard what comes out of womens mouths when they think others are not listening or they think you will not tell. Women by and large are bigger freaks than men, they just do not admit it in general public. I have heard women talk about doing things I would not evenimagine with out thier help. I have been in a room with three women and heard them say "Hey heres an idea, lets fuck the hell out of _ _ _ _ Y, that should be fun! Three guys would not have the nerve to suggest such a thing to a girl sitting in all male company!

I am a woman and I have never heard women talk like that. Rarely do we talk to each other about our sexual experiences. So, I don't know where you were that 4 or 5 women were talking like pigs but I've never heard it before.
I belive that is your experience. From your tone, I take it this discusting to you. I am not supprised that you have not been privy to such talk. People tend to hold back their real selves in front of some one who would judge them.

Thank the Gods for that! :cheeky-smiley-018:
The Willhaftawaite guide to courtship

In a perfect world, no one would feel the NEED to discuss their private sexual activities with everyone else.

Nope, and men are most guilty of this. Mostly BETA men that feel the need to show off or maybe even convince themselves they are some type of Casanova (barf!)

This is true, but honestly I think it’s the times. l mostly. But in their way, women are just as bad.
In a perfect world, no one would feel the NEED to discuss their private sexual activities with everyone else.

Nope, and men are most guilty of this. Mostly BETA men that feel the need to show off or maybe even convince themselves they are some type of Casanova (barf!)

This is true, but honestly I think it’s the times. l mostly. But in their way, women are just as bad.

No they aren't. The women YOU hang out with are.

Based on this, I am forced to conclude that 95% of the USMB members are female....
In a perfect world, no one would feel the NEED to discuss their private sexual activities with everyone else.

Nope, and men are most guilty of this. Mostly BETA men that feel the need to show off or maybe even convince themselves they are some type of Casanova (barf!)

This is true, but honestly I think it’s the times. l mostly. But in their way, women are just as bad.

No they aren't. The women YOU hang out with are.

I can say the same about you and yours. I’m sorry, but when you get a group of 20 something’s together you are going to get raunchy sex talk be they boys or girls. I won’t even go into the chicks in the Navy or the forest service. So you know, my best half was/is a stripper. She thinks like you until she hits the locker room again. Sex isn’t what it was when you were 19. Some like weird stuff. A perk necklace is actually quite mundane in the age of The dirty Sanchez.
In a perfect world, no one would feel the NEED to discuss their private sexual activities with everyone else.

Nope, and men are most guilty of this. Mostly BETA men that feel the need to show off or maybe even convince themselves they are some type of Casanova (barf!)

This is true, but honestly I think it’s the times. l mostly. But in their way, women are just as bad.

No they aren't. The women YOU hang out with are.

I can say the same about you and yours. I’m sorry, but when you get a group of 20 something’s together you are going to get raunchy sex talk be they boys or girls. I won’t even go into the chicks in the Navy or the forest service. So you know, my best half was/is a stripper. She thinks like you until she hits the locker room again. Sex isn’t what it was when you were 19. Some like weird stuff. A perk necklace is actually quite mundane in the age of The dirty Sanchez.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I do work with women of all ages. It is your environment and the people you hang out with.

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