Sex with Robots to be the Norm in 50 years

Just a few thoughts before I have my nap.

The age of maturity/consent is 13 in Japan.

Mental orgasm is not only a real thing, but its often more satisfying than traditional physically induced orgasms.

I don't see sexbot's replacing human relationships; humans tend to crave social interaction and have a biological drive. The vast majority will use sexbots for masturbation, nothing more.
Nah. A good AI robot will have plenty of social interaction.
There are women my mother was friends with that married at 14/15 and I don't think they felt they were sexually abused... explain.
I was married at 15. Married again at 16. I never thought I was sexually abused, not even with my 26 year old boyfriend and I was 13.
The pieces begin to come together...
I can see the positives:
1. It eliminates the rejection you experience when you approach a woman and she considers you less than her ideal in appearance and subsequently rejects your invitation to join you.
2. It eliminates having to put up with mood swings and the need for commitment.
3. It eliminates the necessity of having to meet families if you are not so inclined to do so.
4. No listening to moaning about getting older and the need for validation.
The negatives:
1. No intelligent conversation...or even any coherent conversation beyond what it's programmed to say (or moan), at least early on in their development.
2. You can't take your sexbot out on a date (well, you could, but you'd have to deal with the stares and whispers).
3. Your sexbot won't be all that participatory in the bedroom activities. Basically, it's "wham, bam, thank you ma'am."
So, if they become available to you within your lifetime and the negatives are not an issue to you, then go for it.
Personally, while I like a live human female, I'd sure like to have a female that looked extremely "hot," something I never could get before. So, I'd consider it.
Just a few thoughts before I have my nap.

The age of maturity/consent is 13 in Japan.

Mental orgasm is not only a real thing, but its often more satisfying than traditional physically induced orgasms.

I don't see sexbot's replacing human relationships; humans tend to crave social interaction and have a biological drive. The vast majority will use sexbots for masturbation, nothing more.
I'm sure there's a point in there somewhere...
BTW: People, well, men, already spend plenty of hard cash to buy realistic, life-size dolls and "marry" them. So, there's already a segment of society shacking up with toys.
Lord Help us All. :eusa_pray:
I can see the positives:
1. It eliminates the rejection you experience when you approach a woman and she considers you less than her ideal in appearance and subsequently rejects your invitation to join you.
2. It eliminates having to put up with mood swings and the need for commitment.
3. It eliminates the necessity of having to meet families if you are not so inclined to do so.
4. No listening to moaning about getting older and the need for validation.
The negatives:
1. No intelligent conversation...or even any coherent conversation beyond what it's programmed to say (or moan), at least early on in their development.
2. You can't take your sexbot out on a date (well, you could, but you'd have to deal with the stares and whispers).
3. Your sexbot won't be all that participatory in the bedroom activities. Basically, it's "wham, bam, thank you ma'am."
So, if they become available to you within your lifetime and the negatives are not an issue to you, then go for it.
Personally, while I like a live human female, I'd sure like to have a female that looked extremely "hot," something I never could get before. So, I'd consider it.

Interactive robots will look very human. They do now, but they are limited in what they can do. That's what they are working on now. Since a cell phone can have more intelligent conversation than most people, that's not even a problem.

I have no need of a robot that can have sex, so I don't care. A robot would have no need or desire for affection so I would never hurt his feelings. Although, perhaps if I could write my program who knows. I could write one that would not be annoying.
Who remembers "Stepford Wives" where there was a conspiracy of men who replaced their wives with robots?

I think it was supposed to be a feminist movie, but I don't get it.
Well I'm not a guy #1.
And I actually agree with you but you sound a bit frustrated..........

Yes, for a million reasons, but let me guess, you think I am sexually frustrated? lololol

I kind of would assume that the men who want sex bots are the ones who are sexually frustrated. Lol.

But *I* don't want a sexbot. Real sex in a loving relationship with a real person is so much more than that cheap counterfeit.

We have a large block of people who simply don't understand that because cheap sex is all they have ever had.
Not everyone wants a loving relationship with a real person.

This really strikes me as kind of sad in a way. Why not?

Because she is not capable of loving anyone but herself.
I kind of would assume that the men who want sex bots are the ones who are sexually frustrated. Lol.

But *I* don't want a sexbot. Real sex in a loving relationship with a real person is so much more than that cheap counterfeit.

We have a large block of people who simply don't understand that because cheap sex is all they have ever had.
Not everyone wants a loving relationship with a real person.

I sure as hell don't. Love's a drag.

do you make a lot of money?
there are women that will marry you and not love you if so..........
Hell no. Marriage sucks ass.

Only for men. Unless you net a rich widow or heiress, getting married is like playing Russian roulette with three in the cylinder.
Fuck yeah :thup:

Sex with robots to be the norm in 50 years expert claims - Mirror Online

And then we won't have to worry about world peace anymore. As everyone will be satisfied! :rofl:

And I guess you think that premarital sex and adultery are also a sexual norm as well?

Leave this kind of stupid shit to libtards. SMH

Maybe you and your friends will be shagging sheep and bucking bolt buckets, but my people know that there is a difference between sex and real genuine love, moron.

Sex with a robot is simply masturbation. JimBob, moron, doesn't know the difference between masturbation and all of the above. How sad.

Come on. "Simple" masturbation?? Lol.

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