sex on the first date

Would you continue dating/marry someone you had sex with on the first night?

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Daniel is too caught up in equality without realizing there isn't any.

Is anyone superior?
Or just not equal?

When it comes to relationships, yes, some people are "superior" to others.

So, someone in the relationship is always superior (or, if you prefer, dominant) - or is there a difference?

No, I mean all men are NOT equal when it comes to whom you want a relationship or sex with. Would you choose danielpalos or Brad Pitt?

But men are more than their looks .... that being said, I would choose Chewbacca over danielpalos ;)

Chewbacca is definitely less annoying. A little hairy for my tastes though. :D
Daniel is too caught up in equality without realizing there isn't any.

Is anyone superior?
Or just not equal?
Equality should be a dirty word. It is nonsense. In reality there is no such thing as equality. In male/female relationships there is no such thing as equality. One is the leader, the other is the follower. Who leads can be fluid depending on the circumstances but someone always leads.

I'm not sure our little friend danielpalos is look as much for EQUALITY as he is FAIRNESS.
Now, what he deems in his mind as "fair"...another story.

The equality comes in where, he's frustrated because he feels if women wanted to have the same rights as men, it should be an "even playing field" - meaning, men should not have to "woo" women and play the game.
So, someone in the relationship is always superior (or, if you prefer, dominant) - or is there a difference?

In ANY two-person relationship one or the othr has to be Superior. Even if it's only 51/49 because if not then most votes end up in a tie that cannot be broken.

Can the superiority shift? Depending on the issue?
In a healthy relationship leadership should shift depending on the abilities needed.
When I was younger I made all decisions. I never wanted advice and consent. I was single in every relationship.

As my practice got more demanding I made fewer and fewer decisions. My husband chose the clothes I would wear that day, he decided what I had for dinner. He decided what cleaning products to use and directed the housekeeper on their use. He selected which television shows I would see. He relieved me of the responsibility of ordinary living.

On the occasional time I did voice a decision it was final and never challenged.
When I was younger I made all decisions. I never wanted advice and consent. I was single in every relationship.

As my practice got more demanding I made fewer and fewer decisions. My husband chose the clothes I would wear that day, he decided what I had for dinner. He decided what cleaning products to use and directed the housekeeper on their use. He selected which television shows I would see. He relieved me of the responsibility of ordinary living.

On the occasional time I did voice a decision it was final and never challenged.

Which scenario did you prefer?
dear, it was about having a superior force and "knowing" you should win.

Junior, it was about superior use of tactics against a force that THOUGHT they were superior. They had superior numbers. But their superiority was shown to be an illusion by the end of the battle.
the point is Hannibal did need to use guile.

And that does nothing to prove your point. I did not claim that guile is not used by forces with inferior numbers. You claimed that guile is not used (according to military doctrine) unless you are inferior. That is simply not true. Guile is used by virtually all modern military.
only due to the inferiority of cost concerns.

What? If guile can result in a victory with fewer casualties for your men or fewer resources expended, it would be stupid not to use guile in your tactics.

And you were the one who claimed guile was only used by the inferior, and that this was military doctrine. It is most certainly NOT military doctrine. So spare us any more justifications of your lies.
there is no guarantee of victory with defensive war. it usually requires a master Tzu.
dear, you miss the point as usual; it is about honesty, not me, personally.

No, it is not. When you demand that women come up to you and ask you to use them (give you your turn) in order to prove they are serious about equality, you are not concerned with honesty. You are concerned with coercing women in to doing what you want.
dear, you are still missing the point and deflecting.

No, I am not. You claim it is all about honesty. But requiring women to submit to being used, just to prove they are serious about equality, is not about honesty. It is about manipulation and your fantasies.
dear, you are the one stuck on terminology; it is about honesty.

And of course, you deflect. No, it is not about terminology. lol
you are still missing the honesty point, and, the proof is you can pick "best of breed" terminology for either party, it is about the concept.
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

How many women have you offered a full body massage?
i have an outstanding offer all the time.

That is not what I asked you. How many women (ballpark figure) have you made the offer of a full body massage to?
i don't keep track. but, it is much higher than the ones who accept. i guess they are mostly just lesbians and not real women.

How do you know they are lesbians or that they are not "real women"?
Because real women don't day no to full body massage with happy ending just like real men don't say no to full body massage with happy ending, dear.
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

I'm quite sure that is not true.
it must be true since you give me a difficult time. :p

So any heterosexual woman would accept a full body massage from you? lol
anyone that wants one.

But you said that only lesbians give you a difficult time when you want to offer a full body massage.

So if a woman doesn't want a massage, does that make them a lesbian?

And since you are offering a full body massage (which would involve nudity), you want nothing in return? You do not want any reciprocation by the women?
dear, it is just banter. you already lost the real arguments a long time ago. just keep, shilling on.
still wrong and claiming you are not really like that, dear?

Like what?
is it true that only lesbians don't want heterosexual, full body massage?

Yup, I'm a lesbian. :D
yup, only lesbians who hate heterosexual full body massage give me a difficult time.

