sex on the first date

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and, you have been wrong a thousand times; i can type all i want with free chics on the Internet; all i really need is nice girls who are willing to be friends, and come over and Expect me to get really good at full body massage.

Stick to plastic chicks. They are the only ones willing.
still wrong and claiming you are not really like that, dear?

Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.
No, it is NOT accepted military doctrine. Guile is used very often by superior forces.

And yes, it is an extreme example. But then, the first woman is not so far off from what you have claimed is the only way a woman will prove she is truly interested in equality. The second is a solid example of reality.
only as a stratagem, not a necessity, there is a difference.

Whether it is a necessity or not is not relevant. Guile has been used by superior forces for centuries, if for no other reason than to reduce casualties.

But your claim that only inferors resort to guile, and that this is accepted military doctrine is simply bullshit. Unless you would care to show any military expert who made such a claim.
It wasn't used at Cannae. Like i said; it may be stratagem, but usually due to a perceived weakness.

So it wasn't used in one battle, and you claim that makes it military doctrine? lol Go play, little boy. You are obviously inventing shit.
dear, it was about having a superior force and "knowing" you should win.

Junior, it was about superior use of tactics against a force that THOUGHT they were superior. They had superior numbers. But their superiority was shown to be an illusion by the end of the battle.
If the women want to play a game before deciding if you are worthy of their charms, you can either play or do without. It really is that simple. You don't get to decide whether there are games played. Only whether you play.
i am not claiming i did; have i mentioned i also have low numbers and little practice, and especially, floozies like you should respect that.

Floozy?? You just called me a "floozy"??? LMAO!!!!!

Your surrender is accepted.
surrender for what? i am the one with the lowest numbers. does abstinence and just saying "no" to silly chic trics, mean nothing to persons of alleged morals.

I have no problem with your numbers or your abstinence. I also have no problem with your refusal to play the games.

I simply took issue with your claims that women do not want equality unless they volunteer to submit to being used by you. I took exception to your demands that women give you "your turn".
dear, you miss the point as usual; it is about honesty, not me, personally.

No, it is not. When you demand that women come up to you and ask you to use them (give you your turn) in order to prove they are serious about equality, you are not concerned with honesty. You are concerned with coercing women in to doing what you want.
Stick to plastic chicks. They are the only ones willing.
still wrong and claiming you are not really like that, dear?

Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

How many women have you offered a full body massage?
Stick to plastic chicks. They are the only ones willing.
still wrong and claiming you are not really like that, dear?

Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

I'm quite sure that is not true.
only as a stratagem, not a necessity, there is a difference.

Whether it is a necessity or not is not relevant. Guile has been used by superior forces for centuries, if for no other reason than to reduce casualties.

But your claim that only inferors resort to guile, and that this is accepted military doctrine is simply bullshit. Unless you would care to show any military expert who made such a claim.
It wasn't used at Cannae. Like i said; it may be stratagem, but usually due to a perceived weakness.

So it wasn't used in one battle, and you claim that makes it military doctrine? lol Go play, little boy. You are obviously inventing shit.
dear, it was about having a superior force and "knowing" you should win.

Junior, it was about superior use of tactics against a force that THOUGHT they were superior. They had superior numbers. But their superiority was shown to be an illusion by the end of the battle.
the point is Hannibal did need to use guile.
i am not claiming i did; have i mentioned i also have low numbers and little practice, and especially, floozies like you should respect that.

Floozy?? You just called me a "floozy"??? LMAO!!!!!

Your surrender is accepted.
surrender for what? i am the one with the lowest numbers. does abstinence and just saying "no" to silly chic trics, mean nothing to persons of alleged morals.

I have no problem with your numbers or your abstinence. I also have no problem with your refusal to play the games.

I simply took issue with your claims that women do not want equality unless they volunteer to submit to being used by you. I took exception to your demands that women give you "your turn".
dear, you miss the point as usual; it is about honesty, not me, personally.

No, it is not. When you demand that women come up to you and ask you to use them (give you your turn) in order to prove they are serious about equality, you are not concerned with honesty. You are concerned with coercing women in to doing what you want.
dear, you are still missing the point and deflecting.
still wrong and claiming you are not really like that, dear?

Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

How many women have you offered a full body massage?
i have an outstanding offer all the time.
still wrong and claiming you are not really like that, dear?

Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

I'm quite sure that is not true.
it must be true since you give me a difficult time. :p
Whether it is a necessity or not is not relevant. Guile has been used by superior forces for centuries, if for no other reason than to reduce casualties.

But your claim that only inferors resort to guile, and that this is accepted military doctrine is simply bullshit. Unless you would care to show any military expert who made such a claim.
It wasn't used at Cannae. Like i said; it may be stratagem, but usually due to a perceived weakness.

So it wasn't used in one battle, and you claim that makes it military doctrine? lol Go play, little boy. You are obviously inventing shit.
dear, it was about having a superior force and "knowing" you should win.

Junior, it was about superior use of tactics against a force that THOUGHT they were superior. They had superior numbers. But their superiority was shown to be an illusion by the end of the battle.
the point is Hannibal did need to use guile.