Must be a WHOLE lot of lesbians in the world.
not really; i just tend to meet most of them.
dear any appeal to any fallacy can be a lie as that form of ignorance of sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation.

Just as you want something that is unrealistic....
Many women want something that is unrealistic....
It's not lying. If I ceased to be married for whatever reason, and I wanted male companionship, I would not settle for anything less than what I want out of a relationship, and, if I found myself in that position (being single/dating) I would be quite forthright about my needs and expectations. It's important to "match up" properly. Even in a "casual sex/dating" scenario....

Perhaps it's an "age" thing...
honesty as a form of respect toward fellow human beings is unrealistic?
dear any appeal to any fallacy can be a lie as that form of ignorance of sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation.

Just as you want something that is unrealistic....
Many women want something that is unrealistic....
It's not lying. If I ceased to be married for whatever reason, and I wanted male companionship, I would not settle for anything less than what I want out of a relationship, and, if I found myself in that position (being single/dating) I would be quite forthright about my needs and expectations. It's important to "match up" properly. Even in a "casual sex/dating" scenario....

Perhaps it's an "age" thing...

Since you seem to understand what this loon is talking about, you want to explain what his statement means to me please?
dear, only the clueless and the Causeless don't get it.
dear any appeal to any fallacy can be a lie as that form of ignorance of sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation.

Just as you want something that is unrealistic....
Many women want something that is unrealistic....
It's not lying. If I ceased to be married for whatever reason, and I wanted male companionship, I would not settle for anything less than what I want out of a relationship, and, if I found myself in that position (being single/dating) I would be quite forthright about my needs and expectations. It's important to "match up" properly. Even in a "casual sex/dating" scenario....

Perhaps it's an "age" thing...

Since you seem to understand what this loon is talking about, you want to explain what his statement means to me please?

It is simply spouting pseudo-intellectual jargon to hide the fact that he has no answer.
just shilling around?
dear any appeal to any fallacy can be a lie as that form of ignorance of sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation.

Just as you want something that is unrealistic....
Many women want something that is unrealistic....
It's not lying. If I ceased to be married for whatever reason, and I wanted male companionship, I would not settle for anything less than what I want out of a relationship, and, if I found myself in that position (being single/dating) I would be quite forthright about my needs and expectations. It's important to "match up" properly. Even in a "casual sex/dating" scenario....

Perhaps it's an "age" thing...
honesty as a form of respect toward fellow human beings is unrealistic?

Depends. You don't tell someone they are fat because it's true do you?
I do think everyone should be honest about what they want out of a relationship, but, REALISTICALLY, people are not always going to share the 100% truth, because, we are civilized human beings. Some things are better left unsaid, and oftentimes, concessions need to be made.

There is a line to draw in there somewhere....
He's saying that just because the woman is ignorant doesn't mean she isn't lying.... that she can find out what men are like and really all about through research and discussion....

He's saying ignorance is no excuse.... (I think...I'm sure he will correct me if I'm wrong....)
i am saying keeping the guy ignorant is immoral. a King even had wives executed for not being upfront with him.
He's saying that just because the woman is ignorant doesn't mean she isn't lying.... that she can find out what men are like and really all about through research and discussion....

He's saying ignorance is no excuse.... (I think...I'm sure he will correct me if I'm wrong....)
i am saying keeping the guy ignorant is immoral. a King even had wives executed for not being upfront with him.

Well people will lie. Both MEN and WOMEN do it.
It is right? Depends - there are outright lies and there are things someone may think they are OK with, but, then find out, they are NOT ok with it. Not a lie, just an error in what they thought they could handle in a relationship.
dear any appeal to any fallacy can be a lie as that form of ignorance of sublime Truth (value) discoverable through argumentation.

Just as you want something that is unrealistic....
Many women want something that is unrealistic....
It's not lying. If I ceased to be married for whatever reason, and I wanted male companionship, I would not settle for anything less than what I want out of a relationship, and, if I found myself in that position (being single/dating) I would be quite forthright about my needs and expectations. It's important to "match up" properly. Even in a "casual sex/dating" scenario....

Perhaps it's an "age" thing...

Since you seem to understand what this loon is talking about, you want to explain what his statement means to me please?

He's just frustrated that women don't think and act like he does.
I know the feeling, I used to feel that way about men -
no dear; i know i only and merely need money, not playing silly chic trics for poon. only shills for poon play your games. and, most guys know not to take them any more seriously than any other liars.
Daniel is too caught up in equality without realizing there isn't any.

Is anyone superior?
Or just not equal?
Equality should be a dirty word. It is nonsense. In reality there is no such thing as equality. In male/female relationships there is no such thing as equality. One is the leader, the other is the follower. Who leads can be fluid depending on the circumstances but someone always leads.
it is about the social concept and equality before a god or the law, at its most fundamental in our republic.

in any case, it should be about informed consent and voluntary social transaction under any form of capitalism. only lousy socialists play silly social games for free.

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