And that does nothing to prove your point. I did not claim that guile is not used by forces with inferior numbers. You claimed that guile is not used (according to military doctrine) unless you are inferior. That is simply not true. Guile is used by virtually all modern military.
Floozy?? You just called me a "floozy"??? LMAO!!!!!

Your surrender is accepted.
surrender for what? i am the one with the lowest numbers. does abstinence and just saying "no" to silly chic trics, mean nothing to persons of alleged morals.

I have no problem with your numbers or your abstinence. I also have no problem with your refusal to play the games.

I simply took issue with your claims that women do not want equality unless they volunteer to submit to being used by you. I took exception to your demands that women give you "your turn".
dear, you miss the point as usual; it is about honesty, not me, personally.

No, it is not. When you demand that women come up to you and ask you to use them (give you your turn) in order to prove they are serious about equality, you are not concerned with honesty. You are concerned with coercing women in to doing what you want.
dear, you are still missing the point and deflecting.

No, I am not. You claim it is all about honesty. But requiring women to submit to being used, just to prove they are serious about equality, is not about honesty. It is about manipulation and your fantasies.
Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

How many women have you offered a full body massage?
i have an outstanding offer all the time.

That is not what I asked you. How many women (ballpark figure) have you made the offer of a full body massage to?
Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

I'm quite sure that is not true.
it must be true since you give me a difficult time. :p

So any heterosexual woman would accept a full body massage from you? lol
It wasn't used at Cannae. Like i said; it may be stratagem, but usually due to a perceived weakness.

So it wasn't used in one battle, and you claim that makes it military doctrine? lol Go play, little boy. You are obviously inventing shit.
dear, it was about having a superior force and "knowing" you should win.

Junior, it was about superior use of tactics against a force that THOUGHT they were superior. They had superior numbers. But their superiority was shown to be an illusion by the end of the battle.
the point is Hannibal did need to use guile.

And that does nothing to prove your point. I did not claim that guile is not used by forces with inferior numbers. You claimed that guile is not used (according to military doctrine) unless you are inferior. That is simply not true. Guile is used by virtually all modern military.
only due to the inferiority of cost concerns.
surrender for what? i am the one with the lowest numbers. does abstinence and just saying "no" to silly chic trics, mean nothing to persons of alleged morals.

I have no problem with your numbers or your abstinence. I also have no problem with your refusal to play the games.

I simply took issue with your claims that women do not want equality unless they volunteer to submit to being used by you. I took exception to your demands that women give you "your turn".
dear, you miss the point as usual; it is about honesty, not me, personally.

No, it is not. When you demand that women come up to you and ask you to use them (give you your turn) in order to prove they are serious about equality, you are not concerned with honesty. You are concerned with coercing women in to doing what you want.
dear, you are still missing the point and deflecting.

No, I am not. You claim it is all about honesty. But requiring women to submit to being used, just to prove they are serious about equality, is not about honesty. It is about manipulation and your fantasies.
dear, you are the one stuck on terminology; it is about honesty.
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

How many women have you offered a full body massage?
i have an outstanding offer all the time.

That is not what I asked you. How many women (ballpark figure) have you made the offer of a full body massage to?
i don't keep track. but, it is much higher than the ones who accept. i guess they are mostly just lesbians and not real women.
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

I'm quite sure that is not true.
it must be true since you give me a difficult time. :p

So any heterosexual woman would accept a full body massage from you? lol
anyone that wants one.
So it wasn't used in one battle, and you claim that makes it military doctrine? lol Go play, little boy. You are obviously inventing shit.
dear, it was about having a superior force and "knowing" you should win.

Junior, it was about superior use of tactics against a force that THOUGHT they were superior. They had superior numbers. But their superiority was shown to be an illusion by the end of the battle.
the point is Hannibal did need to use guile.

And that does nothing to prove your point. I did not claim that guile is not used by forces with inferior numbers. You claimed that guile is not used (according to military doctrine) unless you are inferior. That is simply not true. Guile is used by virtually all modern military.
only due to the inferiority of cost concerns.

What? If guile can result in a victory with fewer casualties for your men or fewer resources expended, it would be stupid not to use guile in your tactics.

And you were the one who claimed guile was only used by the inferior, and that this was military doctrine. It is most certainly NOT military doctrine. So spare us any more justifications of your lies.
I have no problem with your numbers or your abstinence. I also have no problem with your refusal to play the games.

I simply took issue with your claims that women do not want equality unless they volunteer to submit to being used by you. I took exception to your demands that women give you "your turn".
dear, you miss the point as usual; it is about honesty, not me, personally.

No, it is not. When you demand that women come up to you and ask you to use them (give you your turn) in order to prove they are serious about equality, you are not concerned with honesty. You are concerned with coercing women in to doing what you want.
dear, you are still missing the point and deflecting.

No, I am not. You claim it is all about honesty. But requiring women to submit to being used, just to prove they are serious about equality, is not about honesty. It is about manipulation and your fantasies.
dear, you are the one stuck on terminology; it is about honesty.

And of course, you deflect. No, it is not about terminology. lol

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